항염증제 특성
(1 페이지)
Alpinamed msm curcuma 정제 can 90 pcs
Alpinamed MSM Curcuma Tablets are a dietary supplement containing methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), turmeric root extract, molybdenum, vitamin C and minerals. The ingredients support the normal function of bones, cartilage and connective tissue. MSM has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immunomodulating properties. Curcumin from turmeric root extract, which also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, is present in this dietary supplement in a form that is particularly useful for the body. Molybdenum contributes to a normal metabolism of sulphurous amino acids. Vitamin C participates in the normal collagen formation for a normal function of body and cartilage. The minerals play a decisive role in maintaining normal bones, connective tissue formation and the metabolism of macronutrients. In addition, the cells are protected from oxidative stress. Product undergoes multi-stage laboratory testing before saleVeganGluten and lactose-freeWithout preservatives Application Take 2 tablets daily. Composition MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), filler: microcrystalline cellulose; turmeric root extract preparation (carrier: ?-cyclodextrin, turmeric root extract), vitamin C (ascorbic acid), zinc (II) gluconate, polyvinylpyrrolidone; anti-caking agent: magnesium stearate; carboxymethyl cellulose, silicon dioxide, manganese (II) gluconate, coating agent: hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose; sodium molybdate, copper (II) gluconate, chromium (III) chloride, sodium selenite. Reference Store the capsules in their light-protected packaging. As the curcumin contained in the capsules is sensitive to light. ..
56.64 USD
Heidak 버드 라즈베리 rubus idaeus 글리세롤 침용 fl 30ml
HEIDAK Bud Raspberry Rubus Idaeus Glycerol Maceration Fl 30 ml The HEIDAK Bud Raspberry Rubus Idaeus Glycerol Maceration Fl 30 ml is a natural and organic product that is specifically designed to provide various health benefits. This product is made from the glycerol maceration of raspberry buds, which are known for their high content of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. The raspberry buds used in this product are organically grown and harvested at the peak of their maturity. Product Features The HEIDAK Bud Raspberry Rubus Idaeus Glycerol Maceration Fl 30 ml has the following features: Contains only natural ingredients Organic raspberry buds are used in the product High content of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties Easy to use, with a dropper included in the package 30 ml bottle Health Benefits The HEIDAK Bud Raspberry Rubus Idaeus Glycerol Maceration Fl 30 ml provides numerous health benefits due to its high content of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. The product helps to: Boost the immune system Reduce inflammation and pain in the body Improve cardiovascular health Improve digestion and gut health Lower the risk of chronic diseases How to Use The HEIDAK Bud Raspberry Rubus Idaeus Glycerol Maceration Fl 30 ml is easy to use. Simply apply a few drops of the product under the tongue, hold for a few seconds, and then swallow. The recommended dosage is three times a day. You can also mix the product with water, juice, or a smoothie for a more enjoyable consumption experience. Conclusion The HEIDAK Bud Raspberry Rubus Idaeus Glycerol Maceration Fl 30 ml is a natural and organic product that provides various health benefits. It is easy to use and contains only natural ingredients. The product can help boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, and improve cardiovascular and gut health. Try the HEIDAK Bud Raspberry Rubus Idaeus Glycerol Maceration Fl 30 ml today and experience the health benefits for yourself. ..
24.59 USD
Naturstein curcuma 플러스 75 캡슐
Naturstein Curcuma + Kaps Glasfl 75 Stk 설명: Naturstein Curcuma plus Kaps Glasfl 75 Stk는 신체의 전반적인 건강과 웰빙을 지원하는 천연 성분의 조합을 제공하는 건강 보조 식품입니다. 이 채식 캡슐에는 강황, 생강, 흑후추, 석류 추출물의 유기농 혼합물이 함유되어 있어 항산화제, 항염증제 및 기타 필수 영양소의 강력한 공급원을 제공합니다. 재료: 강황(Curcuma longa) 뿌리 추출물(95% 커큐미노이드) 생강(Zingiber officinale) 뿌리 추출물(진저롤 5%) 검은 후추(Piper nigrum) 과일 추출물(95% 피페린) 석류(Punica granatum) 과일 추출물(40% 엘라그산) 식물성 캡슐(히드록시프로필 메틸셀룰로오스) 혜택: 천연 항염증 특성을 제공하여 관절 통증과 염증을 감소시킵니다. 유해산소로 인한 손상으로부터 신체를 보호하는 강력한 항산화제 공급원입니다. 건강한 소화, 면역력 및 심장 건강을 지원합니다. 뇌 기능을 개선하고 인지 저하를 예방하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다. 장기간 사용해도 안전하고 효과적인 천연성분 함유 사용법: 하루 1-2캡슐을 식사와 함께 섭취하거나 의료 전문가의 지시에 따라 섭취하세요. 임신, 수유 중이거나 약을 복용 중인 경우에는 사용하기 전에 의사와 상담하세요. 저장공간: 어린이의 손이 닿지 않는 곳에 보관하세요. 직사광선을 피해 서늘하고 건조한 곳에 보관하세요. 참고: 언어 모델 AI로서 웹사이트에 위 설명을 추가하기 위해 웹사이트 색상, 형식 또는 디자인에 접근할 수 없습니다...
40.80 USD
Sonnentor kurkuma gemahlen bio
SONNENTOR Kurkuma gemahlen BIO SONNENTOR Kurkuma gemahlen BIO는 요리에 독특한 풍미와 풍부한 색상을 더해주는 프리미엄 품질의 유기농 강황 가루입니다. 인도의 무성한 들판에서 공급되는 최고급 유기농 강황으로 만든 이 제품은 식사에 건강하고 풍미를 더하고자 하는 사람들에게 적합합니다. 강황 가루는 자연의 향, 풍미 및 영양가를 최대한 유지하는 정통적이고 오래된 전통 공정을 사용하여 만들어집니다. 첨가물과 인공 향료가 없어 천연 및 유기농 제품을 선호하는 사람들에게 이상적입니다. 항염 및 항산화 특성으로 잘 알려진 강황은 아유르베다 의학의 필수 성분이며 수세기 동안 치유 촉진, 염증 감소 및 소화 촉진에 사용되었습니다. 그것의 황금빛 노란색 색조는 그것을 요리에 이상적인 천연 염료로 만들고 전통적인 인도 및 중동 요리에서 가장 좋아하는 재료입니다. SONNENTOR Kurkuma gemahlen BIO는 환경 친화적인 생분해성 포장으로 신선도를 유지하면서 환경에 미치는 영향을 줄입니다. 이 제품은 완전 채식주의자에게 적합하며 글루텐이 없으므로 모든 건강한 라이프스타일에 이상적입니다. SONNENTOR Kurkuma gemahlen BIO의 따뜻하고 흙내음이 나는 풍미를 요리에 더하고 그것이 제공하는 수많은 건강상의 이점을 경험하십시오. 오늘 주문하고 문앞에서 제품을 받아보세요. ..
10.70 USD
버거스타인 징크바이탈 15mg 100정
Burgerstein Zinkvital is a dietary supplement with zinc. Zinc is one of the most important trace elements in the metabolism alongside selenium because it is involved in over 300 metabolic processes and also helps protect cells from oxidative stress. VegetarianWithout peanuts, gluten and yeastLactose free and soy protein free Functions: (not exhaustive) Strengthens the defenses (immune system)Is required for cell division (growth, regeneration etc)Has anti-inflammatory propertiesParticipates in sugar metabolismEnsures healthy hair, skin, mucous membranes and bonesNeeded in the synthesis of sex hormones Application Take 1 tablet daily. Composition Fillers (microcrystalline cellulose), zinc bisglycinate, starch, release agent (magnesium salts of fatty acids), coating agents (hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, modified starch, glycerine, talc) ..
36.71 USD
파이토파마 프로폴리스 프로폴리스 프로폴리스 32정
Phytopharma Propolis Protect 32 throat tablets Phytopharma Propolis Protect 32 throat tablets are an all-natural solution for sore and irritated throats. Propolis, a resinous mixture that honey bees create by mixing saliva and beeswax with substances from plants, has been used for centuries for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. These tablets contain 32 mg of propolis extract per tablet, making them a potent and effective way to soothe and protect the throat. What are the benefits of Phytopharma Propolis Protect 32 throat tablets? Relief for sore and irritated throats Natural antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties 32 mg of propolis extract per tablet for maximum potency Easy to use and convenient for on-the-go relief How to use Phytopharma Propolis Protect 32 throat tablets? Adults and children over the age of 12 can take one tablet every 4-6 hours as needed for relief of throat irritation. Tablets should be sucked or dissolved in the mouth; do not chew or swallow whole. Do not use if allergic to bee products. Ingredients Propolis extract (32 mg per tablet) Sucrose Glucose Magnesium stearate Talcum powder Phytopharma Propolis Protect 32 throat tablets are free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. This product is gluten-free and suitable for vegetarians. Experience natural relief with Phytopharma Propolis Protect 32 throat tablets For those seeking a natural remedy for sore and irritated throats, Phytopharma Propolis Protect 32 throat tablets offer a powerful solution. With their high dosage of propolis extract and all-natural ingredients, these tablets provide effective relief without the use of artificial additives or harsh chemicals. Purchase your bottle of Phytopharma Propolis Protect 32 throat tablets today and experience the power of propolis for your throat...
22.25 USD
(1 페이지)