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Objavte našu kolekciu semien chleba s odrodou bezlepkovej odrody quinoa bez gluténu-dokonalé pre stravu bez lepku bez obetovania chuti. Tento chlieb vyrobený vo Švajčiarsku z organickej múky quinoa a semien bohatých na živiny, ponúka zdravú voľbu pre spotrebiteľov uvedomených na zdraví. Vychutnajte si všestranné použitie, či už toastované, ako sendvičová základňa alebo výživná strana polievok a šalátov. Vďaka ekologickému baleniu je to udržateľná voľba pre životný štýl na cestách. Ideálne pre tých, ktorí sú netolerantní bez lepku alebo hľadajú alternatívy zdravšieho chleba. Preskúmajte naše ponuky v kategórii „Ostatné produkty“.
Semienkový chlieb quinoa bio bezlepkový 150 g

Semienkový chlieb quinoa bio bezlepkový 150 g

Kód produktu: 7770446

Seed bread Quinoa Organic gluten free 150 g Introducing our nutritious Seed bread Quinoa Organic gluten free 150 g, perfect for those who want to enjoy the taste of bread without compromising their gluten-free diet. This delicious loaf is made with organic quinoa flour and packed with nutrient-dense seeds that will satisfy your hunger and give you an energy boost to power through your day. Our Seed bread Quinoa Organic gluten free 150 g is made with only the highest quality ingredients to ensure that it meets your strict dietary needs while delivering delicious taste and texture. This product is completely gluten-free, so you don't need to worry about any adverse reactions to gluten. Additionally, it's organic, making it a healthier choice and free from synthetic additives. This seed bread is incredibly versatile and can be enjoyed in many different ways. Eat it as is, toasted, or use it as a foundation for a tasty sandwich. Serve it up with your favorite toppings, like avocado, hummus, or cheese. You can also use it as a great addition to your meal, like a side with soup or salad. Our Seed bread Quinoa Organic gluten-free 150 g is perfect for those who care about the environment and reducing waste. It comes in eco-friendly packaging that's easy to carry around and store, so you can enjoy a fresh, healthy snack wherever you go. Whether you're gluten-intolerant, celiac, or just looking to reduce your gluten intake, our Seed bread Quinoa Organic gluten-free 150g is the perfect bread for you. Order now and take your tastebuds on a nutritious journey...

10.22 USD

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