DermaPlast Sparablanc tekstylny 1,25cmx5m kolor skóry
DERMAPLAST Sparablanc tekstylny 1,25cmx5m kolor skóry Do mocowania opatrunków. Tekstylny plaster m..
5,89 USD
DermaPlast Sensitive Schnellverb hf 8x10cm 10szt
DERMAPLAST SENSITIVE Schnellverb hf 8x10cm 10 szt. Elastyczny, delikatny materiał jest hipoalergicz..
13,91 USD
DermaPlast Kids Quick Association 6x10cm Plastik 10 szt
DermaPlast Kids szybki bandaż 6x10cm plastikowy 10 szt. Trwała folia jest odporna na wodę i brud, h..
9,96 USD
Dermaplast Isopor Fixing 1,25cmx10m flizelina biała rola
The white Dermaplast Isopor is the special fixing plaster with a particularly skin-friendly adhesive..
6,68 USD
DERMAPLAST CoFix 10cmx20m weiss
DermaPlast CoFix 10 cm x 20 m biały DermaPlast® CoFix to samoprzylepny bandaż z gazy o wymiarach 10 ..
26,09 USD
Kompres z gazy Dermaplast 8x12cm sterylny 80 szt
Sterylny kompres z gazy Dermaplast - 8x12cm Trzymaj w apteczce sterylne kompresy z gazy Dermaplast..
17,70 USD
Kompres z gazy Dermaplast sterylny 10x10cm 80szt
Ideal for cleaning and covering wounds. The product is made of 100% cotton and is bleached and cut. ..
15,68 USD
Dermaplast Protect Plus Express 19mmx72mm 15 szt
DermaPlast Protect Plus Express is flexible, waterproof and permeable to air. The plasters are suita..
5,41 USD
DermaPlast Medical Fixiervlies 10cmx2m
For the treatment of wounds, also after surgery, for sensitive skin. - Easy application - Breathable..
12,14 USD
DERMAPLAST Skóra medyczna+ 10x8cm
DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ 10x8cm DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ is a highly effective and versatile woun..
20,86 USD
Taśma sportowa DermaPlast Active 5cmx7m
Charakterystyka taśmy sportowej DermaPlast Active Sporttape 5cmx7mCertyfikat w Europie CEIlość w opa..
19,50 USD
DERMAPLAST Aktywna Kinesiotape 5cmx5m różowa
DermaPlast Aktywna Kinesiotape 5cmx5m różowa Taśma terapeutyczna wykonana z materiału wysokoelastyc..
37,72 USD
DERMAPLAST COMBIFIX Korperverband 8cmx4m
DERMAPLAST COMBIFIX Körperverband 8cmx4m DERMAPLAST COMBIFIX is a high-quality body bandage tha..
16,97 USD
DermaPlast COMBIFIX finger dressing 4x50cm
Product Description: DermaPlast COMBIFIX Finger Dressing 4x50cm The DermaPlast COMBIFIX Finger Dress..
9,31 USD
DERMAPLAST Active Bandaż Sportowy 8cmx5m
The Dermaplast Active sports bandage is particularly suitable for fixations, pressure and support ba..
13,91 USD