ekologický prací prostriedok
(1 stránok)
Ecover prací prášok zero universal 1,2 kg
Ecover washing powder Zero Universal 1.2 kg Introducing the Ecover washing powder Zero Universal 1.2 kg - the perfect solution for your laundry needs. This laundry powder is specifically formulated to be gentle on your clothes while also being tough on dirt and stains. The Ecover washing powder Zero Universal is an effective, eco-friendly and plant-based laundry detergent that is free from artificial fragrances, harsh chemicals, and animal by-products. This product is specifically designed to be suitable for all types of fabrics, including whites, colors, and even delicate materials. The Ecover washing powder Zero Universal is made from high-quality natural ingredients that are ethically and sustainably sourced. Its carefully selected ingredients include enzymes that effectively remove stubborn stains and dirt, while also helping to maintain the vibrancy and softness of your clothes. This product comes in a convenient 1.2 kg pack, which is enough for up to 16 washes. Its resealable packaging helps to keep your laundry powder fresh and prevent wastage, making it an ideal choice for households of all sizes. In summary, the Ecover washing powder Zero Universal 1.2 kg is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to take care of their laundry without harming the environment. Try it today and experience the difference that Ecover's plant-based cleaning solutions can make. ..
22.91 USD
Herbow waschnuss waschball 100% natürlich
Predstavujeme praciu guľu HERBOW s mydlovým orechom, revolučné 100% prírodné riešenie pre vaše potreby pri praní. Tento inovatívny produkt kombinuje silu mydlových orechov s pokročilou technológiou a poskytuje tak jemnú, ale účinnú alternatívu k tradičným pracím prostriedkom. Mydlové orechy obsahujú prírodné saponíny, ktoré bez námahy čistia a osviežujú vaše oblečenie bez agresívnych chemikálií, vďaka čomu sú vhodné aj pre tie najcitlivejšie typy pokožky. Lopta na bielizeň HERBOW je navrhnutá tak, aby bola ekologická a udržateľná, čím znižuje váš dopad na životné prostredie a zároveň poskytuje vynikajúce výsledky. Rozlúčte sa so syntetickými vôňami a umelými prísadami – vyberte si mydlovú guľu HERBOW na pranie pre prirodzené a silné čistenie...
15.35 USD
Romulsin hygienické mydlo na pranie čajovníkový olej 250 ml
Romulsin Hygiene Laundry Soap Tea Tree Oil 250ml Introducing our Romulsin Hygiene Laundry Soap Tea Tree Oil 250ml - the perfect solution for your laundry needs! Made with natural ingredients and packed with the powerful benefits of tea tree oil, this laundry soap is not only gentle on your clothes but also tough on dirt, stains, and bacteria. Benefits of Tea Tree Oil Tea tree oil is a natural disinfectant and antimicrobial agent that helps kill germs and bacteria, making it an ideal ingredient for laundry soap. It also has antifungal properties that can help get rid of mold and mildew. Tea tree oil is also known for its fresh scent, which leaves your clothes smelling clean and fresh. Effective Stain Removal Our Romulsin Hygiene Laundry Soap contains powerful cleaning agents that effectively remove even the toughest stains from your clothes, without damaging the fabric. It works well on all types of materials, from cotton to silk, and is effective even in cold water. Gentle on Your Skin Our laundry soap is made with natural ingredients and is free from harmful chemicals and synthetic fragrances, making it safe for people with sensitive skin. It contains no harsh chemicals or toxins, making it a great option for those who want to reduce their exposure to harmful chemicals and pollutants. Eco-Friendly Packaging We care about our planet, which is why we have designed our packaging to be eco-friendly. Our laundry soap comes in a recyclable bottle that can be easily disposed of in the recycling bin. Conclusion If you're looking for an effective, safe, and eco-friendly laundry soap that will leave your clothes clean, fresh, and smelling great, try our Romulsin Hygiene Laundry Soap Tea Tree Oil 250ml. It's the perfect solution for all your laundry needs! ..
16.74 USD
Sonet prací prostriedok tekutý 30 ° -95 ° c 2 levanduľa lt
Charakteristika tekutého pracieho prostriedku Sonnet 30 ° -95 ° C 2 l levanduleMnožstvo v balení : 1 ltHmotnosť: 0,00000000 g Dĺžka: 84 mm Šírka: 144 mm Výška: 338 mm Kúpiť čistiaci prostriedok Sonnet tekutý 30 ° -95 ° C 2 levanduľový lt online zo Švajčiarska..
22.23 USD
Sonett waschmittel sensitiv 30°-95°c (neu)
Zažite jemnú silu čistiaceho prostriedku SONETT citlivého na teploty v rozsahu od 30 do 95 stupňov Celzia. Tento tekutý prací prostriedok, špeciálne vyvinutý pre osoby s citlivou pokožkou, poskytuje účinné čistenie bez agresívnych chemikálií. Vhodné pre biele a farebné tkaniny, zachováva integritu vášho oblečenia a zároveň chráni životné prostredie. Vďaka biologicky odbúrateľným zložkám a organickým esenciálnym olejom je toto nové a vylepšené zloženie šetrné k vašej pokožke aj planéte. Dôverujte čistiacim prostriedkom SONETT citlivým, aby poskytovali dokonalé výsledky a zároveň mali na pamäti blaho svojej rodiny a svet, ktorý všetci zdieľame...
22.18 USD
Zero ecover tekutý prací prostriedok fl lt 1,5
Zero Ecover Liquid Detergent Fl Lt 1.5 Looking for a powerful, eco-friendly laundry detergent that won't harm the environment? Look no further than the Zero Ecover Liquid Detergent Fl Lt 1.Made with natural and biodegradable ingredients, this detergent is tough on stains and gentle on your fabrics. It's the perfect way to keep your clothes looking their best without compromising your commitment to sustainability. Features Contains plant-based ingredients Produces fewer suds and saves water Easy to use and apply Free of phosphates and other harmful chemicals Suitable for use in cold water Benefits Safe for people and the environment Biodegradable and fully recyclable packaging Zero waste goal in production Suitable for sensitive skin and allergy sufferers Leaves clothes feeling fresh and clean How to use Shake the bottle before use to ensure the ingredients are mixed together. Refer to the instructions on the back of the bottle for guidance on how much to use per wash. Pour the detergent into the washing machine's detergent drawer or directly into the drum if applicable. Select the appropriate cycle and temperature for your clothing After washing, hang dry your clothes or use a tumble dryer if necessary. With Zero Ecover Liquid Detergent Fl Lt 1.5, you can enjoy spotlessly clean, beautifully fresh clothes without the guilt. So why not make the switch to this eco-friendly laundry detergent today?..
29.17 USD
(1 stránok)