
zdravotné benefity

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Preskúmajte početné zdravotné prínosy nášho výberu prírodných produktov prispôsobených na zlepšenie vašej pohody. Od organických čajov a esenciálnych olejov až po superpotraviny bohaté na živiny a doplnky výživy, každý produkt je starostlivo vyrobený tak, aby podporil vašu cestu za zdravím. Objavte silné bylinky, prírodné extrakty a zložky bohaté na antioxidanty známe svojou schopnosťou posilniť imunitu, zlepšiť trávenie a podporiť celkovú vitalitu. Či už hľadáte úľavu od zápalu, chcete upokojiť svoje telo a myseľ, alebo sa snažíte začleniť viac výživy do svojej každodennej rutiny, naša ponuka zameraná na zdravie poskytuje holistický prístup k wellnessu vytvorený z najlepších organických a trvalo udržateľných surovín zo Švajčiarska. . Osvojte si zdravší životný štýl a vyskúšajte výhody, ktoré príroda ponúka.
Homedi-kind stilltee

Homedi-kind stilltee

Kód produktu: 7753770

Charakteristika domáceho Stilltee Ds 65 gSkladovacia teplota min/max 15/25 stupňov CelziaMnožstvo v balení: 1 gHmotnosť : 101 g Dĺžka: 76 mm Šírka: 76 mm Výška: 115 mm Kúpte si domáce Stilltee Ds 65 g online zo Švajčiarska ..

20.13 USD

Klosterfrau heissgetränk heisser ingwer-orange 10 btl 15 g

Klosterfrau heissgetränk heisser ingwer-orange 10 btl 15 g

Kód produktu: 7804781

Klosterfrau Heissgetränk Heisser Ingwer-Orange 10 Btl 15 g The Klosterfrau Heissgetränk Heisser Ingwer-Orange is a hot beverage made with ginger and orange flavoring that provides a warm and soothing sensation to the body. This product comes in a pack of 10 sachets with a weight of 15 grams each, and it is perfect for those who want to enjoy a delicious and healthy drink anytime they want. Natural Ingredients Klosterfrau Heissgetränk Heisser Ingwer-Orange is a product that uses natural ingredients to ensure that you get the maximum benefits of the product. The ginger used in this product is known for its healing properties, such as reducing inflammation, improving digestion, and relieving nausea. The orange flavoring, on the other hand, provides a refreshing flavor that complements the spiciness of the ginger. Easy to Prepare Preparing Klosterfrau Heissgetränk Heisser Ingwer-Orange is effortless. Simply pour the contents of the sachet into a cup, add hot water, and stir. You can also adjust the amount of powder used depending on how strong you want your drink to be. This convenience makes it perfect for people who have a fast-paced lifestyle and want to enjoy a warm drink without spending too much time in preparation. Elevate Your Drink Experience This Klosterfrau product offers a unique and flavorful combination that will surely elevate your drinking experience. The blend of ginger and orange creates a perfect balance of spiciness and sweetness that will tantalize your taste buds. Additionally, this product provides a quick and easy way to enjoy a warm drink that is both healthy and delicious. Perfect for Any Occasion The Klosterfrau Heissgetränk Heisser Ingwer-Orange is a versatile product that you can enjoy anytime you want. It is perfect for those cold winter mornings when you want to warm up, or during the day when you need a quick energy boost. This product is also great for entertaining guests, as it is easy to prepare and provides a unique and flavorful drinking experience. Conclusion If you are looking for a unique and healthy beverage that is easy to prepare, then the Klosterfrau Heissgetränk Heisser Ingwer-Orange is definitely worth trying. With its all-natural ingredients, delicious taste, and ease-of-use, this product is perfect for those who want to stay healthy while enjoying a warm and flavorful drink...

21.56 USD

Litozin šípkový prášok ds 130 g

Litozin šípkový prášok ds 130 g

Kód produktu: 7765179

Rosehip powder Composition 100% rosehip peel powder (origin Chile).. Properties  Litozin® tastes fruity and good. Application 1 teaspoon of powder daily is enough for your daily needs. Sprinkle a level measuring spoon of powder over food (e.g. yoghurt). Nutritional values Nutritional valueQuantity per%Measuring accuracy Energy1543 kJ td>100 gEnergy363 kcal100 gFat4.5 g100 gCarbohydrates83 g100 g td>protein1.5 g100 gSalt0 g100 g Notes Store in a dry place at room temperature and protect from direct sunlight. ..

109.11 USD

Manuka honey mgo 400+ manuka health 250 g

Manuka honey mgo 400+ manuka health 250 g

Kód produktu: 5956430

Manuka Honey MGO 400+ Manuka Health 250g Popis produktu Manuka Honey MGO 400+ od Manuka Health je vysokokvalitný prírodný med zozbieraný z novozélandských kvetov Manuka známy pre svoje jedinečné vlastnosti a zdravotné prínosy. Tento produkt je zozbieraný, testovaný a certifikovaný, že obsahuje vysokú koncentráciu prirodzene sa vyskytujúceho metylglyoxalu (MGO), ktorý dáva Manuka medu jeho jedinečné antibakteriálne vlastnosti. MGO v tomto mede je testovaný a overený nezávislým laboratóriom, aby sa zabezpečila jeho účinnosť a kvalita. Manuka Honey MGO 400+ je ideálny pre tých, ktorí chcú zlepšiť svoje zdravie prirodzeným spôsobom. Môže sa použiť na rôzne zdravotné účely, ako je posilnenie imunitného systému, zlepšenie trávenia a upokojenie bolesti hrdla. Manuka Honey MGO 400+ možno použiť aj na boj proti kožným ochoreniam, ako sú ekzémy, akné a drobné podráždenia pokožky. Tento med má lahodnú a výraznú chuť s bohatou, krémovou textúrou. Môže sa pridávať do potravín a nápojov ako prírodné sladidlo alebo priamo konzumovať pre jeho zdravotné výhody. Manuka Health zaisťuje, že tento produkt sa vyrába udržateľne a eticky. Včely, ktoré produkujú tento med, sú držané v nedotknutom prostredí, bez pesticídov a iných škodlivých chemikálií. Manuka Honey MGO 400+ od Manuka Health je produkt prémiovej kvality, ktorý poskytuje prirodzené riešenie na zlepšenie celkového zdravia a pohody. Vyskúšajte to ešte dnes a vyskúšajte výhody tohto jedinečného a lahodného medu! Zoberané z kvetov Manuka na Novom Zélande Vysoká koncentrácia prirodzene sa vyskytujúceho metylglyoxalu (MGO) Ideálne na posilnenie imunitného systému a trávenia Môže bojovať proti kožným ochoreniam, ako sú ekzémy a akné Vyrábané udržateľne a eticky ..

122.95 USD

Norsan omega-3 fischöl kaps

Norsan omega-3 fischöl kaps

Kód produktu: 7825108

Composition 4 g fish oil, 2.4 mg vitamin E, 1500 mg omega-3 fatty acids, 707 mg of which eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), 84 mg of which Docosapentaenoic acid (DPA), 368 mg of which docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), per 4 capsules. Properties With natural fish oil from sustainable wild catch. Cleaned of pollutants, PCBs and heavy metals. No unpleasant burping. Application 4 capsules daily with or after a meal. Composition 4 g fish oil, 2.4 mg vitamin E, 1500 mg omega - 3 - fatty acids, 707 mg of which eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), 84 mg of which docosapentaenoic acid (DPA), 368 mg of which docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), per 4 capsules. Properties With natural fish oil from sustainable wild catch. Cleaned of pollutants, PCBs and heavy metals. No unpleasant burping. Application 4 capsules daily with or after a meal. ..

62.03 USD

Nutrexin alkalický kúpeľ original 6 btl 60 g

Nutrexin alkalický kúpeľ original 6 btl 60 g

Kód produktu: 7336269

Charakteristika alkalického kúpeľa Nutrexin Original 6 Btl 60 gSkladovacia teplota min/max 15/25 stupňov CelziaMnožstvo v balení : 6 g Hmotnosť: 422 g Dĺžka: 79 mm Šírka: 99 mm Výška: 141 mm Kúpiť Nutrexin zásaditý kúpeľ Original 6 Btl 60 g online zo Švajčiarska..

35.88 USD

Orthomol cholín plus kaps 60 ks

Orthomol cholín plus kaps 60 ks

Kód produktu: 7594617

Charakteristika Orthomol cholin Plus Kaps 60 ksSkladovacia teplota min/max 15/25 stupňov CelziaMnožstvo v balení: 60 kusovHmotnosť: 140 g Dĺžka: 128 mm Šírka: 45 mm Výška: 75 mm Kúpiť Orthomol cholin Plus Kaps 60 ks online zo Švajčiarska..

59.41 USD

Phytopharma propolis pastillen ds 55 g

Phytopharma propolis pastillen ds 55 g

Kód produktu: 7830984

Objavte prirodzenú silu Phytopharma Propolis Pastilles, prémiového doplnku stravy určeného na podporu vášho zdravia a pohody. Každé 55g balenie je naplnené dobrotou propolisu, prírodnej živice vyrábanej včelami, ktorá je známa svojimi antibakteriálnymi a antivírusovými vlastnosťami. Tieto pastilky sú ideálne pre tých, ktorí hľadajú posilnenie imunitného systému alebo chcú zlepšiť svoje celkové zdravie. Tento produkt je vyrobený z vysoko kvalitných ingrediencií a predstavuje pohodlný a chutný spôsob, ako začleniť výhody propolisu do vašej každodennej rutiny. Prevezmite kontrolu nad svojím zdravím s pastilkami Phytopharma Propolis ešte dnes...

16.82 USD

Pukka citron gingembre et miel de manuka thé bio btl 20 stk

Pukka citron gingembre et miel de manuka thé bio btl 20 stk

Kód produktu: 6225533

Pukka Citron Gingembre et Miel de Manuka Thé bio Btl 20 Stk Pukka Citron Gingembre et Miel de Manuka Thé bio Btl 20 Stk Experience the delicious blend of citrus, ginger and Manuka honey with this Pukka Citron Gingembre et Miel de Manuka Thé bio Btl 20 Stk. This tea is made with high-quality organic ingredients and comes in a convenient 20-stick bottle that you can easily take with you wherever you go. Organic Ingredients The Pukka Citron Gingembre et Miel de Manuka Thé bio Btl 20 Stk is made with a variety of organic ingredients, including: Lemongrass Lemon verbena leaf Ginger root Manuka honey Orange essential oil These ingredients work together to create a delicious and invigorating tea that can be enjoyed any time of day. The lemongrass and lemon verbena leaf provide a refreshing citrus flavor, while the ginger root adds a spicy kick. The Manuka honey lends a touch of sweetness, and the orange essential oil adds a bright and fragrant note. Health Benefits In addition to its delicious flavor, the Pukka Citron Gingembre et Miel de Manuka Thé bio Btl 20 Stk also offers a range of health benefits. The ginger root is known for its anti-inflammatory and digestive properties, while the Manuka honey has antibacterial and immune-boosting properties. The lemongrass and lemon verbena leaf are both rich in antioxidants and may help to improve digestion and reduce inflammation. Convenient Packaging The Pukka Citron Gingembre et Miel de Manuka Thé bio Btl 20 Stk comes in a convenient 20-stick bottle that you can easily take with you wherever you go. The sticks are individually wrapped, making them perfect for travel or for enjoying at work. Simply add hot water and enjoy! Overall, the Pukka Citron Gingembre et Miel de Manuka Thé bio Btl 20 Stk is a delicious and healthful tea that's perfect for any time of day. Order yours today and experience the delicious blend of citrus, ginger, and Manuka honey!..

10.65 USD

Raab himalaya salz gemahlen im streuer 200 g

Raab himalaya salz gemahlen im streuer 200 g

Kód produktu: 3614837

RAAB Himalaya Salz gemahlen im Streuer 200 g RAAB Himalaya Salz gemahlen im Streuer 200 g is a premium quality, finely ground Himalayan salt that comes packed in a convenient dispenser. Loaded with essential minerals and trace elements, this salt is a perfect addition to your everyday cooking and seasoning needs. Benefits of RAAB Himalaya Salz gemahlen im Streuer 200 g: 100% natural and unrefined salt from the Himalayas, free from additives and pollutants. Contains 84 essential minerals and trace elements that are vital for our health and well-being. Helps regulate blood pressure and promotes healthy circulation. Improves hydration, supports metabolism, and promotes healthy digestion. Helps improve respiratory function and promotes sound sleep. Comes packed in a convenient, easy-to-use dispenser that allows you to sprinkle just the right amount of salt on your food. How to Use RAAB Himalaya Salz gemahlen im Streuer 200 g: Use RAAB Himalaya Salz gemahlen im Streuer 200 g to season your food and enhance its flavor. Sprinkle it on salads, grilled vegetables, soups, stews, and meats, or use it to make marinades and dressings. You can also add a pinch of this salt to your drinking water for better hydration and mineralization. Buy RAAB Himalaya Salz gemahlen im Streuer 200 g Online: Enjoy the goodness of 100% natural, unrefined Himalayan salt with RAAB Himalaya Salz gemahlen im Streuer 200 g. Buy it online today and experience the benefits of this mineral-rich salt in your daily life. ..

11.78 USD

Rabenhorst cranberry juice bio mother fl 750 ml

Rabenhorst cranberry juice bio mother fl 750 ml

Kód produktu: 7690930

Zažite čistú dobrotu organickej brusnicovej materskej šťavy Rabenhorst v pohodlnej 750 ml fľaši. Táto šťava vyrobená zo starostlivo vybraných organických brusníc je plná prírodných antioxidantov a základných živín. Vychutnajte si pikantnú a osviežujúcu chuť a zároveň ťažte z jej potenciálnych vlastností posilňujúcich zdravie. Táto organická šťava, ktorá je ideálna na podporu celkovej pohody, neobsahuje pridané cukry a umelé prísady, čo zaisťuje čistú a autentickú chuť. Zahrňte do svojej každodennej rutiny organickú brusnicovú materskú šťavu Rabenhorst, aby ste si udržali hydratáciu a výživu...

17.25 USD

Schoenenberger kartoffel naturreiner frischpflanzensaft bio fl 200 ml

Schoenenberger kartoffel naturreiner frischpflanzensaft bio fl 200 ml

Kód produktu: 7803884

Schoenenberger Kartoffel naturreiner Frischpflanzensaft Bio Fl 200 ml Schoenenberger Kartoffel naturreiner Frischpflanzensaft Bio Fl 200 ml is a natural, organic and fresh potato juice. This juice is made from freshly harvested potatoes that are gently pressed to extract the juice, without the use of any additives, preservatives or artificial ingredients, making it completely natural and pure. The Schoenenberger Kartoffel naturreiner Frischpflanzensaft Bio Fl 200 ml is made from certified organic potatoes that are grown on farms that use traditional farming methods and are free from harmful pesticides and chemicals, ensuring that the juice is healthy and safe to consume. This juice is rich in essential nutrients such as potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6, and is an excellent natural remedy for a variety of health problems, including digestive problems, inflammation, and overall immunity support. The Schoenenberger Kartoffel naturreiner Frischpflanzensaft Bio Fl 200 ml is packaged in a convenient 200ml bottle that can be easily carried and consumed on the go. It is recommended to take this juice in the morning on an empty stomach for maximum health benefits. If you are looking for a natural and organic way to improve your health, try the Schoenenberger Kartoffel naturreiner Frischpflanzensaft Bio Fl 200 ml today and experience the benefits of fresh potato juice. ..

14.36 USD

Sensolar magnesium flakes ds 800 g

Sensolar magnesium flakes ds 800 g

Kód produktu: 7638533

Charakteristika horčíkových vločiek Sensolar Ds 800 gSkladovacia teplota min/max 15/25 stupňov CelziaMnožstvo v balení: 1 gHmotnosť: 800 g Dĺžka: 105 mm Šírka: 105 mm Výška: 140 mm Kúpiť magnéziové vločky Sensolar Ds 800 g online zo Švajčiarska..

29.43 USD

Sonnentor adventné tričko bio btl 18 stk

Sonnentor adventné tričko bio btl 18 stk

Kód produktu: 7826247

Sonnentor Advent Tee BIO Btl 18 Stk The Sonnentor Advent Tee BIO Btl 18 Stk is an organic tea collection designed to help you celebrate the holiday season. This collection is made from carefully selected organic herbs and spices that will provide a unique taste experience for tea enthusiasts. Features Organic tea 18 tea bags per bottle Handcrafted blend of herbs and spices Perfect for holiday celebrations Ingredients This tea collection contains a unique blend of herbs and spices that include: Cinnamon Orange peel Clove buds Cardamom Star anise Preparation To prepare this tea, boil water and let it cool for a minute or two. Place the tea bag in a cup and add the hot water. Allow the tea to steep for four to five minutes. Then, remove the tea bag and enjoy your organic holiday tea. Benefits The Sonnentor Advent Tee BIO Btl 18 Stk is more than just a tasty tea collection. The organic ingredients provide a range of health benefits, including: Helps to soothe stomach upset Boosts your immune system Helps to improve digestion Contains antioxidants to help reduce inflammation May help to lower blood sugar levels With its delicious taste and health benefits, the Sonnentor Advent Tee BIO Btl 18 Stk is the perfect holiday tea collection for you and your loved ones. Order now and enjoy it throughout the holiday season...

11.25 USD

Sonnentor hibiskus tee bio vrece 80 g

Sonnentor hibiskus tee bio vrece 80 g

Kód produktu: 3148097

Sonnentor Hibiskus Tee BIO Sack 80 g The Sonnentor Hibiskus Tee BIO Sack 80 g is an exquisite tea option that is made from organic hibiscus flowers. With its tangy, sour taste, it is an excellent beverage choice for those looking for a refreshing drink with a unique flavor. The tea is packaged in an 80-gram Sachet, which allows you to make several cups of tea, making it ideal for those who love to indulge in a cup of tea multiple times a day. The organic hibiscus flowers used in the production of the tea are of the highest quality, ensuring that you get the best possible taste experience. The Sonnentor Hibiskus Tee BIO Sack is a versatile tea that can be enjoyed hot or cold, based on your preferences. It is perfect for hot summer days, as you can make a refreshing iced tea with it. Additionally, the tea is infused with essential vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to your overall health and wellbeing. This Sonnentor Hibiskus Tee BIO Sack 80 g is ideal for tea enthusiasts, health enthusiasts, and individuals looking for a tasty thirst-quencher. The packaging is simple, yet elegant, making it a great gift option for friends, family, or colleagues. Order your Sonnentor Hibiskus Tee BIO Sack 80 g today and discover the unrivaled tang and refreshment that this exceptional tea has to offer. ..

10.70 USD

Sonnentor mate tee bio

Sonnentor mate tee bio

Kód produktu: 3147910

Sonnentor Mate Tee BIO is a premium quality tea made from the dried leaves of the South American Yerba Mate plant. This organic herbal tea is sourced from biodynamic farms, where the herbs are grown in harmony with nature and are processed using traditional methods to capture the natural flavor and aroma of the plant. The Mate Tee BIO tea has a rich, earthy flavor and a refreshing taste that is ideal for those seeking a natural energy boost. The tea is caffeine-rich and contains a range of beneficial vitamins and minerals that provide a host of health benefits, including enhanced focus, increased alertness, and improved mental clarity. The tea is packaged in airtight, resealable bags that help to preserve its freshness and flavor, ensuring that you can enjoy a piping hot cup of Mate Tee BIO tea whenever you need it. The tea can be enjoyed as a hot beverage or as a refreshing iced tea, making it an ideal beverage for all occasions. Sonnentor Mate Tee BIO makes a perfect addition to your daily routine, particularly for those who are looking to reduce their caffeine intake or trying to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Order your pack of Sonnentor Mate Tee BIO today and experience the goodness of this herbal tea for yourself...

12.16 USD

Sonnentor syr topoľový čaj battalion 18 kusov

Sonnentor syr topoľový čaj battalion 18 kusov

Kód produktu: 7749250

Syrový topoľový čajový prápor Sonnentor 18 kusovČajový prápor topoľ syrový Sonnentor je vynikajúcou voľbou pre milovníkov čaju, ktorí hľadajú jedinečný a voňavý čaj. Táto sada obsahuje 18 kusov čajových vrecúšok, ktoré sú plné lahodnej chuti topoľových pukov a syra. Produkt je vyrobený z tých najkvalitnejších ingrediencií, ktoré poskytujú nezabudnuteľný zážitok z pitia čaju.Profil chutiČaj Cheese Poplar Tea je jedinečná zmes chutí, ktoré spájajú sladkú a jemnú chuť topoľových pukov s pikantnosťou syra. Táto kombinácia vytvára príjemný a jemný nápoj, ktorý uspokojí milovníkov čaju s rôznymi chuťovými preferenciami. Čaj má jemne sladkú dochuť s hladkým a krémovým záverom, ktorý vás zanechá uvoľnených a spokojných.ZloženieSonnentor Cheese Poplar Tea Battalion 18 kusov je vyrobený z najkvalitnejšej bio prísad vrátane: Topoľové puky Syr Kúsky jablka Mäta klasnatá Citrónová tráva Verbena Prírodná chuť vanilka Nepapa nechtík Sprievodca varenímAk chcete získať tú najlepšiu chuť čajového práporu syra topoľ Sonnentor, namočte jedno čajové vrecúško do šálky horúcej vody aspoň na 5-6 minút. Podľa chuti môžete pridať med alebo cukor, ak máte radšej sladší nápoj. Tento čaj si môžete vychutnať teplý alebo studený, v závislosti od vašich preferencií.Zdravotné prínosySyrový topoľový čaj Sonnentor je zdravý nápoj, ktorý ponúka niekoľko zdravotných výhod vďaka použitým prírodným ingredienciám. Púčiky topoľa sú bohaté na antioxidanty, ktoré pomáhajú posilňovať imunitný systém, neutralizujú voľné radikály a zmierňujú zápal. Čaj je tiež bez kofeínu, takže je ideálny pre ľudí, ktorí chcú znížiť alebo úplne vylúčiť príjem kofeínu.Ak hľadáte jedinečný a voňavý čaj, Sonnentor Cheese Poplar Tea Battalion 18 kusov je výborná možnosť. Kúpte si teraz a vychutnajte si lahodnú chuť a zdravotné prínosy tohto úžasného čaju...

9.81 USD

Sonnentor žihľavový čaj battalion 18 kusov

Sonnentor žihľavový čaj battalion 18 kusov

Kód produktu: 7637835

Experience the Benefits of Nettle Tea with Sonnentor Nettle Tea Battalion 18 Pieces Nettle tea is known for its numerous health benefits. It is a potent herbal tea that is made from the leaves and stems of the stinging nettle plant. Combining the rich and earthy flavor of nettle with the therapeutic benefits of other herbal ingredients, the Sonnentor Nettle Tea Battalion 18 Pieces is a must-try for those who want to enjoy the goodness of nettle tea. The Benefits of Nettle Tea Nettle tea is a great source of antioxidants, which help to fight inflammation and oxidative stress in the body. It is also rich in vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, iron, and potassium, which are essential for a healthy immune system, good blood circulation, and strong bones. The Sonnentor Nettle Tea Battalion 18 Pieces is made with hand-picked organic nettle leaves, which ensure that the tea is of the highest quality. The tea is free from any synthetic additives, artificial flavors, and preservatives. The Ingredients The Sonnentor Nettle Tea Battalion 18 Pieces comprises a blend of nettle leaves and other organic herbs, each with their own unique benefits. These include: Lemon balm: Has been known to aid digestion and promote calmness and relaxation. Peppermint: Can help to relieve tension, headaches, and nausea. Marigold petals: Known for their anti-inflammatory properties, marigold petals can help to soothe skin irritations and promote healthy digestion. How to Enjoy the Sonnentor Nettle Tea Battalion 18 Pieces To prepare a delicious cup of Sonnentor Nettle Tea Battalion 18 Pieces, simply add one tea bag to a cup of boiling water and let it steep for 5-7 minutes. You can enjoy the tea hot or cold depending on your preference. For an extra flavor boost, you can add a slice of lemon or a bit of honey. Get Your Sonnentor Nettle Tea Battalion 18 Pieces Today If you're looking for a healthy and delicious herbal tea, look no further than the Sonnentor Nettle Tea Battalion 18 Pieces. Order yours today and discover the many benefits of nettle tea!..

9.81 USD

Vegalife maca pulver schwarz ds 175 g

Vegalife maca pulver schwarz ds 175 g

Kód produktu: 7825282

Vegalife Maca Pulver schwarz Ds 175 g The Vegalife Maca Pulver schwarz Ds 175g is a premium quality supplement packed with organic and vegan ingredients to support your overall health and well-being. This powerful superfood is made from 100% natural Peruvian Maca root which is carefully washed, peeled, and gently air-dried to preserve the essential nutrients and minerals. Known for its many health benefits, Maca provides a natural energy boost, supports hormone balance, and enhances endurance and strength. It also acts as an adaptogen, helping your body to adapt and cope with stress and anxiety. The Vegalife Maca Pulver is certified vegan and organic, making it an excellent option for individuals who want to take care of their overall health without compromising their lifestyle choices. It?s perfect for athletes, busy professionals, and anyone looking to add a nutritious and delicious blend of superfoods to their diet. With its smooth and earthy taste, Vegalife Maca Pulver schwarz Ds 175g can be easily mixed into your morning smoothie, protein shake, or favorite beverage. It?s an incredibly versatile and easy-to-use supplement that delivers a host of health benefits without any compromise on taste. Order your Vegalife Maca Pulver schwarz Ds 175g today and experience the many health benefits of this premium quality superfood!..

33.75 USD

Vogel herbamare kräutersalz tischstreuer

Vogel herbamare kräutersalz tischstreuer

Kód produktu: 4112003

Introduction The VOGEL Herbamare Kräutersalz Tischstreuer is a high-quality herb salt table shaker made with natural sea salt and organic herbs. It?s a perfect blend of sea salt with twelve organically-grown fresh herbs and vegetables, making it an excellent addition to any meal. Whether you?re a vegan, a vegetarian, a meat lover or a foodie, this seasoning is sure to add a unique flavour to your dining experience. Ingredients The ingredients used to make the Herbamare Kräutersalz Tischstreuer include: Natural sea salt Organic celery Organic leek Organic cress Organic onion Organic chives Organic parsley Organic lovage Organic garlic Organic basil Organic marjoram Organic rosemary Organic thyme Health Benefits The Herbamare Kräutersalz Tischstreuer is a healthy alternative to regular table salt. The organic herbs and vegetables used in its production provide numerous health benefits such as: Reducing blood pressure Reducing the risk of heart disease Reducing inflammation Increase immunity Enhancing digestion Usage The VOGEL Herbamare Kräutersalz Tischstreuer is incredibly versatile and can be used in a variety of ways. Its unique blend of sea salt and organic herbs make it the perfect seasoning for salads, vegetables, meats, seafood, soups, stews and much more. Simply sprinkle it on your favourite meal, and enjoy the delectable flavours that it brings to your plate. Packaging and Storage The Herbamare Kräutersalz Tischstreuer comes in a convenient, compact size that can easily fit on any table or kitchen counter. Its durable glass shaker prevents moisture and helps maintain its freshness. To ensure the quality of the seasoning, store it in a cool, dry place and away from direct sunlight. Conclusion The VOGEL Herbamare Kräutersalz Tischstreuer is the perfect seasoning for those who prioritize a healthy lifestyle without compromising on taste. So, add it to your spice collection today and start experiencing the mouth-watering delights that it has to offer!..

5.72 USD

Zelený orbis medený textilný plech

Zelený orbis medený textilný plech

Kód produktu: 7767326

ORBIS medená textilná plachta – perfektné riešenie pre lepší a zdravší spánokAk chcete zlepšiť kvalitu svojho spánku a zlepšiť svoju celkovú pohodu, ORBIS medená textilná plachta je produkt, ktorý potrebujete . Táto plachta je vyrobená z vysoko kvalitnej tkaniny naplnenej meďou a bola testovaná na antimikrobiálne, protiplesňové a antibakteriálne vlastnosti, vďaka čomu je ideálna pre jednotlivcov, ktorí sú náchylní na alergie, astmu a iné ochorenia dýchacích ciest. Čo však odlišuje medenú textilnú plachtu ORBIS od ostatných? Tu sú niektoré z jeho úžasných funkcií: Je vyrobený z ekologických materiálov, vďaka čomu je udržateľný a bezpečný pre životné prostredie. Má jemnú a hodvábnu textúru, ktorá poskytuje maximálny komfort počas spánku, vďaka čomu sa ráno budete cítiť svieži a plní energie. Ióny medi obsiahnuté v tkanine pomáhajú regulovať telesnú teplotu a zaisťujú tak chladný a pohodlný spánok po celú noc. Jednoducho sa čistí a udržiava, čo zaručuje dlhodobé používanie. Zažite to najlepšie z oboch svetov – pohodlie a zdravie – s medenou textilnou plachtou ORBIS. Získajte svoje ešte dnes a užite si lepší spánok a lepšie zdravie! ..

56.04 USD

Zobrazené 51 až 73 z 73
(3 stránok)
Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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