
Детские каши

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В нашим приоритетом является здоровье и благополучие вашего ребенка. Наш ассортимент детских каш, тщательно созданный и изготовленный в Швейцарии, поставляется непосредственно от местных фермеров, чтобы обеспечить высочайшее качество для ваших малышей. Наши каши являются органическими, не содержат глютена и имеют разнообразные и привлекательные вкусы, такие как Banane Erdbeere. Мы также предлагаем наборы с молоком и пепкой Greta Giraffe, которые идеально дополнят рацион вашего ребенка. Просмотрите нашу коллекцию детских каш и других продуктов для здоровья и питания, чтобы дать вашему ребенку лучшее начало жизни. Помимо питания, Beeovita также предлагает ряд продуктов по уходу за телом и кожей, которые идеально соответствуют диетическим потребностям вашего ребенка. Доверьтесь Beeovita – там, где сочетаются здоровье, красота и швейцарское качество.
Holle babybrei hirse био

Holle babybrei hirse био

Код продукта: 6658781


16.43 USD

Holle vollkorngetreidebrei 4-корн 250 г

Holle vollkorngetreidebrei 4-корн 250 г

Код продукта: 7836591

Holle Vollkorngetreidebrei 4-Korn 250 г Ищете питательный завтрак, который зарядит вас энергией на весь день? Не ищите ничего, кроме Holle Vollkorngetreidebrei 4-Korn 250 г! Эта вкусная и полезная каша, приготовленная из четырех различных видов цельного зерна, содержит необходимые питательные вещества и клетчатку, чтобы вы чувствовали себя сытым и довольным все утро. Ингредиенты Цельнозерновые пшеничные хлопья Цельнозерновые ржаные хлопья Цельнозерновые ячменные хлопья Цельнозерновые овсяные хлопья Вот оно! Никаких добавленных сахаров или консервантов, только чистые, полезные ингредиенты, которые полезны для вас и окружающей среды. Преимущества Каждая порция Holle Vollkorngetreidebrei 4-Korn 250 г богата: Клетчатка Белок Витамины и минералы Эти ключевые питательные вещества необходимы для поддержания здоровья тела и разума. Они помогают повысить уровень энергии, поддерживают пищеварение и улучшают общее самочувствие. Подготовка Приготовить Holle Vollkorngetreidebrei 4-Korn 250 г легко и быстро: Отмерьте 5 столовых ложек хлопьев и добавьте в 150 мл горячей воды или молока. Хорошо перемешайте и оставьте на 3 минуты. Наслаждайтесь! Эта каша идеально подходит для напряженного утра, когда вам нужен полезный и удобный вариант завтрака. Он также отлично подходит для перекуса в течение дня! Почему Холле? Holle – известный производитель экологически чистых продуктов для младенцев и детей. Уже более 80 лет они производят высококачественную, полезную пищу, используя только лучшие органические ингредиенты. Все их продукты не содержат искусственных консервантов, ароматизаторов и красителей, чтобы ваши дети получали самое лучшее. С Holle Vollkorngetreidebrei 4-Korn 250 г вы можете быть уверены, что получаете здоровый и питательный завтрак, полезный для вашего тела и планеты...

15.93 USD

Holle детское питание 3-злаковый био 250 г

Holle детское питание 3-злаковый био 250 г

Код продукта: 3994455

Property name Organic cereal porridge for infants from the 6th month Composition Wholemeal rice flour* 70%, corn flour** 20%, wholemeal millet flour* 10%, thiamin (vitamin B1, vitaminized by law). * from organic farming ** Demeter (from biodynamic farming) May contain traces of MUSTARD.DE. Properties From the 6th month, several types of grain can be fed at the same time.This 3-grain mix brings variety to baby's menu, for a varied diet right from the start on.Gluten free. Rice, corn and millet, gluten-free, dairy-free, no added sugar¹,¹contains natural sugars Application 1. Heat 100ml whole milk and 100ml water to approx. 50°C. 2. Add 6 tbsp (25g) of cereal. 3. Mix everything well, let the porridge swell briefly and ensure the correct serving temperature (37°C). Alternatively, you can prepare the cereal porridge with 130 ml breast milk, 200 ml whole milk or water or Holle infant milk made from cow or goat milk (150 - 170 ml). Nutritional values Nutritional value Quantity per % Measurement accuracy Energy 1638 kJ 100 g Approximate value (~) Energy 387 kcal 100 g Approximate value (~) Fat 2.8 g td> 100 g Approximate value (~) Fat, of which saturated fatty acids 0.7 g 100 g Approximate value (~) Carbohydrates 80 g 100 g Approximate value (~) Carbohydrates, of which sugar 0.8 g 100 g Approximate value (~) Protein 8.7 g 100 g Approximate value (~) Salt 0.01 g 100 g Approximate value (~) Thiamin (Vitamin B1) 1.11 mg 100 g Approximate value (~) Sodium 0.005 µg 100 g Approximate value (~ ) Allergens May contain Mustard and mustard products Notes gluten-free Important notes: For the health of yourbaby, it is important to follow the preparation recommendations. Always prepare the food fresh. Please do not reuse food leftovers and do not heat the porridge in the microwave (risk of overheating). Pay attention to a balanced diet, a healthy lifestyle and thorough dental care from your baby's first tooth. Please store in a dry place and protect from heat. Best before: see bottom embossing. Use up the opened sachet within 3 weeks Property name Organic cereal for infants from the 6th month p> Composition Wholemeal rice flour* 70%, corn flour** 20%, wholemeal millet flour* 10%, thiamin (vitamin B1, vitaminized by law). * from organic farming ** Demeter (from biodynamic farming) May contain traces of MUSTARD.DE. Properties From the 6th month, several types of grain can be fed at the same time.This 3-grain mix brings variety to baby's menu, for a varied diet right from the start on.Gluten free. Rice, corn and millet, gluten-free, dairy-free, no added sugar¹,¹contains natural sugars Application 1. Heat 100ml whole milk and 100ml water to approx. 50°C. 2. Add 6 tbsp (25g) of cereal. 3. Mix everything well, let the porridge swell briefly and ensure the correct serving temperature (37°C). Alternatively, you can prepare the cereal porridge with 130 ml breast milk, 200 ml whole milk or water or Holle infant milk made from cow or goat milk (150 - 170 ml). Nutritional values Nutritional valueQuantityper%Measurement accuracy Energy1638 kJ100 gApproximate value (~)Energy387 kcal 100 gApproximate value (~)Fat2.8 g td>100 gApproximate value (~)Fat, of which saturated fatty acids0.7 g100 gApproximate value (~)Carbohydrates80 g100 gApproximate value (~)Carbohydrates, of which sugar0.8 g100 gApproximate value (~) Protein8.7 g100 gApproximate value (~)Salt0.01 g100 gApproximate value (~)Thiamin (vitamin B1)1.11 mg100 gApproximate value (~)Sodium0.005 µg100 gApproximate value (~ ) Allergens May contain Mustard and mustard products Notes gluten-free Important notes: For the health of yourbaby, it is important to follow the preparation recommendations. Always prepare the food fresh. Please do not reuse food leftovers and do not heat the porridge in the microwave (risk of overheating). Pay attention to a balanced diet, a healthy lifestyle and thorough dental care from your baby's first tooth. Please store in a dry place and protect from heat. Best before: see bottom embossing. Use up the opened sachet within 3 weeks ..

16.50 USD

Holle детское питание манка био 250 г

Holle детское питание манка био 250 г

Код продукта: 3994515

Property name Organic porridge for infants from the 5th month Composition Wholemeal WHEAT FLOUR** 100%, thiamin (vitamin B1, vitaminized by law) ** Demeter (from biodynamic agriculture) DE. Properties Usable as cereal-milk porridge, non-dairy porridge and cereal-fruit porridge. 100% whole wheat, dairy-free, no added sugar¹, ¹contains natural sugars Application 1. Heat 100 ml whole milk and 100 ml water to approx. 50 °C. 2. Add 6 tbsp (25g) whole grain cereal. 3. Mix everything well, let the porridge swell briefly and ensure the correct serving temperature (37 °C). Bon appetit! Alternatively, you can prepare the cereal porridge with 130 ml breast milk, 200 ml whole milk or water or a cup of infant milk made from cow or goat milk (150-170 ml). Nutritional values Nutritional value Quantity per % Measurement Accuracy Energy 1548 kJ 100 g Approximate value (~ ) Energy 366 kcal 100 g Approximate value (~) tr> Fat 2.2 g 100 g Approximate value (~) tr> Fat, thereof saturated fatty acids 0.6 g 100 g Approximate value (~) td> Carbohydrates 70 g 100 g Approximate value (~) tr> Carbohydrates, including sugar 1.4 g 100 g Approximate value (~) Dietary fiber 11 g 100 g Approximate value (~) tr> Protein 11 g 100 g Approximate value (~) tr> Salt 0.01 g 100 g Less than () Thiamine (Vitamin B1) 1.1 mg 100 g Approximate value (~) td> Sodium 0.005 g 100 g Less than () Allergens Contains Wheat and wheat products Notes Contains gluten Important notes: For the health of your baby, it is important to follow the preparation recommendations. Always prepare the food fresh. Please do not reuse food leftovers and do not heat the porridge in the microwave (risk of overheating). Pay attention to a balanced diet, a healthy lifestyle and thorough dental care right from your baby's first tooth. Please store in a dry place and protect from heat. Best before: see bottom embossing. Use up the opened sachet within 3 weeks Property name Organic cereal for infants from the 5th month p> Composition Wholemeal WHEAT FLOUR** 100%, thiamin (vitamin B1, vitaminized by law) ** Demeter (from biodynamic agriculture) DE. Properties Usable as grain-milk porridge, non-dairy porridge and grain-fruit porridge. 100% whole wheat, dairy-free, no added sugar¹, ¹contains natural sugars Application 1. Heat 100 ml whole milk and 100 ml water to approx. 50 °C. 2. Add 6 tbsp (25g) whole grain cereal. 3. Mix everything well, let the porridge swell briefly and ensure the correct serving temperature (37 °C). Bon appetit! Alternatively, you can prepare the cereal porridge with 130 ml breast milk, 200 ml whole milk or water or a cup of infant milk made from cow or goat milk (150-170 ml). Nutritional values Nutritional valueQuantityper%Measurement accuracy Energy1548 kJ100 gApproximate value (~)Energy366 kcal 100 gApproximate value (~)Fat2.2 g td>100 gApproximate value (~)Fat, of which saturated fatty acids0.6 g100 gApproximate value (~)Carbohydrates70 g100 gApproximate value (~)Carbohydrates, of which sugar1.4 g100 gApproximate value (~) Dietary fiber11 g100 gApproximate value (~)Protein11 g100 gApproximate value (~)Salt0.01 g100 gSmaller than () tr>Thiamine (vitamin B1)1.1 mg100 gApproximate value (~) Sodium0.005 g100 gLess than ( ) Allergens Contains Wheat and wheat products Notes Contains gluten Important notes: For the health of your baby, it is important to follow the preparation recommendations. Always prepare the food fresh. Please do not reuse food leftovers and do not heat the porridge in the microwave (risk of overheating). Pay attention to a balanced diet, a healthy lifestyle and thorough dental care right from your baby's first tooth. Please store in a dry place and protect from heat. Best before: see bottom embossing. Use up the opened sachet within 3 weeks ..

16.50 USD

Milupa goodnight soft start 4м + 400г

Milupa goodnight soft start 4м + 400г

Код продукта: 7758700

Milupa Goodnight Gentle Start is a soft-melting milk pudding and is therefore ideal for the start of treatment from the 4th month. Milupa cereal and milk paps are side dishes that are adapted to the baby's special nutritional needs. Therebypays particular attention to quality: The grain comes from selected farmers and undergoes up to 650 quality controls before it is put on the baby spoon. The cereal grains are ground as finely as babies of that age need and at the same time provide important nutrients such as carbohydrates. Ideal before bedtime. Gluten-free.With vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium and vitamin D.No added sugar. (But contains sugar naturally).With valuable, baby-friendly cereals.In practical, resealable packaging. CompositionCereals (45.8%) (maize (27.5%), rice (18.3%)), skimmed milk powder (26%), demineralised whey powder (from milk) (17%), vegetable oils (palm, rape, coconut, sunflower, emulsifier: soya lecithin), mineral mixture (calcium carbonate, iron diphosphate, potassium iodide), vitamin mixture (vitamin C, vitamin B?, vitamin A, vitamin D), natural vanilla flavour...

21.31 USD

Nestlé milchbrei banane erdbeere & vollkorncerealien 8 monate 450 г

Nestlé milchbrei banane erdbeere & vollkorncerealien 8 monate 450 г

Код продукта: 7822532

Nestlé Milchbrei Banane Erdbeere & Vollkorncerealien 8 Monate 450 g Introducing the Nestlé Milchbrei Banane Erdbeere & Vollkorncerealien, a delicious and nutritious cereal that is perfect for babies 8 months and up. This cereal contains carefully selected ingredients that are mild and gentle on your baby's tummy, ensuring a healthy and happy baby. The Nestlé Milchbrei Banane Erdbeere & Vollkorncerealien is packed with essential nutrients that are important for your baby's growth and development. The cereal contains whole grain cereal flakes, which are an excellent source of complex carbohydrates that provide sustained energy for your little one to explore the world. This cereal also contains real fruits like banana and strawberry, which have a natural sweetness that your baby will love. The fruits are also rich in vitamins and minerals that are essential for a healthy immune system and overall growth and development. For added nutrition, this cereal is enriched with important vitamins and minerals like iron, calcium, and vitamins A, C, and D. These nutrients help support bone growth, brain development, and healthy vision, among other benefits. The Nestlé Milchbrei Banane Erdbeere & Vollkorncerealien is also easy to prepare. Simply mix with warm water or your baby's milk of choice and stir until smooth. It's convenient for busy parents and perfect for on-the-go feeding. Overall, the Nestlé Milchbrei Banane Erdbeere & Vollkorncerealien is a tasty and wholesome choice for your little one. It's a great way to introduce new flavors and textures to their diets while ensuring optimal nutrition and development...

28.64 USD

детское питание holle babymüesli bio 250 г

детское питание holle babymüesli bio 250 г

Код продукта: 3994461

Характеристики детского питания Holle Babymüesli Bio 250 гКоличество в упаковке: 1 гВес: 250 г Длина: 60 ​​мм Ширина: 125 мм Высота: 200 мм Купить детское питание Holle Babymüesli Bio 250 г онлайн из Швейцарии..

16.50 USD

детское питание holle полба био 250 г

детское питание holle полба био 250 г

Код продукта: 3994449

The Holle organic baby porridge with spelled is versatile. It is quick and easy to prepare without boiling. Cereal milk porridge can be prepared with breast milk, baby formula or fresh milk. Water is also suitable as a milk-free variant from the start of complementary feeding and the preparation with fruit or vegetables as part of a mixed complementary feeding. The whole grain cereal is processed into an easily digestible and baby-friendly form. The grain starch is gently broken down with heat and moisture, making it easily digestible for the baby's still maturing organism. By using the whole grain, the valuable nutrients and active ingredients of the grain are largely retained. Application Suitable for starting complementary food after the 4th month at the earliest as part of a mixed diet...

16.50 USD

зерно milupa bio 7 через 6 месяцев; 180 г

зерно milupa bio 7 через 6 месяцев; 180 г

Код продукта: 7757989

Milupa Bio 7 Korn is a finely ground cereal porridge and is ideal as a complementary food from 6 months of age. It consists of wheat, oats, barley, rye, maize, rice and spelt. Milupa cereal and milk porridges are complementary foods that are adapted to the special nutritional needs of the baby. Special attention isspecial attention is paid to quality: The cereals come from selected farmers and go through several quality controls before they are put on the baby spoon. The cereal grains are ground as finely as babies need at that age, while providing important nutrients such as carbohydrates. May contain traces of milk and soy No added sugar (but naturally contains sugar)In convenient, resealable packaging Composition Cereals (100%) (organic whole grain wheat meal (88%), organic whole grain oatmeal (2.9%), organic whole grain barley meal (1.8%), organic whole grain rye flour (1.8%), organic maize semolina (1.8%), organic rice flour ( 1.8%), organic whole grain spelled wheat flour (1.8%)), vitamin B?.Whole grain cereal: 96.5%..

12.78 USD

каша holle полба био 250 г

каша holle полба био 250 г

Код продукта: 3998387

Property name Organic cereal milk porridge for infants from the 5th month Composition Wholemeal SPELLED FLOUR³ 37%, skimmed milk powder* 20%, maltodextrin*, vegetable oils* (palm oil*, sunflower oil*, rapeseed oil*), WHEY PRODUCT* (partially demineralised WHEY POWDER*) 6 %, SWEET WHEY POWDER* 6%, calcium carbonate, vitamin A, vitamin D, thiamine (vitamin B1) * from organic farming ** Demeter (from biodynamic farming) ³an ancient WHEAT SPECIES. Properties If you need something quick, Holle organic milk cereal porridge is ideal: simply prepare it with water and the baby porridge is ready.Spelt has a slightly nutty flavor Taste. contains naturally occurring sugars Application 1. Heat 130 ml of water to approx. 50 °C. 2. Add 6 tbsp (40 g) milk porridge powder. 3. Mix everything well, let the porridge swell briefly and pay attention to the correct serving temperature (37 °C). Bon appetit! Nutritional values Nutritional value Quantity per % Measurement Accuracy Energy 1793 kJ 100 g Approximate value (~ ) Energy 426 kcal 100 g Approximate value (~) tr> Fat 12.9 g 100 g Approximate value (~) tr> Fat, of which saturated fatty acids 4.4 g 100 g Approximate value (~) td> Carbohydrates 61.4 g 100 g Approximate value (~) tr> Carbohydrates, including sugar 21.3 g 100 g Approximate value (~) Protein 14.4 g 100 g Approximate value (~) tr> Salt 0.31 g 100 g Approximate value (~) tr> Calcium 472 mg 100 g Approximate value (~) tr> Thiamine (vitamin B1) 0.70 mg 100 g Approximate value (~) td> Vitamin D 7.1 µg 100 g Approximate value (~) Vitamin A 586 µg 100 g Approximate value (~) Sodium 0.12 g 100 g Approximate value (~) tr> Allergens Contains Spelt and spelled products (cereals containing gluten) Milk and milk products Milk sugar (lactose) Notes Contains gluten For your baby's health, it is important to follow the preparation recommendations . Always prepare the food fresh. Please do not reuse food leftovers and do not heat the porridge in the microwave (risk of overheating). Pay attention to a balanced diet, a healthy lifestyle and thorough dental care right from your baby's first tooth. Please store in a dry place and protect from heat. Best before: seebottom embossing. Use up opened sachet within 3 weeks. Property name Organic cereal milk porridge for infants from the 5th month p> Composition Wholemeal SPELLED FLOUR³ 37%, skimmed milk powder* 20%, maltodextrin*, vegetable oils* (palm oil*, sunflower oil*, rapeseed oil*), WHEY PRODUCT* (partially demineralized WHEY POWDER*) 6 %, SWEET WHEY POWDER* 6%, calcium carbonate, vitamin A, vitamin D, thiamine (vitamin B1) * from organic farming ** Demeter (from biodynamic farming) ³an ancient WHEAT SPECIES. Properties If you need something quick, Holle organic milk cereal porridge is ideal: simply prepare it with water and the baby porridge is ready.Spelt has a slightly nutty flavor Taste. contains naturally occurring sugars Application 1. Heat 130 ml of water to approx. 50 °C. 2. Add 6 tbsp (40 g) milk porridge powder. 3. Mix everything well, let the porridge swell briefly and pay attention to the correct serving temperature (37 °C). Bon appetit! Nutritional values Nutritional valueQuantityper%Measurement accuracy Energy1793 kJ100 gApproximate value (~ ) Energy426 kcal100 gApproximate value (~) tr>Fat12.9 g100 gApproximate value (~) tr>Fat, thereof saturated fatty acids4.4 g100 gApproximate value (~) td> Carbohydrates61.4 g100 gApproximate value (~) tr>Carbohydrates, including sugar21.3 g100 gApproximate value (~) Protein14.4 g100 gApproximate value (~) tr>Salt0.31 g100 gApproximate value (~) tr>Calcium472 mg100 gApproximate value (~) tr>Thiamine (vitamin B1)0.70 mg100 gApproximate value (~) td> Vitamin D7.1 µg100 gApproximate value (~) Vitamin A586 µg100 gApproximate value (~) Sodium0.12 g100 gApproximate value (~) tr> Allergens Contains Spelt and spelled products (cereals containing gluten)Milk and milk productsMilk sugar (lactose) Notes Contains gluten For your baby's health, it is important to follow the preparation recommendations . Always prepare the food fresh. Please do not reuse food leftovers and do not heat the porridge in the microwave (risk of overheating). Pay attention to a balanced diet, a healthy lifestyle and thorough dental care right from your baby's first tooth. Please store in a dry place and protect from heat. Best before: seebottom embossing. Use up opened sachet within 3 weeks. ..

16.43 USD

милупа доброе утро мягкие фрукты 6м + 400г

милупа доброе утро мягкие фрукты 6м + 400г

Код продукта: 7758704

Milupa Good Morning Mild Fruits is a soft-melting milk pudding and is therefore ideal as a side dish from the 6th month. Milupa cereal and milk porridge are side dishes that are adapted to the special nutritional needs of the baby. In this casepays particular attention to quality: The grain comes from selected farmers and undergoes up to 650 quality controls before it is put on the baby spoon. The cereal grains are ground as finely as babies of that age need and at the same time provide important nutrients such as carbohydrates. Ideal in the morning after getting up. Gluten-free.No added sugar. (But contains sugar naturally).With vitamins and minerals, such as iron, calcium and vitamin D.With valuable, baby-friendly cereals. In practical, resealable packaging. Composition Durum wheat semolina (31.9%), skimmed milk powder (26%), demineralised whey powder (from milk) (17 %), vegetable oils (palm, rape, coconut, sunflower, emulsifier: soya lecithin), banana flakes (7%), apple powder (5%), orange powder (dried orange 1.2%, rice flour), mineral mixture (calcium carbonate, iron III diphosphate, potassium iodide), vitamin mixture (vitamin C, vitamin B?, vitamin A, vitamin D)...

20.29 USD

смородина слива hipp в груше greta giraffe 100 г

смородина слива hipp в груше greta giraffe 100 г

Код продукта: 7195917

Характеристики Hipp сливовая смородина в груше Greta Giraffe 100 гКоличество в упаковке: 1 гВес: 107 г Длина: 38 мм Ширина: 70 мм Высота: 155 мм Купить Смородина слива Hipp в груше Greta Giraffe 100 г онлайн из Швейцарии..

5.08 USD

цельнозерновые фрукты milupa goodnight 6м + 400г

цельнозерновые фрукты milupa goodnight 6м + 400г

Код продукта: 7758702

Milupa Goodnight Wholegrain Fruit is a soft-melting milk pudding and is therefore ideal as a supplementary diet from the 6th month. Milupa cereal and milk porridge are side dishes that are adapted to the baby's special nutritional needs. In this casepays particular attention to quality: The grain comes from selected farmers and undergoes up to 650 quality controls before it is put on the baby spoon. The cereal grains are ground as finely as babies of that age need and at the same time provide important nutrients such as carbohydrates. Ideal before bedtime. Gluten-free.With vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium and vitamin D.No added sugar. (But contains sugar naturally).With valuable, baby-friendly cereals.In practical, resealable packaging. Composition Cereals (37.2%) (wheat(32.2%), rice (1.5%), rye (0.7%), oats (0.7%), spelled wheat (0.7%), millet(0.7%), buckwheat (0.7 %)), skimmed milk powder (26%), demineralised whey powder (from milk) (17%), vegetable oils (palm, rapeseed, coconut, sunflower, emulsifier: soya lecithin), apple powder (5%), banana flakes (2%), pear flakes (1%), orange powder (0.3%), mineral mixture (calcium carbonate, iron III diphosphate, potassium iodide), vitamin mixture (vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin A, vitamin D).Whole grain cereals 34.4%...

20.29 USD

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