
roztok elektrolytu

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Roztok elektrolytov katétrov hrá rozhodujúcu úlohu v lekárskych postupoch zahŕňajúcich močové trakty, najmä počas zavlažovania močového mechúra a katetrizácie. Tieto roztoky sú navrhnuté tak, aby udržali rovnováhu elektrolytov a optimalizáciu funkcie močového mechúra, čím zabránili komplikáciám, ako sú infekcie močových ciest. Jedným z takýchto produktov je roztok UROiner R 10 vrecká 100 ml, známy svojou účinnosťou v rôznych urologických aplikáciách. Uro-tainer roztok R je izotonický roztok elektrolytu obsahujúceho esenciálne komponenty, ako je sodík, draslík, chlorid a bikarbonát. Táto formulácia pomáha nielen pri zavlažovaní močového mechúra, ale tiež slúži ako terapeutické činidlo počas katetrizácie. Použitím tohto riešenia počas procesu katetrizácie môžu zdravotnícki pracovníci významne znížiť riziko infekcií močových ciest spojených s katétrom (CAUTI) a zabezpečiť plynulejšie zotavenie u pacientov. Okrem toho sa tento roztok používa pri procedúrach hemodialýzy, čo z neho robí všestrannú voľbu na udržanie hladín elektrolytov u pacientov. Pohodlné balenie v 100 ml fľašiach uľahčuje použitie v klinickom prostredí. Celkovo sú roztoky katetrizácie elektrolytov, ako je Uro-tainer, nevyhnutné nástroje, ktoré zvyšujú bezpečnosť a pohodlie pacienta pri urologickom ošetrení.
Uro-tainer solutio r 10 vrecúšok 100 ml

Uro-tainer solutio r 10 vrecúšok 100 ml

Kód produktu: 807599

Uro-Tainer Solution R 10 Btl 100 ml Uro-Tainer Solution R 10 Btl 100 ml is a medical product that is widely used in urology procedures. This solution is packed in a 100 ml bottle and is designed to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of various urological diseases. The solution serves as a diagnostic and therapeutic agent for bladder irrigation and catheterization, and is an effective and widely used solution in the medical industry. Usage The Uro-Tainer Solution R 10 Btl 100 ml is an isotonic solution that contains electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, chloride, and bicarbonate. These electrolytes are essential for optimal bladder function and help in the prevention of urinary tract infections. It is used for: Bladder Irrigation: It is used to irrigate the bladder during surgical procedures or when there are stones or blood clots present in the bladder. Catheterization: It is used for longer-term catheterization and helps to prevent urinary tract infections. It reduces the risk of catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) so that patients can have a comfortable and safe recovery. Dialysis: The Uro-Tainer Solution R 10 Btl 100 ml is used in hemodialysis procedures to replace the electrolytes lost during dialysis. Benefits Uro-Tainer Solution R 10 Btl 100 ml offers several benefits such as: Effective flushing of the bladder, which reduces the risk of urinary tract infections. It helps in the diagnosis and treatment of urological diseases. The solution is isotonic, which means it has similar salt concentrations as the bladder, and reduces irritation to the bladder wall. It comes in an easy to use 100 ml bottle, which makes it convenient to use during urology procedures. Conclusion The Uro-Tainer Solution R 10 Btl 100 ml is a reliable and effective solution used in urological procedures. It works by flushing the bladder, reducing irritation, and preventing urinary tract infections. The solution is isotonic, which means it has similar salt concentrations as the bladder and is convenient to use during urological procedures. It is an excellent product that has been designed to meet the demands of effective bladder irrigation and catheterization. Get yours today and see the difference that it can make in your urological procedures...

100.79 USD

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