Buy online HYGIS SA
(Side 1)
Multi-Gyn FloraPlus gel Monodos 5 stk
Especially for the prevention and treatment of vaginal thrush problems. Prebiotic, highly active pro..
35.35 CHF
Multi-Gyn IntiFresh Intimservietter 12 stk
Kenskaper til Multi-Gyn IntiFresh Intimate Wipes 12 stkLagringstemperatur min/maks 15/25 grader Cels..
8.63 CHF
Multi Gyn ActiGel 50ml
Forebygger og behandler vaginale lidelser og bakteriell vaginose Gjenoppretter det optimale pH-niv..
33.63 CHF
Multi-Gyn vaginal dusj + brusetablett CombiPack
Kennetegn ved Multi-Gyn vaginal dusj + brusetablett CombiPackSertifisert i Europa CELagringstemperat..
47.23 CHF
Multi-Gyn LiquiGel Tb 30 ml
The Ultimate Solution for Vaginal Discomfort - Multi-Gyn LiquiGel Tb 30ml Multi-Gyn LiquiGel Tb 30m..
38.56 CHF
Multi-Gyn FemiWash Foam 100 ml
Intimate hygiene in everyday life cleans the vulva (outer part of the vagina),respects the intimate..
23.87 CHF
Multi-Gyn brusetabletter 10 stk
For the Multi-Gyn vaginal douche More information here:
22.20 CHF
(Side 1)