imunitný systém
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Lactibiane plus 5m kaps
LACTIBIANE Plus 5M Kaps LACTIBIANE Plus 5M Kaps is a dietary supplement designed to support gut health by providing a unique combination of probiotic strains along with prebiotics. It contains 5 billion live cells of five different probiotic strains, including Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus casei, Bifidobacterium lactis, and Streptococcus thermophilus. These strains are known to improve the balance of gut microorganisms, support healthy digestion, and strengthen the immune system. The prebiotic fibers in this supplement come from chicory root extract, which helps nourish the probiotic strains and supports their growth in the gut. This combination of probiotics and prebiotics also helps maintain a healthy gut lining, which can improve nutrient absorption and reduce inflammation in the gut. LACTIBIANE Plus 5M Kaps is convenient and easy to take, with one capsule per day recommended for adults. This product is gluten-free, non-GMO, and free from artificial preservatives, colors, and flavors. It is also suitable for vegetarians and people with lactose intolerance. Whether you are looking for a way to improve gut health, support digestion, or boost your immune system, LACTIBIANE Plus 5M Kaps is the perfect supplement for you. Order now and experience the benefits of a healthy gut! ..
88.52 USD
Morga akáciový med zahraničný sklo 500 g
Morga Acacia Honey Abroad Glass 500 g Indulge in the rich and delicious taste of Morga Acacia Honey, specially sourced from the finest acacia flowers abroad. This exquisite honey is bottled in a sleek and sturdy glass jar to preserve its natural goodness and freshness. The Benefits of Morga Acacia Honey Nutritious: Morga Acacia Honey is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that boost your immune system and overall health. Pure: Our honey is 100% natural, free from harmful chemicals, additives, and preservatives. Anti-inflammatory: The anti-inflammatory properties of acacia honey are known to soothe sore throats and reduce coughs and allergies. Digestive Health: This honey is an excellent prebiotic food that helps promote healthy digestion and gut bacteria. Healthy Sweetener: Morga Acacia Honey is a perfect substitute for refined sugar in your diet as it is low in calories and high in nutrients. Best Ways to Enjoy Morga Acacia Honey Add it to your tea, coffee or lemon water for a sweet and healthy boost. Spread it on your toast or pancakes for a delicious breakfast treat. Use it as a natural sweetener in your smoothies, salad dressings, and marinades for an extra burst of flavor. Eat it straight from the jar for a quick and satisfying energy boost. Your Ultimate Choice for Quality Honey At Morga, we are committed to bringing you the highest quality honey sourced from around the world. We adhere to strict quality standards to ensure our honey is pure, delicious, and full of nutrients. Buy our Morga Acacia Honey Abroad Glass 500 g today and experience the exquisite taste and health benefits of pure honey!..
21.80 USD
Phytopharma infectblocker 30 pastiliek
Natural health protection with an increased risk of infection.The regular use of Phytopharma ImmunPro Infectblocker supports the body's own immune system...
25.73 USD
Pretuval chrípka a prechladnutie effervescent tablets c 10 ks
Pretuval chrípka a prechladnutie Brausetabl C 10 ks Pretuvalová chrípka a prechladnutie Brausetabl C 10 ks je silný doplnok stravy, ktorý pomáha zmierniť nepríjemné príznaky, ktoré zvyčajne sprevádzajú chrípku a prechladnutie. Tieto tablety obsahujú 200 mg kyseliny askorbovej, známej aj ako vitamín C, o ktorej bolo lekársky dokázané, že posilňuje imunitný systém, čo môže pomôcť bojovať proti infekciám. Každá tableta tiež obsahuje glukonát zinočnatý a 18 komplexných aminokyselín, ktoré spoločne poskytujú úľavu od príznakov nachladnutia a chrípky. Tieto zložky sa priamo podieľajú na imunitnej odpovedi tela a zvyšujú produkciu cytokínov alebo proteínov, ktoré hrajú zásadnú úlohu v obrane tela proti vírusovým infekciám. Predtuválna chrípka a prechladnutie Brausetabl C 10 ks je ideálny pre každého, kto chce rýchlo a efektívne zmierniť príznaky prechladnutia a chrípky, ako je kašeľ, bolesť hrdla, bolesti hlavy, horúčka a únava. Je tiež vynikajúcim zdrojom základných vitamínov a minerálov, ktoré môžu pomôcť zlepšiť celkové zdravie a pohodu. Na použitie jednoducho rozpustite jednu tabletu v pohári vody a ihneď vypite. Pretuvalová chrípka a prechladnutie Brausetabl C 10 ks je bezpečný a nemá žiadne známe vedľajšie účinky. Ak však príznaky pretrvávajú dlhšie ako niekoľko dní, poraďte sa s lekárom. ..
36.22 USD
Sanum bacillus cereus kvapky d 6 5 ml
Sanum Bacillus cereus kvapky D6 5mlSanum Bacillus cereus kvapky D6 5ml je homeopatický liek, ktorý sa používa na liečbu rôznych stavov. Prípravok obsahuje účinnú látku Bacillus cereus, čo je spórotvorná baktéria, ktorá sa prirodzene vyskytuje v životnom prostredí a v ľudskom čreve.Sanum Bacillus cereus drops D6 5ml je indikovaný na liečbu akútnych a chronických infekcie, na posilnenie imunitného systému tela a na reguláciu trávenia. Používa sa tiež na zmiernenie príznakov spojených s autoimunitnými a zápalovými stavmi, alergiami a chemickou citlivosťou.Výhody kvapiek Sanum Bacillus cereus D6 5mlPonúka kvapky Sanum Bacillus cereus D6 5ml niekoľko výhod: Pomáha účinne liečiť infekcie, akútne aj chronické Udržiava imunitný systém zdravý a aktívny Upravuje trávenie a zmierňuje tráviace ťažkosti Znižuje alergie a citlivosť Je bezpečný, prirodzený a bez vedľajších účinkov Ako užívať Sanum Bacillus cereus kvapky D6 5 mlSanum Bacillus cereus kvapky D6 5 ml by ste mali užívať podľa pokynov svojho poskytovateľa zdravotnej starostlivosti. Zvyčajná dávka je 5-10 kvapiek 2-3 krát denne alebo podľa predpisu lekára. Kvapky je možné rozpustiť vo vode alebo ich užívať priamo pod jazyk.Kvapky Sanum Bacillus cereus D6 5ml je homeopatický liek a nemal by sa považovať za náhradu lekárskej liečby. Vždy sa poraďte so svojím poskytovateľom zdravotnej starostlivosti, ak máte akékoľvek obavy týkajúce sa vášho stavu alebo ak sa u vás počas užívania tohto produktu objavia nežiaduce účinky.ZáverKvapky Sanum Bacillus cereus D6 5ml sú prírodné , účinný a bezpečný homeopatický liek, ktorý možno použiť na liečbu rôznych stavov. Tento produkt pomáha regulovať imunitný systém, trávenie a znižuje zápaly, alergie, citlivosť, vďaka čomu je všestranným produktom, ktorý možno použiť ako súčasť kompletnej zdravotnej starostlivosti...
52.83 USD
Vita amara nápoj dtx bag 30 ks
This Swiss-made food supplement as a drink contains bitter substances that support liver function and metabolism. It helps normal fat and acid-base metabolism and normal liver function. It also contributes to a normally functioning immune system. Tiredness and fatigue are reduced while the nervous system is supported and helped to achieve normal mental performance. normal liver functionnormal fat metabolismReduction of fatiguenormal immune & nervous systemnormal mental performance Application 1-2 sachets per day.1 sachet is mixed in approx. 1 to 2dl of water or milk and is best drunk before going to bed. This can be done in cold or warm liquid. Notes Keep the capsules out of reach of children.Do not exceed the indicated consumption quantity.The food supplement does not replace a balanced diet or a healthy lifestyle.Vegan, gluten and lactose free, and suitable for diabetics.Also available in capsule form instead of a drink. Composition h3> Maltodextrin, artichoke, peppermint and fennel extracts, glycine, taurine, magnesium citrate, L-methionine, natural flavoring, choline bitartrate, curcuma root extract, vitamins (nicotinamide, ricoflavin 5-phosphate sodium, pyridoxine hydrochloride, pteroylglutamic acid , cynocobalamin), sweetener sucralose..
109.22 USD
Zuccari aloe magnifica fl 1 lt
ZUCCARI Aloe Magnifica Fl 1 lt The ZUCCARI Aloe Magnifica Fl 1 lt is a premium quality aloe vera juice that is made from the purest and freshest aloe vera leaves grown in the fertile soils of Sicily. This refreshing, antioxidant-rich juice is carefully extracted to maintain the natural goodness and potency of the aloe vera plant, making it an ideal natural remedy for various health concerns. Our Aloe Magnifica juice is enriched with minerals, vitamins, and amino acids that are essential for your body's overall health and well-being. It's a great way to boost your immune system, improve digestion, and detoxify your body from harmful toxins. Benefits of ZUCCARI Aloe Magnifica Fl 1 lt It promotes healthy digestion It supports immune system function It helps to detoxify the body from harmful toxins It helps reduce inflammation and irritation in the gut It promotes healthy hair and skin ZUCCARI Aloe Magnifica Fl 1 lt isn't just any ordinary aloe vera juice. Our premium quality juice is carefully extracted and manufactured in a state-of-the-art facility that enforces strict quality control measures. As a result, you get a product that is pure, fresh, and of the highest quality, which provides you with all the benefits of aloe vera. If you're looking for a safe, natural remedy to boost your overall health and well-being, then ZUCCARI Aloe Magnifica Fl 1 lt is the perfect solution for you. Get yours today and start experiencing the many benefits of aloe vera!..
49.74 USD
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