

1~23 표시 중 - 총 23 개
(1 페이지)
Beeovita는 아기의 건강을 최상의 상태로 유지하기 위해 특별히 고안된 다양한 종류의 스위스산 유아용 분유를 제공합니다. 빔보산부터 신생아 및 유아용 조제분유까지, 건강한 소화와 두뇌 및 눈 발달, 건강한 면역 체계를 촉진하는 제품을 제공합니다. 우리가 선택한 제품은 수면의 질과 소화 장애와 같은 문제를 해결하는 데도 도움이 됩니다. 우리 아이의 영양 요구 사항을 충족하도록 맞춤 제작된 엄선된 유기농 성분이 풍부하게 들어 있는 저자극성 블렌드를 신뢰할 수 있습니다. 우리는 자연의 풍요로움을 포용한다고 믿으며, 따라서 우리가 제공하는 제품에는 염소유 분유와 콩 단백질 기반 옵션이 포함됩니다. 스타터 밀크부터 아기의 성장과 발달을 위한 보충제까지, 우리는 아이들의 건강과 영양을 보장합니다. Beeovita는 바디 케어 및 화장품뿐만 아니라 다음 세대에 영양을 공급하는 건강 및 미용 제품을 제공하는 데 자부심을 갖고 있습니다.
Beba bio 1 출생 can 800g

Beba bio 1 출생 can 800g

제품코드: 7836641

Beba Bio 1 from birth Ds 800 g Introducing Beba Bio 1, the organic infant formula designed for newborn babies. This formula is made from carefully selected ingredients, so you can be sure that your infant is getting the essential nutrients they need to grow and develop. Beba Bio 1 is suitable for babies from birth to 6 months old and is made with organic cow's milk. This formula contains all the essential vitamins and minerals needed for healthy growth such as iron, calcium, and vitamins A, C, and D. Beca Bio 1 also contains prebiotics, which are important for promoting good gut health in babies. This infant formula is free from synthetic ingredients, preservatives, and flavorings, so you can feel confident that you are giving your baby the best start in life. Beba Bio 1 comes in a convenient 800g size, making it easy to store and use. The packaging is also environmentally friendly, made from sustainable materials that can be recycled. Whether you are a first-time parent or have experience raising a baby, choosing a quality infant formula like Beba Bio 1 can make all the difference in your baby's health and development. ..

61,88 USD

Bimbosan bisoja 1 infant starter food

Bimbosan bisoja 1 infant starter food

제품코드: 7789227

BIMBOSAN Bisoja 1 Säugligsanfangsnahrung The BIMBOSAN Bisoja 1 Säugligsanfangsnahrung is a baby formula designed to provide adequate nutrition for infants from birth to 6 months old. This baby formula is made from organic ingredients and is free from added sugars or artificial flavors, making it gentle and easy to digest for your baby. The BIMBOSAN Bisoja 1 Säugligsanfangsnahrung is ideal for infants who suffer from allergies or lactose intolerance, as it is formulated with soy protein to provide the necessary nutrients that your baby needs for healthy growth and development, without the risk of digestive discomfort. This baby formula contains essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, and iron, which are crucial for supporting the growth and development of your baby's bones, brain, and immune system. These nutrients also help to reduce the risk of developing allergies, food sensitivities, and other health issues later in life. The BIMBOSAN Bisoja 1 Säugligsanfangsnahrung is easy to prepare and can be used in combination with breastfeeding or as a complete replacement for breastmilk. It comes in a powdered form that can be easily mixed with water to create a smooth and creamy drink that your baby will love. This baby formula is also convenient to use and store, making it perfect for busy parents who are always on the go. Overall, the BIMBOSAN Bisoja 1 Säugligsanfangsnahrung is a safe and reliable baby formula that provides all the necessary nutrients that your baby needs for healthy growth and development. ..

33,15 USD

Bimbosan bisoja 2 follow-on formula refill pack 400 g

Bimbosan bisoja 2 follow-on formula refill pack 400 g

제품코드: 7822389

Bimbosan Bisoja 2 Folgenahrung refill 400 g The Bimbosan Bisoja 2 Folgenahrung refill 400 g is a high-quality baby formula that is specially formulated to meet the nutritional needs of babies from six months old onwards. This product is designed to be a follow-on formula after breastfeeding or formula feeding for young infants who are ready for a new stage in their nutritional development. The Bimbosan Bisoja 2 Folgenahrung refill 400 g is made from high-quality, natural ingredients that are gentle on your baby's digestive system. It contains essential nutrients that are necessary for the healthy growth and development of your baby, such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. With the Bimbosan Bisoja 2 Folgenahrung refill 400 g, you can be sure that your baby is getting all the necessary nutrition they need to grow and develop healthily. This product is made in Switzerland and is produced under strict quality control standards to ensure that it meets the highest safety and quality standards. Key features of Bimbosan Bisoja 2 Folgenahrung refill 400 g: Specially formulated for babies from six months old onwards Follow-on formula after breastfeeding or formula feeding Made from high-quality, natural ingredients Contains essential nutrients for healthy development Produced under strict quality control standards in Switzerland Overall, the Bimbosan Bisoja 2 Folgenahrung refill 400 g is a great choice for parents who want to provide their babies with a safe and high-quality formula that is gentle on their digestive system and provides all the necessary nutrition they need to grow and develop healthily...

31,71 USD

Bimbosan super premium 2 folge

Bimbosan super premium 2 folge

제품코드: 1030906

Bimbosan Super Premium 2 400 g 후속 우유 구성 탈지유; 유당, 식물성 오일 (해바라기 오일, 유채 오일, 코코넛 오일), 유청 단백질 농축액, 무수 우유 지방, 갈락토 올리고 사카 라이드 (락토오스의 GOS), 미네랄 (칼슘 포스페이트, 염화 칼륨, 나트륨 시트 레이트, 마그네슘 시트 레이트, 탄산 칼륨, 칼륨) 수산화물, 구연산 칼륨, 철 황산염, 설페이트 아연, 구리 황산염, 요오드테, 망간 황산 나트륨), 정제 된 어유, Mortierella Alpina Oil, 2? -fucosyllactose, 비타민 (비타민 C, 비타민 C, 비타민 C, Niacin, Pantothenic acid, 티아민, 비타민 B6, 비타민 A, 리보플라빈, 엽산, 비타민 K, 비오틴, 비타민 D, 비타민 B12), 유화제 (레시틴), 콜린 비타 트레이트, 타우린, 뉴클레오티드 (CMP, UMP, AMP, IMP, GMP), 안티 옥시 방지제 ( Ascorbyl palmitate, 높은 토코페롤 함량이 높은 추출물), L- 카르니틴 L- 타트레이트, 이노시톨. 특성 가장 현대적인 Bimbosan Milks조차도 일류 스위스 암소의 우유를 담고 있습니다. 우리의 슈퍼 프리미엄 밀크는 유백색의 우수한 맛과 보완 성분에 깊은 인상을줍니다. 그들은 최신 권장 사항과 사양을 충족시키고 영아와 유아에게 모든 단계에서 필요한 영양소를 제공합니다. Super Premium 2에는 탄수화물이 하나만 포함되어 있습니다. 응용 지정된 양의 물을 끓여서 (복용량 참조) ​​약을 식히십시오. 45 ° C. 레벨 측정 스푼 수를 추가하십시오 (복용량 참조). 병을 잘 흔들고 음주 온도 (37 ° C) (손목 검사)를 식히십시오. 부적절한 저장 및 준비는 건강에 해로울 수 있습니다. 각 병을 신선하게 준비하고 남은 음식을 재사용하지 마십시오. 1 병에 대한 복용량 : 나이 (개월)*: 6-8 | 8-12 | 물 : 160 ml | 200 ml | 숟가락 측정 ** : 4 | 5 | 음주. 대략적인 금액*: 180 ml | 225 ml | 하루에 병*: 4 | 2-3 | * 가이드 값/** 1 흰색 측정 숟가락 = 약. 6.3 g 여기에는 1 개의 측정 스푼이 포함되어 있으며 리필 백으로 리필에 적합합니다. 영양 값 영양 가치 수량 당 % 측정 정확도 에너지 278 kj 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 에너지 66 kcal 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 나트륨 27 mg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 탄수화물; 그 중 설탕 7.8 g 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 아라키돈 산 15 mg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 철 0.99 mg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 마그네슘 6.75 mg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 2'-fucosyllactose (2'-fl) 25 mg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 피리 독신 (비타민 B6) 61 µg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 판토텐산 (비타민 B5) 0.41 mg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 인 40.5 mg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 리놀레산 419 mg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 카르니틴 1.4 mg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 비오틴 2 µg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 이노시톨 8.1 mg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 알파-리놀렌산 57 mg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 비타민 E 1.49 mg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 지방; 그 중 다중 불포화 지방산 (CIS) 0.5 g 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 비타민 D 1.6 µg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 식이 섬유 0.4 g 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 티아민 (비타민 B1) 61 µg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) 요오드 14.9 µg 100 ml 근사 값 (~) Galactooligosaccharides (Gos) 0.5g 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) folsäure 17.6 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) zink 0.49 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) nukleotid 2.9 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) selen 3.4 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) 리보 플라빈 (비타민 B2) 108 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) Kupfer 53 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) 콜린; gesamt 21 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) 비타민 B12 0.2 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) docosahexaensäure (dha) 15 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) 비타민 K 4.7 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) eiweiss 1.4 g 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) fett; Davon Gesättigte Fettsäuren 1.3 g 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) fluorid 2.7 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) fett 3.2 g 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) niacin 0.54 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) laktose 7.4 g 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) 망간 9.5 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) 칼슘 60.8 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) 타우린 4.1 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) 비타민 C 15 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) fett; Davon Einfach Ungesättigte Fettsäuren (CIS) 1.1 g 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) 클로리드 51.3 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) kohlenhydrate 7.8 g 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) 비타민 A 60.8 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) kalium 81 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) 알레르겐 애호가 fisch und fischerzeugnisse Milch und Milcherzeugnisse Milchzucker (Laktose) Hinweise Kühl und Trocken Lagern. Unter Schutzatmospäre Verpackt. 복용량 Nach gebrauch gut verschliessen. 흡입 내부 랄브 von 4 Wochen Verbrauchen. folgemilch eignet sich für die besondere ernährung von säuglingen ab einem von mindestens 6 monaten. SIE IST NUR TEIL EINER MISCHKOST UND DARF ALS MUTTERMILCHERSATZ Während Der Ersten Secs Monate Verwendet Werden. Wichtiger Hinweis : Stillen ist 이상적인 ihr 종류. LASSEN SIE SICH VOM FACHPERSONAL DES GESUNDHEITSWESENS BERATEN, WENN SIE DIESES PRODUKT VERWENDEN WOLLEN. Lassen Sie Sich Auch Beraten, Wenn Sie Beikost Bereits Zu Einem Früheren Zeitpunkt Einführen Möchten, UM Die Bedürfnisse Ihres Kindes Zu Berückksichtigen. ..

30,74 USD

Milupa aptamil 1 profutura 안전 상자 시작 우유 800g

Milupa aptamil 1 profutura 안전 상자 시작 우유 800g

제품코드: 7829953

Milupa Aptamil 1 Profutura Safety Box Beginning Milk 800g The Milupa Aptamil 1 Profutura Safety Box Beginning Milk is ideal for infants aged up to 6 months. The formula is rich in nutrients that support the healthy growth and development of your baby. It is specially formulated with a unique blend of ingredients, including Pronutra+, which contains prebiotics, LCPs and other nutrients that support immune system and cognitive development. Benefits of Milupa Aptamil 1 Profutura Safety Box Beginning Milk Contains essential nutrients for healthy growth and development of your baby Specially formulated with Pronutra+ for cognitive and immune system development Helps to reduce the risk of baby developing cow milk allergy Easy to digest, enabling your baby to absorb nutrients effectively Comes in a safety box packaging that ensures the formula remains fresh and uncontaminated How to use Dissolve each scoop of the formula in a recommended amount of water and shake well until fully mixed. You can feed your baby immediately after this. The formula is recommended for infants aged up to 6 months. Use the scoop provided in the pack for accurate measurement. Please follow the guidelines on the pack for the recommended amount of powder and water to use. Precautions Do not feed your infant on the formula for more than six months Do not give your baby any other food or drinks unless advised by a healthcare professional Ensure that your hands are clean before preparing the formula Discard any unused milk within 2 hours of preparation The Milupa Aptamil 1 Profutura Safety Box Beginning Milk is a great choice for parents who want to ensure their babies are getting the best nutrition possible. It is easy to use, highly nutritious and comes in a packaging that ensures the formula is fresh and safe for your baby...

56,68 USD

Milupa aptamil 2 pb de 4 x 200ml

Milupa aptamil 2 pb de 4 x 200ml

제품코드: 7754948

밀루파 압타밀 2 PB DE 4 x 200ml는 6-12개월 아기를 위해 특별히 고안된 프리미엄 품질의 분유입니다. 이 제품은 아기의 증가하는 영양 요구 사항을 충족하도록 제조된 후속 우유입니다. 이 분유에는 아기의 건강한 성장과 발달을 지원하는 데 필요한 모든 필수 영양소가 포함되어 있습니다.주요 특징: 분유: Milupa Aptamil 2 PB DE 4 x 200ml는 모유를 보충하거나 대체하는 데 사용할 수 있는 분유입니다. 고품질 성분: 아기의 성장과 발육에 필요한 단백질, 탄수화물, 필수 지방산, 비타민, 미네랄 등의 고품질 성분이 포뮬러에 포함되어 있습니다. 소화하기 쉬움: 이 분유는 소화하기 쉬우며 소화 장애를 일으키지 않으면서 아기에게 최적의 영양분을 공급합니다. 편리성: 이 제품은 간편하게 보관 및 운반할 수 있는 편리한 200ml 병에 담겨 제공되므로 이동 중에 수유하기에 적합합니다. 안전성: 이 제품은 엄격한 테스트를 거쳤으며 유해 물질이 전혀 없어 아기의 안전을 보장합니다. 밀루파 압타밀 2 PB DE 4 x 200ml는 아기에게 최상의 영양을 공급하고자 하는 부모에게 탁월한 선택입니다. 고품질 성분과 소화하기 쉬운 포뮬러로 바쁜 부모를 위한 믿을 수 있고 편리한 선택입니다. 오늘 프리미엄 품질의 제품을 구입하여 아기의 성장에 필요한 영양을 공급하세요!..

19,75 USD

밀루파 압타밀 1 800g

밀루파 압타밀 1 800g

제품코드: 7802431

Milupa Aptamil 1 800 g The Milupa Aptamil 1 is a high-quality infant formula designed for babies from birth up to 6 months old. With a unique blend of essential nutrients, this formula provides complete nutrition to support your baby's growth and development during the crucial first few months of life. Features and Benefits: Contains essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals for optimal brain and eye development Contains prebiotics and probiotics to support digestive health Contains nucleotides to support a strong immune system Easy to digest and gentle on baby's tummy Gluten-free, and contains no added sugars or artificial colors or flavors The Milupa Aptamil 1 is also suitable for babies who are not fully breastfed or for babies who require a supplement to their breast milk. It can be easily prepared by mixing with boiled water and can be served either warm or at room temperature. How to Use: Wash your hands and sterilize all utensils. Boil fresh water for 5 minutes and leave to cool for at least 30 minutes. Do not use artificially softened or repeatedly boiled water. Follow the instructions on the packaging to measure the correct amount of formula powder and add to the water. Shake well until all the powder has dissolved. Check the temperature of the formula before serving. It should be lukewarm. Do not microwave the formula as it may cause hot spots. With the Milupa Aptamil 1, you can rest assured that your baby is getting the best possible start in life with the right nutrition to support their growth and development...

52,08 USD

밀루파 압타밀 1 센시비아 이지팩 800g

밀루파 압타밀 1 센시비아 이지팩 800g

제품코드: 7752885

Milupa Aptamil 1 Sensivia EaZypack 800 g The Milupa Aptamil 1 Sensivia EaZypack 800 g is a specially designed formula that provides complete nutrition to babies from birth up to six months. This baby formula is made with high-quality ingredients that are easy to digest and gentle on the baby's stomach. The Aptamil Sensivia formula is also free from artificial colors, preservatives, and flavors. It contains whey protein to support the healthy development of your baby's immune system, and it also includes vitamins A, C, D, and iron, which are essential for your baby's growth and development. The Milupa Aptamil 1 Sensivia EaZypack 800 g comes in an easy-to-use and convenient packaging - the EaZypack. This innovative pack is designed to make feeding time hassle-free, as you can easily scoop and measure the formula with a spoon. It also helps prevent spillage and wastage of formula, ensuring that your baby gets all the vital nutrients he or she needs. At Milupa, we understand that every baby is unique, and therefore, we create formulas that cater to the different needs of babies. Our Aptamil Sensivia formula provides complete nutrition, supports digestion, and promotes a healthy immune system, ensuring that your baby grows up strong and healthy. Order your Milupa Aptamil 1 Sensivia EaZypack 800 g today and give your baby the best start in life...

56,34 USD

밀루파 압타밀 2800g

밀루파 압타밀 2800g

제품코드: 7802430

Milupa Aptamil 2800 g The Milupa Aptamil 2800 g is a premium baby milk formula designed to meet the nutritional needs of infants from 0-12 months. Made with high-quality ingredients, it provides complete nutrition for the healthy development of your baby's brain and body. Key Features Made with unique and patented ingredients to support the immune system Contains essential fatty acids like DHA and ARA for cognitive development and eye health Provides all the necessary nutrients for healthy brain, eye, and bone development Easy to prepare and can be stored for up to 4 weeks after opening Designed for sensitive tummies and helps reduce colic, reflux, and constipation Why Milupa Aptamil? Milupa Aptamil is a trusted brand that has been providing baby milk formulas for over 50 years. Their products are formulated with the highest quality ingredients and in accordance with strict European standards. Milupa Aptamil is committed to providing complete nutrition for every stage of your baby's development. How to Prepare? Preparing Milupa Aptamil is easy. Just mix the formula with boiled water and shake well. Always follow the instructions on the packaging, and make sure to use the correct amount of water and powder. Conclusion The Milupa Aptamil 2800 g is the perfect choice for parents who want to ensure their baby gets the best possible nutrition. With its high-quality ingredients and unique formulation, it provides complete nutrition for healthy growth and development. Try it today and give your baby the best start in life! ..

52,08 USD

밀루파 압타밀 pdf 스페셜 푸드 can 400g

밀루파 압타밀 pdf 스페셜 푸드 can 400g

제품코드: 7202942

The Milupa Aptamil PDF special food is suitable for premature babies and underweight term infants. It can be used for babies between 1.8 and 5kg and supports even weight gain. The special food is suitable for exclusive feeding. Note According to the WHO, breastfeeding is the best nutrition for babies, so it is recommended to breastfeed for the first 6 months. After that, continued breastfeeding, but together with a balanced diet appropriate to the baby's age. If supplementary feeding is required or the baby is no longer being breastfed, information should be obtained from health care professionals (paediatrician, maternal adviser, midwife). This special food should only be used after consultation with a doctor. Composition Lactose (from milk), skimmed milk, vegetable oils (sunflower oil, rapeseed oil , medium chain triglycerides (from coconut and palm oil), evening primrose oil), galactooligosaccharides (from MILK), milk fat, maltodextrin, Eilepids, fructooligosaccharides, calcium carbonate, fish oil, calcium orthophosphate, sodium choride, oil from Mortierella alpina, magnesium orthophosphate, potassium citrate, inositol, choline chloride, potassium hydroxide, vitamin C, emulsifier (soya lecithin), tauin, iron II sulphate, zinc sulphate, L-carnitine, vitamin E, nucleotides (sodium salts of cytidine, uridine, inosine, adenosine, guanosine 5-monophosphate), niacin, pantothenic acid, antioxidant (ascorbyl palmitate), copper sulphate, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin B2, folic acid, potassium iodide, sodium selenite, vitamin K, manganese ese II sulfate, biotin, vitamin D, vitamin B12...

37,94 USD

밀루파 압타밀 센시비아2 이지팩 800g

밀루파 압타밀 센시비아2 이지팩 800g

제품코드: 7752886

Milupa Aptamil Sensivia 2 EaZypack 800 g The Milupa Aptamil Sensivia 2 EaZypack 800 g is an excellent baby formula that is perfect for babies aged between 6 and 12 months. Sensivia 2 is designed to provide optimal nutrition for your baby, with a unique blend of ingredients that helps to support your baby?s immune system and digestive health. The formula in Sensivia 2 is specially formulated to be gentle on your baby?s stomach, with a hypoallergenic blend of proteins that help to prevent allergic reactions. It is also enriched with prebiotics, which helps promote healthy gut bacteria and supports digestion. The formula contains no added sucrose, gluten, or soy, making it a great choice for babies with specific dietary requirements. The unique EaZypack packaging of Sensivia 2 is designed to make feeding your baby even easier. The pack features a convenient scoop holder and a built-in measuring scoop, providing you with everything you need to prepare your baby?s formula in one easy-to-use package. The airtight packaging also helps to keep the formula fresh, ensuring your baby always gets the best possible nutrition. So if you?re looking for a high-quality baby formula that provides optimal nutrition and is gentle on your baby?s stomach, then Milupa Aptamil Sensivia 2 EaZypack 800 g is the perfect choice. Shop now and give your baby the nutrition they need for a healthy start in life! ..

56,34 USD

밀루파 압타밀 컴포트 1 800g

밀루파 압타밀 컴포트 1 800g

제품코드: 7742896

Aptamil Confort 1은 출생 시부터 산통과 변비가 있는 아기를 위해 특별히 개발되었습니다.이 유아용 조제분유의 독특한 제형에는 유당이 적고, Aptamil의 GOS/FOS 식이섬유 혼합물과 ? 팔미테이트는 특별한 지방 구조입니다. 또한, 부분 분할 단백질이라고도 불리는 부분 가수분해 단백질이 포뮬러에 포함되어 있습니다. 신청 대략적인 무게. 병당 계량스푼병당 물(ml) 즉시 마실 수 있는 병당(ml) 하루당 병3.5kg390100 63.9kg41201305 4.7kg515017055.4kg61802004-56.2kg2102304 참고 WHO에 따르면 모유수유는 아기에게 가장 좋은 영양이므로 생후 6개월 동안 모유수유를 권장합니다. 그 후에도 모유수유를 계속하되, 아기의 연령에 맞는 균형잡힌 식사를 함께 하세요. 보충수유가 필요하거나 아기가 더 이상 모유수유를 하지 않는 경우, 담당 전문의(소아과 의사, 산모)에게 정보를 얻어야 합니다. 고문, 조산사). 구성 가수분해 유청 단백질(우유에서 추출), 식물성 오일(팜유, 유채유, 해바라기유, 코코넛 오일), 포도당 시럽, 갈락토올리고당(우유에서 추출), 말토덱스트린, 전분, 옥수수 전분, 유당(우유에서 추출), 프락토올리고당, 어유, 오르토인산칼륨염, 오르토인산칼슘, 염화칼슘, 염화콜린, 오일 모르티에렐라 알피나 유래, 오르토인산마그네슘, 염화칼륨, 염화나트륨, 비타민 C, 이노시톨, 타우린, 황산제1철, L-카르니틴, 황산아연, 뉴클레오티드(시티딘, 우리딘, 아데노신, 이노신, 구아노신 5'-모노포스페이트), 비타민 E, 판토텐산, 니아신, 황산동, 리보플라빈(비타민 B?) 유화제(대두 레시틴), 비타민 A, 티아민(비타민 B ?), 비타민 B?, 요오드화칼륨, 엽산, 항산화제 (L-아스코빌팔미테이트), 황산망간, 아셀렌산나트륨, 비타민K, 비타민D, 비오틴, 비타민B??..

58,49 USD

베바 expertpro ha 2 nach 6 monaten can 800g

베바 expertpro ha 2 nach 6 monaten can 800g

제품코드: 7822202

Beba EXPERTPRO HA 2 nach 6 Monaten Ds 800 g The Beba EXPERTPRO HA 2 is a specially formulated milk formula for babies after 6 months of age. With its high-quality ingredients and advanced technology, this formula provides all the necessary nutrition for your baby?s growth and development. Benefits of Beba EXPERTPRO HA 2 Hydrolyzed Proteins: The formula contains hydrolyzed proteins which are easy to digest and reduce the likelihood of allergy development. Vitamins and Minerals: This formula is enriched with essential vitamins and minerals for optimum growth and development of your baby's brain and body. DHA and ARA: Beba EXPERTPRO HA 2 formula contains DHA and ARA, which help support brain development. Lactose-free: The formula is lactose-free and easy to digest, which is especially beneficial for babies with lactose intolerance. Easy to prepare: The formula is easy to prepare and comes in a convenient 800 g pack, making it easy to store and transport. Why choose Beba EXPERTPRO HA 2? Beba EXPERTPRO HA 2 is the ideal choice for parents who want the best for their babies. With its advanced formula and lactose-free composition, this product is engineered to support your baby's growth and development. So if you're looking for a high-quality milk formula for your baby, try Beba EXPERTPRO HA 2 nach 6 Monaten Ds 800 g today!..

77,77 USD

빔보산 프리미엄 지겐밀크 2 폴게밀치 리필 400g

빔보산 프리미엄 지겐밀크 2 폴게밀치 리필 400g

제품코드: 7782703

Bimbosan Premium Ziegenmilch 2 Folgemilch refill Btl 400 g The Bimbosan Premium Ziegenmilch 2 Folgemilch Refill Bottle 400g is an excellent milk supplement for infants who are at least six months of age. Prepared from the finest quality goat milk, this organic formula is rich in essential vitamins and minerals that aid in promoting healthy growth and development in babies. Benefits of Bimbosan Premium Ziegenmilch 2 Folgemilch Refill Bottle 400g Provides essential protein, vitamins and minerals for healthy growth and development in infants. Organic formula with no artificial flavors, preservatives, or colors. Aside from goat milk, Bimbosan Premium Ziegenmilch 2 Folgemilch also contains prebiotic fibers that help maintain a healthy digestive system in babies. Easily digestible and absorbable, which makes it ideal for infants with lactose intolerance or digestive problems. Comes in a refillable bottle packaging, which is eco-friendly and convenient for parents who want to save money on formula. How to Prepare Bimbosan Premium Ziegenmilch 2 Folgemilch Refill Bottle 400g Wash your hands and sterilize all the utensils and bottles to be used. Boil fresh water for five minutes and let it cool for 45 minutes to 50°C. Add the required amount of powder (one scoop per 30 ml of water), which is included in the package, to the water and stir until it dissolves completely. Check the temperature of the milk before feeding your baby. Overall, Bimbosan Premium Ziegenmilch 2 Folgemilch Refill Bottle 400g is an ideal formula for babies who are six months and above. Order now and enjoy the benefits of this organic goat milk formula!..

34,20 USD

압타밀 ar 2 이지팩 800g

압타밀 ar 2 이지팩 800g

제품코드: 7742775

역류(트림)가 잦은 6개월 이상의 아기를 위한 후속 우유입니다. 크리미한 질감으로 식도의 우유 역류를 줄여주는 로커스트빈검이 함유되어 있습니다.압타밀 AR 2는 역류/트림이 잦은 6개월 이상의 아기를 위해 특별히 개발되었습니다.사용 후 수유 중에 영아는 종종 소량의 우유를 역류합니다. 하지만 더 빈번한 역류와 가래로 고통받는 사람들도 있습니다.이 후속 우유의 독특한 제형은 특별한 영양소 조합과 압타밀의 혁신적인 제조 공정을 결합합니다. 압타밀 AR 2에는 또한 로커스트 콩 검이 함유되어 있어 특히 크림 같은 느낌이 증가하여 식도의 우유 역류를 줄여줍니다.특수 의료 목적을 위한 식품(균형 잡힌 식단)특별 식품구성성분: 유당(MILK에서 추출), 채소 오일(팜유, 코코넛유, 유채씨유, 해바라기유), 저지방 MILH, 탈염 유청(MILK 유래), 갈락토올리고당(MILK 유래), 증점제(캐롭빈검 0.5g/100ml), 유청 농축액( MILK에서 추출), 오르토인산칼슘, 유청 단백질(MILK에서 추출), FISH 오일, 프락토올리고당, 나트륨 구연산염, 염화마그네슘, 탄산칼슘, 구연산칼륨, 염화칼륨, 염화콜린, 모르티에렐라 알피나 오일, 비타민C, 유화제(SOYA 레시틴), 이노시톨, 타우린, 황산철, L-트립토판, 황산아연, L-카르니틴, 뉴클레오티드 (시티딘, 우리딘, 아데노신, 이노신, 구아노신 5'-모노포스페이트), 비타민 E, 항산화제 (L-아스코르빌팔미테이트), 판토텐산, 나이아신, 황산구리, 비타민 A, 티아민(비타민 B1), 비타민 B6, 리보플라빈(비타민 B2), 엽산, 요오드화칼륨, 황산망간, 아셀렌나트륨, 비타민K, 비오틴, 비타민 D, 비타민 B12..적용준비: 1. 손을 씻으세요. 빨판과 병을 끓입니다. 식수를 끓여서 약 30도까지 식혀주세요. 40°C로 식힌 후 병에 붓습니다. 2. 동봉된 계량스푼만 사용하여 닦아주세요. 3. 계량된 양의 파우더를 병에 붓고 즉시 병을 양손으로 굴립니다(5초). 그런 다음 세게 흔듭니다(10초). 4. 준비가 끝나면 (우유가 걸쭉해질 수 있도록) 5분간 그대로 놓아두세요. 병을 잠시 거꾸로 뒤집어 마시는 온도를 확인합니다(손목 테스트). 전문 직원이 달리 지시하지 않는 한. 1일 섭취량: 무게 약. 4.7kg, 1일 1병 5x 170ml, 1병: 계량스푼 5개, 물 150ml, 바로 마실 수 있는 170ml 1일 섭취량: 무게 약. 5.4kg, 1일 4~5x 200ml, 1병: 계량스푼 6개, 물 180ml, 바로 마실 수 있는 200ml 1일 섭취량: 무게 약. 6.2kg, 1일 4병 x 230ml, 1병 기준 계량스푼 7개, 물 210ml, 바로 마실 수 있는 230ml 1일 섭취량: 무게 약. 7.0kg부터, 1일 3x230ml, 1회Aptamil AR 2가 적합합니다: 트림과 가래의 다이어트 관리에 적합합니다. 6개월 이후 영아의 경우 정상 수준 이상의 역류가 나타납니다. 이미 혼합식을 하고 있는 아기를 위한 제품입니다. Aptamil AR 1 또는 기타 유아용 분유를 따르십시오. 아기의 유익을 위해 지침을 주의 깊게 따르십시오. 증점제를 첨가하지 마십시오. 매 식사 전에 신선한 음식을 준비하십시오. 어떠한 경우에도 남은 음식을 보관해서는 안 됩니다. 전자레인지에 유아용 조제분유를 데우지 마세요. 사용 후에는 포장을 잘 닫으십시오. 4주 이내에 내용물을 사용하세요. 개봉 방법: 캡을 제거하고 뚜껑을 들어 올린 후 포일을 떼어냅니다. 분말의 쉬운 복용량. 계량스푼을 위생적으로 보관할 수 있습니다. 손 모양 기호를 눌러 잘 닫으세요. 이 제품은 의료 전문가의 조언과 의학적 감독 하에서만 사용해야 합니다. 6개월 후 혼합 식단의 일부일 뿐이며영양가 영양가군수Per%측정 정확도 에너지1978.0 kJ100g에너지472.0kcal TD>100 g단백질9.4g100g td>대략적인 값 (~)지방22.0g100g 대략적인 값(~)지방(포화지방산 포함)9.9g100 g대략적인 값(~)다가불포화지방산을 포함한 지방(시스) 3.7g100g대략적인 값(~)탄수화물 어느 설탕55.0g100g대략적인 값(~)요오드90.0mcg100g대략적인 값(~)몰리브덴43.0mcg100g( ..

76,26 USD

압타밀 컨포트 2 이지팩 800g

압타밀 컨포트 2 이지팩 800g

제품코드: 7742773

Description: The Aptamil Confort 2 EaZypack 800 g is a specially formulated infant milk suitable for babies aged 6-12 months who have developed colic, constipation, or other digestive discomforts. This product is designed with a unique blend of ingredients that can help soothe and relieve digestive issues within 24 hours. Features: Easy to digest formula that is gentle on babies' tummies Contains partially hydrolysed protein that reduces the amount of lactose in the milk Enriched with prebiotics that promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut Has a blend of essential vitamins and minerals that support the overall development of your baby EaZypack packaging makes it convenient to use and store Benefits: Can relieve colic, constipation, and other digestive discomforts within 24 hours Suitable for babies who have difficulty digesting regular milk Can help prevent future digestive issues Supports your baby's growth and development EaZypack makes it easy to take on-the-go Directions for use: Wash your hands before preparing the milk. Use the feeding guide on the pack to measure out the required amount of formula. Add the formula to previously boiled and cooled water (40°C). Close the bottle and shake well until the powder is fully dissolved. Test the temperature before giving it to your baby. Use within two hours of preparation. Ingredients: Skimmed milk, lactose (from milk), vegetable oils, partially hydrolysed whey protein concentrate (from milk), lactulose, emulsifier (citric acid ester of mono- and diglycerides), potassium dihydrogen phosphate, fish oil, calcium chloride, sodium chloride, choline chloride, vitamin C, taurine, ferrous sulphate, inositol, zinc sulphate, vitamin E, L-carnitine, niacin, pantothenic acid, folic acid, copper sulphate, vitamin A, biotin, vitamin B1, vitamin B12, vitamin D3, vitamin B6, manganese sulphate, potassium iodide, vitamin K1, sodium selenite. ..

60,70 USD

압타밀 프로뉴트라 pre can 800g

압타밀 프로뉴트라 pre can 800g

제품코드: 7802434

Aptamil PRONUTRA PRE Ds 800g The Aptamil PRONUTRA PRE Ds 800g is formulated to provide complete and balanced nutrition for infants from birth to 6 months of age. This high-quality baby formula is designed to support the growth and development of your baby, providing all the essential nutrients they need for optimal health and wellbeing. Features and Benefits Contains a unique blend of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients needed for your baby's growth and development Rich in iron, vitamin C, and other important nutrients to support your baby's immune system and cognitive development Easy to digest and provides a smooth and creamy texture for comfortable feeding Aptamil PRONUTRA PRE Ds 800g is formulated to meet the nutritional needs of your baby, providing them with the best start in life Free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives Instructions for Use To prepare a single serving of Aptamil PRONUTRA PRE Ds 800g, follow these simple steps: Wash your hands and sterilize all equipment before preparing the formula Boil fresh water and let it cool to around 40°C (104°F) Pour the required amount of water into a sterilized bottle Add the appropriate amount of Aptamil PRONUTRA PRE Ds 800g powder to the warmed water Shake well until the powder is completely dissolved Check the temperature of the formula and feed your baby immediately Always follow the instructions carefully and use the formula strictly as directed. It is important to remember that breast milk is the best food for babies and Aptamil PRONUTRA PRE Ds 800g should only be used as a supplement when breast milk is not available or insufficient. Invest in your baby's future with Aptamil PRONUTRA PRE Ds 800g, a superior-quality baby formula that ensures your little one gets the best nutrition possible...

52,08 USD

압타밀 프로뉴트라 굿나잇 can 400g

압타밀 프로뉴트라 굿나잇 can 400g

제품코드: 7802433

Aptamil PRONUTRA GOOD NIGHT Ds 400 g Description: Aptamil PRONUTRA Good Night is a specialized milk formula for babies aged six months and above who have difficulty sleeping at night. This milk formula can help improve sleep quality and duration, making it ideal for parents and babies alike. The formula is enriched with vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids to help support your baby's overall growth and development. It contains reduced lactose, making it easy to digest and gentle on your baby's tummy. Benefits: Helps improve sleep quality and duration Enriched with vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids for overall growth and development Reduced lactose, gentle on your baby's tummy Ingredients: Skimmed milk, lactose (from milk), vegetable oils (palm oil, rapeseed oil, coconut oil, sunflower oil, single cell oil), galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) (from milk), whey protein concentrate (from milk), fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), phospholipid (from egg), calcium phosphate, fish oil, potassium chloride, oil from Mortierella alpina, sodium chloride, vitamin C, magnesium oxide, choline chloride, taurine, ferrous sulphate, inositol, vitamin E, zinc sulphate, L-tryptophan, uridine 5'-monophosphate sodium salt, cytidine 5'-monophosphate, L-carnitine, adenosine 5'-monophosphate, inosine 5'-monophosphate sodium salt, vitamin A, nicotinamide, pantothenic acid, guanosine 5'-monophosphate sodium salt, copper sulphate, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, manganese sulphate, potassium iodide, folic acid, sodium selenite, vitamin K1, vitamin D3, biotin, vitamin B12. Preparation Instructions: Wash your hands and sterilize all equipment according to the manufacturer's instructions. Boil fresh drinking water and leave to cool for around 30 minutes. Pour the required amount of water into the sterilized bottle. Using the scoop provided, add the correct number of levelled scoops of powder to the water. Level off the powder using the scoop's flat edge. Place the sterilized teat and cap on the bottle and shake well until the powder is completely dissolved. Check the temperature of the feed before giving it to your baby. Note: HTML formatting may vary based on the website's specific requirements...

30,39 USD

압타밀 프로뉴트라 주니어 12+ can 800g

압타밀 프로뉴트라 주니어 12+ can 800g

제품코드: 7802428

Aptamil PRONUTRA JUNIOR 12+ DS 800 g If you are looking for a baby formula that will provide your baby with all the necessary nutrients, then the Aptamil PRONUTRA JUNIOR 12+ DS 800 g might be the perfect product for you. This formula is specifically designed for babies over 12 months and contains a blend of important nutrients that support healthy growth and development. What is Aptamil PRONUTRA JUNIOR 12+ DS 800 g? Aptamil PRONUTRA JUNIOR 12+ DS 800 g is a baby formula that provides key nutrients such as iron, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients are essential for the proper development of your baby's brain, bones, and immune system. This formula is also low in sugar and is carefully formulated to mimic the nutritional benefits of breast milk. Why choose Aptamil PRONUTRA JUNIOR 12+ DS 800 g? Contains a unique blend of nutrients essential for your baby's development Low in sugar to support healthy eating habits Mimics the nutritional benefits of breast milk Designed specifically for babies over 12 months How to use Aptamil PRONUTRA JUNIOR 12+ DS 800 g Aptamil PRONUTRA JUNIOR 12+ DS 800 g should be used as a supplement to your baby's diet. It should be mixed with water according to the instructions on the packaging. Once mixed, the formula should be consumed within 2 hours. It is important to follow the instructions carefully to ensure your baby gets the appropriate amount of nutrients. Conclusion Aptamil PRONUTRA JUNIOR 12+ DS 800 g is a nutrient-rich formula that provides important vitamins and minerals essential for your baby's proper growth and development. With careful attention to sugar levels and a formula that mimics breast milk, you can be sure you are giving your baby the best possible nutrition...

47,89 USD

압타밀 프로뉴트라 프리포션

압타밀 프로뉴트라 프리포션

제품코드: 7802432

APTAMIL PRONUTRA PRE PORTION The APTAMIL PRONUTRA PRE PORTION is a clinically tested, nutrient-dense baby formula that has been specifically designed to meet the nutritional needs of infants under 6 months of age. This formula is made using high-quality ingredients and is enriched with essential vitamins and minerals to support your baby's healthy growth and development. Prebiotics: Contains prebiotics that support digestive health and help build a strong immune system. DHA: This baby formula is enriched with DHA which supports cognitive development and healthy brain function. Iron: Iron is essential for your baby's healthy blood cell development and is a critical nutrient to support overall growth and development. Calcium and Vitamin D: These nutrients are important for building strong bones and supporting the development of healthy teeth. The APTAMIL PRONUTRA PRE PORTION is a convenient option for parents who are always on the go. The pre-portioned packets make it easy to prepare a quick and healthy bottle of formula for your little one. Not only is this baby formula nutritionally complete, but it is also designed to be gentle on your baby's delicate digestive system, so you can be confident that you are giving your baby the best start in life. Whether you are a new parent preparing for the arrival of your little one or have an infant who is in need of a high-quality, nutrient-rich baby formula, the APTAMIL PRONUTRA PRE PORTION is an excellent choice. It is recommended by pediatricians and trusted by parents worldwide. ..

10,77 USD

힙 2 바이오 콤비오틱 600g

힙 2 바이오 콤비오틱 600g

제품코드: 7836386

Hipp 2 Bio Combiotik 600g The Hipp 2 Bio Combiotik 600g is a top-quality baby formula that is designed for babies from the age of six months. It is made with the finest organic ingredients that are gentle on your baby's delicate tummy. This baby formula contains essential vitamins and minerals that support your baby's growth and development, helping them to achieve their milestones. Features Organic ingredients Contains Omega 3 & 6 LCP's that promote brain development Contains prebiotics and probiotics that promote healthy digestion Contains iron and other essential minerals that help support the immune system No artificial colors, flavors or preservatives The Hipp 2 Bio Combiotik 600g is specially designed to provide your baby with all the essential nutrients they need to grow healthy and strong. It contains a unique blend of prebiotics and probiotics that promote healthy digestion, reducing the likelihood of constipation and colic. The added iron and other minerals strengthen your baby's immune system, helping them fight off infections and diseases. With no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives, you can be sure that your baby is getting the best food possible. The Hipp 2 Bio Combiotik 600g is easy to prepare and use, giving you peace of mind that your baby is getting the best nutrition possible. Directions for Use Boil fresh drinking water and allow it to cool to approx. 40-50°C Pour the required amount of water into a clean bottle Fill the measuring scoop with the required amount of formula and level with a clean knife Add the formula to the bottle Close the bottle and shake until the formula is dissolved Check the temperature and feed immediately Choose Hipp 2 Bio Combiotik 600g for your baby and give them the best start in life. Buy now and enjoy free delivery at your doorstep...

28,98 USD

힙 3 바이오 콤비오틱 600g

힙 3 바이오 콤비오틱 600g

제품코드: 7836387

Hipp 3 Bio Combiotik 600 g Introducing Hipp 3 Bio Combiotik, the perfect mix of essential nutrients that your baby needs. This product is designed for babies aged 10 months and above, a time when their nutritional needs become more complex. Hipp strives to provide high-quality organic formulas to ensure your baby transitions to solid food smoothly and maintains optimal health. The Hipp 3 Bio Combiotik 600 g is made up of hand-picked organic ingredients that provide the perfect blend of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats for your baby's needs. Furthermore, this product is produced using only organic milk from grass-fed cows, ensuring that your baby gets all the essential nutrients required for healthy development. Hipp 3 Bio Combiotik includes natural probiotics, prebiotics, and omega-3 fatty acids that support healthy digestion and optimal development of your baby's immune system. These ingredients also help to enhance brain and visual development, helping your baby develop their full potential. What's more, the Hipp 3 Bio Combiotik 600 g product is formulated to be free of GMO ingredients, artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. This ensures that Hipp 3 Bio Combiotik is not only delicious but healthy for your baby as well. Hipp 3 Bio Combiotik is designed to be an easy to digest formula that can easily be mixed with other foods. It comes in a resealable package that keeps the powder fresh, ensuring your baby always has access to the perfect nutrients they need. Invest in your baby's nutritional development by getting Hipp 3 Bio Combiotik 600 g today. ..

29,00 USD

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