liečba alergie
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Fľaša na vyplachovanie nosa simalaya 125 ml
Simalaya Nasal Douche Fl 125 ml: A Natural Solution to Sinus Problems The Simalaya Nasal Douche Fl 125 ml is a natural solution for those who suffer from sinus problems or allergies. This product contains a special blend of mineral salts, herbs, and plant extracts that provide relief from congestion, inflammation, and other common sinus symptoms. Features and Benefits Clears the sinus passages and improves breathing. Reduces inflammation and nasal congestion. Relieves sinus pressure and headaches. Non-addictive and safe for all ages. Hygienic and easy to use. How to Use Simalaya Nasal Douche Fl 125 ml comes with a special nozzle that allows you to apply the solution directly into your nostrils. Simply fill the bottle with warm water, add a spoonful of the provided mineral salt blend, and mix well. Then, insert the nozzle into each nostril and gently squeeze the bottle to release the solution. Use once daily or as recommended by your healthcare provider. Ingredients Simalaya Nasal Douche Fl 125 ml is made with all-natural ingredients, including: Mineral salts Chamomile extract Peppermint extract Eucalyptus extract Thyme extract These ingredients work together to reduce inflammation, clear the nasal passages, and provide relief from sinus symptoms. Conclusion If you're tired of relying on medications to manage your sinus symptoms, try Simalaya Nasal Douche Fl 125 ml. This all-natural solution is safe, effective, and easy to use, making it the perfect choice for anyone who wants to breathe easier and feel better...
28.48 USD
Ochrana nosového spreja puressentiel pred alergiami
PURESSENTIEL ochrana nosovým sprejom proti alergiám Ak trpíte alergiami, viete, aké nepríjemné a nepríjemné môžu byť príznaky ako kýchanie, svrbenie očí a upchatý nos. Ochranný nosový sprej proti alergiám PURESSENTIEL vám pomôže zmierniť tento stres a zabezpečiť voľné a čisté dýchanie nosom. Ako funguje nosový sprej PURESSENTIEL? Nosový sprej PURESSENTIEL obsahuje čisto prírodné zložky, ako je eukalyptus a mätový olej, ktoré zaistia, že sa váš nos prečistí a budete môcť opäť zhlboka dýchať. Jedinečné zloženie nosového spreja účinne pôsobí proti alergénom tým, že čistí a upokojuje nosovú sliznicu a inhibuje zápalové procesy. Prečo by ste si mali vybrať nosový sprej PURESSENTIEL? 100% prírodné, bez chemikálií a konzervačných látok Dlhotrvajúci účinok a rýchla úľava od symptómov Na prevenciu a liečbu alergií, nachladnutí a infekcií Pohodlná aplikácia vďaka praktickej rozprašovacej hlavici Vhodné pre deti od 3 rokov a dospelých Ako používať PURESSENTIEL nosovú aerodisperziu: Pred použitím fľaštičku dobre pretrepte. Odstráňte ochranný kryt. Vložte rozprašovaciu hlavicu do jednej nosovej dierky. Pri striekaní jemne dýchajte ústami. Postup zopakujte v druhej nosovej dierke. Poznámka: Odporúča sa aplikovať každých 6 hodín. Trpíte alergiami a hľadáte bezpečné a prirodzené riešenie? Objednajte si ochranu nosového spreja proti alergiám PURESSENTIEL ešte dnes a pocítite účinok na vlastnej koži! Nosový sprej je dostupný v každej lekárni alebo sa dá pohodlne objednať online...
28.78 USD
Triomerová nosová masť tube 10 g
Triomer Nasal Ointment Tb 10 g The Triomer Nasal Ointment is a healthcare product that is specifically designed to provide you with relief for nasal congestion, allergies, and other respiratory conditions. It comes in a convenient and easy-to-use 10g tube which makes application quick and hassle-free. Triple Action Formula – The Triomer Nasal Ointment is formulated with three active ingredients - Xylometazoline, Ipratropium Bromide, and Dexamethasone. These components work together to decongest your nose and clear your airways, reduce inflammation, and relieve symptoms such as itching, sneezing, and runny nose. Effective Relief – The Triomer Nasal Ointment is a reliable choice for anyone seeking effective and long-lasting relief from nasal congestion and allergies. Its potent formula provides quick results and helps you breathe easier in no time. Safe to Use – The Triomer Nasal Ointment is a non-invasive and safe-to-use product that does not cause any side effects or harm to your nasal passages. It is suitable for adults and children above the age of 12, making it an ideal solution for your entire family. Overall, the Triomer Nasal Ointment Tb 10 g is a must-have healthcare product for anyone seeking a natural and effective solution for nasal congestion, allergies, and other respiratory conditions. Its unique triple-action formula, ease of use, and long-lasting relief make it a reliable choice for your everyday health needs. ..
14.11 USD
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