upokojujúci esenciálny olej
(1 stránok)
Aromalife rose absolútna äth / olej fl 5 ml
Aromalife Rose Absolute Äth / Oil Fl 5 ml Indulge in the beauty of the Aromalife Rose Absolute Äth / Oil which comes in a 5 ml bottle. This luxurious essential oil is extracted from the Rosa damascena flower and has a characteristic sweet and floral scent that can uplift your mood and calm your senses. The Aromalife Rose Absolute Äth / Oil is known for its incredible therapeutic properties, which makes it one of the most sought after essential oils in the market. Its aroma has a soothing effect on the mind and can help alleviate stress and anxiety. It may also help to promote mental clarity and concentration. In addition to its emotional benefits, the Aromalife Rose Absolute Äth / Oil also has numerous physical benefits. It is believed to be an effective anti-inflammatory agent, which means that it may help reduce inflammation and pain in the body. It may also have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties which can be useful in treating minor skin infections and wounds. The Aromalife Rose Absolute Äth / Oil can be used in a variety of ways. It can be diffused in a room to create a calming and relaxing atmosphere. Alternatively, it can be mixed with a carrier oil and used for massage, or added to bathwater for a relaxing soak. It can also be added to skincare products, such as moisturizers and serums, to help nourish and rejuvenate the skin. At Aromalife, we take pride in providing our customers with high-quality essential oils that are 100% natural and free from synthetic fragrances and chemicals. Our Rose Absolute Äth / Oil is no exception. It is extracted using a traditional steam distillation process to ensure that all the natural compounds and aromas of the rose flower are preserved. Pamper yourself with the exquisite Aromalife Rose Absolute Äth / Oil and enjoy the many benefits that this marvelous essential oil has to offer!..
117.58 USD
Aromasan rosa damascena éter/olej 1 ml
Esenciálny olej Aromasan Rosa Damascena 1 ml Esenciálny olej Aromasan rosa damascena je vysoko kvalitným a cenným doplnkom vášho kozmetického a wellness režimu. Extrahuje sa z okvetných lístkov slávnej damašskej ruže, ktorá je známa svojimi intenzívnymi vôňami a terapeutickými účinkami. Esenciálny olej obsahuje mnoho prírodných zložiek vrátane citronellolu, geraniolu a nerolu, ktoré sú známe svojimi antibakteriálnymi, protizápalovými a upokojujúcimi vlastnosťami. Pomáha tiež bojovať proti úzkosti a stresu, pretože má upokojujúci účinok na myseľ. Jedným z jeho najznámejších použití je starostlivosť o pleť, pretože môže pomôcť pri liečbe kožných kazov, ako je akné, ekzém, psoriáza a rosacea. Má tiež hydratačný účinok a môže pomôcť znížiť výskyt vrások a jemných liniek. Esenciálny olej možno použiť rôznymi spôsobmi, napríklad inhaláciou, vaporizáciou alebo lokálne. Pred aplikáciou na pokožku sa odporúča zriediť nosným olejom, ako je mandľový olej alebo jojobový olej. Produkt uchovávajte mimo dosahu detí a domácich zvierat a skladujte ho na chladnom a suchom mieste. Zažite výhody damašskej ruže s esenciálnym olejom Aromasan rosa damascena a urobte z nej základ svojho kozmetického a wellness režimu...
116.85 USD
Taoasis lavendel äth/öl bio/demeter
TAOASIS Lavendel Äth/Öl Bio/demeter TAOASIS Lavendel Äth/Öl Bio/demeter is a high-quality essential oil made from organic and Demeter-certified lavender plants. The lavender plants are grown without the use of any synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, ensuring that the resulting essential oil is 100% natural, gentle, and safe. Lavender essential oil is one of the most popular and versatile essential oils, loved for its calming and relaxing properties. It has a sweet, floral aroma that can help promote feelings of tranquility and ease tension when diffused in the air or applied topically to the skin. TAOASIS Lavendel Äth/Öl Bio/demeter can be used in a variety of ways, making it a must-have in any aromatherapy collection. Some of the most common uses include: Diffusing in a room to promote relaxation and a calm environment Add to bathwater for a relaxing soak Apply topically to the skin to soothe and moisturize Use in massage to help ease tension and promote relaxation Add a few drops to your pillow before bed to help promote a restful night's sleep TAOASIS Lavendel Äth/Öl Bio/demeter is a high-quality essential oil that is safe, effective, and easy to use. It is a great addition to any aromatherapy practice and can help promote relaxation, soothe tense muscles, and improve sleep quality. Order your TAOASIS Lavendel Äth/Öl Bio/demeter today and experience the calming and relaxing benefits of this amazing essential oil!..
24.33 USD
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