
Fordøyelses helse

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Hos Beeovita forstår vi viktigheten av fordøyelseshelse. Det er derfor vi tilbyr et omfattende utvalg av Swiss Health & Beauty-produkter, designet for å forbedre tarmhelsen din. Fra fibertilskudd til homøopatiske midler, våre produkter blander naturlige ingredienser som løvetannrotekstrakt med tradisjonell homeopatisk praksis og antroposofiske virkemidler. Våre tilbud strekker seg utover menneskers helse, med veterinærmedisiner for kjæledyr også tilgjengelig. Enten du ønsker å adressere spesifikke fordøyelsessykdommer eller ønsker å øke din generelle tykktarmshelse med lindring av sure oppstøt eller blodsukkerkontroll, står vårt mangfoldige produktspekter til tjeneste. Utforsk nå og oppdag hvordan vi kan bidra til å styrke fordøyelseshelsen din.
Active fiber plv 500g

Active fiber plv 500g

Produktkode: 2868694

Actifibre Plv 500 g Actifibre Plv 500 g er et fibertilskudd av høy kvalitet som kan bidra til å fremme sunn fordøyelse og generell velvære. Den er laget av 100% naturlige ingredienser og er fri for kunstige farger, smaker og konserveringsmidler. Actifibre Plv 500 g er formulert med en blanding av løselige og uløselige fibre som jobber sammen for å støtte fordøyelsen. Løselig fiber bidrar til å regulere fordøyelsen og støtte veksten av sunne tarmbakterier, mens uløselig fiber bidrar til å forbedre regelmessigheten og forhindre forstoppelse. Actifibre Plv 500 g er et allsidig kosttilskudd som kan tilsettes en rekke matvarer og drikker. Den har en nøytral smak og kan lett blandes inn i smoothies, yoghurt, havregryn eller til og med vann. En porsjon (10 g) Actifibre Plv 500 g gir 8 g fiber, som er over 30 % av det anbefalte daglige inntaket for voksne. Actifibre Plv 500 g er et utmerket valg for alle som ønsker å forbedre sin fordøyelseshelse og generelle velvære. Den passer for vegetarianere og veganere og er glutenfri. Nøkkelfunksjoner: Laget med helt naturlige ingredienser Gir en blanding av løselige og uløselige fibre Nøytral smak som kan tilsettes en rekke matvarer og drikker Én porsjon gir over 30 % av det anbefalte daglige inntaket av fiber Passer for vegetarianere og veganere Glutenfri ..

74.18 USD

Biofarm gresskarkjerner knopp ch pose 350 g

Biofarm gresskarkjerner knopp ch pose 350 g

Produktkode: 7816599

Biofarm gresskarfrø Bud CH Btl 350 g Vi introduserer Biofarm Pumpkin Seeds Bud CH Btl 350 g ? en deilig og sunn matbit for alle. Disse gresskarfrøene er nøye høstet, stekt og pakket for å sikre den ferskeste og høyeste kvaliteten på snacks for kundene våre. Våre gresskarfrø er hentet fra lokale gårder som bruker organiske, bærekraftige metoder for å sikre at miljøet og helsen til kundene våre ikke blir kompromittert. Disse frøene er høye i næringsstoffer og har vært kjent for å ha mange helsemessige fordeler. De er fulle av antioksidanter, vitaminer og mineraler som kan bidra til å forbedre fordøyelsen, senke kolesterolnivået, redusere betennelser og øke immunforsvaret. Biofarm Pumpkin Seeds Bud CH Btl 350 g er perfekt som snacks på farten eller som et sunt tillegg til måltidene dine. Den kan spises som den er eller brukes som pålegg til salatene, smoothiene og dessertskålene. Funksjoner Økologiske og bærekraftige gresskarfrø High i næringsstoffer, vitaminer og mineraler Høstet og stekt for den ferskeste og høyeste kvaliteten på snacks Kan bidra til å forbedre fordøyelsen, senke kolesterolnivået, redusere betennelser og øke immunforsvaret Perfekt som snacks på farten eller som et sunt tillegg til måltidene dine Kan brukes som topping til salater, smoothies og dessertskåler Bestill Biofarm Pumpkin Seeds Bud CH Btl 350 g i dag og opplev den deilige og sunne snacksen som alle snakker om...

23.75 USD

Dixa psyllium svart pheur renset 1 kg

Dixa psyllium svart pheur renset 1 kg

Produktkode: 2084426

Dixa Psyllium Black PhEur Cleaned 1 kg Introducing our high-quality, all-natural product - Dixa Psyllium Black PhEur Cleaned 1 kg, a dietary supplement that contains pure and natural psyllium husk powder. This product is ideal for those who want to improve their digestive health and regularity. PhEur Cleaned: Our psyllium husk powder is Ph. Eur. cleaned, which means it meets the highest quality standards and is free from impurities, microbes or other contaminants. Black Psyllium: Dixa Psyllium Black is recognized for its high mucilage content, which helps soothe the digestive system and promote regularity. Multiple Health Benefits: Psyllium husk powder is a great source of dietary fiber, which helps to lower cholesterol, maintain blood sugar levels, and promote colon health. Easy to Use: This product comes in easy-to-use packaging, which makes it convenient to add to your daily diet. You can mix it with water, juice, or smoothies or sprinkle it on your food. Large Quantity: The 1kg pack is great value for money and ensures you always have enough supply at hand. At Dixa, we are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality natural products that promote wellness and health. Our Psyllium Black PhEur Cleaned 1 kg is a great addition to your daily diet, and we are confident that it will help you achieve optimal digestive health and regularity. Order yours today!..

42.26 USD

Dixa psyllium svart pheur renset 500 g

Dixa psyllium svart pheur renset 500 g

Produktkode: 1801498

Dixa Psyllium Black PhEur Cleaned 500g: A natural and potent way to support your digestive health If you are looking for an effective and natural way to support your digestive health, Dixa Psyllium Black PhEur Cleaned Fiber might be just what you need. This product is made from high-quality psyllium husk seeds, which are sourced from the Plantago ovata plant. Psyllium husk is known for its high levels of soluble and insoluble fiber, which can help regulate bowel movements, improve digestion, and support the growth of beneficial bacteria in your gut. The Dixa Psyllium Black PhEur Cleaned Fiber comes in a convenient 500g packaging, making it a great value. The product has been carefully cleaned to remove any impurities, ensuring that you get the purest and most potent form of psyllium husk. Psyllium husk has been used for centuries to support digestive health and is backed by a wealth of scientific research. It is especially effective in easing constipation and bloating, and can also help regulate blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol. As a natural prebiotic, psyllium husk also supports the growth of healthy gut bacteria, which can benefit your immune system and overall health. To use Dixa Psyllium Black PhEur Cleaned Fiber, simply mix a teaspoon or two into a glass of water or juice and drink it immediately. You can also add it to smoothies, cereal, or any other food that you consume regularly. This product is suitable for those who follow a vegan or gluten-free diet, and it contains no additives or preservatives. Investing in your digestive health is essential for your well-being, and Dixa Psyllium Black PhEur Cleaned Fiber is an affordable and easy way to achieve that. Order your 500g pack today and experience the benefits of psyllium husk for yourself!..

28.52 USD

Dr. jacobs basenpulver pluss 300 g

Dr. jacobs basenpulver pluss 300 g

Produktkode: 5548866

Dr. Jacob's Basenpulver plus 300 g Do you suffer from heartburn, acid reflux, or indigestion? Dr. Jacob's Basenpulver plus 300 g may be the solution for you. This natural and easy-to-digest supplement is designed to help balance your body's pH levels, promoting a healthy and alkaline environment in your digestive system. What is Dr. Jacob's Basenpulver plus 300 g? Dr. Jacob's Basenpulver plus 300 g is a high-quality alkaline mineral supplement designed to balance the pH levels in your body. This formula contains a blend of essential minerals, such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium, which work together to support healthy digestion and overall well-being. Benefits of Dr. Jacob's Basenpulver plus 300 g Helps maintain a healthy pH balance in the body Supports healthy digestion and gut health Promotes healthy energy levels and overall well-being May help reduce symptoms of heartburn, acid reflux, and indigestion How to Use Dr. Jacob's Basenpulver plus 300 g Dr. Jacob's Basenpulver plus 300 g is easy to use. Simply mix one teaspoon (5g) of the powder with a glass of water or juice and consume once or twice a day, preferably between meals. For best results, it is recommended to take the supplement consistently over a period of several weeks. Ingredients The ingredient list for Dr. Jacob's Basenpulver plus 300 g includes: Sodium bicarbonate Potassium bicarbonate Calcium citrate Magnesium citrate This supplement is vegan and free from artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, and common allergens. Conclusion With its natural blend of essential minerals, Dr. Jacob's Basenpulver plus 300 g is an effective solution for anyone looking to improve their digestive health and overall well-being. This supplement is easy to use, safe, and backed by science, making it a trusted choice for health-conscious individuals. ..

49.14 USD

Dragon superfoods bygggresspulver 150 g

Dragon superfoods bygggresspulver 150 g

Produktkode: 1029732

Dragon Super Foods bygggresspulver 150 g Oppdag de fantastiske fordelene med Dragon Super Foods Barley Grass Powder. Vårt premium bygggresspulver er laget av 100 % organisk og fersk bygggress, som er en næringsrik supermat som er fullpakket med essensielle vitaminer, mineraler og antioksidanter. Hvorfor Dragon Super Foods Barley Grass Powder er det beste valget for deg 100 % rent og organisk bygggresspulver Ikke-GMO, glutenfri og veganvennlig Rik på vitamin A, C, K og B-kompleks, kalsium, jern, kalium og klorofyll Rik på antioksidanter og alkaliserende egenskaper som bidrar til å redusere betennelse og støtte sunn fordøyelse Enkel å bruke og praktisk å legge til smoothies, juice eller hvilken som helst favorittoppskrift Fordelene med bygggresspulver Byggress er en næringstett supermat som har blitt brukt i århundrer i tradisjonell medisin for å forbedre helse og vitalitet. Det regnes som en komplett mat fordi den inneholder alle de ni essensielle aminosyrene, noe som gjør den til en utmerket proteinkilde for vegetarianere og veganere. Dessuten inkluderer noen av fordelene med å konsumere bygggresspulver: Forbedrer fordøyelsen og avgiftningen Forsterker immunforsvaret Fremmer sunn hud og hår Hjelper til å redusere betennelse og oksidativt stress Øker energi og forbedrer mental klarhet Støtter sunn vektkontroll Dragon Super Foods Barley Grass Powder er et utmerket tillegg til ethvert sunt kosthold. Legg det til din daglige rutine og begynn å nyte fordelene med denne fantastiske supermaten. Bestill nå og opplev forskjellen!..

14.36 USD

Fytomed gemmo gentiana lutea liq d 1 spr 30 ml

Fytomed gemmo gentiana lutea liq d 1 spr 30 ml

Produktkode: 2681754


45.34 USD

Fytomert papayafrukt 160 tabletter

Fytomert papayafrukt 160 tabletter

Produktkode: 5295678

Composition 0.75 g papaya fruit powder, lactose, cellulose, silicon dioxide, magnesium salt of vegetable fatty acids, 0.034 g protein, 0.64 g carbohydrates, per tablet. p> Use Take 1-2 tablets after a meal. Chew and salivate thoroughly. Composition 0.75 g Papaya fruit powder, lactose, cellulose, silicon dioxide, magnesium salt of vegetable fatty acids, 0.034 g protein, 0.64 g carbohydrates, per tablet. Application 1-2 tablets after eat meal. Chew and salivate thoroughly. ..

48.05 USD

Hverdag flat belly enzym verdauung kaps

Hverdag flat belly enzym verdauung kaps

Produktkode: 1000703

EVERYDAYS Flat Belly Enzym Verdauung Kaps EVERYDAYS Flat Belly Enzym Verdauung Kaps is a natural nutritional supplement specially formulated for people who want to achieve a flat tummy and improve digestion. This product contains enzymes that support the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins that are essential for a healthy digestive system. By providing digestive support, this formulation can help relieve discomfort caused by overindulging in heavy, fatty and acidic meals. What sets EVERYDAYS Flat Belly Enzym Verdauung Kaps apart from other digestive supplements is its unique blend of digestive enzymes, including bromelain (from pineapple), papain (from papaya), protease, amylase, and lipase. These enzymes are known for their ability to help break down food particles, aiding in the digestion of complex macro-nutrients found in certain foods such as fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. The enzymes in EVERYDAYS Flat Belly Enzym Verdauung Kaps work synergistically to promote digestive comfort and nutrient absorption. This formulation also contains potent probiotic strains designed to support healthy gut flora, which is essential for optimal nutrient absorption and immune health. For best results, take one capsule before every meal. This product is suitable for vegetarians and free from artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives. Try EVERYDAYS Flat Belly Enzym Verdauung Kaps today and improve your digestive health while achieving a flatter tummy. ..

101.80 USD

Lactibiane atb protect-hetter 10 stk

Lactibiane atb protect-hetter 10 stk

Produktkode: 6831446

LACTIBIANE ATB Protect-hetter 10 stk Kosttilskudd. Lactibiane ATB-Protect inneholder levende melkesyrebakterier som oppfyller følgende kravkriterier: sikkerhet, stabilitet, gastrisk motstand, evne til reprodusering og adhesjon til tarmveggen. Komposisjon Maisstivelse, hydroksypropylmetylcellulose (vegetabilsk kapsel), kolonidannende melkesyrebakterier (bærer: maisstivelse), antiklumpemiddel: magnesiumsalter av fettsyrer. Egenskaper Hver dose Lactibiane ATB -Protect 12M inneholder 12 milliarder levende melkesyrebakterier Lactobacillus rhamnosus LA801.Lactibiane-serien består av melkesyrebakterier som oppfyller følgende kriterier: overlevelse og funksjon langs hele fordøyelseskanalen, vedlegg til cellene i tarmslimhinnen. Bruk Ta 1 kapsel daglig med et stort glass vann før et måltid. Best før-dato og batchnummer: se bunnen av pakken. Allergener Inneholder Inneholder ingen deklarerbare allergener Merknader Avkjøl og oppbevar tørt. Dette kosttilskuddet er ikke en erstatning for et variert og balansert kosthold og en sunn livsstil. Den angitte daglige dosen må ikke overskrides. Oppbevares utilgjengelig for barn. Eiendomsnavn Kosttilskudd . Lactibiane ATB-Protect inneholder levende melkesyrebakterier som oppfyller følgende kravkriterier: sikkerhet, stabilitet, gastrisk motstand, evne til reprodusering og adhesjon til tarmveggen. Komposisjon Maisstivelse, hydroksypropylmetylcellulose (vegetabilsk kapsel), kolonidannende melkesyrebakterier (bærer: maisstivelse), antiklumpemiddel: magnesiumsalter av fettsyrer. Egenskaper Hver dose Lactibiane ATB -Protect 12M inneholder 12 milliarder levende melkesyrebakterier Lactobacillus rhamnosus LA801.Lactibiane-serien består av melkesyrebakterier som oppfyller følgende kriterier: overlevelse og funksjon langs hele fordøyelseskanalen, vedlegg til cellene i tarmslimhinnen. Bruk Ta 1 kapsel daglig med et stort glass vann før et måltid.Best før-dato og batchnummer: se bunnen av pakken. Allergener Inneholder Inneholder ingen deklarerbare allergener Merknader Avkjøl og oppbevar tørt. Dette kosttilskuddet er ikke en erstatning for et variert og balansert kosthold og en sunn livsstil. Den angitte daglige dosen må ikke overskrides. Oppbevares utilgjengelig for barn. ..

28.33 USD

Lactibiane forsvar 10m kapp 30 stk

Lactibiane forsvar 10m kapp 30 stk

Produktkode: 7748897

LACTIBIANE defense 10M Cape 30 pcs Looking for a natural and effective way to boost your immune system and enhance your digestive health? The LACTIBIANE defense 10M Cape 30 pcs is a high-quality probiotic supplement that contains 10 billion live and active bacteria, designed to support your body's natural defenses and promote optimal well-being. Each capsule contains a unique blend of probiotic strains, including Lactobacillus acidophilus LA201, Lactobacillus plantarum LA301, Bifidobacterium lactis BL804, and Streptococcus thermophilus STYThese bacteria work synergistically to help balance your gut microbiome, improve nutrient absorption, and strengthen your immune system. The LACTIBIANE defense 10M Cape is easy to take and can be incorporated into your daily routine for optimal convenience. Simply take one capsule per day with a glass of water, preferably on an empty stomach or during meals. The capsules are also convenient to take on-the-go, making them perfect for busy individuals and frequent travelers. In addition to boosting your immune system and enhancing your digestive health, the LACTIBIANE defense 10M Cape 30 pcs also offers a range of additional benefits. These include reducing inflammation, relieving allergy symptoms, improving skin health, and promoting mental clarity and focus. So why wait? Enhance your overall health and well-being with the LACTIBIANE defense 10M Cape 30 pcs today! ..

47.85 USD

Lactibiane shock 40m kapp 20 stk

Lactibiane shock 40m kapp 20 stk

Produktkode: 7407673

Property name Food supplement. Lactibiane Shock 40M is a food supplement based on live lactic acid bacteria. Composition Filler: corn starch, colony-forming lactic acid bacteria, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (vegetable capsule), anti-caking agent: stearic acid.. Properties Each dose of Lactibiane Shock 40M contains 40 billion live lactic acid bacteria: Bifidobacterium lactis LA304, Bifidobacterium bifidum LA803, Bifidobacterium lactis LA804, Bifidobacterium breve LA805, Lactobacillus acidophilus LA201, Lactobacillus rhamnosus LA801, Lactobacillus gasseri LA807 / Lactobacillus acidophilus gasseri LA806. >The range Lactibiane consists of lactic acid bacteria that meet the following criteria: survival and functioning along the entire length of the digestive tract, attachment to the cells of the intestinal mucosa. Application 2 capsules per day with a large glass of water before a meal. Best before date and batch number: see bottom of pack. Allergens Contains div> Contains no allergens that must be declared Notes Store in a cool, dry place (4-22°C). This dietary supplement is not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. The specified daily dose must not be exceeded. Keep out of the reach of children. Property name Dietary supplement .Lactibiane Shock 40M is a dietary supplement based on live lactic acid bacteria. Composition Bulking agent: corn starch, colony-forming lactic acid bacteria, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose ( vegetable capsule), release agent: stearic acid.. Properties Each dose of Lactibiane Shock 40M contains 40 billion live lactic acid bacteria Bifidobacterium lactis LA304, Bifidobacterium bifidum LA803, Bifidobacterium lactis LA804 , Bifidobacterium breve LA805, Lactobacillus acidophilus LA201, Lactobacillus rhamnosus LA801, Lactobacillus gasseri LA806, Lactobacillus acidophilus LA807.The Lactibiane range consists of lactic acid bacteria that meet the following criteria: survival and functioning along the entire length of the digestive tract, attachment to the Cells of the intestinal mucosa. Use Take 2 capsules a day with a large glass of water before a meal.Best before date and batch number : see Bottom of pack. Allergens Contains Contains no declarable allergens Notes Store in a cool, dry place (4-22°C). This dietary supplement is not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. The specified daily dose must not be exceeded. Keep out of the reach of children. ..

88.43 USD

Omida schüssler nr9 natriumfosfatkrem d 6 tb 75 ml

Omida schüssler nr9 natriumfosfatkrem d 6 tb 75 ml

Produktkode: 3013492

Kennetegn ved Omida Schüssler Nr9 Natriumfosfatkrem D 6 Tb 75 mlLagringstemperatur min/maks 15/25 grader CelsiusMengde i pakken: 1 ml Vekt: 96g Lengde: 40 mm Bredde: 41 mm Høyde: 146 mm Kjøp Omida Schüssler Nr9 Sodium phosphate cream D 6 Tb 75 ml online fra Sveits..

53.29 USD

Omni-biotic 10 plv

Omni-biotic 10 plv

Produktkode: 7785870

OMNI-BIOTIC 10 Plv OMNI-BIOTIC 10 Plv is a high-quality probiotic supplement formulated with 10 different bacterial strains. Each sachet contains 5 billion bacteria and is designed to support and promote a healthy gut microbiome. The probiotic strains in OMNI-BIOTIC 10 Plv have been carefully selected based on their ability to survive the harsh acidic environment of the stomach and reach the intestine where they can have the greatest impact. These strains include: Lactobacillus acidophilus Lactobacillus casei Lactobacillus plantarum Lactobacillus rhamnosus Lactobacillus salivarius Bifidobacterium bifidum Bifidobacterium lactis Bifidobacterium longum Enterococcus faecium Streptococcus thermophilus OMNI-BIOTIC 10 Plv helps balance the gut microbiome, which can become disrupted due to poor diet, stress, illness, or medication use. By promoting the growth and activity of beneficial bacteria, this probiotic supplement can support digestive health, immune function, and overall wellness. OMNI-BIOTIC 10 Plv is easy to use - simply dissolve one sachet in water or other liquid and consume once per day. The powder is flavorless and can be mixed with any beverage of your choice. OMNI-BIOTIC 10 Plv is gluten-free, lactose-free, and vegan, making it suitable for a wide range of dietary needs. It is also free from artificial preservatives, colors, and flavors. Take care of your gut and support your overall health with OMNI-BIOTIC 10 Plv probiotic supplement. Order now and start feeling your best!..

88.75 USD

Omni-biotic 6 plv

Omni-biotic 6 plv

Produktkode: 7785873

OMNI-BIOTIC 6 Plv OMNI-BIOTIC 6 Plv is a probiotic supplement that supports the human digestive system and helps boost immunity. These capsules are specially formulated with six types of beneficial bacteria strains, including lactobacillus acidophilus, streptococcus thermophilus, and bifidobacterium bifidum. The supplement helps maintain healthy intestinal flora, promotes regular bowel movements, and supports overall digestive health. The formula also helps improve the body's ability to digest lactose, which is instrumental in reducing digestive discomfort in those who are lactose intolerant. Features: Contains six beneficial bacteria strains, including lactobacillus acidophilus, streptococcus thermophilus, and bifidobacterium bifidum. Helps maintain healthy intestinal flora, promotes regular bowel movements, and supports overall digestive health. Improves the body's ability to digest lactose, reducing digestive discomfort in lactose intolerant people. Natural, clinically proven formula that aids digestion and enhances immune function. Suitable for vegetarians and free from allergens, artificial flavors, and preservatives. Benefits: Supports digestive and immune health - OMNI-BIOTIC 6 Plv helps to maintain a healthy intestinal balance of microorganisms, which in turn helps support the digestive tract and boost immunity. Relieves digestive discomfort - The formula enhances the body's ability to digest lactose, reducing digestive discomfort in those who are lactose intolerant. Promotes regular bowel movements - The supplement helps improve bowel movements and soothes gastrointestinal issues such as constipation. Natural and clinically proven - The supplement is made up of pure and natural ingredients that have been clinically tested and proven to aid digestive health and enhance immune function. Safe and Easy to Take - Suitable for vegetarians, OMNI-BIOTIC 6 Plv is free from artificial flavors, and preservatives, making it a safe and easy-to-use supplement to support your digestive health and immunity. Directions for Use: Take one (1) sachet daily dissolved in a glass of water, ideally on an empty stomach or 30 minutes before a meal. Conclusion Keeping your gut healthy is essential to your overall health and well-being. OMNI-BIOTIC 6 Plv is an advanced probiotic supplement that contains six types of beneficial bacteria strains that promote digestive health, improve lactose digestion, and enhance immunity. With regular use, this supplement can help you achieve optimal digestion, reduce digestive discomfort, and support overall health...

157.64 USD

Omni-logic apfelpektin kaps ds 84 stk

Omni-logic apfelpektin kaps ds 84 stk

Produktkode: 7785880

OMNi-LOGiC Apfelpektin Kaps Ds 84 Stk OMNi-LOGiC Apfelpektin Kaps Ds 84 Stk is a dietary supplement that contains natural apple pectin for supporting digestive health. The product is designed to promote bowel regularity and maintain healthy intestinal function, while also providing other health benefits like supporting immune function and blood sugar levels. Each capsule of OMNi-LOGiC Apfelpektin Kaps Ds 84 Stk contains 500mg of apple pectin, which is derived from fresh apples and processed to a highly concentrated form. Apple pectin is known for its ability to bind with toxins and heavy metals, aiding in the body's detoxification process. This product is suitable for vegetarians and vegans and does not contain any artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives. The recommended dosage is two capsules twice daily, preferably with meals or as directed by a healthcare professional. At OMNi-LOGiC, we are committed to providing high-quality products that are backed by scientific research and manufactured in state-of-the-art facilities. Our Apfelpektin Kaps Ds 84 Stk is no exception, and we are confident that it will help support your overall health and well-being...

48.97 USD

Pharmalp pro-a probiotiske kapsler 30 stk

Pharmalp pro-a probiotiske kapsler 30 stk

Produktkode: 6234259

Pharmalp PRO-A Probiotic Capsules 30 pcs Pharmalp PRO-A Probiotic Capsules are the perfect solution for individuals who want to maintain their digestive health. These capsules have a unique formulation that contains a blend of seven different strains of beneficial bacteria that are known to promote a healthy digestive tract. They are also designed to help maintain a healthy immune system, and are perfect for anyone who wants to promote overall wellness. Features and Benefits Contains seven different strains of probiotics that aid in digestive health Helps maintain a healthy immune system May improve the absorption of nutrients May reduce bloating and gas May help alleviate diarrhea and constipation May enhance overall wellness by promoting a healthy gut microbiome Vegan and gluten-free Usage Pharmalp PRO-A Probiotic Capsules are easy to use. The recommended dose is one capsule per day, preferably on an empty stomach. Simply swallow the capsule with a glass of water and you are good to go. The capsules can be taken at any time of day, but it is best to take them at the same time each day to establish a routine. Quality Assurance Pharmalp is committed to delivering high-quality products that meet the needs of its customers. Pharmalp PRO-A Probiotic Capsules are formulated using the highest standards of quality and are manufactured in a GMP-certified facility. Each batch of capsules is rigorously tested for purity and potency to ensure that you are getting the best product possible. Conclusion If you are looking for a natural way to maintain digestive health and promote overall wellness, then Pharmalp PRO-A Probiotic Capsules are the perfect solution. With a unique formulation and high-quality standards, you can feel confident that you are getting the best product possible. Order your bottle today and start experiencing the benefits of probiotics!..

69.11 USD

Phytopharma varm drikke 10 poser

Phytopharma varm drikke 10 poser

Produktkode: 7183015

Introduction Phytopharma Hot Drink 10 sachets is a perfect blend of natural ingredients that help in boosting the body's immunity. This hot drink is a perfect way to soothe your throat, especially during cold weather or after a long day of work. With its unique formula, it meets the nutritional needs of your body while providing you with a great taste. Benefits Boosts immunity: The Phytopharma Hot Drink 10 sachets help boost your immune system by providing essential nutrients to your body. It helps your body to fight off diseases and infections. Relieves cough and cold: The hot drink is a natural remedy for cough and cold. It helps to soothe the throat, reduces inflammation and clears the nasal passages. Improves digestion: The natural ingredients present in the Phytopharma Hot Drink 10 sachets help in improving digestion. It aids in the absorption of nutrients and promotes healthy digestion. Reduces stress: The hot drink is also known to reduce stress and anxiety levels in the body. It calms the nerves, reduces tension and helps in achieving better sleep. Ingredients The Phytopharma Hot Drink 10 sachets is made up of natural ingredients, such as: Green tea extract Ginger root extract Liquorice root extract Lemon balm extract Echinacea purpurea extract Peppermint leaf extract How to use Place one sachet of Phytopharma Hot Drink in a cup and pour boiling water over it. Let it steep for 3-5 minutes, stir and consume. It is recommended to consume 1-2 sachets per day, depending on your requirement. Conclusion The Phytopharma Hot Drink 10 sachets is a perfect way to provide your body with essential nutrients while enjoying a great-tasting hot drink. With its unique blend of natural ingredients, it helps to boost your immunity, relieve cough and cold, improve digestion, and reduce stress levels. Give your body the care it deserves with Phytopharma Hot Drink. ..

29.49 USD

Sidroga 7-kräuter btl 20 stk

Sidroga 7-kräuter btl 20 stk

Produktkode: 7743418

Sidroga 7-Kräuter Btl 20 Stk The Sidroga 7-Kräuter Btl 20 Stk is a herbal tea that comes in a pack of This tea features a blend of seven different herbs that have been carefully chosen for their beneficial properties. The herbs include aniseed, fennel, caraway, thyme, lemon balm, peppermint, and licorice root. One of the biggest benefits of this tea is that it is caffeine-free, making it a great option for those who want to avoid caffeine but still want to enjoy a warm cup of tea. The herbs in this blend have also been traditionally used for their digestive properties, helping to reduce bloating, gas, and indigestion. The Sidroga 7-Kräuter Btl 20 Stk is easy to prepare. Simply place one tea bag into a cup, add hot water, and allow it to steep for several minutes. This tea can be enjoyed at any time of day, either hot or cold. At Sidroga, we are committed to providing high-quality herbal teas that are both delicious and beneficial for your health. Our teas are made with only the finest ingredients, and we take great care in creating blends that not only taste great but also provide a range of health benefits. If you are looking for a caffeine-free herbal tea that can help support your digestive health, try the Sidroga 7-Kräuter Btl 20 Stk today...

10.52 USD

Sonnentor godt humør.alt bra veske 18 stk

Sonnentor godt humør.alt bra veske 18 stk

Produktkode: 6536279

Sonnentor Mood Gut-Alles-Well Bataljon - 18 stykker Hvis du leter etter en naturlig måte å løfte humøret på, øke immunforsvaret og støtte fordøyelseshelsen din, er Sonnentor Mood Gut-Alles-Well Battalion et utmerket valg. Denne deilige blandingen av økologiske urter og krydder er nøye blandet for å hjelpe deg med å føle deg bra innvendig og utvendig. Fordeler: Støtter fordøyelsen: Blandingen av fennikel, anis og karvefrø i denne teen kan bidra til å lindre fordøyelsesbesvær. Øker immunitet: Oregano og timian i denne teen har antimikrobielle egenskaper som kan bidra til å styrke immunforsvaret ditt. Løfter humøret: Blandingen av sitronmelisse, lavendel og rosmarin i denne teen kan hjelpe deg å føle deg mer avslappet og oppløftet. Ingredienser: fennikelfrø Anisfrø Karvefrø Oregano Timian Sitronmelisse Lavendel Rosmarin Slik bruker du: Bratt 1 teskje av blandingen i kokende vann i 5-7 minutter. Sil og nyt varmt eller kaldt. Antall: Denne pakken inkluderer 18 teposer. Ytterligere fordeler: 100 % organisk Fri for kunstige tilsetningsstoffer og konserveringsmidler Vegansk Koffeinfri ..

10.70 USD

Toxaprevent medi pure kaps 180 stk

Toxaprevent medi pure kaps 180 stk

Produktkode: 7045164

Capsules to strengthen the intestinal wall barrier. Properties The Toxaprevent Medi Pure capsules are a natural medical device to strengthen the intestinal wall barrier.Medical device for intestinal health. This product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

56.94 USD

Toxaprevent mediplus stick 30 x 3 g

Toxaprevent mediplus stick 30 x 3 g

Produktkode: 7045170

Toxaprevent Medi Plus is a medical product to strengthen the intestinal wall bacteria. With added calcium and magnesium carbonate. Properties Toxaprevent Medi Plus is a medical product to strengthen the intestinal wall bacteria. With added calcium and magnesium carbonate.This product is CE-certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

56.94 USD

Vitafor probi-intestis kapp 40 stk

Vitafor probi-intestis kapp 40 stk

Produktkode: 5430165

Vitafor Probi-Intestis Capsules - Keep Your Gut Healthy and Happy The Vitafor Probi-Intestis Capsules are specially formulated to maintain and promote a healthy gut microbiome. These capsules contain a unique blend of beneficial bacteria strains that work together to support digestive health and immune function. Each bottle contains 40 capsules, making it easy to incorporate into your daily routine. The Benefits of Vitafor Probi-Intestis Capsules Promotes Digestive Health - The probiotic strains in these capsules help to balance the bacteria in your gut, which can aid in the digestive process. Boosts Immune Function - A healthy gut microbiome is essential for optimal immune function. These capsules can help to support your immune system. Reduces Inflammation - Chronic inflammation in the gut can lead to various health issues. The probiotics in these capsules can help to reduce gut inflammation. Improves Mood and Mental Health - The gut and brain are interconnected, and a healthy gut microbiome can contribute to good mental health. These capsules can help to support a positive mood. The Ingredients The Vitafor Probi-Intestis Capsules contain a blend of several beneficial bacteria strains, including: Lactobacillus acidophilus Bifidobacterium bifidum Bifidobacterium lactis Lactobacillus rhamnosus These strains have been carefully selected to promote a balanced gut microbiome and support digestive health. How to Use Take one capsule daily with water, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. For best results, take on an empty stomach. Get Your Vitafor Probi-Intestis Capsules Today Order your bottle of Vitafor Probi-Intestis Capsules to support your gut health and overall wellbeing. These capsules are free from preservatives, gluten, and lactose, making them suitable for a wide range of dietary needs...

69.11 USD

Zuccari aloe magnifica fl 1 lt

Zuccari aloe magnifica fl 1 lt

Produktkode: 7743968

ZUCCARI Aloe Magnifica Fl 1 lt The ZUCCARI Aloe Magnifica Fl 1 lt is a premium quality aloe vera juice that is made from the purest and freshest aloe vera leaves grown in the fertile soils of Sicily. This refreshing, antioxidant-rich juice is carefully extracted to maintain the natural goodness and potency of the aloe vera plant, making it an ideal natural remedy for various health concerns. Our Aloe Magnifica juice is enriched with minerals, vitamins, and amino acids that are essential for your body's overall health and well-being. It's a great way to boost your immune system, improve digestion, and detoxify your body from harmful toxins. Benefits of ZUCCARI Aloe Magnifica Fl 1 lt It promotes healthy digestion It supports immune system function It helps to detoxify the body from harmful toxins It helps reduce inflammation and irritation in the gut It promotes healthy hair and skin ZUCCARI Aloe Magnifica Fl 1 lt isn't just any ordinary aloe vera juice. Our premium quality juice is carefully extracted and manufactured in a state-of-the-art facility that enforces strict quality control measures. As a result, you get a product that is pure, fresh, and of the highest quality, which provides you with all the benefits of aloe vera. If you're looking for a safe, natural remedy to boost your overall health and well-being, then ZUCCARI Aloe Magnifica Fl 1 lt is the perfect solution for you. Get yours today and start experiencing the many benefits of aloe vera!..

49.74 USD

Zwicky økologiske hirseflak 500 g

Zwicky økologiske hirseflak 500 g

Produktkode: 6503848

Vi introduserer Zwicky Organic Millet Flakes 500 g Oppdag godheten til Zwicky økologiske hirseflak 500 g, perfekt for din daglige frokostrutine. Laget av 100 % sertifisert økologisk hirse, disse flakene er glutenfrie og rike på viktige vitaminer og mineraler. Fordeler med Zwicky Organic Millet Flakes 500 g Glutenfri og trygg for personer med cøliaki eller glutenfølsomhet Rik på fiber, protein og essensielle mineraler som magnesium, fosfor og sink Hjelper med å opprettholde sunn fordøyelse og reduserer risikoen for forstoppelse Lav glykemisk indeks, noe som gjør det til et flott alternativ for diabetikere eller de som prøver å opprettholde sunne blodsukkernivåer Lett å fordøye og egnet for spedbarn, eldre og de med svekket fordøyelsessystem Hvordan bruke Disse flakene er allsidige og kan brukes på en rekke måter. Legg dem til din daglige frokostrutine ved å drysse dem på toppen av yoghurten din, blande dem inn i frokostblandingen eller bruke dem som en base for dine hjemmelagde granolabarer. Du kan også bruke dem i bakeoppskrifter som muffins, brød og til og med informasjonskapsler. Om Zwicky Zwicky er et sveitsisk merke som har produsert økologiske matprodukter av høy kvalitet siden De bruker kun naturlige og økologiske ingredienser i alle produktene sine for å sikre at du får den beste kvaliteten og de sunneste matalternativene. Få hendene på Zwicky Organic Millet Flakes 500 g i dag og opplev godheten av økologisk og glutenfri mat...

8.98 USD

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