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Bioking flohsamenschalen bio
BIOKING Flohsamenschalen Bio: A Natural Solution for Digestive Health Introducing BIOKING Flohsamenschalen Bio, an all-natural product that has been specially formulated to promote digestive health. Made from organic psyllium husk, BIOKING Flohsamenschalen Bio is rich in dietary fiber, which helps to maintain regular bowel movements and promotes colon health. Psyllium husk is derived from the seeds of the plant Plantago ovata. It is a type of soluble fiber that absorbs water and forms a gel-like substance in the digestive system. This gel-like substance helps to soften stools and makes them easier to pass, which can be particularly useful for individuals who suffer from constipation or other digestive issues. BIOKING Flohsamenschalen Bio is also a great source of prebiotics, which are essential for maintaining a healthy gut microbiome. Prebiotics are non-digestible fibers that stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. These bacteria help to break down food and absorb nutrients and also play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy immune system. BIOKING Flohsamenschalen Bio is a versatile product that can be easily incorporated into your daily routine. It can be added to smoothies, juices or even baked goods, making it a convenient and easy way to boost your fiber intake and improve your digestive health. BIOKING Flohsamenschalen Bio is certified organic, gluten-free, and vegan, making it an ideal choice for anyone looking for a natural and effective solution for digestive health. Order BIOKING Flohsamenschalen Bio today and experience the benefits of improved digestive health!..
21.39 USD
Lactacyd plus präbiotisch fl 250 ml
Lactacyd Plus Präbiotisch Fl 250 ml Looking for a gentle cleanser that can help take care of your intimate area? Look no further than Lactacyd Plus Präbiotisch! With its gentle yet effective formula, this product contains plant extracts and lactoserum to help keep your intimate area clean and healthy. What makes Lactacyd Plus Präbiotisch so special is that it contains prebiotics, which help create a healthy environment for the beneficial bacteria that naturally live in and on your body. This can help promote a healthy bacterial balance, which can help reduce the risk of infections and other issues. So why choose Lactacyd Plus Präbiotisch over other cleansers? Not only does it help promote a healthy bacterial balance, but it also provides gentle, effective cleansing without causing irritation or dryness. It's pH balanced and hypoallergenic, making it perfect for everyday use. If you're looking for a gentle, effective cleanser that can help support your intimate health, give Lactacyd Plus Präbiotisch a try today! ..
21.73 USD
Lactibiane atb protect kaps
Predstavujeme LACTIBIANE ATB Protect caps, výkonný výživový doplnok určený na podporu zdravia trávenia a imunitného systému. Tieto kapsuly, formulované s precíznou zmesou probiotík, prebiotík a základných živín, pomáhajú podporovať zdravý črevný mikrobióm a zlepšujú celkovú pohodu. Obnovením rovnováhy vo vašej črevnej flóre prispieva LACTIBIANE ATB Protect k lepšiemu tráveniu, lepšiemu vstrebávaniu živín a posilneniu imunitnej obrany. Či už si chcete udržať zdravú váhu, naštartovať metabolizmus alebo jednoducho podporiť prirodzené funkcie vášho tela, tento produkt je vynikajúcou voľbou. Zaraďte čiapky LACTIBIANE ATB Protect do svojej každodennej rutiny a zažite výhody harmonického prostredia v črevách. Uprednostnite svoje zdravie a dosiahnite svoje wellness ciele s týmto prémiovým doplnkom stravy...
63.67 USD
Lactibiane imedia sticks
LACTIBIANE Imedia Sticks LACTIBIANE Imedia Sticks sú doplnok stravy, ktorý poskytuje kombináciu probiotík a prebiotík na udržanie črevnej rovnováhy v tele. Je to zmes 4 špecifických kmeňov baktérií mliečneho kvasenia, ktorá pomáha zlepšovať zdravie tráviaceho systému a podporuje imunitný mechanizmus. LACTIBIANE Imedia Sticks obsahuje 6 miliárd CFU (jednotiek tvoriacich kolónie) baktérií mliečneho kvasenia na tyčinku. Tu použité kmene baktérií sú Lactobacillus acidophilus LA 201, Lactococcus lactis LA 301, Bifidobacterium bifidum BL 804 a Streptococcus thermophilus STY Všetky tieto kmene sú známe pre svoje potenciálne prínosy pre zdravie a schopnosť podporovať zdravie čriev. Okrem probiotík tieto tyčinky obsahujú aj prebiotiká vo forme inulínu, ktorý pôsobí ako potrava pre bakteriálne kmene, čo im umožňuje rýchlejšie rásť a prekvitať v črevnom prostredí. Zahrnutie prebiotík spolu s probiotikami pomáha vytvárať prospešnú synergiu a poskytuje významnejší výsledok, pokiaľ ide o zlepšenie zdravia tráviaceho traktu. LACTIBIANE Imedia Sticks sa dodávajú v pohodlnom a ľahko použiteľnom balení so 14 vreckami v škatuli. Tieto vrecká sa ľahko prenášajú a môžu sa konzumovať priamo bez potreby vody. Majú lahodnú pomarančovú príchuť, ktorá osloví ľudí všetkých vekových kategórií. Ak teda hľadáte efektívny a pohodlný spôsob podpory zdravia tráviaceho traktu, LACTIBIANE Imedia Sticks sú vašou voľbou. ..
62.53 USD
Lactibiane plus 5m kaps
LACTIBIANE Plus 5M Kaps LACTIBIANE Plus 5M Kaps is a dietary supplement designed to support gut health by providing a unique combination of probiotic strains along with prebiotics. It contains 5 billion live cells of five different probiotic strains, including Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus casei, Bifidobacterium lactis, and Streptococcus thermophilus. These strains are known to improve the balance of gut microorganisms, support healthy digestion, and strengthen the immune system. The prebiotic fibers in this supplement come from chicory root extract, which helps nourish the probiotic strains and supports their growth in the gut. This combination of probiotics and prebiotics also helps maintain a healthy gut lining, which can improve nutrient absorption and reduce inflammation in the gut. LACTIBIANE Plus 5M Kaps is convenient and easy to take, with one capsule per day recommended for adults. This product is gluten-free, non-GMO, and free from artificial preservatives, colors, and flavors. It is also suitable for vegetarians and people with lactose intolerance. Whether you are looking for a way to improve gut health, support digestion, or boost your immune system, LACTIBIANE Plus 5M Kaps is the perfect supplement for you. Order now and experience the benefits of a healthy gut! ..
88.52 USD
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