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Velkommen til Beeovita, din dedikerte leverandør av sveitsiske helse- og skjønnhetsprodukter som prioriterer hjertehelse. Vi går utover konvensjonelle kategorier som helseprodukter, naturmidler og homeopati for å tilby et mangfoldig utvalg av varer, inkludert perfusjonsløsninger, kosttilskudd og til og med dagligvarer for et balansert kosthold. Våre kombinerte produkter tilbyr omfattende pleie, adresserer kardiovaskulær funksjon, hjelper blodsirkulasjonen og støtter ernæring. Vi er stolte av å tilby en rekke naturlige rettsmidler, inkludert antioksidanter og kosttilskudd som styrker bein- og hjernehelsen. Kombinert med gunstige produkter som koenzym Q10 (CoQ10), Omega-3 fettsyrer og kolesteroltilskudd som bidrar til å senke LDL-kolesterol, sammen med veganske kosttilskudd og hvitløkstilskudd, tar vi sikte på å opprettholde et sunt kardiovaskulært system. For overvåkingsformål tilbyr vi enheter for blodtrykksmåling, noe som forbedrer våre kunders evne til å spore hjertehelsen. Handle på Beeovita nå for å starte din hjertehelsereise med overlegne sveitsiske kvalitetsprodukter.
Allvita hvitløk pluss filmtabl fl 180 stk

Allvita hvitløk pluss filmtabl fl 180 stk

Produktkode: 7835042

Allvita Garlic plus Filmtabl Fl 180 Stk Allvita Garlic plus Filmtabl Fl 180 Stk is specially formulated to promote overall heart health, strengthen the immune system and support digestive health. This supplement combines the natural properties of garlic with other essential ingredients to enhance the effectiveness of garlic, making it a convenient and easy to consume daily supplement. Garlic has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties and natural health benefits. Allvita Garlic plus Filmtabl Fl 180 Stk provides the equivalent of 1000mg of fresh garlic in each tablet, making it ideal for those who may not consume adequate amounts of garlic in their diet. Garlic is widely known for boosting the immune system, reducing inflammation and lowering blood pressure. In addition to garlic, Allvita Garlic plus Filmtabl Fl 180 Stk also contains essential vitamins and minerals including Vitamin C, Vitamin B12, and Zinc. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps to protect cells from free radical damage, while Vitamin B12 supports the nervous system and helps to maintain healthy brain function. Zinc plays an important role in immunity, wound healing and maintaining healthy skin. Allvita Garlic plus Filmtabl Fl 180 Stk is safe to use and has no known side effects. This supplement is suitable for vegetarians and is gluten-free. Each bottle contains 180 tablets, providing up to 6 months of daily use. Take control of your health today and add Allvita Garlic plus Filmtabl Fl 180 Stk to your daily routine. ..

93.98 USD

Bioligo lithium lös 20 amp 2 ml

Bioligo lithium lös 20 amp 2 ml

Produktkode: 1593982

Bioligo Lithium Lös 20 Amp 2 ml Bioligo Lithium Lös 20 Amp 2 ml er et svært effektivt og pålitelig kosttilskudd som er utviklet for å støtte optimal funksjon av nervesystemet, musklene og hjertet. Dette tilskuddet inneholder en balansert og biotilgjengelig form for litium, som er et viktig mineral kjent for å støtte ulike fysiologiske prosesser i kroppen. Fordeler med Bioligo Lithium Lös 20 Amp 2 ml Støtter nervesystemets helse: Litium er kjent for å spille en viktig rolle i funksjonen til nevrotransmittere, som er avgjørende for riktig kommunikasjon mellom nerveceller. Bioligo Lithium Lös 20 Amp 2 ml støtter helsen til nervesystemet, og bidrar til å forbedre fokus, hukommelse og kognitiv funksjon. Støtter muskelhelse: Litium bidrar til å forbedre muskelstyrke og funksjon ved å øke opptaket av glukose og glykogensyntese. Dette tillegget kan også bidra til å redusere muskelsmerter og betennelser. Støtter hjertehelsen: Litium har vist seg å støtte helsen til det kardiovaskulære systemet ved å redusere betennelse, forbedre blodstrømmen og redusere risikoen for hjertesykdom. Trygt og effektivt: Bioligo Lithium Lös 20 Amp 2 ml er et trygt og effektivt kosttilskudd som er fritt for skadelige giftstoffer og tilsetningsstoffer. Den har blitt formulert for å sikre maksimal biotilgjengelighet og absorpsjon, og sikre at du får maksimalt utbytte av hver dose. Bruksanvisning For å bruke Bioligo Lithium Lös 20 Amp 2 ml, åpne ampullen og hell væsken i et glass vann eller juice. Drikk blandingen en gang om dagen, helst med et måltid. Det er viktig å følge de anbefalte doseringsretningslinjene og ikke overskride den anbefalte daglige dosen. Hvis du er gravid eller ammer, kontakt helsepersonell før du bruker Bioligo Lithium Lös 20 Amp 2 ml. Hvis du opplever noen bivirkninger, slutt å bruke kosttilskuddet og ta kontakt med helsepersonell. Bestill Bioligo Lithium Lös 20 Amp 2 ml i dag og opplev fordelene med dette svært effektive kosttilskuddet!..

30.85 USD

Bioligo sacha inchi gélules 90 stk

Bioligo sacha inchi gélules 90 stk

Produktkode: 4378327

BIOLIGO Sacha Inchi Gélules 90 stk BIOLIGO Sacha Inchi Gélules 90 stk er et kosttilskudd laget av økologiske sacha inchi frø. Sacha inchi er rik på essensielle fettsyrer som omega-3, omega-6 og omega-9, samt protein, fiber og antioksidanter. BIOLIGO Sacha Inchi Gélules 90 stk supplement er laget ved hjelp av en kaldpresset ekstraksjonsmetode som bidrar til å bevare kvaliteten og renheten til sacha inchi-oljen. Tilskuddet er vegansk, glutenfritt og ikke-GMO, noe som gjør det egnet for et bredt spekter av kostholdspreferanser. Dette produktet kommer i form av gelkapsler som er enkle å svelge, noe som gjør det praktisk å legge til din daglige kosttilskuddsrutine. Pakken inneholder 90 poser, som er nok til å vare i 3 måneder når du tar én kapsel per dag. BIOLIGO Sacha Inchi Gélules 90 stk supplement er kjent for å støtte hjertehelsen, forbedre leddmobilitet og fleksibilitet, øke metabolismen og forbedre hjernens funksjon. Det bidrar også til å fremme sunn hud, hår og negler. Samlet sett er BIOLIGO Sacha Inchi Gélules 90 stk et utmerket kosttilskudd som gir en praktisk og effektiv måte å tilføre essensielle fettsyrer og andre viktige næringsstoffer til kostholdet ditt. ..

59.99 USD

Bionaturis nachtke+borage oljekapsler 500 mg 180 stk

Bionaturis nachtke+borage oljekapsler 500 mg 180 stk

Produktkode: 7515664

BIOnaturis Nachtke + borageolje Kaps 500 mg 180 stk. BIOnaturis Nachtke + borageolje Kaps 500 mg 180 stk er et kosttilskudd designet for å støtte den generelle helsen til kroppen din. Produktet inneholder naturlige ingredienser, inkludert borageolje, som gir en rekke helsefordeler. Funksjoner og fordeler Produktet BIOnaturis Nachtke + borageolje Kaps 500 mg 180 stk er spesielt formulert for å gi følgende fordeler: Støtter hjertehelsen: Borageoljen i dette produktet er rik på gamma-linolensyre (GLA), som er kjent for å forbedre hjertefunksjonen og senke blodtrykket. Hjelper med å redusere betennelse: Borageolje er også kjent for sine anti-inflammatoriske egenskaper, noe som gjør den ideell for personer som lider av tilstander som slitasjegikt, revmatoid artritt og astma. Øker immunforsvaret: Nachtke er en ingrediens i dette produktet som bidrar til å støtte immunsystemets funksjon, noe som gjør det lettere for kroppen din å bekjempe infeksjoner og sykdommer. Rik på antioksidanter: Borageolje er en rik kilde til antioksidanter, som er avgjørende for å beskytte kroppen mot skade fra frie radikaler og oksidativt stress. Ingredienser av høy kvalitet: BIOnaturis Nachtke + borageolje Kaps 500 mg 180 stk er laget av naturlige ingredienser av høy kvalitet, noe som gjør det til et trygt og effektivt kosttilskudd for din generelle helse. Bruksveiledning Hver flaske BIOnaturis Nachtke + borageolje Kaps 500 mg 180 stk inneholder 180 kapsler, som er en 3-måneders forsyning. Den anbefalte dosen er én kapsel per dag, tatt med et måltid. For best resultat anbefales det at du bruker produktet konsekvent i minst 3 måneder. Konklusjon BIOnaturis Nachtke + borageolje Kaps 500 mg 180 stk er et kraftig kosttilskudd som bidrar til å støtte din generelle helse. Med naturlige ingredienser som borageolje og Nachtke, gir dette produktet en rekke helsefordeler, inkludert forbedret hjertefunksjon, redusert betennelse og styrket immunforsvar. Bestill flasken din i dag og begynn å oppleve fordelene med dette høykvalitets kosttilskuddet...

78.50 USD

Bionaturis q10 + 100 mg kaps ds 60 stk

Bionaturis q10 + 100 mg kaps ds 60 stk

Produktkode: 7789648

BIOnaturis Q10 + 100 mg Kaps Ds 60 Stk Experience a boost in your overall health and wellness with BIOnaturis Q10 + 100 mg Kaps Ds 60 Stk. This dietary supplement contains Coenzyme Q10, a powerful antioxidant that helps support cellular energy and promotes heart health. Each capsule contains 100mg of CoQ10, providing a daily dose of this essential nutrient to help fight free radicals and boost your immune system. BIOnaturis Q10 + 100 mg Kaps Ds 60 Stk is made with all-natural ingredients that are safe and effective. The capsules contain a blend of vitamins and minerals intended to enhance the body's natural defenses and support overall health. It is free from artificial colors and preservatives, making it ideal for those who prefer natural supplements. These capsules are easy to swallow and convenient to take, making it a perfect addition to your daily regimen. They are formulated with high-quality ingredients, ensuring that you receive maximum potency and effectiveness with each dose. With 60 capsules in each bottle, you will have enough to last you for months to come. BIOnaturis Q10 + 100 mg Kaps Ds 60 Stk is suitable for adults of all ages, including those with dietary restrictions. Whether you are looking to boost your overall health and vitality or support your heart health, these capsules are an excellent choice. Order now and experience the many benefits of BIOnaturis Q10 + 100 mg Kaps Ds 60 Stk for yourself!..

67.58 USD

Burgerstein coenzyme q10 30 mg 180 kapsler

Burgerstein coenzyme q10 30 mg 180 kapsler

Produktkode: 2474044

Burgerstein Coenzyme Q10 kapsler 180 stk. Et kosttilskudd i kapselform med koenzym Q10 Egennavn Kosttilskudd Komposisjon Fyldstoff (cellulose), glassmiddel (hydroksypropylmetylcellulose), ubikinon, antiklumpemidler (magnesiumsalter av fettsyrer, cellulose, trikalsiumfosfat, risskallkonsentrat, risekstrakt). Inneholder 30 mg koenzym Q10 per kapsel. Egenskaper Koenzym Q10 er et endogent stoff som produseres av den menneskelige organismen, men som også absorberes gjennom mat. Koenzym Q10 finnes hovedsakelig i kroppen der det produseres og trengs mye energi, som i hjerte, hjerne, lever, nyrer og muskler. Hvem er Burgerstein Q10-kapsler spesielt egnet for? For personer i alderen ca. 35 år For alle mennesker som daglig kosttilskudd Utviklet og produsert i Sveits. Søknad Ta 1 kapsel daglig med litt væske. Merknader Oppbevares utilgjengelig for små barn. Den angitte anbefalte daglige dosen må ikke overskrides. Kosttilskudd er ikke en erstatning for et variert og balansert kosthold eller en sunn livsstil. ..

142.58 USD

Dr. jacob's dha-epa-algenöl kaps

Dr. jacob's dha-epa-algenöl kaps

Produktkode: 7228574

DR. JACOB'S DHA-EPA-Algenöl Kaps DR. JACOB'S DHA-EPA-Algenöl Kaps is a dietary supplement that offers a high concentration of DHA and EPA, which are two essential omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are essential for good health and play an integral role in various body functions, including brain, eye, and heart health. Benefits of DR. JACOB'S DHA-EPA-Algenöl Kaps DR. JACOB'S DHA-EPA-Algenöl Kaps provides many benefits, including: Helping maintain healthy brain function, cognitive performance and mental agility Improving eye health and visual function Supporting cardiovascular health and normal heart function Reducing joint stiffness and increasing joint mobility Boosting the immune system Why Choose DR. JACOB'S DHA-EPA-Algenöl Kaps? DR. JACOB'S DHA-EPA-Algenöl Kaps is made with high-quality algal oil, which is extracted from sustainable, non-genetically modified microalgae. Unlike fish oil supplements, it is free from heavy metals, dioxins or other toxins that can accumulate in fish. Vegan and vegetarian friendly, it is a great alternative for individuals who cannot or choose not to consume fish or fish oils. Each capsule is easy to swallow, and only one daily capsule is needed to achieve recommended intake levels, making it a convenient way to ensure you're getting the daily intake your body needs. Recommended Dosage For optimal results with DR. JACOB'S DHA-EPA-Algenöl Kaps, take one capsule daily with a meal. Do not exceed the recommended dose. The supplement should not be used as a substitute for a balanced, varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Storage Information DR. JACOB'S DHA-EPA-Algenöl Kaps should be kept in a cool, dry place, out of the reach of children, and away from direct sunlight. It should be consumed within six months once opened. Conclusion If you are looking to add more omega-3 fatty acids to your diet, DR. JACOB'S DHA-EPA-Algenöl Kaps offers a safe and effective solution. Made with high-quality algal oil, it is a reliable source of essential fatty acids, and its vegetarian-friendly formulation means it suits a wide range of dietary needs. Try it out today for optimal brain, eye, and heart health...

75.45 USD

Magnesium biomed pur kaps 150 mg 60 stk

Magnesium biomed pur kaps 150 mg 60 stk

Produktkode: 1002390

Magnesium Biomed PUR Kaps 150 mg 60 Stk Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in the functions of the human body. It is important for bone health, heart health, and muscle function. Unfortunately, many people don't get enough magnesium in their diet, which can lead to a range of health problems. Magnesium Biomed PUR Kaps are a high-quality dietary supplement that provides 150 mg of magnesium per capsule. They are made from pure, high-quality magnesium, which is readily absorbed by the body. One of the main benefits of Magnesium Biomed PUR Kaps is that they support bone health. Magnesium plays a crucial role in bone metabolism and helps to improve bone density. This makes it an essential supplement for people who are at risk of osteoporosis. Magnesium is also important for heart health. It helps to regulate heart rhythm and can reduce the risk of hypertension and heart disease. Furthermore, it is important for muscle function and can help to reduce muscle cramps and spasms. Magnesium Biomed PUR Kaps are suitable for vegetarians and are free from artificial colors, preservatives, and flavors. They come in a convenient pack of 60 capsules, making it easy to incorporate them into your daily routine. ..

62.40 USD

Microlife blodtrykksmåler a2 classic

Microlife blodtrykksmåler a2 classic

Produktkode: 7804936

Microlife Blood Pressure Monitor A2 Classic The Microlife Blood Pressure Monitor A2 Classic is one of the most accurate and reliable blood pressure monitors available in the market. It is designed to make it easy for individuals to monitor their blood pressure conveniently from the comfort of their homes. It is an ideal device for individuals who want to keep track of their blood pressure regularly and detect any changes that might require medical attention. Features of Microlife Blood Pressure Monitor A2 Classic The Microlife Blood Pressure Monitor A2 Classic comes with several features that make it an attractive choice. One of the most notable features is its ability to detect irregular heartbeats. This means that if your heart rate is not consistent, the device will warn you, allowing you to take action and seek medical attention where necessary. Other features include: Easy-to-read display: The device features a large and clear display that makes it easy for individuals of all ages to read their blood pressure readings. Accuracy: The blood pressure monitor uses advanced microlife technology that ensures high accuracy in blood pressure monitoring. Durability: The device is built to last, featuring a sturdy construction that can withstand regular use. Quick and efficient: The Microlife Blood Pressure Monitor A2 Classic takes readings quickly, saving you time and allowing you to get on with your day. Memory function: The device features a memory function that allows you to store multiple readings for future reference or when sharing with your doctor. Comfortable cuff: The device features a comfortable and adjustable cuff that fits most arm sizes, ensuring that you get accurate readings every time. Benefits of Using the Microlife Blood Pressure Monitor A2 Classic The Microlife Blood Pressure Monitor A2 Classic comes with several benefits that make it an ideal choice for individuals who want to monitor their blood pressure regularly. Some of the benefits of using the device include: Convenience: The device allows you to monitor your blood pressure conveniently from the comfort of your home, saving you time and money that you would have spent visiting a medical facility. Accuracy: The device provides accurate readings that are comparable to those that you would get from a medical professional. Early warning: The device's ability to detect irregular heartbeats means that you can detect any changes in your heart rate early and take the necessary action to prevent complications. Peace of mind: Knowing your blood pressure readings can give you peace of mind and help you make informed decisions about your health. The Microlife Blood Pressure Monitor A2 Classic is an ideal device for individuals who want to monitor their blood pressure regularly and detect any changes that might require medical attention. Its advanced features, accuracy, and durability make it an attractive choice for individuals of all ages. Get yours today and start monitoring your blood pressure like a pro...

63.41 USD

Norsan omega-3 kaps vegansk ds 80 stk

Norsan omega-3 kaps vegansk ds 80 stk

Produktkode: 7825109

NORSAN Omega-3 Kaps Vegan Ds 80 Stk NORSAN Omega-3 Kaps Vegan Ds 80 Stk is a vegan dietary supplement that is designed to provide your body with high-quality Omega-3 fatty acids. This supplement contains a unique blend of two essential Omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, which are derived from sustainably sourced microalgae. The capsules are easy to swallow and suitable for vegans as they contain no animal products or by-products. Benefits of NORSAN Omega-3 Kaps Vegan Ds 80 Stk Getting enough Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet is important because they offer numerous health benefits. By taking NORSAN Omega-3 Kaps Vegan Ds 80 Stk, you can experience the following benefits: Contributes to normal brain function and vision Supports heart health and normal blood pressure Can help reduce inflammation in the body Improves joint flexibility and mobility Helps maintain healthy skin Directions for use To get the best results, take two capsules of NORSAN Omega-3 Kaps Vegan Ds 80 Stk daily with a glass of water. Do not exceed the recommended dose. Store the supplement in a cool, dry place and keep it out of reach of children. Quality assurance At NORSAN, quality is of utmost importance. That's why every batch of NORSAN Omega-3 Kaps Vegan Ds 80 Stk is carefully tested to ensure it meets our high standards. Additionally, we use sustainably sourced and traceable ingredients in our products, so you can feel good about what you're putting into your body. ..

66.12 USD

Pharmalp hibiscol 30 tabletter

Pharmalp hibiscol 30 tabletter

Produktkode: 7754516

The Pharmalp Hibiscol are suitable as a dietary supplement to maintain normal heart function and support healthy arteries. Food supplementsWith hibiscus, aronia and vitamin B1Suitable for ages 6 and upGluten freeLactose free Use Take 1 (up to a maximum of 2) of the Pharmalp Hibiscol tablets daily with a little liquid. Note Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet or a healthy lifestyle. Ingredients Aronia extract (Aronia melanocarpa), hibiscus extract (Hibiscus sabdariffa), sorbitol, (sweetener), silicon dioxide, (not nano, stabilizing) acetyl starch, (modified starch) talc (anti-caking agent), magnesium stearate (anti-caking agent, glycerol (coating agent), vitamin B1..

58.72 USD

Pharmalp hibiscol 90 tabletter

Pharmalp hibiscol 90 tabletter

Produktkode: 7754515

The Pharmalp Hibiscol are suitable as a dietary supplement to maintain normal heart function and support healthy arteries. Food supplementsWith hibiscus, aronia and vitamin B1Suitable for ages 6 and upGluten freeLactose free Use Take 1 (up to a maximum of 2) of the Pharmalp Hibiscol tablets daily with a little liquid. Note Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet or a healthy lifestyle. Ingredients Aronia extract (Aronia melanocarpa), hibiscus extract (Hibiscus sabdariffa), sorbitol, (sweetener), silicon dioxide, (not nano, stabilizing) acetyl starch, (modified starch) talc (anti-caking agent), magnesium stearate (anti-caking agent, glycerol (coating agent), vitamin B1 ..

151.84 USD

Phytopharma tran 200 kapsler

Phytopharma tran 200 kapsler

Produktkode: 7744320

Phytopharma Cod Liver Oil 200 Capsules - A Natural Source of Essential Vitamins and Minerals If you're looking for an all-natural supplement that can provide essential vitamins and minerals to keep your body healthy, look no further than Phytopharma Cod Liver Oil 200 Capsules. Made from pure and high-quality cod liver oil, this supplement is jam-packed with the essential vitamins A and D and the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. Phytopharma Cod Liver Oil is the perfect supplement for anyone looking to support their immune system, improve their heart and cognitive health, and promote healthy skin, hair, and nails. This supplement is also rich in antioxidants and can help reduce inflammation and joint pain. Why Choose Phytopharma Cod Liver Oil 200 Capsules? High-quality and pure cod liver oil from Arctic cod Contains essential vitamins A and D, and omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA Supports immune, heart, and cognitive health Promotes healthy skin, hair, and nails Rich in antioxidants and can reduce inflammation and joint pain Safe and natural How to Use: For best results, take 2-3 soft gel capsules of Phytopharma Cod Liver Oil daily with food. Consult with your physician before taking any supplement, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or have any underlying health conditions. Buy Phytopharma Cod Liver Oil 200 Capsules Today Order your Phytopharma Cod Liver Oil 200 Capsules today and enjoy the numerous health benefits that it has to offer. With its pure and high-quality ingredients, this supplement is perfect for anyone looking to improve their overall health and wellness naturally. ..

27.60 USD

Polstret circosan kaps 200 stk

Polstret circosan kaps 200 stk

Produktkode: 7798958

PADMED CIRCOSAN N hjelper mot sirkulasjonsforstyrrelser med symptomer som at hender og føtter går i dvale, prikking, pinner og nåler, en følelse av tyngde og spenning i ben og armer, og leggkramper. Sveitsisk-godkjent pasientinformasjonPADMED CIRCOSAN N, harde kapslerPADMA AGTibetansk legemiddel Når brukes Padmed Circosan N?I henhold til terapiprinsippene for tibetansk medisin kan Padmed Circosan N brukes når det er overskuddsvarme i karsystemet (forhøyet Tripa-prinsippet ) som er assosiert med sirkulasjonsforstyrrelser med symptomer som prikking, pinner og nåler, en følelse av tyngde og spenning i ben og armer, fallende hender og føtter og leggkramper. Bruken av dette legemidlet i det angitte bruksområdet er utelukkende basert på de terapeutiske prinsippene for tibetansk medisin. Hva bør vurderes?Personer som mottar medisinsk behandling bør informere legen om de tar Padmed Circosan N. Hvis tilstanden din forverres, bør du oppsøke lege! Et ubalansert eller fettrikt kosthold, røyking, stress og mangel på trening kan øke symptomene og bør unngås. Når bør Padmed Circosan N harde kapsler ikke brukes eller kun med forsiktighet?Padmed Circosan N må ikke tas hvis det er kjent overfølsomhet overfor en av de aktive ingredienser eller ett av hjelpestoffene (se «Hva inneholder Padmed Circosan N?»). Det er ingen studier på bruk av Padmed Circosan N hos barn og ungdom. Bruk hos barn og ungdom anbefales derfor ikke. Fortell legen din, apoteket eller lege dersom du lider av andre sykdommer,har allergi ellertar andre medisiner (også de du har kjøpt selv!). Kan Padmed Circosan N tas under graviditet eller amming?Basert på tidligere erfaring er det ingen kjent risiko for barnet når det brukes som anvist. Det har imidlertid aldri vært gjennomført systematiske vitenskapelige undersøkelser. Som en forholdsregel bør du unngå å ta medisiner under graviditet og amming eller spør legen din, apoteket eller lege om råd. Hvordan bruker du Padmed Circosan?Voksne: Med mindre annet er foreskrevet av legen, innledningsvis 3×2 kapsler tatt daglig med nok væske før eller med måltider. Så snart det er en klar bedring, kan dosen reduseres til 1-2 kapsler daglig. Personer som har problemer med å svelge bør blande innholdet i kapselen med lunkent vann. Hvis gastrointestinale symptomer oppstår, kan kapslene tas sammen med måltider og rikelig med væske (lunkent vann er best). En dosereduksjon kan være nødvendig. Hvis du har fått foreskrevet kapslene av legen din, bør en dosejustering diskuteres med ham eller henne. Hold et intervall på en og en halv til to timer mellom å ta Padmed Circosan N og andre medisiner. Barn og ungdom: Bruk og sikkerhet av Padmed Circosan N hos barn og ungdom har ennå ikke blitt testet og er ikke tiltenkt på grunn av indikasjonen. Følg doseringen gitt i pakningsvedlegget eller som foreskrevet av legen din. Hvis du synes medisinen er for svak eller for sterk, snakk med legen din, apoteket eller lege. Hvilke bivirkninger kan Padmed Circosan N ha?I svært sjeldne tilfeller, symptomer i mage-tarmområdet (f.eks. diaré, kvalme, magesmerter eller raping), hudutslett eller kløe kan oppstå. Hjertebank og lett rastløshet ble av og til funnet hos personer med passende disposisjon. Hvis du opplever bivirkninger, snakk med legen din, apoteket eller lege. Dette gjelder spesielt for bivirkninger som ikke er oppført i dette pakningsvedlegget. Hva annet må vurderes?Preparatet må kun brukes frem til datoen merket «EXP» på beholderen. OppbevaringsinstruksjonerOppbevares ved romtemperatur (15-25°C). Oppbevares i originalemballasjen. Oppbevares utilgjengelig for barn. Din lege, farmasøyt eller lege kan gi deg mer informasjon. Disse menneskene har den detaljerte informasjonen for spesialister. Hva inneholder Padmed Circosan N?Aktive ingredienserÉn kapsel inneholder: 40 mg Himalaya moserotpulver (Saussurea costus (Falc.) Lipsch., radix), 40 mg islandsk mosepulver (Cetraria islandica (L.) Acharius s.l., thallus), 35 mg neem-trefruktpulver (Azadirachta indica A.Juss., fructus), 30 mg kardemommefruktpulver (Elettaria cardamomum (L.) Maton, fructus), 30 mg myrobalan fruktpulver (Terminalia chebula Retz., fructus), 25 mg fedd pepperpulver (Pimenta dioica (L.) Merr ., fructus), 20 mg marmelos fruktpulver (Aegle marmelos (L.) Corrêa, fructus), 20 mg kalsiumsulfathemihydrat, 15 mg akeleiepulver (Aquilegia vulgaris L ., herba), 15 mg lakrisrotpulver (Glycyrrhiza glabra L. og/eller Glycyrrhiza inflata Bat. og/eller Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. , radix), 15 mg bukkehornbladpulver (Plantago lanceolata L . s.l., folium), 15 mg knotweedpulver (Polygonum aviculare L. s.l., herba), 15 mg gyldent cinquefoil-pulver (Potentilla aurea L., herba), 12 mg nellikpulver (Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & L.M.Perry, flos), 10 mg Kaempferia galanga rhizompulver (Kaempferia galangaL., rhizoma), 10 mg Sida urtepulver (Sida cordifolia L., herba), 10 mg valerianrotpulver (Valeriana officinalis L. s.l., radix), 6 mg hagesalatpulver (Lactuca sativa var. capitata L ., folium), 5 mg ringblomstblomstpulver (Calendula officinalis L., flos cum calyce), 4 mg d-kamfer, 1 mg munkehodeknollpulver (Aconitum napellus L., knoll) . HjelpestofferHypromellose (kapselskall), kolloidalt silika, mannitol (E 421). Godkjenningsnummer67541 (sveitsisk) Hvor kan du få tak i Padmed Circosan N? Hvilke pakker er tilgjengelige?På apotek og apotek, uten resept fra lege. Pakke med 60 og 200 kapsler. AutorisasjonsinnehaverPADMA AG, Haldenstrasse 30, CH-8620 Wetzikon. ProdusentPADMA AG, Haldenstrasse 30, CH-8620 Wetzikon. Dette pakningsvedlegget ble sist sjekket av Medicines Agency (Swissmedic) i juli 2020. ..

134.06 USD

Provisan omega 3 fischöl kaps

Provisan omega 3 fischöl kaps

Produktkode: 7846714

PROVISAN Omega 3 Fischöl Kaps Looking to support your overall health and well-being? PROVISAN Omega 3 Fischöl Kaps may be exactly what you need. This high-quality supplement is made with all-natural ingredients and is perfect for anyone looking to get more omega-3 fatty acids in their diet. Benefits of PROVISAN Omega 3 Fischöl Kaps Supports heart health - Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to help reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering blood pressure, reducing triglycerides, and increasing good cholesterol. Promotes joint health - Omega-3s have anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce joint pain and stiffness for those with arthritis. Improves brain function - Omega-3s are essential for brain function and can improve memory, concentration, and overall cognitive performance. Boosts mood - Studies have shown that omega-3s can help improve symptoms of depression and anxiety. Supports eye health - Omega-3s can help prevent age-related macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness. Why choose PROVISAN Omega 3 Fischöl Kaps? PROVISAN is committed to providing high-quality supplements made with all-natural ingredients. Our Omega 3 Fischöl Kaps are made with only the finest fish oil and are third-party tested to ensure purity and potency. Each serving contains 1000mg of omega-3 fatty acids, including EPA and DHA, two of the most important omega-3s for overall health. How to use PROVISAN Omega 3 Fischöl Kaps Take two softgel capsules daily with a meal. Each bottle contains 60 capsules, providing a one-month supply. Add PROVISAN Omega 3 Fischöl Kaps to your daily routine and start feeling the benefits of omega-3s for your overall health and well-being...

81.36 USD

Salus omega-3 kompakt seelachsöl kaps 30 stk

Salus omega-3 kompakt seelachsöl kaps 30 stk

Produktkode: 7829949

Salus Omega-3 Kompakt Seelachsöl Kaps 30 Stk Description: The Salus Omega-3 Kompakt Seelachsöl Kaps are a dietary supplement that is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids that are essential for maintaining the optimal function of your body. These capsules are made using the finest quality fish oil derived from deep-sea cold-water fish, which is known to possess high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids. They are an excellent natural source of EPA and DHA, which are two critical Omega-3 fatty acids that are not produced by the body itself, and hence, must be obtained from external sources Benefits: Supports Heart Health: Omega-3 fatty acids are known to help reduce inflammation in the body which reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases like Heart Attacks and Strokes. DHA and EPA help lower triglycerides, decrease blood pressure and prevent blood clots. Boosts Brain Function: DHA is a vital component of the brain, and adequate levels of DHA can help improve cognitive function, mental clarity, and memory in adults. Enhances Joint Mobility: EPA is known to possess anti-inflammatory properties that help alleviate joint pain and stiffness in individuals with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis. Improves Eye Health: DHA is an essential component of the retina in your eyes, and adequate levels of DHA can help improve vision and prevent age-related macular degeneration. How to use: Take 1-3 capsules daily with sufficient amount of liquid after a meal. The capsules must be swallowed whole and not chewed Ingredients: Deep-sea fish oil (74%), gelatin (beef), humectant glycerin, antioxidant tocopherol concentrate About Salus Salus is a trusted brand that has been producing high-quality health supplements for over 100 years. With a commitment to using only natural ingredients, Salus produces dietary supplements that are safe, effective and of the highest quality. ..

30.74 USD

Vigean caraway oil with black cumin fl 100 ml

Vigean caraway oil with black cumin fl 100 ml

Produktkode: 5968060

Vigean Caraway Oil with Black Cumin Fl 100 ml Indulge in the delightful aroma and flavour of Vigean Caraway Oil with Black Cumin. This luxurious oil comes in a 100 ml bottle and is perfect for adding depth and warmth to a variety of dishes. Made from high-quality ingredients, it is 100% natural and free from any added preservatives or chemicals. Features: Premium quality oil 100% natural Free from preservatives and chemicals Delicious flavour and aroma 100 ml bottle for easy storage and use Benefits: Vigean Caraway Oil with Black Cumin is a unique and versatile oil that offers a range of benefits. It is packed with essential fatty acids and antioxidants that promote heart health and healthy skin. The caraway oil also aids digestion and can help to relieve symptoms of indigestion and stomach cramps. The black cumin oil has anti-inflammatory properties and can help to manage symptoms of asthma and allergies. Usage: This oil is perfect for drizzling over salads, soups, and stews to enhance their flavour. It can also be used for marinating meats and vegetables, or as a finishing oil for grilled meats and roasted vegetables. The 100 ml bottle makes it easy to store and use, and the spout ensures accurate pouring without any spillage. Conclusion: If you're looking for a high-quality oil that offers a range of health benefits and adds a delicious flavour to your dishes, look no further than Vigean Caraway Oil with Black Cumin Fl 100 ml. With its natural ingredients and luxurious flavour, it is sure to become a staple in your pantry...

28.33 USD

Vita omega plus kaps 1g fiskeolje 30mg q10 90 stk

Vita omega plus kaps 1g fiskeolje 30mg q10 90 stk

Produktkode: 4361491

Vita Omega Plus Kaps 1g Fish Oil 30mg Q10 90 pcs Vita Omega Plus Kaps is a dietary supplement that contains 1g of high-quality fish oil and 30mg of Q10, providing essential fatty acids and antioxidants that support overall health and wellness. Fish oil is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for brain functioning, heart health, and maintaining healthy joints. This supplement contains a high dose of fish oil, providing a concentrated source of EPA and DHA that helps boost cognitive function, supports healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and improves joint mobility. Additionally, Vita Omega Plus Kaps also contains 30mg of Q10, a powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells against oxidative damage and promotes healthy cellular energy production. Q10 also helps improve athletic performance, reduce muscle damage, and support healthy cardiovascular function. This dietary supplement is packaged in 90 easy-to-swallow capsules, making it convenient for daily use. Each capsule is made with high-quality ingredients, ensuring that you get the full health benefits of fish oil and Q Vita Omega Plus Kaps is a safe and effective way to support overall health and wellness. Whether you want to improve brain function, maintain healthy joints, or promote cardiovascular health, this supplement has got you covered. ..

113.34 USD

Vogel knoblauch kapseln

Vogel knoblauch kapseln

Produktkode: 7835823

VOGEL Knoblauch Kapseln What is VOGEL Knoblauch Kapseln? VOGEL Knoblauch Kapseln is a natural supplement that contains garlic extract. Garlic has been used for its medicinal properties since ancient times. It is believed to have a number of health benefits. Key Features: Each capsule contains 420 mg of garlic extract. The garlic used in the supplement is organically grown. Garlic is known for its antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. VOGEL Knoblauch Kapseln contains alliin, the compound responsible for garlic?s health properties. Benefits of VOGEL Knoblauch Kapseln: The garlic extract in VOGEL Knoblauch Kapseln has a number of health benefits. Some of the key benefits include: Improves heart health: Garlic is known for its ability to regulate blood pressure and cholesterol levels, both of which are important for heart health. Boosts immunity: Garlic is rich in antioxidants that help to protect the body from free radicals, which can damage cells and lead to illness. Aids digestion: Garlic has been shown to help improve digestion, as it stimulates the production of enzymes that help to break down food. Helps to fight infections: Garlic has powerful antibacterial and antiviral properties that can help to fight infections. Reduces inflammation: Garlic contains anti-inflammatory compounds that can help to reduce inflammation throughout the body, which can lead to a number of health problems. How to use: Take one capsule of VOGEL Knoblauch Kapseln daily, preferably with a meal. Do not exceed the recommended dose. Caution: If you are pregnant, breastfeeding or taking any medication, consult your healthcare professional before taking VOGEL Knoblauch Kapseln. Do not use if you are allergic to garlic or any of the other ingredients in the supplement. Experience the benefits of garlic with VOGEL Knoblauch Kapseln. Buy now and enjoy a healthy, happy life!..

27.58 USD

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