
Essensielle oljer

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Oppdag et bredt utvalg av essensielle oljer på som tilfredsstiller dine ulike behov innen helse, skjønnhet og velvære. Laget i Sveits, vårt unike utvalg av produkter inkluderer råvarer, dusj- og badeprodukter, massasje og muskelpleie, personlig hygiene og mer; alt designet for å støtte en sunnere og lykkeligere deg. Utforsk samlingen vår av essensielle oljer og oppdag fordelene med aromaterapi, de beroligende egenskapene til naturlige deodoranter og eksepsjonelle hudpleie- og kroppspleieprodukter. Plei kroppen din med våre organiske essensielle oljer, forbedre helsen din med våre naturlige rettsmidler, og slapp av med våre beroligende massasjebalsamer. Vi henvender oss også til babyer og barn med vår skånsomme, men effektive babykosmetikk. I tillegg handler våre valg ikke bare om kropp og helse, vi forstår at et rent hjem er et sunt hjem. Derfor gir vi deg en samling av husholdningsartikler, inkludert vaskemidler og luftfriskere. Enten det er for helse, skjønnhet eller hjemmepleie, er din destinasjon for eteriske oljer av høy kvalitet fra Sveits. Handle i dag og omfavn en mer naturlig måte å leve på.
Aroma stick olfactory pin 100% organic breathe btl

Aroma stick olfactory pin 100% organic breathe btl

Produktkode: 7780009

Fordyp deg i en verden av naturlig aromaterapi med AROMASTICK Sniffing Stick 100% Bio Breathe Bottle. Dette innovative produktet tilbyr en praktisk og bærbar måte å nyte fordelene med essensielle oljer på. Laget med 100 % økologiske ingredienser, er denne snusepinnen en ren og enkel løsning for å fremme avslapning, øke energien og forbedre det generelle velvære. Bare ta av lokket på flasken, ta et dypt pust og la de beroligende duftene transportere deg til en tilstand av ro og klarhet. Enten du er hjemme, på kontoret eller på farten, er AROMASTICK Sniffing Stick din perfekte følgesvenn for et friskt pust...

16.54 USD

Aromalife gift glücksengel wood 9cm and potpourri luck 5ml

Aromalife gift glücksengel wood 9cm and potpourri luck 5ml

Produktkode: 7777798

Unn deg den harmoniske blandingen av spiritualitet og aromaterapi med Aromalife-gavesettet med en sjarmerende 9 cm Lucky Angel Wood-figur akkompagnert av en fristende duftblanding av flaks. Dette settet er laget med presisjon og omsorg, og tilbyr en helhetlig opplevelse som kombinerer den naturlige skjønnheten til tre med den aromatiske essensen av essensielle oljer. Lucky Angel Wood-figuren fungerer som et symbol på beskyttelse og positivitet, noe som gjør den til en omtenksom gave til venner og kjære. Forbedre ethvert rom med den fortryllende duften av flaks, og skape en atmosfære av ro og velvære. Hev sansene dine og omfavn kraften til duften med Aromalife-gavesettet, et herlig tillegg til ditt personlige fristed eller en unik gave som legemliggjør både skjønnhet og mening. Opplev magien til aromaterapi og lokket til trehåndverk i dette utsøkte settet som bringer flaks og positivitet inn i livet ditt...

30.78 USD

Aromalife glück äth/öl 10 ml

Aromalife glück äth/öl 10 ml

Produktkode: 3491613

Aromalife Glück Äth/Öl 10 ml er en nøye utformet blanding av essensielle oljer som er designet for å heve humøret ditt og fremme positivitet. Blandingen består av en harmonisk blanding av oljer inkludert sitrus, spearmint og vanilje, som alle er kjent for sine oppløftende og energigivende egenskaper.Sitrusoljene, som inkluderer bergamott, sitron og grapefrukt , er kjent for sin evne til å øke humøret og redusere stress. Spearmintolje er også kjent for sine oppløftende egenskaper, som bidrar til å skape en følelse av positivitet og velvære. Vaniljeolje tilfører en søt og beroligende duft, og skaper en varm og innbydende atmosfære.Aromalife Glück Äth/Öl-blandingen kan brukes på en rekke måter, inkludert å tilsette noen dråper til en diffuser, legge til en dråpe eller to til badevannet ditt, eller kombinere med en bærerolje for bruk i en massasje. 10 ml-flasken er kompakt og bærbar, noe som gjør den lett å ta med deg på farten.Aromalife Glück Äth/Öl-blandingen er laget med eteriske oljer av høy kvalitet og er fri for syntetiske dufter og kjemikalier . Den er også grusomhetsfri og veganervennlig.Hvis du leter etter en naturlig måte å øke humøret på og fremme positivitet, er Aromalife Glück Äth/Öl 10 ml et godt valg. Med sin blanding av oppløftende og energigivende essensielle oljer, vil den garantert gi deg en følelse uthvilt og revitalisert...

22.31 USD

Aromalife lilia aromavernebler

Aromalife lilia aromavernebler

Produktkode: 7777599

Forbedre boarealet ditt med Aromalife Lilia aromaspreder. Denne vakkert designede diffusoren kombinerer eleganse med funksjonalitet, og skaper en rolig atmosfære i alle rom. Bare legg til favorittoljene dine i vanntanken, og la diffuseren spre en fin duftduft gjennom hele hjemmet ditt. Aromalife Lilia har en hviskende stille drift og justerbare tåkeinnstillinger, slik at du kan tilpasse nivået av aroma for å passe dine preferanser. Enten du søker avslapning, energi eller stressavlastning, er denne diffusoren et allsidig verktøy for å forbedre ditt velvære. Hev omgivelsene dine med Aromalife Lilia aroma diffuser og skap en mer innbydende og forfriskende atmosfære i hjemmet ditt...

103.35 USD

Bird po-ho oil neo

Bird po-ho oil neo

Produktkode: 1004667

Inhaltsverzeichnis Var A.Vogel Po-Ho Øl neo und wann wird es angewendet? Wann darf A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo nicht angewendet werden? Wann ist bei der Anwendung von A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo Vorsicht geboten? Darf A.Vogel Po-Ho har du en ny graviditet eller in der Stillzeit eingenommen / angewendet blitt? Wie verwenden Sie A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo? Welche Nebenwirkungen kann A.Vogel Po-Ho Øl ny haben? Var er ferner zu beachten? Var er det i A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo enthalten? Zulassungsnummer Wo erhalten Sie A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo? Welche Packungen sind erhältlich? Zulassungsinhaberin KOMPENDIUM Sveitsisk-genehmigte pasientinformasjon A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo, Flüssigkeit zur Anwendung auf der Haut A.Vogel AG Var A.Vogel Po-Ho Øl neo und wann wird es angewendet? A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo ist ein Arzneimittel zusammengesetzt aus verschiedenen ätherischen Ölen von Heilpflanzen. Diese ätherischen Öle were durch Destillation aus frisch geernteten Pflanzen won and sorgfältig ausgewählt. A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo ist geeignet zum▪Einreiben bei Kopf- und Muskelschmerzen;▪Inhalieren und/oder Einreiben bei Bronchitis, Halsweh, Husten, Schnupfen, Katarrh. Wann darf A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo nicht angewendet werden? A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo darf nicht angewendet werden▪Bei bekannter Überempfindlichkeit gegenüber einem der ätherischen Öle.▪Bei Kindern unter 6 Jahren. ▪Nicht auf offenen Wunden und ekzematöser Haut anwenden.▪Augen und Schleimhäute sollen nicht mit dem Präparat in Berührung kommen. Wann ist bei der Anwendung von A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo Vorsicht geboten? ▪Patienten mit vorgeschädigten Nieren dürfen A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo nur kurzfristig und nicht grossflächig anwenden.▪Patienten mit Veranlagung für allergische Reaksjonen bei Arzneimitteln oder mit Asthma bronchiale dürfen das Produkt nur nach Rücksprache mit ihrem Arzt oder ihrer Ärztin anwenden.Informer Sie Ihren Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin, wenn Sie▪an anderen Krankheiten leiden,▪Allergien haben oder▪andere Arzneimittel (auch selbst gekaufte!) einnehmen oder äusserlich anwenden. Darf A.Vogel Po-Ho har du en ny graviditet eller in der Stillzeit eingenommen / angewendet blitt? Während der Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit darf A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo nicht angewendet were, es sei denn kurzfristig, nicht grossflächig and nur auf erztliche Verschreibung. Hvem bruker du Sie A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo? Erwachsene:Falls vom Arzt oder der Ärztin nicht anders verschrieben:▪bei Erkältungen, Schnupfen, Katarrh: 3–5 Tropfen A.Vogel Po- Ho Öl neo auf ein Tuch spritzen und inhalieren, Nasenwurzel und Stirn mit 3–5 Tropfen A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo einreiben. Je nach Bedarf wiederholen.▪bei Bronkitt, Halsweh, Husten: Hals, Brust und Rücken mit A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo (10–20 Tropfen) einreiben.▪ bei Schmerzen: Kopfschmerzen 5–10 Tropfen A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo auf ein feuchtes Tuch träufeln und damit Stirn, Nacken und Schläfen einreiben. Muskelschmerzen: mit 10–30 Tropfen A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo einreiben. Eine Wirkung kann auch erzielt werden, wenn man auf ein nasses Tuch einige Tropfen A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo träufelt und die schmerzende Stelle damit einreibt.Nach Anwendung Hände gut waschen.Die Anwendung und Sicherheit von A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo bei Kindern und Jugendlichen ist bisher nicht geprüft worden.Halten Sie sich an die in der Packungsbeilage angegebene oder vom Arzt oder der Ärztin verschriebene Dosierung. Wenn Sie glauben, das Arzneimittel wirke zu schwach oder zu stark, so sprechen Sie mit Ihrem Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. mit Ihrer Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin. Welche Nebenwirkungen kann A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo haben? Folgende Nebenwirkungen können bei der Einnahme oder Anwendung von A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo auftreten:Selten (betrifft 1 bis 10 von 10'000 Anwendern) em>Selten treten Hautreizungen (Jucken, Rötung) auf. Die Behandlung sollte dann sofort abgebrochen werden.Wenn Sie Nebenwirkungen bemerken, wenden Sie sich an Ihren Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin eller Drogistin. Dies gilt insbesondere auch für Nebenwirkungen, die nicht in dieser Packungsbeilage angegeben sind. Was ist ferner zu beachten? Das Arzneimittel darf nur bis zu dem auf dem Behälter mit «EXP» bezeichneten Datum verwendet werden.LagerungshinweisBei Raumtemperatur (15-25°C) lagern.Den Behälter fest verschlossen halten.Ausser Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren.Weitere HinweiseNicht einnehmen.Weitere Auskünfte erteilt Ihnen Ihr Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogist bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin. Var det i A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo enthalten? Wirkstoffe1 g inneholder: Kampferöl 50 mg, Eukalyptusöl 480 mg, Pfefferminzöl 350 mg, Terpentinöl Strandkiefertyp 80 mgHilfsstoffeAromastoff Zulassungsnummer 68895 (sveitsisk) Wo erhalten Sie A.Vogel Po-Ho Öl neo? Welche Packungen sind erhältlich? I Apotheken und Drogerien, ohne ärztliche Verschreibung.Flash to 10 ml. Zulassungsinhaberin A.Vogel AG, CH-9325 Roggwil Diese Packungsbeilage wurde im Januar 2007 letztmals durch die Arzneimittelbehörde (Swissmedic) geprüft. 30620 / 25.08.2022 ..

21.09 USD

Chi energispray 100 ml

Chi energispray 100 ml

Produktkode: 7807048

CHi Energy Spray 100 ml Introducing the CHi Energy Spray 100 ml, your all-natural solution to improve your mind and body's energy levels. This innovative and unique spray is made from a powerful blend of essential oils, each carefully chosen for their known health benefits and proven ability to boost energy and clear the mind. Features and Benefits: 100% natural ingredients No synthetic chemicals or additives Easy to use, on-the-go spray Invigorates and energizes the mind and body Promotes concentration and focus Clears the mind and relieves stress and anxiety Has a refreshing and uplifting aroma Suitable for all ages Ingredients: The CHi Energy Spray 100 ml contains a potent blend of pure essential oils, including: Lemon - Promotes mental clarity and boosts energy levels Rosemary - Helps improve memory, focus and concentration Eucalyptus - Stimulates the immune system and reduces fatigue Peppermint - Refreshes and energizes the mind and body Lavender - Relaxes the mind and body and reduces stress and anxiety Directions for use: Spray the CHi Energy Spray 100 ml on your face, neck, and wrist in the morning and whenever you need a quick pick-me-up. Gently shake the bottle before use and spray 2-3 times around your head and let the aroma surround you. You can also spray it on your clothes or in your room for an extra refreshing boost. Experience a natural boost in energy, concentration and focus with the CHi Energy Spray 100 ml. Order yours now and see the difference it can make to your daily routine!..

36.73 USD

Dermasel kristallbad entspannung & ruhe le 80 g

Dermasel kristallbad entspannung & ruhe le 80 g

Produktkode: 7171733

Dermasel Kristallbad Entspannung & Ruhe LE 80 g Welcome to a world of relaxation and calm with Dermasel Kristallbad Entspannung & Ruhe LE 80 g. This 100% natural, mineral-rich bath salt is infused with lavender, neroli, and rosewood essential oils, making it the perfect addition to your self-care routine. The rich mineral composition of these bath salts provides your skin with the essential nutrients it needs to stay healthy and radiant. This includes magnesium, calcium, bromine, and potassium, all of which help to soothe tired muscles and promote skin regeneration. The therapeutic benefits don't stop there - the essential oils in this bath salt are carefully chosen to promote a sense of calm and relaxation. Lavender is well known for its calming properties, neroli has a soothing effect on the nervous system, and rosewood helps to relieve stress and anxiety. Simply add a few handfuls of these bath salts to your bathwater and let the minerals and essential oils work their magic. Indulge in a moment of well-deserved relaxation and enjoy the calming aroma of lavender, neroli, and rosewood. This product comes in a convenient 80 g pack, making it easy to take with you on your travels, or to use at home for a quick spa-like experience. Treat yourself to the ultimate relaxation experience with Dermasel Kristallbad Entspannung & Ruhe LE 80 g...

4.86 USD

Dermasel kristallbad erkältung & atemfrei le 80 g

Dermasel kristallbad erkältung & atemfrei le 80 g

Produktkode: 7171756

Dermasel Kristallbad Erkältung & Atemfrei LE 80 g Dermasel Kristallbad Erkältung & Atemfrei LE 80 g is a high-quality bath salt designed to alleviate colds and respiratory congestion. This luxurious bath salt combines the natural power of Dead Sea minerals with essential oils to provide a relaxing and therapeutic bathing experience. Ingredients Dead Sea Salt Eucalyptus Essential Oil Pine Essential Oil Camphor Essential Oil Myrtle Essential Oil Benefits The Dead Sea salt in this product is rich in minerals such as magnesium, calcium, and potassium, which help to soothe the skin and promote relaxation. The essential oils in this bath salt have aromatherapeutic properties that help to clear the nose and lungs, making it easier to breathe while also providing relief from congestion and coughing. How to use Fill the bathtub with warm water and add 1-2 teaspoons of Dermasel Kristallbad Erkältung & Atemfrei LE 80 g. Relax in the bath for at least 20 minutes to allow the minerals and essential oils to work their magic. After your bath, rinse your skin with warm water and pat dry. Conclusion If you're looking for a natural way to alleviate cold and flu symptoms, Dermasel Kristallbad Erkältung & Atemfrei LE 80 g is an excellent choice. This bath salt is perfect for those who want to relax and rejuvenate their body while also benefiting from the therapeutic properties of essential oils and Dead Sea minerals. Give your body the care it deserves by adding this luxurious bath salt to your daily routine. ..

4.86 USD

Dermasel kristallbad gelenk & muskel le

Dermasel kristallbad gelenk & muskel le

Produktkode: 7171710

DERMASEL Kristallbad Gelenk & Muskel LE DERMASEL Kristallbad Gelenk & Muskel LE is a unique mineral bath salt formula designed to relieve muscle and joint pain. Our bath salt crystals contain high concentrations of essential minerals such as magnesium and calcium, which help to improve muscle function, reduce inflammation and relieve pain. The natural essential oils of eucalyptus, rosemary and wintergreen provide a refreshing and invigorating scent that helps to relax and calm the mind. The specially developed formula helps to soothe and reduce sensations of tension, stiffness and pain in the muscles and joints. Benefits Provides relief from muscle and joint pain Improves muscle function and helps reduce inflammation Relaxes and calms the mind with invigorating essential oils Soothes sensations of tension and stiffness Easy to use and ideal for a relaxing bath after a long day Instructions for use Add 2 to 3 tablespoons of bath salt to a warm bath, approximately 36-38°C, and allow to dissolve. Soak for 15-20 minutes for optimal effectiveness. Rinse after use and pat dry. For best results, use 2-3 times a week. Warnings For external use only Not suitable for children under 3 years old Do not use in case of known intolerance to one of the ingredients Avoid eye contact If skin irritation or rash occurs, discontinue use DERMASEL Kristallbad Gelenk & Muskel LE is the perfect solution for anyone who is seeking natural and effective relief from muscle and joint pain. Buy yours today and experience a sense of relaxation and relief from sore muscles and joints. ..

4.68 USD

Dermasel kristallbad rücken & schulter le 80 g

Dermasel kristallbad rücken & schulter le 80 g

Produktkode: 7171727

Dermasel Kristallbad Rücken & Schulter LE 80 g The Dermasel Kristallbad Rücken & Schulter LE 80 g is a unique blend of natural crystal salts that have been carefully selected to provide a soothing and relaxing bath experience. It is specifically designed to relieve tension and provide relief for the back and shoulder area, which makes it an excellent choice for people who are experiencing discomfort in these areas. This product is made with high-quality ingredients, including pure Dead Sea salt and magnesium, which have been shown to have a range of beneficial properties for the skin and body. The unique blend of salts in this product is also enriched with natural essential oils, which help to stimulate circulation and reduce inflammation in the targeted areas. When used as directed, the Dermasel Kristallbad Rücken & Schulter LE 80 g can help to improve your overall sense of relaxation and well-being. It is a great way to unwind after a stressful day, soothe sore muscles, and promote better sleep. In addition, the product is free of harsh chemicals and synthetic fragrances, making it a safe and natural option for people with sensitive skin. Features: High-quality natural crystal salts Enriched with essential oils Soothes back and shoulder tension Improves relaxation and well-being Safe and natural formula How to Use: To use this product, simply add the desired amount of crystals to warm bath water and stir until dissolved. Soak in the bath for 15 to 20 minutes, allowing the salts and essential oils to work their magic. For best results, use once or twice a week. If you are looking for a natural and effective way to soothe tension and promote relaxation in the back and shoulder area, the Dermasel Kristallbad Rücken & Schulter LE 80 g is an excellent choice. Order yours today and experience the benefits of this high-quality crystal bath salt blend for yourself!..

4.86 USD

Farfalla aromamischung frauenleben stimmungshoch 5 ml

Farfalla aromamischung frauenleben stimmungshoch 5 ml

Produktkode: 7774791

Sun salutation aroma blend, aroma yoga, benzoin. Composition 100% natural essential oils (benzoin, vanilla extract, ginger, tangerine, etc.). Contains: limonene, linalool, beta-pinene, geraniol.. Properties The fruity fragrance sends warm rays of sunshine and pleasant relaxation into the room air. Deep inhalation harmonises and gives the necessary balance to enjoy peaceful hours or a beneficial yoga practice. Namaste! With 100% natural essential oils (benzoin, vanilla extract, ginger, tangerine, etc.).Vegan. Application 3-4 drops Give scent stone or scent stick, breathe in deeply. Notes Danger. Highly flammable liquid and vapour. Causes skin irritation. May cause an allergic skin reaction. May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. Keep out of the reach of children. Read label before use. IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor. DO NOT induce vomiting. IF ON SKIN (or hair): Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water. Dispose of content in accordance with local regulations. ..

22.81 USD

Farfalla aromamischung lebensfreude bergamotte 5 ml

Farfalla aromamischung lebensfreude bergamotte 5 ml

Produktkode: 7425346

Farfalla Aromamischung Lebensfreude Bergamotte 5 ml Farfalla Aromamischung Lebensfreude Bergamotte is a unique essential oil blend made with high-quality organic bergamot oil. This blend is specially formulated to uplift your mood, increase your energy levels, and promote a sense of happiness and wellbeing. With its fresh, citrusy scent, this aroma blend will create a refreshing and invigorating atmosphere in any space, helping you to feel rejuvenated and re-energized. Key Features Made with organic bergamot oil Mood uplifting and energizing Promotes happiness and wellbeing Fresh, citrusy scent Creates a refreshing and invigorating atmosphere Ideal for use in aromatherapy, massage, or as a room scent How to Use To use Farfalla Aromamischung Lebensfreude Bergamotte, simply add a few drops to your diffuser, massage oil, or room spray. You can use it as a standalone scent or mix it with other essential oils to create your own unique blend. This aroma blend is also ideal for use in aromatherapy, massage, or as a room scent to help create a relaxing and uplifting environment. Conclusion In summary, Farfalla Aromamischung Lebensfreude Bergamotte is an excellent essential oil blend that can help to uplift your mood, increase your energy levels, and promote a sense of happiness and wellbeing. With its pure organic bergamot oil and fresh, citrusy scent, this aroma blend is perfect for use in aromatherapy, massage, or as a room scent to create a refreshing and invigorating atmosphere in any space. Order your bottle today and experience the many benefits of this amazing product! ..

20.56 USD

Farfalla bio-schutzspray bleib gesund ravinsara 75 ml

Farfalla bio-schutzspray bleib gesund ravinsara 75 ml

Produktkode: 7424714

Farfalla Bio-Schutzspray bleib gesund Ravinsara 75 ml Introducing the natural and effective way to protect yourself from harmful germs and bacteria, the Farfalla Bio-Schutzspray bleib gesund Ravinsara 75 ml. This spray is specially chosen to defend and strengthen your entire immune system to ensure a healthy life. The Farfalla Bio-Schutzspray bleib gesund Ravinsara 75 ml is a certified organic spray that uses the power of natural essential oils and botanicals to keep your body safe from germs and other harmful elements. This potent blend combines ravinsara, eucalyptus radiata, and niaouli essential oils known for their antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties to provide you with holistic protection and natural wellness. With its delicate formula and refreshing fragrance, the Farfalla Bio-Schutzspray bleib gesund Ravinsara 75 ml is suited for everyday use and can be sprayed on to clean and sanitize any surface or area that may harbor germs. It is a versatile spray that can be used at home, at work, or when you're on the go. Make the Farfalla Bio-Schutzspray bleib gesund Ravinsara 75 ml a part of your wellness routine and enjoy the benefits of natural and effective protection against harmful elements...

23.49 USD

Farfalla brustbalsam bleib gesund ravintsara

Farfalla brustbalsam bleib gesund ravintsara

Produktkode: 7424476

FARFALLA Brustbalsam bleib gesund Ravintsara Experience natural relief and support for your respiratory system with FARFALLA Brustbalsam bleib gesund Ravintsara. Made with high-quality ingredients including ravintsara, eucalyptus, and niaouli essential oils, this chest balm helps to soothe and clear congestion. Use it on your chest, neck, and back before going to bed or throughout the day for a refreshing, invigorating aroma. The ravintsara essential oil in this balm has antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties, making it an ideal choice for those with respiratory infections. Eucalyptus and niaouli oils also provide respiratory support while supporting the immune system. This balm is a natural alternative to over-the-counter cold and flu remedies, providing relief without the use of harsh chemicals or synthetic fragrances. FARFALLA Brustbalsam bleib gesund Ravintsara is easy to use and suitable for all skin types. Simply apply a small amount of the balm to your chest, neck, or back and massage gently. The balm will melt on contact with your skin, providing instant relief and aromatherapy benefits. The convenient tin is easy to carry with you for on-the-go use, and the balm is gentle enough to use daily. Add FARFALLA Brustbalsam bleib gesund Ravintsara to your natural medicine cabinet today and experience the benefits of this natural remedy for respiratory support and relief. ..

22.78 USD

Farfalla lemongrass äth/öl bio grand cru 10 ml

Farfalla lemongrass äth/öl bio grand cru 10 ml

Produktkode: 7751243

Essential oil Lemongrass Bio Grand Cru. Composition Essential oil from lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus), from contr. organic farming. Origin: Indian. Contains: geranial, geraniol, neral, linalool, limonene.. Properties Scent: fresh, sweet, lemony. Effect: improves concentration, cleansing. Helps with: buzzing nuisances, overwork, stress. Ensures: joie de vivre, concentration, creativity, activity. The refreshing fragrance cheers you up when you are stressed and overworked, invigorates when you are tired and lack of concentration and protects against bad vibrations. Organic Lemongrass (= lemongrass) is refreshing and encouraging when you are stressed and overworked, invigorating when you are tired and lack of concentration. The essential oil is ideal for cleaning the room atmosphere and protects against bad vibrations.Vegan. Application For room scenting and for personal aroma care . Consult the specialist literature for use in aromatherapy. Tips: On long car journeys, a car fragrance sprinkled with a few drops of lemongrass will keep your senses awake. Lemongrass is often used in Asia to deter insects and mosquitoes. To clean the room, add 2-3 drops of essential oil to the cleaning water. Notes Danger. Causes skin irritation. Causes serious eye damage. May cause an allergic skin reaction. Harmful to aquatic organisms, with long-term effect. If medical advice is needed, have label at hand. Keep out of the reach of children. Read label before use. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. If possible, remove contact lenses. Continue rinsing. Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local regulations. ..

17.63 USD

Farfalla manuka äth/öl fl 5 ml

Farfalla manuka äth/öl fl 5 ml

Produktkode: 2139943

Manuka essential oil, wild collection. Composition Essential oil from Manuka leaves (Leptospermum scoparium), wild collection. Origin: New Zealand. Contains: alpha-pinene, linalool.. Properties With its soft and delicately scented pink-white flowers, Manuka is one of the traditional crops of the Maoris. Wild Manuka essential oil is very kind to the skin: it has a soothing and regenerating effect on problem and sensitive skin. Used in the fragrance lamp, the manuka essence is grounding, strengthening and relaxing. An important protective oil.Vegan. Application For room scenting and for personal aroma care. Consult the specialist literature for use in aromatherapy. Notes Warning. Harmful if swallowed. May cause an allergic skin reaction. Harmful to aquatic organisms, with long-term effect. If medical advice is needed, have label at hand. Keep out of the reach of children. Read label before use. IF SWALLOWED: Call a POISON CENTER/doctor if you feel unwell. rinse mouth. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local regulations. ..

22.48 USD

Farfalla roll-on bleib gesund kopfklar min

Farfalla roll-on bleib gesund kopfklar min

Produktkode: 7424482

FARFALLA Roll-on bleib gesund Kopfklar Min Experience refreshing and revitalizing effects with the FARFALLA Roll-on bleib gesund Kopfklar Min. This unique product is specially formulated to promote mental clarity and concentration, while also supporting the immune system for overall wellness. The roll-on design makes application easy and convenient, allowing you to apply the product directly to your temples or other pulse points. The blend of high-quality organic essential oils, including peppermint and eucalyptus, helps to clear the mind while also providing a cooling and soothing sensation on the skin. With its natural and organic ingredients, this roll-on product is safe and gentle for all skin types. The compact size of the packaging makes it ideal for carrying in your purse or pocket, so you can enjoy its benefits on-the-go. Simply roll onto your temples or wrists as needed for a quick pick-me-up throughout the day. Whether you're feeling mentally drained or simply in need of a refreshing boost, the FARFALLA Roll-on bleib gesund Kopfklar Min is the perfect solution for promoting overall wellness and mental clarity. ..

20.00 USD

Farfalla zedernholz rot äth/öl

Farfalla zedernholz rot äth/öl

Produktkode: 2140627

Essential oil red cedarwood wild collection. Composition Cedarwood (Juniperus virginiana) essential oil. Origin: United States. Contains: alpha cedar.. Properties Although it is sold worldwide as "red cedar", the strongly aromatic, reddish wood actually belongs to the cypress family. The wood is very popular because it is rarely attacked by insects. The scent is similar to cedar, but a bit harsher and stricter. The essential oil has an energetically strengthening and energizing effect. Very popular for keeping mosquitoes away. Avoid during pregnancy and with small children.Vegan. Application For room scenting and for personal aroma care. Consult specialist literature for use in aromatherapy. Notes Danger.May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. If medical advice is needed, have label at hand. Keep out of the reach of children. Read label before use. IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor. DO NOT induce vomiting. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local regulations. ..

14.67 USD

Pranarom aromapic gel insektenstiche beruhigend bio roll-on 15 ml

Pranarom aromapic gel insektenstiche beruhigend bio roll-on 15 ml

Produktkode: 7798424

PRANAROM Aromapic Gel Insektenstiche beruhigend Bio Roll-on 15 ml PRANAROM Aromapic Gel Insektenstiche beruhigend Bio Roll-on 15 ml is a natural and effective solution for soothing insect bites. This roll-on gel is made from 100% organic ingredients and is free from any harmful chemicals, making it safe for all skin types. The gel contains a unique blend of essential oils, including citronella, lavender, and peppermint, which help to reduce inflammation and redness caused by insect bites. This powerful combination of natural ingredients provides instant relief from itching and discomfort, giving you the peace of mind you need while enjoying outdoor activities. The roll-on design of the gel makes it easy to apply and mess-free. Simply roll the gel onto the affected area and let it work its magic. The gel absorbs quickly and doesn't leave any residue behind. Its small size also makes it easy to carry with you wherever you go, making it perfect for travel and outdoor adventures. PRANAROM Aromapic Gel Insektenstiche beruhigend Bio Roll-on 15 ml is an essential item for anyone who loves spending time outdoors but wants to stay protected and comfortable. Try it today and experience the calming and soothing benefits for yourself!..

23.75 USD

Puressentiel anti-stich abwehrender roll on bio 50 ml

Puressentiel anti-stich abwehrender roll on bio 50 ml

Produktkode: 7807042

Puressentiel Anti-Stich Abwehrender Roll on Bio 50 ml Are you tired of getting bitten by mosquitoes and other bugs during summer? Look no further than the Puressentiel Anti-Stich Abwehrender Roll on Bio. This 50 ml roll-on product is designed to naturally repel insects and prevent bites. The formula is made with a blend of 11 essential oils that work together to provide protection against various insects. The oils used are all 100% pure and natural, and include citronella, lavender, geranium, and peppermint, among others. What makes this product special is that it is completely organic and free from synthetic ingredients such as DEET. This means that it is safe for use on children and adults alike, even those with sensitive skin. Plus, the roll-on design makes it easy to apply to the skin without any mess. In addition to repelling insects, the essential oils used in this product also have calming and soothing properties. This makes it a great product to use after being outdoors to help soothe any bites or irritation that may have already occurred. If you want an effective and natural solution to keep insects at bay, try out the Puressentiel Anti-Stich Abwehrender Roll on Bio 50 ml...

24.33 USD

Puressentiel diffuser og forstøver luftfukting spoutnik

Puressentiel diffuser og forstøver luftfukting spoutnik

Produktkode: 7774182

Puressentiel Diffuser og Nebulizer Humidification Spoutnik Puressentiel Diffuser and Nebulizer Humidification Spoutnik er en toppmoderne enhet designet for å tilføre fuktighet til luften hjemme eller på kontoret. Denne imponerende luftfukteren har forstøverteknologi som bryter ned essensielle oljer til små partikler, noe som gjør dem lette å puste inn og nyte. Funksjoner Høyytelses forstøverteknologi: Spoutnik-luftfukteren bruker ultralydvibrasjoner for å spre små dråper vann og eteriske oljer i luften. Denne teknologien sikrer at luften i boarealet ditt er ren, frisk og jevnt fuktet. Moderne design: Spoutnik-luftfukteren har et elegant, moderne utseende som vil utfylle enhver innredning. Enheten er kompakt og lett å flytte fra rom til rom, noe som gjør den ideell for bruk i små rom eller større oppholdsrom. Flere strømalternativer: Denne enheten kan få strøm via USB, biladapter eller veggadapter. Dette gjør den svært allsidig og perfekt for bruk hjemme eller på farten. Stor vanntank: Spoutnik-luftfukteren har en imponerende vanntank på 300 ml som kan levere opptil 8 timer med kontinuerlig tåke. Dette betyr at du kan nyte lange perioder med uavbrutt fukting uten å måtte fylle på enheten hele tiden. Fargeskiftende LED-lys: Enheten har LED-lys som endrer farge, og legger til en avslappende og beroligende atmosfære i hjemmet ditt. Fordeler Pust lettere og sov bedre: Spoutnik-luftfukteren er den perfekte løsningen for folk som lider av allergier eller pustevansker. Det tilfører fuktighet til luften, og hjelper til med å lindre symptomer som lunger, tørrhet og hoste. Det bidrar også til å fremme en mer avslappende natts søvn. Skap en avslappende atmosfære: De fargeskiftende LED-lysene skaper en avslappende og beroligende atmosfære i hjemmet ditt. Dette gjør Spoutnik-luftfukteren til et ideelt tillegg til soverommet eller stuen. Nyt fordelene med essensielle oljer: Spoutnik-luftfukteren gjør det enkelt å nyte fordelene med essensielle oljer. Den bryter ned oljene til små partikler, slik at de lett kan inhaleres og absorberes av kroppen din. Konklusjon Samlet sett er Puressentiel Diffuser and Nebulizer Humidification Spoutnik en utmerket enhet som gir en rekke fordeler. Det er enkelt å bruke, svært effektivt og ser bra ut i alle omgivelser. Enten du ønsker å lindre allergier, fremme en mer avslappende natts søvn eller bare skape en avslappende atmosfære i hjemmet ditt, er Spoutnik-luftfukteren et utmerket valg. ..

128.91 USD

Puressentiel pure heat roll-on gelenk&muskel

Puressentiel pure heat roll-on gelenk&muskel

Produktkode: 7807332

PURESSENTIEL Pure Heat Roll-On Gelenk&Muskel Experience the healing power of nature with the PURESSENTIEL Pure Heat Roll-On for your joints and muscles. This natural formula is designed to provide relief from joint and muscle pain, soreness, stiffness, and inflammation while relaxing your mind and body. The PURESSENTIEL Pure Heat Roll-On is infused with 14 essential oils including Eucalyptus, Wintergreen, and Juniper, which are known for their pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. Its powerful and targeted formula penetrates the skin easily, allowing for deep tissue action to alleviate your aches and pains. The roll-on design makes it easy to apply to specific areas of your body while massaging the oil into your skin. The compact size allows you to take it with you anywhere, making it a great addition to your gym bag or travel kit. Recommended for those looking for a natural alternative to pain relief, the PURESSENTIEL Pure Heat Roll-On is free from parabens, synthetic fragrances, and artificial preservatives, making it safe for all skin types. Its all-natural formula is vegan and cruelty-free, making it an excellent choice for those living a conscientious lifestyle. To use, apply the roll-on to the affected area and massage in gently. Reapply as necessary no more than three times a day. Do not use on broken skin or open wounds. Experience natural pain relief with PURESSENTIEL Pure Heat Roll-On Gelenk&Muskel today!..

37.39 USD

Puressentiel ultraschall diffusor api

Puressentiel ultraschall diffusor api

Produktkode: 7805324

Introducing the PURESSENTIEL Ultraschall Diffusor API - Aromatherapy Perfected The PURESSENTIEL Ultraschall Diffusor API is a cutting-edge aromatherapy diffuser that utilizes ultrasonic technology to produce a fine and fragrant mist of essential oils into the air, allowing you to create a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere in any room of your home or office. This ultrasonic diffuser has a large water capacity of 600ml, providing up to 10 hours of continuous use, and features an auto shut-off function for added safety and convenience. It also includes a timer and provides a lighted display of the different settings, giving you full control over your aromatherapy experience. The PURESSENTIEL Ultraschall Diffusor API is compatible with all essential oils, making it easy for you to achieve the benefits of aromatherapy without harsh chemicals or artificial fragrances. Whether you are looking to alleviate stress and anxiety, promote relaxation and restful sleep, or simply freshen up your living space, this ultrasonic diffuser is the perfect tool to help you achieve your goals. Designed for easy use and long-lasting performance, the PURESSENTIEL Ultraschall Diffusor API is a must-have for anyone seeking a healthy and natural way to enhance their daily routine, improve their overall health and wellbeing, and create a more peaceful and stress-free environment in their home or office. ..

87.81 USD

Puressentiel zitrone-eukalyptus äth/öl bio

Puressentiel zitrone-eukalyptus äth/öl bio

Produktkode: 6702588

Opplev de forfriskende og oppkvikkende egenskapene til PURESSENTIEL Sitron-Eucalyptus Ethereal Oil Organic. Denne essensielle oljen er hentet fra organiske ingredienser av førsteklasses kvalitet, og tilbyr en herlig blanding av saftig sitron og oppløftende eukalyptusaromaer. Kjent for sine allsidige bruksområder, kan denne eteriske oljen brukes til aromaterapi, massasje eller legges til dine DIY hudpleie- og rengjøringsprodukter. Utnytt naturens kraft med denne rene og naturlige essensielle oljen, fri for skadelige kjemikalier eller tilsetningsstoffer. Øk ditt velvære og miljø med den livlige duften av sitron og eukalyptus, brakt til deg av PURESSENTIEL...

18.31 USD

Puressentiel® gel purifying antibacterial essential oils fl with 3 500 ml

Puressentiel® gel purifying antibacterial essential oils fl with 3 500 ml

Produktkode: 7772913

Puressentiel® Gel Purifying Antibacterial Essential Oils Fl with 3 500 ml Get rid of those harmful bacteria and viruses with Puressentiel® Gel Purifying Antibacterial Essential Oils! This potent formula is a must-have for anyone who wants to ensure a healthy and clean environment. The gel is enriched with essential oils of 3 plants ? lemon, lavandin, and tea tree ? which have been known for their antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties for centuries. This product comes in a convenient 500 ml pump bottle, making it easy to apply to your hands, surfaces, or objects. Key Features: Antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties Potent formula enriched with essential oils of lemon, lavandin, and tea tree Easy to apply with pump dispenser Convenient 500 ml bottle Non-sticky and quick-drying formula Directions for Use: Apply a sufficient amount of gel onto your hands or the surface/object you want to clean. Rub the product until it is absorbed into the skin or surface. Several applications per day may be necessary. Shake well before use. Precautions: Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. For external use only. Do not use on damaged skin. Keep out of reach of children. Puressentiel® Gel Purifying Antibacterial Essential Oils is a must-have product for anyone who wants to ensure a healthy and clean environment. Order yours today! ..

45.98 USD

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