podpora dýchania
(1 stránok)
Astemag plv 25 tyčinka 4 g
ASTEMAG PLV 25 Stick 4 gASTEMAG PLV 25 Stick je vysoko účinný a veľmi žiadaný produkt, pokiaľ ide o okamžitú úľavu od astmy a iných dýchacích problémov. Je to kompaktný inhalátor, ktorý sa dá ľahko nosiť so sebou, keď cestujete, alebo aj keď ste práve na cestách. Keďže ide o tyčinkový inhalátor, je ideálny pre tých, ktorí neradi nosia objemné inhalátory alebo rozprašovače, a poskytuje okamžitú úľavu od príznakov astmy. ASTEMAG PLV 25 obsahuje 25 mcg salbutamolu ako aktívnu farmaceutickú zložku, ktorá je všeobecne známa svojimi bronchodilatačnými vlastnosťami. Táto zložka pomáha uvoľniť svaly okolo dýchacích ciest v pľúcach, čo vám pomáha ľahšie dýchať. Inhalátor funguje tak, že uvoľňuje jemný prášok do pľúc cez náustok, ktorý je špeciálne navrhnutý na presné dávkovanie lieku pri každom vdýchnutí. Je ľahko použiteľný, dokonca aj pre deti, a poskytuje rýchlu úľavu od príznakov, ako je sipot, dýchavičnosť a kašeľ. Inhalátor ASTEMAG PLV 25 Stick sa dodáva vo praktickom balení po 4 gramoch, vďaka čomu sa dá ľahko skladovať a nosiť so sebou. Dodáva sa aj s návodom, ako ho používať, takže si môžete byť istí, že s produktom dosiahnete tie najlepšie výsledky. Ak hľadáte účinný a ľahko použiteľný inhalátor, ktorý poskytuje okamžitú úľavu od astmy, inhalátor ASTEMAG PLV 25 Stick je pre vás tou správnou voľbou. Je spoľahlivý, efektívny a ľahko sa nosí so sebou bez ohľadu na to, kam idete. Navyše je cenovo dostupný, vďaka čomu je dostupný pre každého, kto ho potrebuje. ..
73.99 USD
Lepšie dýchacie béžové veľké 30 ks
Better Breathing Beige Big 30 pcs Our Better Breathing Beige Big product is designed to provide optimal breathing support and comfort throughout the day. With 30 pieces in each package, this product is perfect for daily use and long-term support. Key features of this product include: High-quality materials: made from soft and durable materials, these breathing aids are gentle on the nose and suitable for extended wear. Improved airflow: the unique design of our Better Breathing Beige Big product ensures that airflow is maximized, helping to alleviate common breathing difficulties and symptoms such as snoring and congestion. Ergonomic shape: the ergonomic shape of these breathing aids helps to ensure a perfect fit for your nose, minimizing discomfort and improving overall comfort. Discreet design: our Better Breathing Beige Big product is designed to be as discreet as possible, with a natural beige color that blends in seamlessly with your skin tone. Easy to use: simply apply the adhesive to the outside of the nose and gently press the breathing aid into place. Removal is also quick and easy, with no residue left behind. This product is suitable for a wide range of individuals, including those with allergies, sinus problems, and other breathing difficulties. It is also ideal for athletes and other individuals who require enhanced breathing support during physical activity. Invest in your health and comfort with our Better Breathing Beige Big product. Order now and experience the benefits of improved breathing, greater comfort, and enhanced quality of life. ..
44.62 USD
Puressentiel sprayej vzduch esenciálny pre dýchacie cesty 19 olejov 20ml
Puressentiel Spray Air Essential for Airway 19 Oils 20ml The Puressentiel Spray Air Essential for Airway is a natural remedy that helps improve breathing and airway comfort. It is made up of 19 essential oils known for their antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. The formula is 100% natural and free from synthetic fragrances and propellants. Features and Benefits: Easy-to-use spray bottle Contains 19 essential oils Helps to improve breathing and airway comfort Has antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties 100% natural formula Free from synthetic fragrances and propellants Compact and convenient for travelling How to use: Shake the bottle before use. Spray 6 to 8 times into the air or into each corner of the room to be purified. Leave the room for 10 minutes before ventilating it. Spray 2 to 3 times on a handkerchief or pillowcase to breathe purified air. Do not spray directly on animals or plants. Precautions: Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Do not use in the presence of children under 1 year old. Do not use in the presence of a pregnant or breastfeeding woman. Keep away from heat and direct sunlight. Keep out of reach of children. External use only. Get your hands on the Puressentiel Spray Air Essential for Airway 19 Oils 20ml and enjoy purified and breathable air in your living spaces. It is perfect for people with respiratory problems or allergies, or for anyone who wants to keep their living spaces clean and fresh...
22.46 USD
(1 stránok)