
riadenie hmotnosti

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Preskúmajte našu škálu produktov prémiovej hmotnosti navrhnuté na podporu vašej wellness cesty. Od organických ražných zŕn a doplnkov s vysokými vláknami až po špecializované výživové kapsuly a probiotické vzorce sa každý produkt vytvorí na podporu zdravého trávenia, podporu metabolizmu a pomáha pri udržiavaní vyváženého životného štýlu. Objavte efektívne a pohodlné riešenia na dosiahnutie vašich zdravotných cieľov pomocou nášho premyslene kurátorského výberu náležitostí o riadení hmotnosti zo Švajčiarska. Či už ide o výživné ingrediencie pre vaše jedlo alebo doplnky na zlepšenie vitality, naše ponuky poskytujú perfektnú rovnováhu medzi zdravím a výživou.
Alpx booster for him gélules can 50 pcs

Alpx booster for him gélules can 50 pcs

Kód produktu: 7775222

Objavte Alpx BOOSTER FOR HIM Gélules, výkonný výživový doplnok určený na podporu zdravia a pohody mužov. Toto 50-dielne balenie je špeciálne navrhnuté tak, aby pomáhalo pri kurze a úsilí o chudnutie. Tieto kapsuly nabité základnými vitamínmi, minerálmi a prírodnými extraktmi majú za cieľ zvýšiť hladinu energie, zlepšiť metabolizmus a podporiť celkovú vitalitu. Či už hľadáte podporu riadenia hmotnosti, zlepšenie kondície alebo jednoducho udržiavate zdravý životný štýl, Alpx BOOSTER FOR HIM Gélules poskytuje pohodlné a efektívne riešenie. Uprednostnite svoje zdravie s týmto prémiovým doplnkom stravy, ktorý je navrhnutý tak, aby pomohol mužom optimalizovať ich cestu za zdravím...

141.72 USD

Basa vita film-coated tablets 140 stk

Basa vita film-coated tablets 140 stk

Kód produktu: 7086335

BASA VITA filmové tablety sú revolučným doplnkom stravy navrhnutým na podporu vašej cesty k zdravšiemu životnému štýlu. Tieto tablety sú starostlivo formulované tak, aby poskytovali komplexnú zmes základných vitamínov, minerálov a živín, ktoré sú kľúčové pre udržanie celkovej pohody. Tablety BASA VITA, nabité vysoko kvalitnými ingredienciami, sú špeciálne navrhnuté tak, aby pomáhali pri regulácii hmotnosti a podporovali vyváženú stravu. Vďaka pohodlnej forme tabliet s filmom BASA VITA ponúka bezproblémový spôsob, ako začleniť životne dôležité živiny do vašej každodennej rutiny. Či už chcete zlepšiť svoj jedálniček, naštartovať metabolizmus alebo jednoducho zlepšiť svoje celkové zdravie, BASA VITA je dokonalým spoločníkom pre vaše wellness ciele. Pridajte tieto tablety do svojho režimu a zažite revitalizačný rozdiel vo vašej vitalite a energetickej úrovni. Doprajte si výhody filmových tabliet BASA VITA a urobte proaktívny krok k zdravšiemu sebe. Dôverujte vedecky podloženému zloženiu BASA VITA, ktoré účinne a efektívne podporí vaše zdravie a výživové potreby. Pozdvihnite svoju wellness cestu s BASA VITA – dokonalou voľbou pre tých, ktorí hľadajú plnohodnotný doplnok stravy a chudnutia...

65.02 USD

Chrisana pea kaps

Chrisana pea kaps

Kód produktu: 7850617

Objavte silu kapsúl CHRISANA PEA, dokonalého doplnku výživy pre vašu cestu za zdravím a chudnutím. Tieto kapsuly, ktoré sú formulované na podporu regulácie hmotnosti, sú obohatené o prírodné výťažky z hrášku, známeho pre svoj potenciál zvýšiť metabolizmus a potlačiť chuť do jedla. Rozlúčte sa s nezdravými maškrtnými návykmi a privítajte vyváženejší životný štýl s CHRISANA PEA. Zahrňte tento produkt do svojej každodennej rutiny, aby ste zlepšili svoj jedálniček a podporili celkovú pohodu. Urobte dnes pozitívnu zmenu s kapsulami CHRISANA PEA...

59.76 USD

Digesan fiber powder

Digesan fiber powder

Kód produktu: 7790118

DIGESAN Fiber Plv je všestranný doplnok stravy, ktorý podporuje zdravie tráviaceho traktu a reguláciu hmotnosti. Tento pohodlný prášok, ktorý obsahuje zmes rozpustnej a nerozpustnej vlákniny, podporuje zdravý črevný mikrobióm a napomáha pravidelnému vyprázdňovaniu. Či už chcete zlepšiť trávenie, urýchliť metabolizmus alebo zostať dlhšie sýty, DIGESAN Fiber Plv je chytrou voľbou. Jednoducho ho zmiešajte s vaším obľúbeným nápojom alebo posypte jedlo, aby ste bez námahy zvýšili svoj denný príjem vlákniny. Uľahčite si udržiavanie zdravej výživy s DIGESAN Fiber Plv a zažite výhody šťastného čreva a spokojnej chuti do jedla...

21.92 USD

Fresubin 2 kcal vláknina drink čokoláda 4 fľaše 200 ml

Fresubin 2 kcal vláknina drink čokoláda 4 fľaše 200 ml

Kód produktu: 7831428

Čokoládový nápoj Fresubin 2 kcal: Vaša denná dávka energie Doprajte si bohatú, čokoládovú chuť Fresubinu 2 kcal a zároveň zásobte svoje telo základnými živinami. Táto receptúra ​​pripravená na pitie s 200 kalóriami a vysokokvalitnou zmesou bielkovín je ideálna pre: Manažment hmotnosti Zotavenie po chorobe alebo operácii Udržiavanie svalovej hmoty Podpora celkového zdravia Prečo si vybrať čokoládový nápoj Fresubin 2 kcal? Lahodná čokoládová príchuť Vysoký obsah kalórií a bielkovín Ľahko stráviteľné Pohodlný formát pripravený na pitie Nedovoľte, aby vás spomalil hlad. Objednajte si svoj čokoládový nápoj Fresubin 2 kcal ešte dnes a zažite ten rozdiel!..

35.53 USD

Modifast kaša

Modifast kaša

Kód produktu: 7835749

MODIFAST Porridge - Start Your Day Right! Are you looking for a healthy breakfast option that won't leave you feeling hungry and sluggish halfway through the morning? Look no further than MODIFAST Porridge! Made from high-quality oats and fortified with essential vitamins and minerals, MODIFAST Porridge is the perfect way to start your day with a nutritious, satisfying meal. Key Features Contains 11g of protein per serving to keep you full and fueled throughout the morning Fortified with vitamins and minerals (including iron, calcium, and vitamin D) to support your overall health and wellbeing Low in fat and sugar, making it a smart choice for weight management Quick and easy to prepare - simply add hot water and stir! How to Use MODIFAST Porridge is incredibly easy to prepare. Simply add one packet of porridge mix to a bowl, then pour in 120ml of hot water and stir until fully combined. Let it sit for one minute to thicken, then enjoy your delicious, satisfying breakfast! Available Flavors MODIFAST Porridge is available in two delicious flavors: Original Apple and Cinnamon Why Choose MODIFAST? MODIFAST is a trusted brand in the weight management and healthy living industry, with a reputation for producing high-quality, effective products. Our porridge mixes are no exception - they're packed with all the essential nutrients your body needs to stay healthy and energetic, without any unnecessary additives or fillers. Plus, with MODIFAST, you can always count on excellent customer service and support. If you have any questions or concerns about our products, don't hesitate to get in touch with our friendly team. Order Today! Ready to start your day off right with a delicious, nutritious breakfast? Order MODIFAST Porridge today and experience the difference for yourself!..

59.78 USD

Morga raž zrná demeter bag 500 g

Morga raž zrná demeter bag 500 g

Kód produktu: 1459918

Morga Rye Grains Demeter Battalion 500g: An Organic and Nutritious Option for Health Enthusiasts If you're looking for a healthy and flavorful addition to your diet, Morga Rye Grains Demeter Battalion 500g is an organic and nutritious option that makes for a perfect ingredient for a variety of dishes. This product is obtained from the best quality organic rye grains that are sourced from the Demeter-certified farmers, ensuring that the end-product is free from any harmful chemicals and pesticides. Benefits of Morga Rye Grains Demeter Battalion 500g The product is rich in dietary fiber and essential nutrients like B vitamins, iron, magnesium, and zinc that make it an ideal ingredient for a healthy diet. The low glycemic index of rye grains ensures stable blood sugar levels and a feeling of fullness, making it an excellent option for weight-watchers looking for a nutritious snack or meal option. Usage Suggestions Morga Rye Grains Demeter Battalion 500g can be used in a variety of ways - from versatile baking options, such as bread or cakes, or added to soups, salads, stews, and pilafs, adding a wholesome flavor, and a crunchy texture. They are also perfect for preparing breakfast cereals that are both tasty and nutritious. About Morga Morga is a family-owned, Swiss organic food company that follows the Demeter principles of biodynamic farming. Since 1980, Morga has been offering organic and natural food products to health enthusiasts all over the world, with a commitment to providing the highest quality and most sustainable products possible. Order Your Morga Rye Grains Demeter Battalion Today! Order your pack of Morga Rye Grains Demeter Battalion 500g now and start incorporating nutritious and organic food items into your diet for a healthy and sustainable lifestyle...

6.63 USD

Naturstein safran plus kaps

Naturstein safran plus kaps

Kód produktu: 7803562

NATURSTEIN Safran plus Kaps The NATURSTEIN Safran plus Kaps are a natural health supplement that are formulated with pure and high-quality saffron extracts. The supplement provides a rich source of antioxidants and other beneficial compounds that offer a wide range of health benefits. Key Features 100% pure and natural saffron extract Rich source of antioxidants Supports mental wellbeing and mood balance Helps manage stress and anxiety Promotes healthy digestion May aid weight management Vegetarian-friendly and gluten-free Benefits of NATURSTEIN Safran plus Kaps Saffron, the key ingredient in NATURSTEIN Safran plus Kaps, is known to have numerous health benefits. It is a rich source of antioxidants, which help protect the body from oxidative stress and free radical damage. Saffron is also known to promote mental wellbeing and mood balance and may help manage stress and anxiety. The supplement also supports healthy digestion and may aid weight management. Quality and Safety NATURSTEIN Safran plus Kaps are made with the highest standards of quality and safety. The supplement is manufactured in compliance with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) guidelines and is free from gluten and other common allergens. It is also suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Directions for Use The recommended dosage for NATURSTEIN Safran plus Kaps is one capsule per day. The supplement should be taken with water after a meal. Conclusion NATURSTEIN Safran plus Kaps is a natural health supplement that offers a rich source of antioxidants and other beneficial compounds. It promotes mental wellbeing and mood balance, helps manage stress and anxiety, supports healthy digestion, and may aid weight management. The supplement is made with the highest standards of quality and safety and is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. ..

57.74 USD

Omni-biotic metabolic powder 30 bag 3 g

Omni-biotic metabolic powder 30 bag 3 g

Kód produktu: 7785861

OMNi-BiOTiC® Metabolic Plv 30 Btl 3 g OMNi-BiOTiC® Metabolic Plv 30 Btl 3 g is a unique probiotic supplement that is designed to support a healthy metabolism. This supplement consists of a combination of 5 strains of live bacteria, which have been carefully selected to support healthy digestion and metabolism. Features and Benefits Contains 5 strains of live bacteria, each with its unique properties. Helps support a healthy metabolism and digestive function. May help reduce inflammation and improve insulin sensitivity. May help reduce the risk of metabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes. May help support healthy weight management. Usage Guidelines OMNi-BiOTiC® Metabolic Plv 30 Btl 3 g is easy to use. Simply mix 1 sachet (3g) with a glass of water and drink before or during a meal. It is recommended to take this supplement daily for best results. Ingredients Bifidobacterium lactis W52 Bifidobacterium lactis W51 Lactobacillus acidophilus W37 Lactobacillus salivarius W24 Lactococcus lactis W19 Warnings OMNi-BiOTiC® Metabolic Plv 30 Btl 3 g is not suitable for children under the age of If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult your doctor before using this supplement. If you are taking any medication or have a medical condition, consult your doctor before using this product. Overall, OMNi-BiOTiC® Metabolic Plv 30 Btl 3 g is an excellent choice for anyone looking to support a healthy metabolism and digestive function. It is easy to use, safe, and effective, and is backed by science. Give it a try and experience the benefits for yourself!..

89.70 USD

Phytopharma cinnamon plus 150 kapsúl

Phytopharma cinnamon plus 150 kapsúl

Kód produktu: 7058942

Phytopharma Cinnamon Plus 150 capsules Phytopharma Cinnamon Plus is a dietary supplement that contains a blend of herbal extracts with cinnamon as the main ingredient. The product is designed to promote healthy blood sugar levels, support weight management, and improve overall health and wellbeing. Key Features: Contains 100% natural ingredients Each bottle contains 150 capsules Each serving size of 2 capsules contains 1000mg of cinnamon extract Manufactured in GMP-certified facilities Free from gluten, soy, and artificial ingredients How it works: The cinnamon extract in Phytopharma Cinnamon Plus is known for its ability to increase insulin sensitivity, which can help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of diabetes. Additionally, cinnamon has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties and may help lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels. The other herbal extracts in the formula, including gymnema sylvestre and bitter melon, have also been traditionally used to support healthy blood sugar levels and weight management. How to use: Take 2 capsules daily, preferably with meals, or as directed by a healthcare professional. Consult with your healthcare provider before taking any dietary supplement if you have a medical condition or are taking prescription medications. Conclusion: Phytopharma Cinnamon Plus is an all-natural dietary supplement that provides multiple health benefits, especially for those looking to manage their blood sugar levels and support their weight loss goals. Made with quality ingredients and manufactured in GMP-certified facilities, this product offers a safe and effective option for maintaining overall health and wellbeing. ..

51.31 USD

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