
kapsuly na zdravie kĺbov

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Objavte náš rad kapsúl na zdravie kĺbov navrhnutých na podporu silných kostí a zdravých kĺbov. Náš výber, vrátane Nutergia Ergyostéo Gélules, obsahuje čisto prírodné doplnky plné základných vitamínov, stopových prvkov a rastlinných extraktov. Tieto produkty sú ideálne pre každého, kto chce zachovať hustotu kostí, zlepšiť funkciu kĺbov a zlepšiť celkovú pohyblivosť. Ideálne pre športovcov, starnúcich jedincov a tých, ktorí majú problémy s kĺbmi, naše kapsuly na zdravie kĺbov budú cenným doplnkom vašej wellness rutiny. Preskúmajte náš vybraný výber produktov pre zdravie a výživu prispôsobených pre optimálnu podporu pohybového aparátu.
Alpinamed glucosamine chondroitín 120 kapsúl

Alpinamed glucosamine chondroitín 120 kapsúl

Kód produktu: 4713470

Dietary supplements with glucosamine and chondroitin Glucosamine and chondroitin are natural components of connective tissue, ligaments and articular cartilage. A sufficient supply can serve to maintain joint mobility.QualityRaw material selection and production of the glucosamine and chondroitin capsules are subject to demanding testing and quality assurance procedures. DosageTake 1 - 3 capsules daily, all at once or spread throughout the day. The specified dosage should not be exceeded. InformationNot suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women, children, adolescents and people who take anticoagulants (blood thinners). Note for allergy sufferersDo not take if you are allergic to fish and mussels.Ingredients Glucosamine sulfate potassium 32% from shellfish, chondroitin sulfate sodium 23%; Capsule shell:fish gelatin; Separating agent: cellulose, magnesium salts of fatty acids.Gluten-free, lactose-free, no preservatives. Keep out of the reach of small children, dry and at room temperature. Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed the specified recommended daily dose.Nutritional values ??/ average values1 daily portion (3 capsules) contains:Energy 5.4 kJ / 22.7 kcal fat 0 gcarbohydrates 0.70 gprotein 0.6 gfibreSodium 0.037 gGlucosamine 602 mgChondroitin Sulfate 430 mg ..

52.00 USD

Kapsuly vita chondrocurma 90 ks

Kapsuly vita chondrocurma 90 ks

Kód produktu: 6788673

Doplnok stravy s glukosamínom, chondroitín sulfátom, astaxantínom, rastlinnými extraktmi (kurkuma, hroznové semiačka, zázvor), vitamínmi a stopovými prvkami. Zloženie Obal rastlinnej kapsuly (hydroxypropylmetylcelulóza, farbivo oxid železitý), glukozamín sulfát sodný (z mäkkýšov), chondroitín sulfát sodný, oleorezín bohatý na astaxantín z riasy Haematococcus pluvialis, koreň kurkumy dlhé extrakt (cyklodextrín, curcuma longa (koreň)), vitamín C (L-askorb kyselina), vitamín E (dL-alfa-tokoferylacetát), vitamín K2 (menachinón), vitamín D3 (cholekalciferol), extrakt z hroznových jadierok (Vitis vinifera, semená), selénové kvasnice, protihrudkujúca látka oxid kremičitý, citrát mangánu, zázvor extrakt (Zingiber officinale, koreň), agar-agar, extrakt z čierneho korenia (Piper nigrum, ovocie), Oxid zinočnatý, citrát meďnatý .. Vlastnosti Chrupavky a kosti: Prispievajú k udržaniu zdravých kostí: Mangán, Zinok, Vitamín D, Vitamín K. Vitamín C prispieva k normálnej tvorbe kolagénu pre normálnu funkciu kostí a normálnu funkciu chrupaviek. Spojivové tkanivo: meď prispieva k udržaniu normálneho spojivového tkaniva. Mangán prispieva k normálnej tvorbe spojivového tkaniva. Funkcia svalov: Vitamín D pomáha udržiavať normálnu funkciu svalov. Aplikácia Užite 3 kapsuly denne s trochou vody Alergény Obsahuje Kôrovce a produkty z kôrovcov Poznámky Uchovávajte mimo dosahu detí. Skladujte pri teplote do 25°C a na suchom mieste. ..

152.68 USD

Nutergia ergyostéo gélules 100 ks

Nutergia ergyostéo gélules 100 ks

Kód produktu: 4140502

Nutergia Ergyostéo Gélules 100 pcs - The Perfect Supplement for Bone and Joint Health If you're looking for an all-natural supplement for maintaining strong bones and healthy joints, Nutergia Ergyostéo Gélules 100 pcs is the product you need. What are Nutergia Ergyostéo Gélules? Nutergia Ergyostéo Gélules are dietary supplements made with natural ingredients, including vitamins, trace elements, and plant extracts that help support a healthy musculoskeletal system. Each bottle contains 100 capsules, providing a sufficient supply for your daily requirements. What are the Benefits of Taking Nutergia Ergyostéo Gélules? The Nutergia Ergyostéo Gélules capsules are formulated to help maintain the natural health of your bones and joints. The vitamins and trace elements present in this supplement help support bone health, while the plant extracts work towards preserving healthy joint function. The supplements also boost the body's absorption of calcium, which helps promote bone health and reduce fatigue and muscle weakness. Who Can Benefit From Nutergia Ergyostéo Gélules? Nutergia Ergyostéo Gélules were created for anyone who wants to maintain strong bones and healthy joints. This supplement is particularly useful for aging individuals, athletes, people with joint problems, and those undergoing weight loss regimens. Nutergia Ergyostéo Gélules is also suitable for people with osteoporosis and other conditions that affect bone density and joint health. How to Use Nutergia Ergyostéo Gélules? Nutergia Ergyostéo Gélules should be taken orally. It is recommended to take 2 capsules per day and swallow with a glass of water, preferably during meals. These supplements produce the best results when used in conjunction with a balanced diet and an active lifestyle. The Final Word If you want to maintain healthy bones and joints naturally, Nutergia Ergyostéo Gélules 100 pcs is the perfect supplement for you. The natural ingredients in this product offer numerous benefits to keep your musculoskeletal system healthy and support mobility, agility, and strength. Place your order today on our website and take the first step towards achieving optimum bone and joint health. ..

30.33 USD

Phytopharma glucosan plus 160 kapsúl

Phytopharma glucosan plus 160 kapsúl

Kód produktu: 4466043

The Phytopharma Glucosan Plus capsules are dietary supplements with glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate and vitamin E.Glucosamine and chondroitin are components of connective tissue, ligaments and articular cartilage.A sufficient supply serves to maintain joint mobility. Lactose freeGluten free Use Take one capsule whole with liquid three times a day. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet or a healthy lifestyle..

80.54 USD

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