Dodávky starostlivosti o rany
(1 stránok)
3m medipore+pad 10x15cm wundkissen 5x10,5cm 25 stk
Súprava na rany 3M MEDIPORE+PAD obsahuje vankúšiky 10 x 15 cm a obväzy 5 x 10,5 cm na účinnú starostlivosť o rany. Táto súprava, navrhnutá pre pohodlie a všestrannosť, je cenným doplnkom k vašim pomôckam na ošetrovanie rán. Mäkká a savá vložka s jemnými lepiacimi okrajmi zaisťuje bezpečné a pohodlné prezliekanie. Táto súprava je ideálna pre rôzne veľkosti rán a vďaka fleecovej konštrukcii je vhodná na rýchle spojenie rán. Dôverujte 3M MEDIPORE+PAD pre spoľahlivé riešenia starostlivosti o rany, ktoré uprednostňujú pohodlie pacienta a hojenie...
33.62 USD
Allevyn gentle border lite 10x10cm 10 ks
Allevyn Gentle Border Lite 10x10cm 10 pcs The Allevyn Gentle Border Lite 10x10cm 10 pcs is a medical dressing that helps to treat various kinds of wounds. This product is designed to be gentle on the skin while providing an effective barrier against bacteria and other harmful microorganisms that can cause infection. The dressing is made of a thin, breathable material that is comfortable to wear and minimizes skin irritation. It is also designed to conform to the contours of the body, allowing for greater flexibility and movement. Each dressing is 10cm x 10cm in size and comes in a package of 10 pcs. This makes it ideal for use in hospitals, clinics, or other medical facilities where multiple patients require treatment. The dressing is easy to apply and remove, and can be worn for up to seven days before needing to be changed. The Allevyn Gentle Border Lite 10x10cm 10 pcs is suitable for use on a variety of different wounds, including pressure ulcers, leg ulcers, surgical wounds, and burns. It is also useful for managing and reducing the risk of infection in wounds with moderate to high exudate levels. As well as being gentle and effective, the dressing is also cost-effective and provides excellent value for money. Overall, the Allevyn Gentle Border Lite 10x10cm 10 pcs is a high-quality medical dressing that provides excellent results while being gentle on the skin. It is comfortable, breathable, and flexible, making it the ideal choice for patients who require wound treatment. ..
111.28 USD
Askina gauze sterile 5cmx5cm 25 battalion 2 pcs
Askina Gauze Sterile 5cmx5cm 25 Battalion 2 pcs Askina Gauze Sterile 5cmx5cm 25 Battalion 2 pcs is a pack of high-quality dressings that are designed to manage wounds with ease. This product is ideal for individuals who are prone to wounds, including those with sensitive skin. Quantity: 2 pads per pack Size: 5cm x 5cm Sterile packaging Battalion of 25 packs The Askina Gauze Sterile 5cmx5cm 25 Battalion 2 pcs is made of 100% cotton that is soft and gentle on the skin. The gauze is highly absorbent, allowing it to absorb blood and exudate from the wound site, ensuring that the wound is well taken care of. It also provides a cushion to protect the wound from further irritation or injury. The sterile packaging ensures that the bandages remain clean and hygienic, reducing the risk of infection. The small size of the pad makes it easy to fit into any first aid kit or medical bag, making it ideal for use at home, work or while travelling. Askina Gauze Sterile 5cmx5cm 25 Battalion 2 pcs is highly recommended for use on post-operative wounds, cuts and grazes. Its high absorbency, softness, and gentle nature make it ideal for use on all wound types. Buy Askina Gauze Sterile 5cmx5cm 25 Battalion 2 pcs today and have a reliable dressing that you can depend on for all your wound care needs. ..
10.42 USD
Bactigras gázový obväz 10cmx10cm 10 bag
Charakteristika gázového obväzu Bactigras 10 cm x 10 cm 10 BtlAnatomická terapeutická chemikália (АТС): D09AA12Účinná látka: D09AA12Certifikované v Európe CESkladovacia teplota min/max 15/25 stupňov CelziaMnožstvo v balení: 10 kusovHmotnosť: 127 g Dĺžka: 178 mm Šírka: 131 mm Výška: 20 mm Kúpiť gázový obväz Bactigras 10 cm x 10 cm 10 Btl online zo Švajčiarska..
17.93 USD
Comfeel plus transparentný hydrokoloidný obväz 5x15cm 5 ks
Charakteristika Comfeel Plus Transparentný hydrokoloidný obväz 5x15cm 5 ksCertifikované v Európe CESkladovacia teplota min/max 15/25 stupňov CelziaMnožstvo v balenie : 5 kusovHmotnosť: 80 g Dĺžka: 190 mm Šírka: 150 mm Výška: 30 mm Kúpiť Comfeel Plus Transparentný hydrokoloidný obväz 5x15cm 5 ks online zo Švajčiarska..
51.33 USD
Cosmopor e quick association 15cmx8cm sterilné 25 ks
Charakteristika Cosmopor E Quick Association 15cmx8cm sterilné 25 ksCertifikované v Európe CEMnožstvo v balení: 25 kusovHmotnosť: 160 g Dĺžka: 51 mm Šírka: 207 mm Výška: 120 mm Kúpiť Cosmopor E Quick Association 15cmx8cm sterilné 25 ks online zo Švajčiarska..
37.34 USD
Curapor obväz na rany 10x15cm transparentný 25 bag
Charakteristika obväzu na rany Curapor 10x15cm priehľadné 25 BtlCertifikované v Európe CESkladovacia teplota min/max 15/25 stupňov CelziaMnožstvo v balení : 25 kusovHmotnosť: 248 g Dĺžka: 48 mm Šírka: 141 mm Výška: 195 mm Kúpte si obväz na rany Curapor 10x15cm transparentný 25 Btl online zo Švajčiarska..
65.39 USD
Foam lite convatec silikónový penový obväz 5x5cm 10 ks
Foam Lite Convatec silikónový penový obväz 5x5cm 10 ksAk hľadáte kvalitný silikónový penový obväz, potom je Foam Lite od Convatec výbornou voľbou. Obväz Foam Lite je navrhnutý tak, aby podporoval efektívne hojenie rán a zároveň poskytoval pohodlie a jednoduché použitie. Vďaka svojim jedinečným vlastnostiam a vynikajúcim výhodám je tento obväz nutnosťou pre každého, kto potrebuje pokročilú starostlivosť o rany.Vlastnosti produktu Dodáva sa v balení po 10 ks, každý s rozmermi 5 x 5 cm Technológia silikónovej peny pre optimálne hojenie Mäkké, pohodlné a ľahko sa nanášajú Môže byť použitý na rôzne typy rán vrátane dekubitov, chirurgických rán a pod. Poskytuje vynikajúcu absorpciu a kontrolu vlhkosti Pomáha rýchlejšie hojenie s menšou bolesťou a nepohodlím Môže sa nosiť až sedem dní, čím sa znižuje potreba častých výmen obväzov Výhody silikónového penového obväzu Foam Lite Convatec 5x5cm 10 ksSilikónový penový obväz Foam Lite je vynikajúcou voľbou pre každého, kto potrebuje pokročilú starostlivosť o rany. Jedinečné vlastnosti tohto obväzu poskytujú vynikajúce výhody, ktoré pomáhajú podporovať rýchlejšie a efektívnejšie hojenie. Niektoré z hlavných výhod obväzu Foam Lite zahŕňajú: Pokročilá technológia silikónovej peny, ktorá podporuje optimálne hojenie Mäkké a pohodlné, poskytujúce vynikajúcu úľavu od bolesti a pohodlie pacienta Jednoduchá aplikácia, ktorá znižuje stres a nepohodlie pre pacientov aj opatrovateľov Dá sa použiť na rôzne typy rán, vďaka čomu je všestranným riešením pre mnohé situácie Poskytuje vynikajúcu absorpciu a kontrolu vlhkosti, čím znižuje riziko infekcie a podporuje rýchlejšie hojenie Môže sa nosiť až sedem dní, čím sa znižuje potreba častých výmen obväzov a poskytuje sa dlhotrvajúca ochrana a hojenie Celkovo, ak hľadáte vysokokvalitné silikónové penové krytie, ktoré poskytuje vynikajúce výhody pri starostlivosti o rany a vynikajúce hojenie, potom je Foam Lite od Convatec vynikajúcou voľbou. Určite to vyskúšajte a sami uvidíte rozdiel!..
36.13 USD
Gazin mullkompress set 10x10cm 12x sterilný 20x5ks
Gazin Mullkompress Set 10x10cm 12x sterile 20 x 5 pcs The Gazin Mullkompress Set is an essential addition to any medical facility or first aid kit. It includes 12 sterile 10x10cm compression dressings and 100 non-sterile dressing pads, each measuring 5x5cm. This comprehensive set is perfect for managing wounds of different sizes, making it a versatile choice for various healthcare settings. Features: 12 sterile 10x10cm compression dressings 100 non-sterile dressing pads measuring 5x5cm Individually wrapped for hygienic use Soft and gentle on the skin, minimizing discomfort during dressing changes Highly absorbent to control bleeding and manage exudate efficiently Conveniently packaged for easy storage and retrieval The Gazin Mullkompress Set is made of high-quality materials, ensuring maximum comfort and effectiveness. The compression dressings are made of soft and breathable non-woven fabric, while the non-sterile dressing pads are manufactured using highly absorbent cotton. The entire set is individually wrapped, ensuring hygienic use and minimizing the risk of cross-contamination. Designed for medical professionals and first responders, the Gazin Mullkompress Set is also suitable for homecare use. It is a fantastic solution for managing post-surgical wounds, cuts, abrasions, and other injuries that require wound dressing. With its durability, effectiveness, and convenience, you can always rely on this product to provide the best wound care possible. Get your hands on the Gazin Mullkompress Set today and ensure that you are always prepared for any emergency...
38.78 USD
Kaltostat obklady 10x20cm sterilné 10 ks
KALTOSTAT Kompresie 10x20cm Sterilné 10 ks KALTOSTAT Compresses sú sterilné obväzy na rany, ktoré sú určené na efektívne a efektívne ošetrenie rán. Tieto obklady sú v balení po 10 ks, každý o veľkosti 10x20 cm, vhodné na väčšie rany. KALTOSTAT Compresses majú jedinečný dizajn, ktorý pozostáva z prírodného celulózového materiálu, ktorý sa pri kontakte s exsudátom rany zmení na gél. Táto gélová formácia pomáha udržiavať vlhké prostredie okolo rany, čo podporuje prirodzený proces hojenia. KALTOSTAT Compresses sú účinné pri liečbe širokého spektra rán, vrátane traumatických rán, chirurgických rán a chronických rán, ako sú dekubity a diabetické vredy. Sú vhodné aj na použitie na popáleniny, pretože poskytujú chladivý efekt, ktorý pomáha upokojiť postihnuté miesto. Obklady sa ľahko používajú a možno ich nastrihať tak, aby vyhovovali akejkoľvek veľkosti alebo tvaru rany. Sú tiež flexibilné, prispôsobujú sa kontúram tela pre lepší komfort a zníženie bolesti pri pohybe. Obklady sú sterilné, čo zaisťuje, že sú bezpečné na použitie v klinickom prostredí, a sú jednotlivo zabalené, aby sa zachovala ich sterilita až do použitia. Celkovo sú KALTOSTAT Compresses nevyhnutnou súčasťou každého, kto hľadá účinnú liečbu rán. Svojím efektívnym dizajnom a schopnosťou vytvárať vlhké prostredie rany pomáhajú urýchliť prirodzený proces hojenia a znížiť riziko infekcie. Objednajte si svoje balenie KALTOSTAT Compresses ešte dnes a vyskúšajte výhody efektívnej liečby rán. ..
242.73 USD
Mepilex penový obväz safetac 15x17cm silikón 5 ks
Introducing the extraordinary and highly-effective Mepilex foam dressing Safetac 15x17cm silicone 5 pcs! This product offers an efficient and innovative solution for wound dressing, ensuring optimal healing for patients. The Mepilex foam dressing comes in a pack of five individual pieces, each measuring 15x17cm. The dressing's soft and comfortable foam material conforms well to the wound's contours, allowing for faster and more efficient healing. Additionally, its Safetac technology ensures that the dressing stays in place and does not damage the wound when removing the dressings from the skin. This Mepilex foam dressing is made with a layer of silicone, which prevents the formation of scar tissue at the wound site. The silicone layer also ensures that there's minimal pain while removing the dressing since it doesn't stick to the wound bed. The dressing provides excellent absorption and retention, making it ideal for moderate to high-exudating wounds. Whether you're a medical professional or someone recovering from an injury or surgery, the Mepilex foam dressing Safetac 15x17cm silicone 5 pcs is an excellent choice for wound care. Trust in its innovative technology and outstanding features to support your healing process and ensure speedy recovery...
180.47 USD
Mepore obväz na ranu 10x9cm wundkisssen 6x5cm sterilný 10 ks
The Mepore per wound dressing 10x9cm Wundkisssen 6x5cm sterile 10 pcs is a high-quality and reliable wound care product that ensures efficient and effective wound healing. It comes with a pack of ten sterile dressings, making it a perfect choice for individuals, healthcare facilities, and clinics. The Mepore per wound dressing is made from a soft and comfortable material that is gentle on delicate skin. It has a self-adhesive backing that ensures that it sticks firmly to the wound area without causing any discomfort or irritation. The 10x9cm size of the dressing is perfect for medium to large wounds, while the 6x5cm Wundkisssen size is ideal for small to medium wounds. One of the unique features of the Mepore per wound dressing is its ability to keep the wound area free from moisture and dirt, which can lead to infection. It has a breathable and waterproof top layer that allows air and moisture to escape while keeping the wound area dry and clean. This helps in promoting faster healing and reducing the risk of infection. The Mepore per wound dressing is easy to apply and remove, making it a convenient and time-saving solution for wound management. It is also versatile and can be used for a variety of wounds, such as cuts, abrasions, and surgical wounds. The dressing is latex-free and hypoallergenic, making it safe for use by individuals with sensitive skin. If you are looking for an effective and reliable wound care product, then the Mepore per wound dressing 10x9cm Wundkisssen 6x5cm sterile 10 pcs is an excellent choice. Buy yours today and experience a faster and more efficient wound healing process...
19.88 USD
Mepore obväz na ranu 15x9cm tampón na rany 9x5cm sterilný 10 ks
Mepore per Wound Dressing 15x9cm Wound Pad 9x5cm Sterile 10 Pcs When it comes to wound care, choosing the right dressing is crucial in ensuring proper healing and preventing infection. The Mepore per Wound Dressing is a reliable and effective choice for all types of wounds. Featuring a large, 15x9cm size, this wound dressing can comfortably cover larger wounds. The wound pad itself measures 9x5cm and is designed to be sterile, ensuring that no harmful bacteria or germs will be introduced to the wound during the healing process. The Mepore per Wound Dressing is also incredibly easy to use. Its self-adhesive design allows for easy application and removal without causing any pain or discomfort. Plus, its innovative design prevents it from sticking to the wound, ensuring that the healing process isn't disrupted by the dressing itself. Each pack of Mepore per Wound Dressing contains 10 individual dressings, making it ideal for those who require frequent dressing changes. It is also suitable for use in a variety of settings, including hospitals, clinics, and home care. Don't take any chances with wound care - choose the reliable and effective Mepore per Wound Dressing for all your wound care needs...
22.14 USD
Mesoft severozápadné obklady 7,5x7,5cm sterilné 75 x 2 ks
Mesoft Northwest Compresses 7.5x7.5cm Sterile 75 x 2 pcs Mesoft Northwest Compresses are a must-have for any medical facility or first aid kit. These sterile compresses are made of 100% cotton and come in a pack of 75 with 2 pieces in each pack, making them a great value for your money. Each compress measures 7.5x7.5cm, making them a versatile size for a variety of wound types. Features: Sterile 100% cotton 7.5x7.5cm size 75 packs with 2 pieces in each pack Soft and gentle on the skin These compresses have a high level of absorbency, making them perfect for cleaning and dressing wounds. They are also soft and gentle on the skin, minimizing any discomfort for the patient. The sterile packaging ensures that the compresses are free from any contamination, making them a safe choice for medical professionals or anyone who needs to deal with wounds. Overall, Mesoft Northwest Compresses are a great choice for any medical facility or first aid kit. With their high absorbency, softness, and sterile packaging, they are a reliable and safe option for wound care. Each pack of 75 with 2 pieces in each pack also gives you a great value for your money...
20.38 USD
(1 stránok)