vysoký spf
(1 stránok)
Bioderma photoderm creme spf50+ 40 ml
BIODERMA Photoderm Crème SPF50+ Looking for a powerful sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful UV rays? Look no further than BIODERMA Photoderm Crème SPF50+. Size: 40 ml Broad Spectrum: Yes SPF: 50+ Water Resistant: Yes Texture: Cream This cream provides effective and long-lasting protection against both UVA and UVB rays, helping to prevent sunburn and photoaging. Its patented Cellular Bioprotection® technology reinforces the skin's natural defences against harmful UV rays, while also repairing any damage that may have already occurred. BIODERMA Photoderm Crème SPF50+ is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. Its light, non-greasy texture is easy to apply and quickly absorbed, leaving skin feeling comfortable and protected all day long. This cream is also water-resistant, making it perfect for outdoor activities and swimming. Its formula contains no parabens or other harmful chemicals, making it safe for daily use. With regular application, you can help prevent premature aging and other skin damage caused by UV radiation. For the best results, apply BIODERMA Photoderm Crème SPF50+ generously to your face and body before sun exposure, and reapply every two hours or after swimming or sweating. When using it for the first time, test it on a small area of skin to check for any allergic reactions. Order BIODERMA Photoderm Crème SPF50+ today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing you're protecting your skin from the harmful effects of sun exposure...
31.28 USD
Daylong sport active protection spf50+ tube 200 ml
Daylong Sport Active ochrana SPF50+ Tb 200 ml Spoľahlivo chráni aj pri športových aktivitách. Odolné voči potu a vode. Vysoká znášanlivosť pokožky. Okamžitá ochrana pred slnkom. Bezpečná a rýchla ochrana pred slnkom pre aktívnych ľudí – to je Daylong Sport SPF 50+. Inovatívna technológia Fast Absorber zaisťuje, že sa hydrogél vstrebe obzvlášť rýchlo a ponúka okamžitú ochranu. Ideálne pre milovníkov športu, ktorí sa nevedia dočkať, kedy skočia do ďalšieho dobrodružstva. Vďaka veľmi vysokej UVA, UVB a IR širokospektrálnej ochrane opaľovací krém Hydrogel odoláva extrémnym slnečným podmienkam. Je extra vodeodolný, testovaný v sladkej a slanej vode a odolný voči potu, vďaka čomu je ideálnym riešením pre športové aktivity. Beztukový opaľovací krém je veľmi šetrný k pokožke a neobsahuje ani bežné emulgátory. Neupcháva póry a je dermatologicky testovaný. Ďalšia výhoda: Daylong Sport SPF 50+ neštípe v očiach. 50 ml balenie je tiež také kompaktné a ľahké, že je ideálne na cesty...
58.36 USD
(1 stránok)