
Doplnky výživy pre deti

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Doplnky výživy pre deti sú základnými nástrojmi na zabezpečenie toho, aby pestovanie detí dostávali životne dôležité živiny, ktoré podporujú ich celkové zdravie a vývoj. Jedným z takýchto doplnkov sú detské kvapky Luvit vitamín D3, ktoré sú navrhnuté špeciálne pre dojčatá a malé deti. Vitamín D3 hrá rozhodujúcu úlohu pri podpore zdravého vývoja kostí a svalov, najmä v prvých rokoch života, keď deti nemusia mať dosť zo slnečného žiarenia alebo ich stravy. Luvit Vitamín D3 Drebs Dad kvapky sa dodávajú vo vhodnej 10 ml kvapkaní a dodávajú presnú dávku vitamínu D3, čo uľahčuje efektívne doplnenie stravy vášho dieťaťa. Odporúčané detskými odborníkmi sú tieto kvapky ideálne pre deti, ktoré môžu mať obmedzenú expozíciu slnečného žiarenia v dôsledku svojej citlivej pokožky, najmä ak sa pravidelne používa krém na opaľovanie. Okrem podpory zdravia kostí vitamín D3 prispieva k normálnemu fungovaniu imunitného systému, čo deťom pomáha odolávať infekciám a chorobám. Kvapky sú bez lepku, laktózy, konzervačných látok a alkoholu, čím sa zabezpečujú, že sú bezpečné a vhodné pre malé deti. Vďaka svojej kvalite farmaceutickej kvality poskytujú detské kvapky Luvit vitamín D3 spoľahlivý zdroj tohto základného vitamínu, čo z neho robí inteligentnú voľbu pre rodičov, ktorí chcú vylepšiť výživu svojich detí.
Luvit vitamín d3 kvapky baby droplets 10 ml

Luvit vitamín d3 kvapky baby droplets 10 ml

Kód produktu: 7604511

Compendium patient information LUVIT VITAMIN D3 baby drops Drossapharm AGWhat is LUVIT VITAMIN D3 Baby Drops and when is it used? LUVIT Vitamin D3 Baby Drops is a dietary supplement with vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) in dropper bottles suitable for children. Information on vitamin D: Since 2017, the Federal Nutrition Commission of the FOPH and pediatric experts have been recommending daily vitamin D3 supplementation for children and adolescents up to the age of 18 years of age if use this regular sunscreen. Sunlight allows the human body to produce vitamin D3 itself in the skin. However, small children should not be exposed to direct sunlight due to their extremely sensitive skin. As a result, the body cannot produce enough vitamin D3. Children often cannot get enough vitamin D3 from breast milk or from their diet. Vitamin D3 is involved in many regulatory processes in the human body and plays a key role in maintaining health. A sufficient supply of vitamin D3 is essential for the healthy development of bones and muscles in the first year of life. Vitamin D3 influences the absorption of calcium from the intestine and controls its incorporation into the bones. Vitamin D3 also contributes to maintaining normal muscle function and thus strengthens the musculoskeletal system. Our immune system is also dependent on the supply of vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 can activate the immune cells and thus make the organism more resistant to infections. Health information about LUVIT Vitamin D3 Baby-Drops: ? Vitamin D3 is needed for healthy growth and bone development in children. ? Vitamin D3 contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system in children. ? Vitamin D contributes to the maintenance of normal bones. ? Vitamin D contributes to the maintenance of normal muscle function. ? Vitamin D contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system. ? Vitamin D has a role in cell division. ? Vitamin D contributes to the maintenance of normal teeth. ? Vitamin D contributes to the normal absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus. ? Vitamin D contributes to a normal calcium level in the blood. Product properties: LUVIT Vitamin D3 Baby Drops are manufactured in Switzerland according to pharmaceutical standards. LUVIT Vitamin D3 Baby Drops is gluten and lactose free and contains no preservatives or alcohol. How do you use LUVIT VITAMIN D3 Baby Drops? Hold the LUVIT Vitamin D3 Baby Drops bottle over your head. When using for the first time, pump a few times until a drop appears. Put drops gently directly in the mouth, on the tongue, in the side of the cheek pouch or behind the lower lip. Do not insert too deeply into the mouth. The drops can also be dissolved in follow-on milk. LUVIT Vitamin D3 Baby Drops is suitable for long-term use. One pump creates one drop containing 200 international units (IU) or 5 ?g of vitamin D3 in vegetable oil with antioxidant. This corresponds to 100% of the reference amount for intake according to the Swiss and EU food information regulation (Nutrient Reference Values, NRV). Recommended consumption: AgeRecommended vitamin D3 intake 1 0-1 year:2 drops per day equals 400 IU (10 ?g)1-18 years:3 drops per day equals 600 IU (15 ?g) table>1 Recommendation of the Federal Nutrition Commission of the FOPH. What else needs to be considered? Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a varied diet. The specified recommended daily dose must not be exceeded. Keep out of reach of small children. What does LUVIT VITAMIN D3 Baby Drops contain? 1 drop contains: 200 International units (IU) or 5 ?g vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), vegetable oils (medium-chain triglycerides); Antioxidant: alpha tocopherol. Where can you get LUVIT VITAMIN D3 baby drops? What packs are available? In pharmacies and drugstores, without a doctor's prescription. One pack contains a dropper bottle with 10 ml content. Distribution company Drossapharm AG, 4002 Basel, Switzerland. Status of information January 2019. Published on 09.08.2019 ..

21,80 USD

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