
nastaviteľná kompresia

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Preskúmajte náš sortiment nastaviteľných kompresných produktov navrhnutých tak, aby poskytovali personalizovanú podporu a úľavu. Či už potrebujete podporu pre chrbát, zápästie, členok alebo iné časti tela, tieto položky ponúkajú prispôsobiteľné úrovne kompresie, aby vyhovovali vašim individuálnym potrebám. Vyrobené z vysoko kvalitných, priedušných materiálov, zaisťujú pohodlie a odolnosť a zároveň pomáhajú pri úľave od bolesti a prevencii zranení. Ideálne pre každého, kto hľadá efektívne riešenia stavov, ako je zápal šliach, vyvrtnutia alebo všeobecná podpora pri fyzických aktivitách. Objavte náš výber a nájdite ten správny produkt, ktorý zlepší vašu pohodu a podporí regeneráciu.
Bilasto uno rückenbandage s-xl mit power straps

Bilasto uno rückenbandage s-xl mit power straps

Kód produktu: 7624809

The Bilasto Uno back support can be used to support the back muscles and reduce the strain on the vertebrae and intervertebral discs. The bandage has a removable massage pad in the lower back area, lateral pull straps (Power Strabs) for individual adjustment of the stabilization and 2 plastic supports for additional support of the lumbar area. The materials used are soft and breathable. Universal size: S-XLWaist size: 70-110cmBreathable and heat-regulating neopreneAdjustable compressionIndividually adjustable (Velcro closure) Application Before using the bandage, the type and duration of use should be determined with a medical specialist. If an ointment is applied to the same area, wait 30 minutes before putting it on. Care advice Wash with mild detergent at a maximum temperature of 35 degrees. Do not rub or squeeze when washing by hand. Do not allow the product to dry on a radiator, do not iron, do not lighten and do not dry-clean. Composition 50% aeroprene, 15% cotton, 25% polyester, 5% latex, 5% polycaprolactam, plastic stabilizing bars, pad..

138.45 USD

Bilasto uno tennis-golfarm-bandage s-xl so suchým zipsom

Bilasto uno tennis-golfarm-bandage s-xl so suchým zipsom

Kód produktu: 7624761

The Bilasto Uno Tennis/Golf Arm Bandage can be used to treat and prevent tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) or golf elbow (medial epicondylitis). The compression of the bandage is distributed through a pad from the elbow to the surrounding soft tissues. The pad provides a massage effect. Universal size: S-XLElbow circumference: 21-34cm Individually adjustable compression by Velcro closure (Velcro closure)Full freedom of movement (open toe and heel)Can be used right and left Application Before using the bandage, the type and duration of use should be determined with a medical specialist. If an ointment is applied to the same area, wait 30 minutes before putting it on. Care advice Wash with mild detergent at a maximum temperature of 35 degrees. Do not rub or squeeze when washing by hand. Do not allow the product to dry on a radiator, do not iron, do not lighten and do not dry-clean. Composition 65% aeroprene, 15% cotton, 20% polyester, plastic buckle..

28.42 USD

Coflex compressions kit tlc calamine-s 7.62cm 35-40 mmhg latex-free

Coflex compressions kit tlc calamine-s 7.62cm 35-40 mmhg latex-free

Kód produktu: 7207678

Kompresná súprava CoFlex TLC Calamine-S 7,62 cm 35-40 mmHg bez latexu Kompresná súprava CoFlex TLC Calamine-S je navrhnutá tak, aby poskytovala maximálnu kompresiu a podporu a zároveň podporovala hojenie zranených alebo pooperačných končatín. Súprava obsahuje jednu rolku 7,62 cm obväzu a jednu pumpičku pre jednoduché nastavenie kompresie. Bandáž je vyrobená s patentovanou antimikrobiálnou ochranou Microban, ktorá inhibuje rast baktérií a iných mikroorganizmov. Vďaka tomu je obväz ideálny na použitie v nemocničnom a klinickom prostredí, ako aj pre jednotlivcov s citlivou pokožkou. Funkcie: 35-40 mmHg kompresia Materiál bez latexu Mikrobanová antimikrobiálna ochrana Zahŕňa jednu rolku obväzu a jednu pumpičku Podporuje hojenie poranených alebo pooperačných končatín Výhody: Poskytuje maximálnu kompresiu a podporu Znižuje opuch a nepohodlie Nastaviteľná úroveň kompresie Jednoduché použitie a aplikácia Bezpečné a účinné pre všetky typy pleti Kompresná súprava CoFlex TLC Calamine-S je vynikajúcou voľbou pre jednotlivcov, ktorí potrebujú účinnú kompresnú terapiu zranených alebo pooperačných končatín. Ľahko sa používa, je nastaviteľný a ponúka maximálnu kompresiu a podporu. Najlepšie zo všetkého je, že je vyrobený z bezpečných a účinných materiálov, ktoré sú bezpečné pre všetky typy pleti. Ak potrebujete kompresívnu terapiu, zvážte kompresnú súpravu CoFlex TLC Calamine-S pre rýchlu a účinnú úľavu. ..

40.78 USD

Dermaplast active malleo soft plus s4

Dermaplast active malleo soft plus s4

Kód produktu: 7822260

DERMAPLAST Active Malleo Soft plus S4 DERMAPLAST Active Malleo Soft plus S4 je lekársky kompresný obväz, ktorý pomáha zmierniť bolesť a opuch spôsobený vyvrtnutím členku, zápalom šliach a inými poraneniami členka. Ide o vysokokvalitnú bandáž vyrobenú z odolných materiálov, ktoré sú šetrné k pokožke a zároveň poskytujú maximálnu kompresiu a podporu členku. Funkcie Nastaviteľná kompresia: DERMAPLAST Active Malleo Soft plus S4 je navrhnutý tak, aby poskytoval nastaviteľnú kompresiu, čo vám umožňuje prispôsobiť úroveň podpory, ktorú potrebujete pre váš členok. Ergonomický tvar: Bandáž je tvarovaná tak, aby sa prispôsobila kontúram vášho členka a poskytuje maximálne pohodlie a podporu. Priedušná tkanina: Priedušná tkanina pomáha udržiavať vašu pokožku chladnú a suchú, čím zabraňuje podráždeniu alebo nepohodliu. Jednoduché použitie: DERMAPLAST Active Malleo Soft plus S4 sa ľahko aplikuje a odstraňuje, čo vám umožňuje rýchlo a pohodlne si ho nasadiť a vyzliecť podľa potreby. Výhody DERMAPLAST Active Malleo Soft plus S4 poskytuje niekoľko výhod, vrátane: Zmierňuje bolesť a opuch: Nastaviteľná kompresia pomáha znižovať bolesť a opuch spôsobený poranením alebo stavom členka. Podporuje hojenie: Ergonomický tvar bandáže a nastaviteľná kompresia poskytujú podporu členku, čím pomáhajú podporovať hojenie a predchádzať ďalším zraneniam. Pohodlné a priedušné: DERMAPLAST Active Malleo Soft plus S4 je vyrobený z vysoko kvalitných priedušných materiálov, ktoré sú jemné k pokožke a poskytujú maximálny komfort. Pohodlný a dlhotrvajúci: Obväz sa ľahko aplikuje a odstraňuje a možno ho nosiť dlhší čas bez toho, aby stratil svoj tvar alebo účinnosť. Záver DERMAPLAST Active Malleo Soft plus S4 je vynikajúcou voľbou pre každého, kto hľadá úľavu od bolesti alebo opuchu členkov. Vďaka nastaviteľnej kompresii, ergonomickému tvaru, priedušnej tkanine a ľahko použiteľnému dizajnu poskytuje maximálnu podporu a pohodlie, čo vám umožní vrátiť sa k každodenným aktivitám s istotou a ľahkosťou. ..

100.90 USD

Gibaud členok s jednotkou vzduchového vankúša veľ

Gibaud členok s jednotkou vzduchového vankúša veľ

Kód produktu: 4091666

GIBAUD Ankle with Air Cushion Unit - Size Introducing the GIBAUD Ankle with Air Cushion Unit - Size, the perfect solution for ankle support and protection. The product is designed to offer excellent stability and comfort with its innovative air cushion unit technology. This ankle support is perfect for people who love to stay active and engage in sports activities. Key Features Adjustable compression for a customized fit Innovative air cushion for better stabilization and support Flexible design for ease of movement Easy to wear and remove Lightweight and breathable material to prevent sweating and odors Benefits The GIBAUD Ankle with Air Cushion Unit - Size has numerous benefits that make it an essential product for ankle stability and support. The adjustable compression allows for a customized fit, providing absolute comfort and support. The unit's air cushion technology enhances stability while reducing the impact of sudden movements. The flexible design of the ankle support allows for a full range of motion while still ensuring proper support during intense activities. The easy-to-wear and remove feature means you can choose to wear it whenever you desire. The lightweight and breathable material prevent sweating and odors, ensuring you can wear it for an extended period without any discomfort. This ankle support is perfect for those who engage in sports activities such as basketball, football, tennis, and badminton. Conclusion The GIBAUD Ankle with Air Cushion Unit - Size is designed to meet all your ankle support and stability needs. Whether you're recovering from an injury or looking to avoid one, this ankle support is the perfect solution. You can wear it comfortably for an extended period without any discomfort due to its lightweight and breathable material. Its adjustable compression guarantees a customized fit, providing absolute comfort and support, while the air cushion technology enhances the stability of the ankle. Get your GIBAUD Ankle with Air Cushion Unit - Size today and stay active while safeguarding your ankle from potential injuries. ..

137.80 USD

Gibaud manugib tendinitis 2r 15.5-18cm right

Gibaud manugib tendinitis 2r 15.5-18cm right

Kód produktu: 7207201

GIBAUD Manugib Tendinitis 2R 15.5-18cm Right The GIBAUD Manugib Tendinitis 2R is a high-quality wrist support specifically designed to relieve pain and discomfort associated with tendinitis in the right wrist. It is made with premium-quality materials that are both durable and comfortable. This wrist support is perfect for individuals who suffer from tendinitis and need proper support and protection for their wrist. Features Made with breathable materials that allow air to circulate freely, keeping your wrist cool and comfortable. The adjustable strap allows you to customize the level of compression you need to relieve your pain and discomfort. The anatomical design conforms to the shape of your wrist for a perfect fit. The silicone pad provides extra support and helps to reduce pressure on the affected area. The thumb loop ensures that the wrist support stays securely in place, even during physical activity. Easy to put on and take off, thanks to the simple design and Velcro fastening. Benefits The GIBAUD Manugib Tendinitis 2R is an effective wrist support that can help to relieve pain and discomfort caused by tendinitis in the right wrist. By providing the right level of compression and support, this wrist support can help to reduce inflammation and promote healing. The breathable materials used in the design also help to keep your wrist cool and comfortable, making it ideal for all-day wear. Size Guide This wrist support is designed to fit wrist circumferences of 15.5-18cm on the right hand. To ensure a proper fit, measure your wrist circumference with a tape measure and refer to the size guide before making your purchase. Conclusion If you suffer from tendinitis in your right wrist, the GIBAUD Manugib Tendinitis 2R can provide you with the support and relief you need. It is made with high-quality materials that are durable, comfortable and breathable, making it perfect for all-day wear. With its adjustable strap and anatomical design, you can customize your level of support and compression to suit your needs, helping to speed up your recovery and get you back to your daily activities as soon as possible...

100.68 USD

Gibaud waist strap elastically gr5 white 121-135cm

Gibaud waist strap elastically gr5 white 121-135cm

Kód produktu: 1887620

GIBAUD waist strap elastically Gr5 white 121-135cm The GIBAUD waist strap is made for people who require lumbar support and compression for their lower back muscles, especially for those who spend a lot of time sitting or lifting heavy objects. This waist strap is designed to offer maximum support and comfort, so you can wear it all day long without any discomfort. It features an elastic band that stretches to fit your waist perfectly, making it easy to adjust the level of compression based on your needs. The GIBAUD waist strap is made of high-quality materials that ensure durability and comfort. The exterior is covered with a soft and breathable fabric that keeps you cool and dry all day long. It also has an adjustable Velcro closure, which allows you to adjust the fit according to your body shape, ensuring a perfect fit every time. This waist strap is particularly useful for those who suffer from lower back pain, sciatica, or even mild spinal conditions. It can also prevent injuries during physical activity by supporting your lower back muscles and improving your posture. The GIBAUD waist strap is available in white color, and it measures between 121-135cm in length, ensuring that it fits most people. Overall, the GIBAUD waist strap is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to support their lower back muscles while engaging in physical activities or even sitting for long periods. Its high-quality materials, adjustability, and breathability make it a must-have accessory for anyone seeking relief from lower back pain, improved posture, or to prevent injuries. ..

75.58 USD

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