plaster hidrokoloid
(1 Muka Surat)
Dermaplast effect blister s 6 pcs
Papa lepuh kesan Dermaplast untuk jari kaki ialah plaster hidrokoloid dan sesuai untuk lepuh kecil. Ia mesra kulit, kalis air dan kalis kuman serta menawarkan perlindungan yang boleh dipercayai terhadap kotoran dan bakteria. Pada masa yang sama, ia telus, yang membolehkan kawalan visual.Hidrokoloid yang terkandung di dalamnya membentuk perlindungan tekanan yang ideal dalam kes di mana kulit pada tangan atau kaki telah atau masih ditekankan oleh geseran. Buih yang berkembang dengan cara ini harus dirawat dengan penjagaan khas. Jika ia masih tertutup, hidrokoloid meredakan kesakitan akibat tekanan dan melindungi kulit yang tertekan daripada kecederaan selanjutnya.Sebaliknya, jika lepuh sudah terbuka, hidrokoloid mempercepatkan proses penyembuhan luka dan memberikan perlindungan yang cekap terhadap bakteria dan kotoran.Ppa lepuh larut dengan sendirinya selepas beberapa hari dan kemudian boleh dikeluarkan. Diuji secara dermatologi...
18.28 USD
Dermaplast effect tumit lepuh 6 pcs
Dermaplast Effect blister plasters for heels are hydrocolloid plasters and are suitable for smaller, but also larger blisters in the heel area. They are skin-friendly, waterproof and germ-proof and offer reliable protection against dirt and bacteria. At the same time, they are transparent, which allows visual control.The hydrocolloids they contain form an ideal pressure protection in cases where the skin on the hands or feet has been or is still being stressed by friction. Bubbles that develop in this way should be treated with special care. If they are still closed, hydrocolloids soothe the pain caused by pressure and protect the stressed skin from further injury.If, on the other hand, a blister is already open, the hydrocolloids accelerate the wound healing process and provide efficient protection against bacteria and dirt.The blister plaster dissolves by itself after a few days and can then be removed. Dermatologically tested...
18.28 USD
Lepuh kesan dermaplast xl 6 pcs
Dermaplast Effect blister plasters XL are large hydrocolloid plasters. They are skin-friendly, waterproof and germ-proof and offer reliable protection against dirt and bacteria. At the same time, they are transparent, which allows visual control.The hydrocolloids they contain form an ideal pressure protection in cases where the skin on the hands or feet has been or is still being stressed by friction. Bubbles that develop in this way should be treated with special care. If they are still closed, hydrocolloids soothe the pain caused by pressure and protect the stressed skin from further injury.If, on the other hand, a blister is already open, the hydrocolloids accelerate the wound healing process and provide efficient protection against bacteria and dirt.The blister plaster dissolves by itself after a few days and can then be removed. Dermatologically tested..
18.28 USD
(1 Muka Surat)