
snack bez laktózy

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Objavte náš výber lahodných bezlaktózových pochutín, ktoré sú ideálne pre vaše zdravie a výživové potreby. Naše produkty, ako napríklad bio detské maškrty Maisk, sú vyrobené zo 100% bio európskej kukurice a neobsahujú laktózu, lepok ani konzervačné látky. Ideálne pre ľudí s potravinovými alergiami, celiakiou alebo diétnymi obmedzeniami, tieto pochutiny sú ideálne pre potešenie na cestách. Sú ideálne na udržiavanie zdravého životného štýlu a patria tiež do kategórie „Zdravie + výživa“, čo odráža náš záväzok ku kvalite a wellness. Vychutnajte si tieto zdravé maškrty ako súčasť vašej vyváženej stravy.
Maska originál bio 45 g

Maska originál bio 45 g

Kód produktu: 6496278

: Maisk ? the healthy organic children's snack from 3 years, 45 gramsThe new, spiral-shaped and 100% organic children's snack made from corn. 0% salt, 0% added sugar, 0% additives, 0% gluten, 0% lactose, 0% preservatives, 2% natural corn fat, 100% organic corn from Europe. Ideal to take with you to kindergarten, the playgroup and for on the go.Persons with food allergies, celiac disease and non-insulin-dependent diabetes can also have hearty access to the Maisk. Property name MAISK the healthy organic children's snack 45 gIdeal to take to kindergarten, playgroup and on the go.With the Maisk, people with food allergies, celiac disease and non-insulin-dependent diabetes can also have hearty access. Composition 0% salt, 0% added sugar, 0% additives, 0% gluten, 0% lactose, 0% preservatives, 2% natural corn fat. Features The new, spiral and 100% organic children's snack made from corn. 0% salt, 0% added sugar, 0% additives, 0% gluten, 0% lactose, 0% preservatives, 2% natural corn fat, 100% organic corn from Europe. Nutritional values Nutritional valueQuantityper% Measurement accuracy Energy1650 kJ100 gEnergy390 kcal100 g td>Fat2.3 g100 gFat, thereof saturated fatty acids0.4 g100 g Carbohydrates84 g100 g Carbohydrates, including sugar0.6 g100 g Dietary fiber2.0 g100 gProtein8.0 g100 g tr>Salt0.0 g100 g ..

5.06 USD

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