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Aroma stick čuchový špendlík 100% bio calm bag
The aroma stick contains 100% certified organic essential oils. The effect unfolds quickly, as fragrances are the fastest way to send signals to the brain. The calm smelling stick calms mind and body. For more control and calmness in everyday life. Ideal for on the roadFree from additives, carrier oils and artificial fragrances Application Open the pen, close one nostril, hold the pen under your nose and inhale. Repeat the same with the other nasal opening. Composition Organic bergamot oil, organic lemon oil, organic cedar wood oil, organic clary sage oil, organic vetiver oil...
16.51 USD
Puressentiel® zmes vôní meditačné esenciálne oleje na difúziu 30 ml
Puressentiel® Fragrance Mixture Meditation Essential Oils for Diffusion 30 ml: The Puressentiel® Fragrance Mixture Meditation Essential Oils for Diffusion 30 ml is carefully crafted with a blend of 100% natural and organic essential oils that are specifically formulated to help promote calmness and relaxation, as well as to enhance the feeling of meditation. This product is designed to be used with a diffuser, and when used correctly, it creates a soothing and relaxing atmosphere that will help you focus your thoughts, and achieve a greater sense of inner peace. The essential oils used in this mixture include lavender, which is known for its calming and soothing effects on the mind and body, patchouli, which helps to promote a sense of relaxation and balance, and incense, which is traditionally used in meditation practices due to its calming properties. The Puressentiel® Fragrance Mixture Meditation Essential Oils for Diffusion 30 ml is free from synthetic fragrances, preservatives, and coloring agents, making it a completely natural and safe product to use in your home or workspace. Add a few drops of this mixture to your diffuser, and let the natural essences work their magic as you take deep breaths and let yourself drift away into a quiet and peaceful state of mind. To sum up, the Puressentiel® Fragrance Mixture Meditation Essential Oils for Diffusion 30 ml is perfect for anyone looking to enhance their meditation experience, or just create a more calming and relaxing atmosphere in their home or workspace. This product is 100% natural, safe to use, and has a delightful fragrance that will help you achieve a sense of peace and serenity. ..
39.70 USD
Sonnentor schafgarbe tee bio vrece 50 g
BIO vrece na tričko Sonnentor Schafgarbe 50 g Zažite upokojujúce účinky Sonnentor Schafgarbe Tee BIO, bylinného čaju vyrobeného z tých najkvalitnejších, organických kvetov rebríka. Rebríček sa po stáročia používa na podporu relaxácie a upokojenia a niet divu, prečo: jeho jemná vôňa a chuť sú jednoducho neodolateľné. So Sonnentor Schafgarbe Tee BIO si môžete vychutnať výhody rebríka v pohodlnom a ľahko použiteľnom čajovom vrecúšku. Každé vrecko obsahuje 50 g čaju, ktorý je starostlivo získavaný z certifikovaných ekologických fariem po celom svete. Sonnentor zaisťuje, že ich yarrow sa pestuje bez použitia škodlivých chemikálií alebo pesticídov, takže sa môžete spoľahnúť, že získate ten najčistejší a najprirodzenejší možný produkt. Najlepšie na tom je, že váš čaj je zabalený v pevnom, opätovne uzatvárateľnom vrecku, vďaka čomu zostane čerstvý a voňavý od prvej až po poslednú šálku. Jednoducho namočte vrecúško Sonnentor Schafgarbe Tee BIO na niekoľko minút do horúcej vody a vypite. Či už si chcete oddýchnuť po dlhom dni, alebo len potrebujete chvíľu pokoja, tento čaj je tou správnou voľbou. Objednajte si svoj ešte dnes a objavte prírodné dobroty rebríka. ..
10.70 USD
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