오래 지속되는 머리 색깔
(1 페이지)
Henna plus 롱 라스트 컬러 1 블랙
The Henna Plus Long Last Color hair dye gives dark blonde to black hair a lasting and nourishing black color.The dye is enriched with 9 extracts with BIO certification for good care.The hair structure is cared for during dyeing and ensures vital, shiny hair.The integrated UV hair protection protects your hair and the hair color from fading. The color is kept vibrant.The color gives a beautiful, even and effective gray coverage. Paraben-free..
25.41 USD
Henna plus 롱 라스트 컬러 7 미디엄 블론드
The Henna Plus Long Last Color hair dye gives light blonde to dark blonde hair a lasting and nourishing medium blonde colour.The dye is enriched with 9 extracts with BIO certification for good care.The hair structure is cared for during dyeing and ensures vital, shiny hair.The integrated UV hair protection protects your hair and the hair color from fading. The color is kept vibrant.The color gives a beautiful, even and effective gray coverage. Paraben-free..
25.41 USD
라이트 골든 브라운 henna plus long last color 5.3
The Henna Plus Long Last Color hair dye gives medium blond to medium brown hair a lasting and caring light golden brown color.The dye is enriched with 9 extracts with BIO certification for good care.The hair structure is cared for during coloring and ensures vital, shiny hair.The integrated UV hair protection protects your hair and the hair color from fading. The color is kept vibrant.The color gives a beautiful, even and effective gray coverage. Paraben-free..
25.41 USD
(1 페이지)