Beeovita.com의 건강 + 영양, 식료품, 제과 및 츄잉껌 카테고리에서 다양한 스위스산 츄잉껌 셀렉션을 살펴보세요. 우리 제품은 구강 상쾌함을 위한 탁월한 선택일 뿐만 아니라 구강 건강, 치아 미백에도 기여하고 집중력 문제를 완화하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있습니다. 에센셜 오일이 함유된 당사의 츄잉껌 제품은 편리한 바디 케어 및 스킨 케어 솔루션의 역할을 하며 아름다움과 웰빙의 독특한 융합을 제공합니다. 다양한 군침이 도는 맛을 찾아보고 우리와 함께 츄잉껌 경험을 최대한 활용해 보세요.
'Concentration ? clarity and perseverance' Bach flower chewing gums contain the Bach flowers, which are often used for small concentration problems in everyday life.
'Concentration - clarity and perseverance' Bach flower chewing gums contain the Bach flowers, which are popular for those little concentration problems of everyday life - collect yourself and explore balance and Patience for more attention.
MIRADENT Xylitol Kaugummi Wassermelone
The MIRADENT Xylitol Kaugummi Wassermelone is a delicious and healthy chewing gum that helps to promote oral health. This gum is made with xylitol, a natural sugar alcohol that is found in many fruits and vegetables, including watermelon.
Xylitol has been shown to help reduce the risk of cavities and tooth decay by inhibiting the growth of bacteria in the mouth. It also stimulates the production of saliva, which helps to neutralize acids and protect the teeth against plaque and tartar buildup.
In addition to its oral health benefits, the MIRADENT Xylitol Kaugummi Wassermelone is also a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth. With its refreshing watermelon flavor, this gum is a tasty alternative to traditional sugary snacks and treats.
The MIRADENT Xylitol Kaugummi Wassermelone comes in a convenient resealable package, making it easy to take with you wherever you go. So whether you're at home, at work, or on the go, you can enjoy the delicious taste and oral health benefits of this amazing chewing gum.
So if you're looking for a tasty and healthy way to keep your teeth and gums in great shape, look no further than the MIRADENT Xylitol Kaugummi Wassermelone. Try it today and experience the difference for yourself!..
미라덴트 자일리톨 츄잉껌 민트 30개
자일리톨 츄잉껌 감소 세정 효과와 플라그 억제 효과로 특히 식후 충치 발생을 지속시킵니다.
감미료: 카르나우바 왁스. .
자일리톨은 구강 내에서 칼슘과 타액 단백질의 복합체를 형성하여 단단한 치아 구조를 재광화시킵니다. 자일리톨을 충분히 섭취하면 치아에 새로운 플라크가 형성되지 않습니다. 이는 충치의 진행을 예방하고 기존 플라그를 느슨하게 하고 제거합니다. 자일리톨은 멘톨의 상쾌한 맛과 유사하게 혀에 냉각 효과를 줍니다. 자일리톨은 입안의 박테리아가 사용할 수 없으므로 우식을 유발하는 효과가 없습니다.
알레르기 유발물질
콩 및 콩 제품
과도하게 섭취하면 완하 효과가 있을 수 있습니다.
추가 정보
무설탕; 글루텐 프리, GMO 프리, 유당 프리, 비건, 아스파탐 프리
MIRADENT 자일리톨 츄잉껌 스피어민트
감미료:자일리톨, 검괴, 향료, 증점제:아라비아검, 보습제:글리세린, 유화제:레시틴(해바라기), 착색제:탄산칼슘, 코팅제:카르나우바왁스..
감미료 자일리톨이 함유된 무설탕 츄잉껌.
과도하게 섭취하면 완하 효과가 있을 수 있습니다. 원산지: 비EU.
,In an emergency ? calm and serenity' Bach flower chewing gums contain the Bach flowers, which are often used for small emergencies in everyday life.
,In an emergency ? calm and serenity' Bach flower chewing gums contain the Bach flowers, which are often used for small everyday emergencies ? take your time and relax Get away from the little pressures of everyday life.
CURAPROX Black is White Kaugummi
CURAPROX Black is White Kaugummi
Get a brighter, healthier smile with the CURAPROX Black is White Kaugummi. This innovative product is designed to help remove stains and discoloration from your teeth gently and effectively.
Helps whiten teeth
Removes stains and discoloration
Fights bad breath
Gently cleans and polishes teeth
Strengthens tooth enamel
With its unique formula, the CURAPROX Black is White Kaugummi can help improve the appearance of your teeth while also supporting better oral health. The kaugummi is crafted using natural ingredients, including xylitol, which can help reduce the risk of tooth decay and promote saliva production. Additionally, the kaugummi comes in a delicious peppermint flavor that leaves your mouth feeling fresh and clean.
How to Use
For best results, chew one piece of CURAPROX Black is White Kaugummi after every meal or snack. The kaugummi contains no sugar or aspartame, making it a healthy alternative to traditional gum. Regular use can help remove surface stains and keep your teeth looking their best.
Try CURAPROX Black is White Kaugummi today and enjoy a brighter, healthier smile!..