
아기 영양

1~17 표시 중 - 총 17 개
(1 페이지)
Beeovita에서는 아기의 영양을 위한 최고의 재료를 전문적으로 조달합니다. 우리는 자녀의 성장과 발달에 있어 각 식사의 중요성을 이해하고 있습니다. 따라서 우리는 광범위한 유아용 조제분유, 유기농 우유, 아기 영양에 특히 적합한 다양한 제품을 제공합니다. 우유와 페핏 세트부터 특별한 영양 요구 사항을 충족하는 유아용 식품에 이르기까지 모든 제품은 아기의 건강을 증진하는 데 중점을 두고 있습니다. 우리의 유기농 성분은 자녀의 영양이 안전하고 유익하다는 것을 보장합니다. 아기에게 우수한 영양을 제공하도록 맞춤 제작된 스위스의 뛰어난 건강 및 미용 제품을 Beeovita에서 쇼핑하세요.
Bimbosan super premium 2 folge refill

Bimbosan super premium 2 folge refill

제품코드: 1030907

Bimbosan Super Premium 2 Folge Refill- 설명 후속 우유 구성 탈지유; 유당, 식물성 오일 (해바라기 오일, 유채 오일, 코코넛 오일), 유청 단백질 농축액, 무수 우유 지방, 갈락토 올리고 사카 라이드 (락토오스의 GOS), 미네랄 (칼슘 포스페이트, 염화 칼륨, 나트륨 시트 레이트, 마그네슘 시트 레이트, 탄산 칼륨, 칼륨) 수산화물, 구연산 칼륨, 철 황산염, 설페이트 아연, 구리 황산염, 요오드테, 망간 황산 나트륨), 정제 된 어유, Mortierella Alpina Oil, 2? -fucosyllactose, 비타민 (비타민 C, 비타민 C, 비타민 C, Niacin, Pantothenic acid, 티아민, 비타민 B6, 비타민 A, 리보플라빈, 엽산, 비타민 K, 비오틴, 비타민 D, 비타민 B12), 유화제 (레시틴), 콜린 비타 트레이트, 타우린, 뉴클레오티드 (CMP, UMP, AMP, IMP, GMP), 안티 옥시 방지제 ( Ascorbyl palmitate, 높은 토코페롤 함량이 높은 추출물), L- 카르니틴 L- 타트레이트, 이노시톨 .. 특성 가장 현대적인 Bimbosan Milks조차도 일류 스위스 암소의 우유를 담고 있습니다. 우리의 슈퍼 프리미엄 밀크는 유백색의 우수한 맛과 보완 성분에 깊은 인상을줍니다. 그들은 최신 권장 사항과 사양을 충족시키고 영아와 유아에게 모든 단계에서 필요한 영양소를 제공합니다. Super Premium 2에는 탄수화물이 하나만 포함되어 있습니다. 응용 지정된 양의 물을 끓여서 (복용량 참조) ​​약을 식히십시오. 45 ° C. 레벨 측정 스푼 수를 추가하십시오 (복용량 참조). 병을 잘 흔들고 음주 온도 (37 ° C) (손목 검사)를 식히십시오. 부적절한 저장 및 준비는 건강에 해로울 수 있습니다. 각 병을 신선하게 준비하고 남은 음식을 재사용하지 마십시오. 1 병에 대한 복용량 : 나이 (개월)*: 6-8 | 8-12 | 물 : 160 ml | 200 ml | 숟가락 측정 ** : 4 | 5 | 음주. 대략적인 금액*: 180 ml | 225 ml | 하루에 병*: 4 | 2-3 | * 가이드 값/** 1 흰색 측정 숟가락 = 약. 6.3 g 이 환경 친화적 인 리필 백에는 측정 스푼이 포함되어 있지 않습니다. 이것은 모든 캔에 있습니다. 영양 값 영양 가치 수량 당 % 측정 정확도 에너지 278 kj 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 에너지 66 kcal 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 나트륨 27 mg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 탄수화물; 그 중 설탕 7.8 g 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 아라키돈 산 15 mg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 철 0.99 mg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 마그네슘 6.75 mg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 2'-fucosyllactose (2'-fl) 25 mg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 피리 독신 (비타민 B6) 61 µg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 판토텐산 (비타민 B5) 0.41 mg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 인 40.5 mg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 리놀레산 419 mg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 카르니틴 1.4 mg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 비오틴 2 µg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 이노시톨 8.1 mg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 알파-리놀렌산 57 mg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 비타민 E 1.49 mg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 지방; 그 중 다중 불포화 지방산 (CIS) 0.5 g 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 비타민 D 1.6 µg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 식이 섬유 0.4 g 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 티아민 (비타민 B1) 61 µg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 요오드 14.9 µg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) Galactooligosaccharides (Gos) 0.5g 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 엽산 17.6 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) zink 0.49 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) nukleotid 2.9 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) selen 3.4 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) 리보 플라빈 (비타민 B2) 108 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) Kupfer 53 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) 콜린; gesamt 21 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) 비타민 B12 0.20 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) docosahexaensäure (dha) 15 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) 비타민 K 4.7 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) eiweiss 1.4 g 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) fett; Davon Gesättigte Fettsäuren 1.3 g 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) fluorid 2.7 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) fett 3.2 g 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) niacin 0.54 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) laktose 7.4 g 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) 망간 9.5 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) 칼슘 60.8 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) 타우린 4.1 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) 비타민 C 15 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) fett; Davon Einfach Ungesättigte Fettsäuren (CIS) 1.1 g 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) 클로리드 51.3 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) kohlenhydrate 7.8 g 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) 비타민 A 60.8 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) kalium 81 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) 알레르겐 애호가 fisch und fischerzeugnisse Milch und Milcherzeugnisse Milchzucker (Laktose) Hinweise Kühl und Trocken Lagern. Unter Schutzatmospäre Verpackt. Empfehlung : Bimbosan-dose aufbewahren, damit das pulver nach dem Öffnen bis Zu 4 Wochen Lang 최적의 Geschützt bleibt. folgemilch eignet sich für die besondere ernährung von säuglingen ab einem von mindestens 6 monaten. SIE IST NUR TEIL EINER MISCHKOST UND DARF ALS MUTTERMILCHERSATZ Während Der Ersten Secs Monate Verwendet Werden. Wichtiger Hinweis : Stillen ist 이상적인 ihr 종류. LASSEN SIE SICH VOM FACHPERSONAL DES GESUNDHEITSWESENS BERATEN, WENN SIE DIESES PRODUKT VERWENDEN WOLLEN. Lassen Sie Sich Auch Beraten, Wenn Sie Beikost Bereits Zu Einem Früheren Zeitpunkt Einführen Möchten, UM Die Bedürfnisse Ihres Kindes Zu Berückksichtigen. ..

28.50 USD

Hipp gemüse und reis m kalbfleisch 8m bio

Hipp gemüse und reis m kalbfleisch 8m bio

제품코드: 2924524

HIPP Gemüse u Reis m Kalbfleisch 8M Bio HIPP Gemüse u Reis m Kalbfleisch 8M Bio is an ideal meal for babies from the age of 8 months. This dish is prepared with organic vegetables, tender veal, and rice. The vegetables used in this dish are 100% organic, which means that they are grown without the use of harmful chemicals, pesticides, and fertilizers. The ingredients used in this dish are carefully selected to ensure that your baby gets the best nutrition possible. The tender veal used in this dish is easy to digest and provides your baby with the protein and iron they need for healthy growth and development. The rice used is also easy to digest and is a great source of carbohydrates. HIPP Gemüse u Reis m Kalbfleisch 8M Bio is rich in vitamins and minerals, which are essential for the healthy development of your baby. This dish has a creamy texture and a delicious taste that your baby will love. This product is packed in a glass jar with a twist-off lid, making it easy for you to serve your baby's meal. The jar is also BPA-free, ensuring that your baby's food is safe and free from harmful chemicals. Overall, HIPP Gemüse u Reis m Kalbfleisch 8M Bio is a healthy and nutritious meal that is perfect for your baby's growing needs. Give your baby the best and choose HIPP Gemüse u Reis m Kalbfleisch 8M Bio for their next meal. ..

4.27 USD

Holle babybrei hirse 바이오

Holle babybrei hirse 바이오

제품코드: 6658781

HOLLE 유기농 유아죽은 아기에게 고형식을 소개하기 위한 프리미엄 선택입니다. 인증된 유기농 재료로 만든 이 부드러운 죽은 어린이의 영양 요구 사항을 충족하도록 특별히 제작되었습니다. 부드러운 질감과 순한 맛으로 아기의 첫 식사로 맛있고 쉽게 소화할 수 있는 옵션을 제공합니다. 건강한 발달을 위한 철분을 포함한 필수 비타민과 미네랄이 들어 있는 이 죽은 아기의 성장과 전반적인 웰빙을 지원합니다. 준비하기 쉬우며 아이가 건강에 좋은 천연 영양분을 섭취할 수 있는 편리한 방법을 제공합니다. 아기의 요리 여행을 영양 있게 시작하려면 HOLLE 유기농 아기죽을 선택하세요...

11.73 USD

Holle bio-folgemilch 3 카톤 600g

Holle bio-folgemilch 3 카톤 600g

제품코드: 7802898

Holle Bio-Folgemilch 3 Karton 600 g The Holle Bio-Folgemilch 3 Karton 600 g is a high-quality, organic follow-on milk formula that provides your baby with all the essential nutrients they need after starting on solid foods. This formula is made from carefully selected, organic ingredients so you can be sure that your baby is getting the best possible nutrition. Age Range: 10-12 months Quantities: 1 carton contains 600 g of formula Ingredients: Organic skimmed milk, organic whey powder (partially demineralized), organic vegetable oils (palm oil*, rapeseed oil, sunflower oil), organic maltodextrin, organic skimmed milk powder, organic starch, L-tyrosine, organic fish oil, organic vitamins, organic minerals: calcium carbonate, potassium chloride, sodium chloride, vitamin C, vitamin E, ferrous lactate, zinc sulfate, niacin, pantothenic acid, copper sulfate, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B2, manganese sulfate, potassium iodate, vitamin K, sodium selenate, vitamin D, biotin, vitamin B12 Usage instructions: Always follow the instructions on the packaging carefully. Use one level scoop of formula for every fluid ounce of water. Shake well until the powder has completely dissolved. Check the temperature of the formula before feeding it to your baby. Benefits: The Holle Bio-Folgemilch 3 Karton 600 g provides your baby with all the essential nutrients they need, including vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids The organic ingredients ensure that your baby is getting the best possible nutrition The formula is easy to prepare and can be used as a replacement for breastfeeding or as a supplement alongside solid foods The carton is easy to store and transport Ensure that you speak with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your baby's diet. ..

29.02 USD

Holle kürbis 주키니와 카르토펠

Holle kürbis 주키니와 카르토펠

제품코드: 7833592

HOLLE Kürbis Zucchini & Kartoffel Introducing the HOLLE Kürbis Zucchini & Kartoffel baby food, a deliciously nutritious option for your little one. The ingredients in this product are not only tasty but are carefully selected and prepared to meet the highest standards of infant nutrition. The ingredients include: 47% organic pumpkin 31% organic courgette 12% organic potatoes 10% organic rice This baby food is made without any added salt, sugar, or any artificial additives. It is gluten-free and suitable for vegetarians. The organic vegetables and potatoes are picked at their peak ripeness to ensure maximum flavour and nutrient retention. The HOLLE Kürbis Zucchini & Kartoffel baby food is full of vitamins and minerals, ensuring that your baby gets the best possible nutrition. If you're looking for a baby food option that is quick, easy and nutritious, this could be the perfect choice for you. Simply heat the jar in some hot water and spoon feed to your baby. It's ideal for when you're on the go or in a rush. The jar is also lightweight and easy to store, making it perfect for small kitchens or on trips. At HOLLE, we pride ourselves on providing high-quality, organic, and nutritious baby food options. Our products are certified organic, meaning that they are produced using farming methods that protect the environment and animal welfare. We tirelessly ensure that our products are free from harmful additives, GMOs, pesticides, and herbicides. Introduce your baby to the delicious taste of organic vegetables and superior nutrition with the HOLLE Kürbis Zucchini & Kartoffel baby food...

4.68 USD

Milupa aptamil 1 profutura 안전 상자 시작 우유 800g

Milupa aptamil 1 profutura 안전 상자 시작 우유 800g

제품코드: 7829953

Milupa Aptamil 1 Profutura Safety Box Beginning Milk 800g The Milupa Aptamil 1 Profutura Safety Box Beginning Milk is ideal for infants aged up to 6 months. The formula is rich in nutrients that support the healthy growth and development of your baby. It is specially formulated with a unique blend of ingredients, including Pronutra+, which contains prebiotics, LCPs and other nutrients that support immune system and cognitive development. Benefits of Milupa Aptamil 1 Profutura Safety Box Beginning Milk Contains essential nutrients for healthy growth and development of your baby Specially formulated with Pronutra+ for cognitive and immune system development Helps to reduce the risk of baby developing cow milk allergy Easy to digest, enabling your baby to absorb nutrients effectively Comes in a safety box packaging that ensures the formula remains fresh and uncontaminated How to use Dissolve each scoop of the formula in a recommended amount of water and shake well until fully mixed. You can feed your baby immediately after this. The formula is recommended for infants aged up to 6 months. Use the scoop provided in the pack for accurate measurement. Please follow the guidelines on the pack for the recommended amount of powder and water to use. Precautions Do not feed your infant on the formula for more than six months Do not give your baby any other food or drinks unless advised by a healthcare professional Ensure that your hands are clean before preparing the formula Discard any unused milk within 2 hours of preparation The Milupa Aptamil 1 Profutura Safety Box Beginning Milk is a great choice for parents who want to ensure their babies are getting the best nutrition possible. It is easy to use, highly nutritious and comes in a packaging that ensures the formula is fresh and safe for your baby...

56.68 USD

Milupa aptamil pre 400 g

Milupa aptamil pre 400 g

제품코드: 7802424

Milupa Aptamil Pre 400g The Milupa Aptamil Pre 400g is an infant formula that provides complete nutrition for infants from birth to six months of age. This formula is specially designed to support the growth and development of babies during their first few months of life. The unique composition of the formula is based on the latest scientific research and has been developed specifically to meet the nutritional needs of newborns. Composition The Milupa Aptamil Pre 400g formula is made up of a carefully selected combination of ingredients to provide babies with all the nutrients they need to grow and develop. The formula contains a blend of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats that are easy for babies to digest. It also contains essential vitamins and minerals, including iron, calcium, and vitamin D, which are important for healthy bone development. Benefits There are several benefits to using the Milupa Aptamil Pre 400g formula for your baby. Firstly, the formula provides complete nutrition for babies, meaning that you can be confident that your baby is getting all the nutrients they need to grow and develop. The formula is also easy to digest, which can help to reduce the risk of digestive issues such as colic and constipation. Additionally, the formula is enriched with important nutrients that can help to support your baby's immune system and promote healthy brain development. Usage The Milupa Aptamil Pre 400g formula is easy to prepare and use. Simply follow the instructions on the packaging to prepare the formula, and feed it to your baby as needed. The formula is suitable for use from birth, and can be used for as long as you wish to supplement or replace breastfeeding. Conclusion If you are looking for a high-quality infant formula that provides complete nutrition for your baby, the Milupa Aptamil Pre 400g formula is an excellent choice. With its unique composition and carefully selected ingredients, this formula provides all the nutrients your baby needs to grow and develop during their first few months of life. Additionally, the formula is easy to prepare and use, making it a convenient and reliable choice for busy parents...

29.25 USD

밀루파 굿나잇 소프트 스타트 4m + 400g

밀루파 굿나잇 소프트 스타트 4m + 400g

제품코드: 7758700

Milupa Goodnight Gentle Start is a soft-melting milk pudding and is therefore ideal for the start of treatment from the 4th month. Milupa cereal and milk paps are side dishes that are adapted to the baby's special nutritional needs. Therebypays particular attention to quality: The grain comes from selected farmers and undergoes up to 650 quality controls before it is put on the baby spoon. The cereal grains are ground as finely as babies of that age need and at the same time provide important nutrients such as carbohydrates. Ideal before bedtime. Gluten-free.With vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium and vitamin D.No added sugar. (But contains sugar naturally).With valuable, baby-friendly cereals.In practical, resealable packaging. CompositionCereals (45.8%) (maize (27.5%), rice (18.3%)), skimmed milk powder (26%), demineralised whey powder (from milk) (17%), vegetable oils (palm, rape, coconut, sunflower, emulsifier: soya lecithin), mineral mixture (calcium carbonate, iron diphosphate, potassium iodide), vitamin mixture (vitamin C, vitamin B?, vitamin A, vitamin D), natural vanilla flavour...

17.04 USD

밀루파 바이오 7 그레인 6개월 후; 180g

밀루파 바이오 7 그레인 6개월 후; 180g

제품코드: 7757989

Milupa Bio 7 Korn is a finely ground cereal porridge and is ideal as a complementary food from 6 months of age. It consists of wheat, oats, barley, rye, maize, rice and spelt. Milupa cereal and milk porridges are complementary foods that are adapted to the special nutritional needs of the baby. Special attention isspecial attention is paid to quality: The cereals come from selected farmers and go through several quality controls before they are put on the baby spoon. The cereal grains are ground as finely as babies need at that age, while providing important nutrients such as carbohydrates. May contain traces of milk and soy No added sugar (but naturally contains sugar)In convenient, resealable packaging Composition Cereals (100%) (organic whole grain wheat meal (88%), organic whole grain oatmeal (2.9%), organic whole grain barley meal (1.8%), organic whole grain rye flour (1.8%), organic maize semolina (1.8%), organic rice flour ( 1.8%), organic whole grain spelled wheat flour (1.8%)), vitamin B?.Whole grain cereal: 96.5%..

9.84 USD

밀루파 압타밀 1 800g

밀루파 압타밀 1 800g

제품코드: 7802431

Milupa Aptamil 1 800 g The Milupa Aptamil 1 is a high-quality infant formula designed for babies from birth up to 6 months old. With a unique blend of essential nutrients, this formula provides complete nutrition to support your baby's growth and development during the crucial first few months of life. Features and Benefits: Contains essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals for optimal brain and eye development Contains prebiotics and probiotics to support digestive health Contains nucleotides to support a strong immune system Easy to digest and gentle on baby's tummy Gluten-free, and contains no added sugars or artificial colors or flavors The Milupa Aptamil 1 is also suitable for babies who are not fully breastfed or for babies who require a supplement to their breast milk. It can be easily prepared by mixing with boiled water and can be served either warm or at room temperature. How to Use: Wash your hands and sterilize all utensils. Boil fresh water for 5 minutes and leave to cool for at least 30 minutes. Do not use artificially softened or repeatedly boiled water. Follow the instructions on the packaging to measure the correct amount of formula powder and add to the water. Shake well until all the powder has dissolved. Check the temperature of the formula before serving. It should be lukewarm. Do not microwave the formula as it may cause hot spots. With the Milupa Aptamil 1, you can rest assured that your baby is getting the best possible start in life with the right nutrition to support their growth and development...

52.08 USD

빔보산 바이오 1 이유식 400g

빔보산 바이오 1 이유식 400g

제품코드: 7769491

Bimbosan Bio 1 Infant Milk Formula is made exclusively from organic Swiss milk, with no palm oil being used. The infant formula is suitable from birth as a supplement to breast milk, after breastfeeding and for babies who are not breastfed.Made in Switzerland. Use Dosage for a bottle: Age / Weight *waterMeasuring spoon **Drinking bottles amount approx<3 weeks40ml145ml3kg90ml2100ml3-4kg130ml3145ml4-7kg170ml4th190ml> 7kg210ml5235ml *Guide Note According to the WHO, breastfeeding is the best diet for babies, so breastfeeding is recommended for the first 6 months. If supplementary food is required or the baby is no longer breastfed, information should be obtained from healthcare professionals (pediatrician, maternal advice, midwife). Composition Skimmed milk, demineralized whey powder, vegetable oils (sunflower oil, coconut oil, rapeseed oil), lactose , galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS from lactose), minerals (calcium chloride, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, magnesium chloride, calcium phosphate, calcium citrate, potassium sulphate, sodium hydroxide selenate, potassium sulfate, sodium hydroxide selenate Copper sulfate, iron sulfate), emulsifier ( sunflower lecithin), refined fish oil, choline bitartrate, vitamins (vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin D, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin B12, vitamin K, folic acid, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin B2), L-tyrosine, L. -Tryptophan, inositol, antioxidants (high tocopherol-containing extracts), L-cysteine, L-carnitine. ..

29.73 USD

빔보산바이오2 폴게밀치ds 400g

빔보산바이오2 폴게밀치ds 400g

제품코드: 7769493

야자유 없이 유기농 스위스 우유로만 만들었습니다. 모유 수유를 하지 않은 6개월 이상의 아기 또는 모유 수유 후 보충용으로 사용합니다. 구성 탈지유, 탈염 유장 분말, 식물성 기름(해바라기유, 코코넛유, 유채씨유), 말토덱스트린, 갈락토올리고당(유당에서 추출한 GOS), 미네랄(구연산칼슘, 구연산나트륨, 염화칼륨, 염화마그네슘, 염화칼슘, 인산칼슘, 황산아연, 황산제1철, 셀렌산나트륨, 황산구리, 요오드산칼륨, 황산망간), 유화제(해바라기 레시틴), 정제 어유, 비타민(비타민 C, 비타민 E, 비타민 A, 비타민 D, 나이아신, 판토텐산, 비오틴, 비타민 K, 엽산, 비타민 B1, 비타민 B6, 비타민 B12, 비타민 B2), L-티로신, 항산화제(토코페롤 함량이 높은 추출물)..속성Bimbosan Bio 2 후속 우유는 팜유를 일관되게 사용하지 않고 제조된 스위스 유기농 우유로만 만듭니다. 귀중한 오메가 3 및 6 지방산을 함유하고 있습니다.모유 보충용 모유는 생후 6개월부터 모유 수유 후, 모유를 먹지 않는 아기에게 적합합니다. Made in Switzerland. 연령/체중*물계량 스푼 ** 음료수 병 용량 약. 4kg130ml3145ml4-7kg170ml4190ml 7kg 220ml5245ml*가이드 값 **하얀 계량 스푼 1개 = 약 6.5g추가 음식이 필요하거나 아기가 더 이상 모유 수유를 하지 않는 경우, 의료 전문가(소아과 의사, 산부인과 상담사, 조산사)에게 정보를 얻어야 합니다.통제된 유기농 생산의 원료적용병 용량:나이/체중*물계량스푼 **음료병 수량 약 4kg 130ml3145ml4-7kg170ml4190ml 7kg220ml5245ml *참고치**하얀 계량스푼 1개 = 약 6.5g참고WHO에 따르면 모유 수유는 아기에게 가장 좋은 영양이므로 처음 6개월 동안 모유 수유를 권장합니다. 그런 다음 모유 수유를 계속하되 아기의 나이에 맞는 균형 잡힌 보완 식단을 제공합니다...

31.10 USD

압타밀 프로퓨투라 2ds 800g

압타밀 프로퓨투라 2ds 800g

제품코드: 7829954

Description The Aptamil Profutura 2 Ds 800 g is a premium follow-on formula milk developed to support the nutritional needs of babies from six to twelve months old. It contains a unique blend of ingredients that includes vitamins, minerals, prebiotics, and probiotics to support your baby's digestion, immune health, and physical development. This formula is designed to complement a varied diet as your baby transitions from exclusive breastfeeding or formula feeding. Key Features Contains a unique blend of ingredients including prebiotics and probiotics to support digestion and immune health Provides complete nutrition for babies from six to twelve months old Contains proteins, vitamins, and minerals to support your baby's physical development Easy to digest and absorb Usage Instructions Use only as directed by your healthcare professional. Prepare formula milk according to the on-pack instructions. Always use a clean and sterilized feeding bottle, teat, and ring. Do not add cereals, other liquids or food to the formula milk. Discard any leftover formula milk after feeding, and do not reuse within an hour. Store in a cool, dry place. Note: As an AI language model, some HTML tags may not appear in the output...

56.68 USD

홀레 바이오 안팡스밀치 프리카톤 400g

홀레 바이오 안팡스밀치 프리카톤 400g

제품코드: 7802897

Holle Bio-Anfangsmilch PRE Karton 400g Holle Bio-Anfangsmilch PRE Karton 400g은 출생부터 적합한 프리미엄 품질의 유기농 분유입니다. 아기가 건강한 성장과 발달에 필요한 모든 필수 영양소를 섭취할 수 있도록 최고 품질의 유기농 재료만을 사용하여 세심하게 제작되었습니다. 합성 살충제와 제초제가 없는 순한 유기농 젖소 우유로 만든 이 포뮬러는 아기의 발달 중인 소화 기관의 요구를 충족하는 데 완벽하게 적합합니다. 필수 비타민과 철분을 포함한 미네랄이 풍부하여 아기가 올바른 삶을 시작할 수 있도록 합니다. Holle Bio-Anfangsmilch PRE Karton 400g이 다른 유아용 분유와 차별화되는 점은 유기농법에 대한 헌신입니다. 젖소는 엄격한 환경 및 동물 복지 기준을 준수하는 농장에서 사육되어 이 제조법에 사용되는 우유의 품질과 순도가 최고임을 보장합니다. 포뮬러는 준비가 간단합니다. 끓인 물에 잘 섞은 후 흔들어 주세요. 또한 글루텐이 없고 설탕, 인공 색소 또는 방부제가 첨가되지 않아 처음부터 아기에게 최상의 영양을 제공하려는 부모에게 탁월한 선택입니다. Holle Bio-Anfangsmilch PRE Karton 400g으로 아기에게 인생 최고의 시작을 선사하세요! ..

24.42 USD

홀리 리틀팜 비스킷 100g

홀리 리틀팜 비스킷 100g

제품코드: 7808633

Holle Little Farm Biscuits 100 g Introduce your little one to the world of healthy snacking with the Holle Little Farm Biscuits. These organic biscuits are made from high-quality ingredients and are perfect for your little one's daily snack. The biscuits are suitable for babies from 10 months onward and are perfect for munching on-the-go. Features Made from organic ingredients No added sugar or salt Perfect snack for babies 10 months onward Ideal for on-the-go snacking Delicious taste that babies love Nutritional Information Per 100g Energy Fat Carbohydrates Protein Energy 1808kJ/428kcal 10.8g 72.4g 9.9g These biscuits are perfect for on-the-go snacking when you and your little one are out and about. They provide a delicious taste and are made with only the best organic ingredients. Your baby will love the taste, and you'll love the peace of mind that comes with knowing you're providing a healthy, nutritious snack for your little one. ..

8.04 USD

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