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Beeovita.com에서는 스위스산 건강 및 미용 제품의 혁신적인 힘을 믿습니다. 우리는 방대한 과학 금고와 완벽한 스위스 표준을 활용하여 탁월한 안과 관리 제품을 제공합니다. 눈가에 수분을 공급하는 진정 효과가 뛰어난 크림부터 가장 민감한 피부 타입을 위한 저자극 아이크림까지. 콘택트렌즈를 착용하시나요? 소프트 콘택트렌즈 솔루션을 포함한 다양한 케어 제품을 제공합니다. 건조한 눈과 싸우는 사람들을 위해 우리는 즉각적인 완화를 제공하는 다양한 윤활제, 습윤 점안액 및 안구 윤활제를 보유하고 있습니다. 노화 방지? 우리의 재고에는 주름 감소를 위한 국소 코르티코스테로이드, 피부 미백 솔루션 및 주름 방지 크림이 풍부합니다. 우리는 광범위한 스킨 케어 제품 컬렉션을 통해 모든 바디 케어 및 미용 요구 사항을 존중합니다. 지금 Beeovita.com을 방문하여 스위스의 세계적 수준의 안과 치료 솔루션을 자유롭게 살펴보세요.
Bioderma atoderm intensive eye 100 ml

Bioderma atoderm intensive eye 100 ml

제품코드: 7765702

Bioderma Atoderm Intensive Eye 100ml The Bioderma Atoderm Intensive Eye 100ml is an innovative and powerful cream aimed at addressing the needs of people with sensitive and dry skin around the eye area. The cream is designed to help nourish, soothe, and moisturize the delicate skin around the eyes, keeping it soft and youthful. The cream is formulated with active ingredients, including glycerin, niacinamide, and canola oil, which work together to provide long-lasting moisturization and hydration. These ingredients also help to strengthen the skin barrier and improve skin firmness and elasticity. The Bioderma Atoderm Intensive Eye 100ml cream is gentle and non-irritating, making it ideal for people with sensitive skin. It is free from parabens, fragrance, and other harmful chemicals. The cream is hypoallergenic and has been tested under dermatological and ophthalmological supervision, ensuring it is safe for use around the eyes. The cream is easy to apply, just use your fingertips to dab a small amount around the eye area and gently massage until fully absorbed. The formula is non-greasy and lightweight, making it suitable for both day and night use. The cream comes in a convenient 100ml tube, making it ideal for use over an extended period. Whether you're experiencing dryness, puffiness, or other signs of aging around your eyes, the Bioderma Atoderm Intensive Eye 100ml cream is the perfect solution. Use it regularly to give your eyes the care they need, and enjoy a youthful and radiant look...

32.37 USD

Cetaphil optimal hydration erfrischendes augengel tb 15ml

Cetaphil optimal hydration erfrischendes augengel tb 15ml

제품코드: 7803831

Cetaphil Optimal Hydration erfrischendes Augengel Tb 15mlCetaphil Optimal Hydration erfrischendes Augengel Tb 15ml는 눈 주위의 연약한 피부에 수분을 공급하고 젊어 보이게 하는 상쾌한 아이 젤입니다. 이 혁신적인 젤은 눈 주위 피부를 산뜻하고 시원하며 활력 있게 유지하기 위해 함께 작용하는 독특한 성분의 혼합으로 특별히 제조되었습니다.특징 연약한 눈가 피부에 최적의 수분 공급 피곤한 눈을 상쾌하고 생기있게 잔주름과 주름을 줄이는 데 도움 가볍고 빠르게 흡수되는 제형 기름기 없고 자극적이지 않음 장점Cetaphil Optimal Hydration erfrischendes Augengel Tb 15ml는 피부과 테스트를 통과했으며 모든 피부 타입에 적합합니다. 가볍고 빠르게 흡수되는 포뮬라로 사용이 간편하며, 순하고 자극 없는 메이크업으로 자극이나 불편함을 주지 않습니다. 상쾌한 젤이 눈가 피부의 전체적인 외관을 개선하여 생기 있고 어려 보이는 느낌을 줍니다.사용 방법사용 방법은 소량만 바르면 됩니다. Cetaphil Optimal Hydration erfrischendes Augengel Tb 15ml를 눈 주위 피부에 바르고 흡수될 때까지 손가락으로 부드럽게 마사지합니다. 최상의 결과를 얻으려면 스킨케어 루틴의 일부로 매일 사용하십시오.성분 물 글리세린 디프로필렌 글리콜 펜틸렌 글리콜 히알루론산 카페인 알란토인 카보머 이나트륨 EDTA 수산화나트륨 폴리소르베이트 20 페녹시에탄올 세타필 옵티멀 하이드레이션 에르프리센데스 오겐젤 Tb 15ml는 수분 공급과 상쾌한 성분의 고유한 조합으로 눈 주위의 섬세한 피부를 젊고 활력 있게 유지하려는 사람에게 꼭 필요한 제품입니다. 오늘 사용해 보고 차이를 확인하세요!..

31.04 USD

Collypan irritierte augen gtt opht 모노도센 20 모노도스 0.5 ml

Collypan irritierte augen gtt opht 모노도센 20 모노도스 0.5 ml

제품코드: 7736022

사용 중지 Ist Collypan Irritierte Augen und wann wird es angewendet? sollte dazu beachtet werden이었습니까? Wann darf Collypan Irritierte Augen nicht angewendet werden? Wann ist bei der Anwendung von Collypan Irritierte Augen Vorsicht geboten? Darf Collypan Irritierte Augen während einer Schwangerschaft oder in der Stillzeit angewendet werden? Wie verwenden Sie Collypan Irritierte Augen? Welche Nebenwirkungen kann Collypan Irritierte Augen haben? ist ferner zu beachten이었습니까? Collypan Irritierte Augen enthalten에 ist가 있었습니까? Zulassungsnummer Wo erhalten Sie Collypan Irritierte Augen? Welche Packungen sind erhältlich? 주라성신하베린 제요 Swissmedic-genehmigte 환자 정보 Collypan® Irritierte Augen, Monodosen 베르포라 SA Ist Collypan Irritierte Augen und wann wird es angewendet? Collypan Irritierte Augen Augentropfen besitzen abschwellende und entzündungshemmende Eigenschaften auf die Schleimhaut der Augen und der Augenlider und verringern dadurch die Ermüdung der Augenmuskulatur. Collypan Irritierte Augen wird bei Anzeichen von Entzündungen(entzündliche nicht-bakterielle Augenreizung, Rötung, Blutandrang, Brennen, Juckreiz, übermässiger Tränenfluss), Bindehautentzündungen, die durch irritierende Faktoren hervorgerufen, Chlintend werden, 블렌드 Windtsen, Chlintend, 블렌드 Staub(z.B. , Luftzug, Aufenthalt in Schlechter Luft, Rauch) 또는 durch Allergien (z.B. Heuschnupfen) angewendet. Collypan Irritierte Augen lindert bei Augenermüdung nach längerer Beanspruchung (Lesen, Fernsehen, Arbeit am Computer, Neon, ungenügende Beleuchtung, Autofahren). sollte dazu beachtet werden이었습니까? Dieses Arzneimittel wurde Ihnen von Ihrem Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. von Ihrer Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin zur Behandlung Ihrer gegenwärtigen Augenbeschwerden empfohlen. Verwenden Sie es nicht aus eigener Initiative zur Behandlung anderer Krankheiten oder anderer Personen. Suchen Sie nach möglichen Ursachen Ihrer Beschwerden, damit Sie diese vermeiden könnten (ziehen Sie insbesondere auch verschiedenen Sprays, Kosmetika, Make-up, Haushaltsprodukte, Insektizide, Düngemittel in Betracht). Hinweis für Kontaktlinsenträger: Bei Augenreizungen und -entzündungen sollten keine Kontaktlinsen getragen werden. Brillen sind vorzuziehen. Collypan Irritierte Augen darf nicht während dem Tragen von Kontaktlinsen angewendet werden. Wann darf Collypan Irritierte Augen nicht angewendet werden? Bei bekannter oder vermuteter Überempfindlichkeit (Allergie) auf einen Inhaltsstoff von Collypan Irritierte Augen. 베이 글라우콤(그뤼너 스타). Im Fall von Augenentzündungen durch Infektion oder Fremdkörper oder bei schwerer Entzündung. Bei Kindern unter 2 Jahren darf Collypan Irritierte Augen nicht angewendet werden. Wann ist bei der Anwendung von Collypan Irritierte Augen Vorsicht geboten? Collypan Irritierte Augen darf nur bei leichten, uncomplizierten Entzündungen verwendet werden. Collypan Irritierte Augen darf nicht über längere Zeit ohne ärztliche Verschreibung angewendet werden. Falls nach 2 bis 3 Tagen keine Besserung eintritt, müssen Sie unverzüglich Ihren Arzt bzw. Ihre Ärztin konsultieren. Collypan Irritierte Augen ist bei älteren Personen sowie bei Patienten, die an einer Veränderung der Arterien (Aneurysma), an Hypertonie und/oder an Herzkrankheiten (Koronarsaderkrankheiten) und an Diabetes mellitus Typ I leiden sowie bei Hyperaktivität der Schilddrüse mit Vorsicht anzuwen. Eine Entzündung kann jedoch das Zeichen einer ernsthaften Augenläsion sein, hervorgerufen z.B. durch eine Infektion, Fremdkörper, chemische Substanz. In diesem Fall ist eine medizinische Behandlung notwendig. Bei starken Schmerzen, Kopfschmerzen, plötzlicher Veränderung der Sehstärke, Erscheinung von schwarzen Punkten im Blickfeld, plötzlicher Augenrötung, durch das Licht hervorgerufene Schmerzen und doppelte Visionen, wenden Sie sich sofort an Ihren Arzt bzw. Ihre Ärztin. Collypan Irritierte Augen zu verschwommenem Sehen sowie zu erhöhter Lichtempfindlichkeit führen. Die Fahrtüchtigkeit und die Fähigkeit, Werkzeuge oder Maschinen zu bedienen, kann deshalb beeinträchtigt sein. Erst wenn diese Beeinträchtigung abgeklungen ist, sollen Sie am Strassenverkehr teilnehmen oder Maschinen bedienen. Wenden Sie dieses Arzneimittel nicht bei einem Kind unter 2 Jahren an, da es Bor enthält und später die Fortpflanzungsfähigkeit beeinträchtigen kann. Informieren Sie Ihren Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin, wenn Sie an anderen Krankheiten leiden, Allergien haben oder andere Arzneimittel (auch selbstgekaufte!) einnehmen sowie äusserlich oder am Auge anwenden. Darf Collypan Irritierte Augen während einer Schwangerschaft oder in der Stillzeit angewendet werden? Wenn Sie schwanger sind oder es werden möchten, sollen Sie Collypan Irritierte Augen nur mit Genehmigung Ihres Arztes, Apothekers oder Drogisten bzw. Ihrer Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin anwenden. Während der Stillzeit darf Collypan Irritierte Augen nicht angewendet werden. Wie verwenden Sie Collypan Irritierte Augen? Falls nicht anders vom Arzt bzw. von der Ärztin verordnet: Erwachsene: Beim Auftreten oder den ersten Anzeichen von Ermüdung oder Reizung, 1–2 Tropfen 2–3mal täglich in jedes Auge einträufeln. Die Anwendung und Sicherheit von Collypan Irritierte Augen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen wurden bisher nicht geprüft. Collypan Irritierte Augen sollte nicht ohne Unterbrechung über mehr als einige Tage angewendet werden. Um eine Monodosis anzuwenden, gehen Sie folgendermassen vor (siehe unten): trennen Sie eine Monodosis von der Plakette, indem Sie diese mit einer Hand wegdrehen und mit der anderen die Plakette halten;um die Monodosis zu öffnen, nehmen Sie in jede Hand ein Ende und führen Sie eine drehende Bewegung aus, um die Lötstelle entzweizubrechen;drehen Sie die Monodosis, damit der ganze Inhalt hinausfliessen kann; träufeln Sie 1-2 Tropfen in jedes Auge, indem Sie auf die Monodosis drücken;Übrig bleibende Flüssigkeit kann vom selben Anwender innerhalb von 12 Stunden nach dem Öffnen aufgebraucht werden. Beim Vergessen einer Dosis können Sie die Behandlung ohne Änderung fortsetzen. Halten Sie sich an die in der Packungsbeilage angegebene oder vom Arzt oder der Ärztin verschriebene Dosierung. Wenn Sie glauben, das Arzneimittel wirke zu schwach oder zu stark, so sprechen Sie mit Ihrem Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. mit Ihrer Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin. Welche Nebenwirkungen kann Collypan Irritierte Augen haben? Folgende Nebenwirkungen können bei der Anwendung von Collypan Irritierte Augen auftreten: bei übermässiger Anwendung (zu lange Verwendungsdauer oder zu häufigem täglichem Gebrauch) kann sich die Rötung des Auges verschlimmern. Gelegentlich (betrifft 1 bis 10 von 1000 Anwendern)Können nach dem Einträufeln der Augentropfen ein leichtes, vorübergehendes Brennen und trockene Augen auftreten. Selten (betrifft 1 bis 10 von 10'000 Anwendern)Die Anwendung von Collypan Irritierte Augen kann eine Pupillenerweiterung und verschwommenes Sehen bewirken. Sehr selten(betrifft weniger als 1 von 10'000 Behandelten)Werden Überempfindlichkeitsreaktionen(알레르기), Bindehautentzündung oder allergische Dermatitis(allergische Reaktion der Haut) sowie eine Zunahme des Augeninnendrucks beobachtet입니다. In Augenpräparaten enthaltene Wirkstoffe können in den Blutkreislauf gelangen. Nebenwirkungen können daher auch den Rest des Körpers betreffen und sich in Form von Kopfschmerzen, Bluthochdruck, Schwächegefühl, Schweissausbrüchen, Herzrasen, Zittern oder Übelkeit äussern. Dies wird jedoch nur selten beobachtet. Wenn Sie Nebenwirkungen bemerken, sollten Sie Ihren Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin informieren. Dies gilt insbesondere auch für Nebenwirkungen, die nicht in dieser Packungsbeilage angegeben sind. ist ferner zu beachten이었습니까? HaltbarkeitDas Arzneimittel darf nur bis zu dem auf der Packung mit «EXP» bezeichneten Datum verwendet werden. Haltbarkeit nach AnbruchÜbrig bleibende Flüssigkeit kann vom selben Anwender innerhalb 12 Stunden nach dem Öffnen aufgebraucht werden. Die Monodosis muss mit verschlossener Kappe aufrecht an einem sicheren Ort aufbewahrt werden. Es ist darauf zu achten, dass die Tropferspitze nicht berührt wird(z.B. mit dem Auge, der Wange oder einem Finger). Sollte dies geschehen sein, ist die Monodosis zu verwerfen. Besondere LagerungshinweiseAugentropfen in der Originalpackung ausserhalb der Reichweite von Kindern, bei Raumtemperatur (15-25 °C), trocken und vor Licht geschützt aufbewahren. Weitere InformationenBeschädigte oder offene Monodosen nicht verwenden. Die nach dem auf der Packung mit «EXP» bezeichneten Verfalldatum eventuell verbleibenden Monodosen Ihrer Abgabestelle (Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogist bzw. Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin) zum fachgerechten Entsorgen bringen. Weitere Auskünfte erteilt Ihnen Ihr Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogist bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin. Diese Personen verfügen über die ausführliche Fachinformation. Collypan Irritierte Augen enthalten에 ist가 있었습니까? Collypan Irritierte Augen Augentropfen weisen eine leichte gelbliche Färbung auf. 1ml Augentropfen Lösung enthält: WirkstoffeTetryzolinhydrochlorid 0,1 mg (= entspricht 85 μg Tetryzolin), Zinksulfat 0,2 mg (= entspricht 45 μg Zink), Tinktur aus Digitalis-purpurea- Blättern 22mg (Digitalis purpurea folium), DEV 1:9,3–9,9, Auszugsmittel Ethanol 70 % V/V, Hamamelis-Wasserdampfdestillat 20 mg 및 Euphrasiatinktur 1,6 mg(Euphrasiae tinctura), DEV 1:4–5 , Auszugsmittel 에탄올 70% V/V. HilfsstoffeBorsäure, Natriumtetraborat, Natriumhydroxid, verdünnte Salzsäure, Wasser für Injektionszwecke. Zulassungsnummer 32938(스위스메딕). Wo erhalten Sie Collypan Irritierte Augen? Welche Packungen sind erhältlich? Apotheken und Drogerien에서 ohne ärztliche Verschreibung. Collypan Irritierte Augen, Augentropfen Lösung, packung mit 20 Monodosen zu 0,5 ml. 주라성신하베린 VERFORA SA, Villars-sur-Glâne. Diese Packungsbeilage wurde im August 2021 letztmals durch die Arzneimittelbehörde (Swissmedic) geprüft. 21415 / 22.10.2021 ..

42.30 USD

Fermavisc 젤 사인 gtt opht 20 monodos 0.35 ml

Fermavisc 젤 사인 gtt opht 20 monodos 0.35 ml

제품코드: 3140776

Inhaltsverzeichnis Indikation Dosierung Kontraindikation Fermavisc Gel sine Indikation Trockene Augen, Benetzung der Kontaktlinsen beim Einsetzen und während des Tragens. Dosierung 1?2 Tr. Kontraindikation Augeninfektion. 762275 / 28.04.2022 ..

22.87 USD

Klorane bleuet pad 아우젠 지역

Klorane bleuet pad 아우젠 지역

제품코드: 7788521

KLORANE Bleuet Pad Augenregion The KLORANE Bleuet Pad Augenregion is a gentle and soothing eye care product that comes in the form of cotton pads. These pads are infused with cornflower water, which is known for its soothing and calming properties. The pads are designed to be used on the eyes and the surrounding area, helping to reduce puffiness, dark circles, and signs of fatigue. The pads are easy to use and are perfect for those with sensitive skin. They are gentle enough to use every day and can be used on even the most delicate skin around the eyes. The formula is also hypoallergenic and free from parabens, making it a safe and effective choice for those who want to take care of their skin. The KLORANE Bleuet Pad Augenregion is ideal for those who are looking for a simple but effective way to care for their eyes. It is also perfect for those who wear contact lenses or have sensitive eyes. With regular use, the pads can help to brighten the eyes, reduce puffiness, and leave the skin feeling refreshed and revitalized. Features: Gentle and soothing eye care product Cotton pads infused with cornflower water Reduces puffiness, dark circles, and signs of fatigue Gentle enough for everyday use Hypoallergenic and free from parabens Suitable for those with sensitive skin and contact lens wearers Overall, the KLORANE Bleuet Pad Augenregion is a must-have for anyone who wants to take care of their eyes and keep them looking bright, refreshed, and rejuvenated. So why wait? Add it to your skincare routine today and see the difference it can make!..

34.93 USD

Opti free replenish desinfektionslösung fl 90 ml

Opti free replenish desinfektionslösung fl 90 ml

제품코드: 6802367

Opti Free RepleniSH Desinfektionslösung Fl 90 ml Opti Free RepleniSH Desinfektionslösung Fl 90 ml is a contact lens solution that cleans, disinfects, and stores your contact lenses. It helps to protect your eyes from harmful bacteria and maintains the moisture level of your lenses, keeping them comfortable to wear all day long. With a formula that is designed to mimic your natural tears, Opti Free RepleniSH helps to maintain the moisture balance of your eyes, ensuring that your lenses remain hydrated and comfortable for up to 14 hours. Benefits: Cleanses and disinfects lenses Helps to maintain the moisture balance of eyes Ensures comfortable wear for up to 14 hours Protects your eyes from harmful bacteria Can be used with all types of contact lenses How to use: Wash your hands thoroughly before handling your contact lenses Place one lens in the palm of your hand and apply a few drops of Opti Free RepleniSH Desinfektionslösung to the surface of the lens Gently rub the lens with your fingertip for 10 seconds, ensuring that all surfaces are cleaned and disinfected Rinse the lens thoroughly with Opti Free RepleniSH Desinfektionslösung and place it in your contact lens case Repeat the process with your second lens Ingredients: The ingredients in Opti Free RepleniSH Desinfektionslösung Fl 90 ml are: Sodium Citrate, Sodium Chloride, Boric Acid, Aminomethylpropanol, Disodium EDTA, Tetronic 1304, and Alexidine Dihydrochloride. These ingredients work together to cleanse, disinfect, and maintain the moisture balance of your lenses and eyes. Precautions: Do not use Opti Free RepleniSH Desinfektionslösung Fl 90 ml if you are allergic to any of its ingredients Do not transfer Opti Free RepleniSH Desinfektionslösung to another container Do not mix Opti Free RepleniSH Desinfektionslösung with other solutions Do not touch the tip of the bottle to any surface, including your eye or contact lenses Total symbols: 970..

18.16 USD

Opti free replenish 패키지 디자인

Opti free replenish 패키지 디자인

제품코드: 7799103

OPTI FREE REPLENISH Desinfektionslösung The OPTI FREE REPLENISH Desinfektionslösung is a reliable and effective solution for cleaning and disinfecting contact lenses. This solution is formulated with HydraGlyde Moisture Matrix technology that helps moisturize and protect the contact lenses, ensuring a long-lasting and comfortable wearing experience. Features: Formulated with HydraGlyde Moisture Matrix technology Cleans and disinfects contact lenses Protects against harmful bacteria and microorganisms Long-lasting moisture for comfortable wearing experience Suitable for use with all soft contact lenses Usage: The OPTI FREE REPLENISH Desinfektionslösung should be used daily to clean and disinfect contact lenses. Follow these simple steps: Wash your hands thoroughly before handling contact lenses Remove contact lenses from your eyes and place them in the palm of your hand Apply a small amount of the OPTI FREE REPLENISH Desinfektionslösung onto each side of the contact lens and gently rub the lens for a few seconds Rinse the contact lens thoroughly with the solution and place it in a clean contact lens case Fill the case with the OPTI FREE REPLENISH Desinfektionslösung, making sure the contact lens is fully submerged Repeat these steps for your other contact lens With the OPTI FREE REPLENISH Desinfektionslösung, you can be sure that your contact lenses are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, providing you with comfortable and clear vision throughout the day. ..

52.49 USD

Simimed 아이 젤 드롭 0.3% 히알루론산 병 10 ml

Simimed 아이 젤 드롭 0.3% 히알루론산 병 10 ml

제품코드: 7782214

시미메드 아이 젤 드롭으로 건조하고 피곤한 눈의 진정 완화를 경험해 보세요. 0.3% 히알루론산이 함유된 이 혁신적인 솔루션은 오래 지속되는 수분 공급을 제공하여 편안함과 투명함을 선사합니다. 10ml 병은 이동 중에도 사용하기 편리하며 부드러우면서도 효과적인 눈 관리를 원하는 사람들에게 꼭 필요한 제품입니다. 환경적 스트레스와 싸우거나 일상의 불편함을 해결하는 등 이 젤 방울은 다양한 눈 질환에 대한 자연적인 치료법을 제공합니다. SimiMed 아이 젤 드롭으로 눈에 활력을 주는 케어를 받아보세요...

30.85 USD

Systane complete benetzungstropfen ohne konservierungsmittel fl 10 ml

Systane complete benetzungstropfen ohne konservierungsmittel fl 10 ml

제품코드: 7803630

Systane Complete Wetting Drops without preservatives Fl 10 ml | Product Description Systane Complete Wetting Drops without preservatives Fl 10 ml This is a highly effective and safe eye drop solution for dry eye relief. Systane Complete Wetting Drops without preservatives Fl 10 ml are designed to provide an immediate and lasting relief to dry, irritated and tired eyes. This product is free from harmful preservatives and is suitable for those who experience discomfort from using eye drops that contain preservatives. Features and Benefits Unique dual-action formula providing both lubrication and hydration Provides long-lasting relief to dry, irritated and tired eyes Safe for use with contact lenses Formulated to improve tear film stability, reduce inflammation and restore moisture to the ocular surface Free from preservatives, making it suitable for individuals with sensitive eyes Convenient and easy to use bottle for on-the-go relief How to use It is recommended to wash your hands before using the eye drops. Shake the bottle well before use and tilt your head back slightly while pulling your lower eyelid to create a small pocket. Gently squeeze one or two drops into the pocket and blink a few times to spread the solution evenly. Repeat as needed up to four times daily or as directed by your healthcare professional. Systane Complete Wetting Drops without preservatives Fl 10 ml is an essential eye care product for those who desire comfort and relief from dry eyes. Order yours today to discover the benefits of this unique and effective eye drop solution...

37.08 USD

Vichy neovadiol augen&lippen multi korrektur pflege tb 15ml

Vichy neovadiol augen&lippen multi korrektur pflege tb 15ml

제품코드: 7835300

Vichy Neovadiol Augen&Lippen Multi Korrektur Pflege Tb 15 ml The Vichy Neovadiol Augen&Lippen Multi Korrektur Pflege Tb 15 ml is a multi-corrective care cream that is specially formulated for the delicate skin around the eyes and lips. This cream has been designed to target the visible signs of aging that can often be seen in these areas, including wrinkles, fine lines, loss of firmness, and lack of hydration. The formula of this cream is enriched with a unique combination of ingredients that work to improve the overall appearance of the skin around the eyes and lips. Key ingredients include Pro-Xylane, which helps to firm and plump the skin, and Hyaluronic Acid, which helps to hydrate and smooth the skin. In addition, this cream contains caffeine, which helps to reduce puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. The Vichy Neovadiol Augen&Lippen Multi Korrektur Pflege Tb 15 ml is suitable for all skin types and is hypoallergenic. The cream has a rich, smooth texture that is easy to apply and absorbs quickly, leaving the skin feeling soft, supple, and hydrated. Regular use of this cream can help to improve the overall health and appearance of the skin around the eyes and lips, leaving you with a more youthful and radiant complexion. Directions for use: apply a small amount of the cream to the skin around the eyes and lips, gently massage until absorbed. Targets the visible signs of aging around the eyes and lips Enriched with Pro-Xylane, Hyaluronic Acid, and Caffeine Suitable for all skin types Hypoallergenic Easy to apply, quick-absorbing formula Leaves skin feeling soft, supple, and hydrated ..

52.77 USD

Ypsimed 블랙 아이 패치

Ypsimed 블랙 아이 패치

제품코드: 7749254

입시메드 블랙아이패치의 특징유럽 CE 인증보관온도 최소/최대 15/25℃용량 : 1개 무게: 6g 길이: 5mm 너비: 75mm 높이: 165mm 입시메드 블랙 구입 스위스 온라인 안대..

9.18 USD

루벡스 안티에이지 아이 엑설런스 15ml

루벡스 안티에이지 아이 엑설런스 15ml

제품코드: 7708044

Special active product for a visibly firmer eye area Properties Tightens the eye area and hydrates intensively. Highly dosed.Active ingredients: Vitamin A: Highly concentrated retinyl palmitate (6000 IU/g)Increases collagen formation, deeply activates and repairs the skin renewal process Skin damage: maximum anti-wrinkle effect with optimum skin tolerance.Dipeptide complexIntensively reduces expression lines.TripeptidesTighten the eye area, smooth age wrinkles and improve skin elasticity.Highly active fragments of natural hyaluronic acidPenetrate quickly into the skin, cushion it from the inside and hydrate it intensively . Eye tolerance clinically tested.Also for sensitive skin. Developed with dermatologists, clinically tested. Application For every skin type. Notes Without preservatives, without allergenic perfumes, without dyes and paraffin oil. ..

75.34 USD

베판텐 안약 20모노도스 0.5ml

베판텐 안약 20모노도스 0.5ml

제품코드: 7649471

베판텐 점안액 20모노도스 0.5ml Bepanthen® PRO 점안액은 건조하고 자극받은 눈을 위한 효과적인 솔루션입니다. 방부제가 없으며 수분과 보호를 통해 지속적인 관리를 제공합니다. Bepanthen® PRO 점안제는 작업량, 과열 등 다양한 원인으로 인해 발생할 수 있는 일반적인 문제인 눈의 건조감을 극복하도록 설계되었습니다. 또는 탈수. 히알루론산과 덱스판테놀 성분은 눈이 건조하고 붉어지고 가렵거나 화끈거리는 증상을 완화하는 데 도움이 됩니다. 이 효과적인 조합은 눈물막을 안정화하고 눈에 지속적으로 수분을 공급하고 진정시키는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이 안약을 매일 사용하면 건조하고 자극받은 눈의 불편함을 완화하여 지속적인 보호와 관리를 제공합니다. 무방부제 포뮬러 덕분에 부드럽고 오래 지속되므로 매일 사용하기에 이상적입니다...

27.81 USD

블레파겔 듀오젤 30g + 패드 100매

블레파겔 듀오젤 30g + 패드 100매

제품코드: 7799125

BLEPHAGEL Duo Gel 30g + 100 Pads The BLEPHAGEL Duo Gel 30g + 100 Pads is a complete eye treatment package that includes a 30g tube of the Blephagel Duo Gel and 100 sterile pads. Designed to provide a thorough cleaning and soothing massage for sensitive eyelids, this innovative product duo is perfect for individuals suffering from dry eye syndrome, blepharitis, and other eye-related conditions. Blephagel Duo Gel The Blephagel Duo Gel is a gentle, non-greasy cleansing gel that effectively removes impurities, secretions, and debris from the eyelids and eyelashes. Its unique formula contains essential ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, Centella Asiatica, and Aloe Vera that rejuvenate and moisturize the skin around the eyes. It also has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, making it ideal for people with sensitive or infected eyelids. Using Blephagel Duo Gel is straightforward. Apply a small amount of the gel to the tips of your fingers and massage gently onto the eyelids and lashes for around 30 seconds. Then remove the gel using one of the included sterilized pads. Sterile Pads The two-sided sterile pads are soft and gentle, making them ideal for use on sensitive skin. One of the sides is smooth, perfect for wiping away the Blephagel Duo Gel, while the other is textured for gentle exfoliation. The Blephagel Duo Gel 30g + 100 Pads come in a hygienic and convenient packaging that makes it perfect for travel or home use. It is also an excellent solution for improving ocular hygiene, and its regular usage can also help maintain good eye health. ..

25.36 USD

블레파솔 미젤렌-로션

블레파솔 미젤렌-로션

제품코드: 7799126

Micellar lotion for daily cleaning of the eye area and eyelids. Composition Aqua, PEG-8, polysorbate 20, capryloyl glycine, poloxamer 184, PEG-6 caprylic/capric glycerides, dipotassium phosphate, sodium hydroxide, potassium phosphate.. Properties The micellar lotion Blephasol® is recommended for daily cleaning of sensitive eyelids. Removes impurities, secretions, encrustations and make-upContains a micellar lotion that gently removes impurities For all skin types, including sensitive skin.Non-greasy, non-sticky, no rinsing required. Without fragrances, free from alcohol (ethanol).Blephasol® is suitable for contact lens wearers. Application Twice a day, morning and evening or as needed. Use on eyelid only. Apply Blephasol® to the lint-free pad. Can be used for 2 months after opening. Notes Do not bring directly into eyes. ..

22.14 USD

블링크 토탈케어 솔루션 + lc fl 120 ml

블링크 토탈케어 솔루션 + lc fl 120 ml

제품코드: 7801988

하드 콘택트렌즈용으로 설계된 혁신적인 콘택트렌즈 관리 제품인 BLINK TOTALCARE SOLUTION + LC FL 120 ML을 소개합니다. 이 올인원 솔루션은 렌즈를 효과적으로 세척, 소독 및 조절하여 하루 종일 최대한의 편안함과 선명도를 보장합니다. 사용하기 쉽고 눈에 부드러운 이 솔루션은 고품질의 콘택트 렌즈 관리 루틴을 원하는 개인에게 이상적입니다. 콘택트렌즈 관리를 위한 최고의 선택 BLINK TOTALCARE SOLUTION + LC FL 120 ML로 눈을 건강하게 유지하고 선명한 시력을 유지하세요...

23.82 USD

유세린 히알루론필러+엘라스트오젠 lsf20

유세린 히알루론필러+엘라스트오젠 lsf20

제품코드: 7837659

EUCERIN HYALURON-FILLER+Elast Augen LSF20 EUCERIN HYALURON-FILLER+Elast Augen LSF20 is a specially formulated eye cream that targets sagging skin, wrinkles, and fine lines around the eyes. This powerful anti-aging cream is enriched with hyaluronic acid, saponin and elastin. These combines ingredients work together to reinforce the delicate skin around the eyes, smooth fine lines and protect the skin from damage caused by UV rays. Key Benefits: Reduces wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes. Visibly firms and plumps sagging skin around the eyes for a youthful appearance. Contains SPF20 to protect the delicate skin from harmful UV rays. Formulated with hyaluronic acid, saponin and elastin to nourish and hydrate the skin. Fragrance-free and ophthalmologically tested. How to Use: Use the EUCERIN HYALURON-FILLER+Elast Augen LSF20 eye cream in the morning and evening after cleansing. Apply a small amount of cream to the fingertips and gently massage into the skin around the eyes in a circular motion. Avoid direct contact with eyes. Ingredients: Hyaluronic Acid: Helps to plump up and hydrate the skin for a smooth, youthful appearance. Saponin: Promotes the production of natural hyaluronic acid in the skin, helping to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Elastin: Improves the elasticity of the skin around the eyes, minimizes the appearance of fine lines, and visibly firms sagging skin. ..

55.91 USD

이녹사 아이 스프레이 10ml

이녹사 아이 스프레이 10ml

제품코드: 7842053

히알루론산과 알로에 베라를 함유한 멸균, 리포솜, 보습, 윤활 및 냉각 눈 솔루션입니다.구성리포솜; 0.3% LMW 히알루론산, 알로에 베라 젤, 비타민 B5, 비타민 E-TPGS, 에데트산나트륨. pH 7;2로 완충된 등장액..속성민감한 눈과 염증이 있는 눈꺼풀에 즉시 도움이 됩니다.눈을 뜨거나 감고 있는 부위에 부드럽게 뿌리십시오.방부제 없음PH 중성, 누액과 유사콘택트 렌즈 착용자에게 적합추가 정보다음을 포함하지 않습니다: 클로르헥시딘, 티메로살, 염화벤잘코늄 및 동물성 성분...

31.98 USD

이녹사 안약 투명포뮬러 10ml

이녹사 안약 투명포뮬러 10ml

제품코드: 7842052

무균, 보습, 윤활 및 진정 눈 솔루션, 방부제 포뮬라.구성카모마일 및 수레국화 플로랄 워터, 스위트 클로버 및 아이브라이트 워터, 트레할로스, 염화나트륨. 완충 용액.속성이상적인 증상:안구 건조, 자극, 피곤한 눈 따끔거림; 작열감 또는 이물감, 깜박임 어려움, 시력 흐림, 가려움증. 눈물막의 비외상성/비병리학적 변화. 외부 빛, 바람, 먼지, 꽃가루, 염소, 에어컨 및 오염에 대한 과도한 노출. 스크린의 장기간 사용 콘택트렌즈 장시간 착용어플리케이션성인 및 15세 이상 청소년에게 적합합니다.추가 정보동물성 성분이 전혀 포함되어 있지 않습니다...

35.32 USD

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