개인 위생
(1 페이지)
Börlind 바디 케어 duschschaum 150ml
Börlind 바디 케어 샤워 폼으로 고급스러운 샤워 경험을 즐겨보세요. 150ml 제품은 샤워젤의 부드러운 클렌징력과 가볍고 부드러운 폼의 질감이 결합되어 피부에 편안한 느낌을 선사합니다. 풍부한 영양 성분이 함유된 이 샤워 폼은 클렌징은 물론, 활력과 수분을 공급하여 피부를 부드럽고 산뜻하게 가꾸어 줍니다. 개인 위생 습관에 딱 맞는 이 제품은 은은한 향기가 오래도록 지속되어 욕실에 스파와 같은 분위기를 조성합니다. 진정으로 활력을 되찾는 경험을 위해 Börlind 바디 케어 샤워 폼으로 샤워 루틴을 향상하세요...
24.55 USD
Bocoton trockentüchlein bio bag 60개
Bocoton Trockentüchlein Bio Btl 60 pcs The Bocoton Trockentüchlein Bio Btl 60 pcs is the perfect solution for all your cleaning needs! These dry wipes are made from 100% organic cotton, making them gentle on the skin and the environment. Each pack contains 60 pieces of dry wipes, making it an economical choice for households and commercial use. These dry wipes are highly absorbent and can be used for a variety of purposes, such as cleaning spills, wiping surfaces, and even for personal hygiene. The compact size of each wipe allows for easy handling and storage, making them perfect for on-the-go use. The Bocoton Trockentüchlein Bio Btl 60 pcs are free from harmful chemicals, making them safe for use around children and pets. They are also biodegradable, making them an eco-friendly choice for those who strive to reduce their carbon footprint. Whether you are looking for a cost-effective cleaning solution or a more sustainable alternative to traditional cleaning wipes, Bocoton Trockentüchlein Bio Btl 60 pcs is the way to go. Order yours today and experience the convenience and benefits of these organic, biodegradable dry wipes for yourself! ..
15.68 USD
Hakle feucht pflegende sauberkeit 리필 42개
Hakle Feucht Pflegende Sauberkeit Refill 42 Stk Introducing the Hakle Feucht Pflegende Sauberkeit Refill 42 Stk - a handy pack of 42 moist wipes that provide not only gentle cleaning, but also nourishing care that nourishes your delicate skin. These wipes are specifically designed to provide deep cleansing and hydration, ensuring that you stay fresh and comfortable all day long. Suitable for daily use, these wipes are perfect for maintaining personal hygiene and freshness, especially during periods of high activity or when on the go. Features: 42-pack refill of Hakle Feucht Pflegende Sauberkeit moist wipes Provides gentle cleaning and nourishing care for delicate skin Specially designed for deep cleansing and hydration Perfect for maintaining personal hygiene and freshness on the go Benefits: The Hakle Feucht Pflegende Sauberkeit Refill 42 Stk offers several benefits, including: Soft and gentle on the skin: The moist wipes are crafted from soft, delicate material that doesn't irritate the skin. Moisturizing: The wipes deliver a burst of hydration that soothes dry or dehydrated skin. Convenient: The refill pack is extremely convenient, making it easy to replenish your supply of moist wipes at any time. Effective: The wipes provide deep cleansing and hygiene maintenance for long-lasting freshness. How to use: Simply take a wipe from the Hakle Feucht Pflegende Sauberkeit Refill 42 Stk pack and use it to clean your skin. These wipes can be used for any part of your body, especially the hands, face, and intimate areas. Dispose of the used wipe in the trash bin after use. Conclusion: The Hakle Feucht Pflegende Sauberkeit Refill 42 Stk is an excellent choice for anyone looking for daily hygiene and freshness. With its gentle cleaning and moisturizing properties, these moist wipes offer a convenient and effective solution for maintaining personal hygiene and freshness, no matter what the day holds. Order yours today and enjoy a fresh and clean feeling all day long!..
7.46 USD
Hakle feucht reichh sauberkeit she butt 참조
HAKLE Feucht Reichh Sauberkeit She Butt Ref HAKLE Feucht Reichh Sauberkeit She Butt Ref is a must-have product for anyone who is looking for a convenient and effective way to stay clean and fresh throughout the day. This product is designed to provide you with excellent cleaning and moisture, ensuring that you feel comfortable and confident no matter where you are. Feucht Reichh Sauberkeit This HAKLE product is formulated with "Feucht, Reichh, and Sauberkeit," which means "moisture, cleanliness, and freshness." These are the three key ingredients that make this product so effective in keeping you clean and fresh. The moisturizing formula ensures that your skin stays hydrated, while the cleaning agents remove any dirt and bacteria that may be present. The fresh scent helps to eliminate any unpleasant odors, leaving you feeling confident and ready to take on the day. She Butt Ref The HAKLE Feucht Reichh Sauberkeit She Butt Ref is specifically designed for use on the intimate area. This area of the body is especially sensitive and requires gentle care to avoid irritation or discomfort. This product is pH balanced, fragrance-free, and alcohol-free, making it perfect for those with sensitive skin or allergies. The compact size of this product makes it easy to carry with you wherever you go, so you can stay clean and fresh no matter where you are. Easy to Use The HAKLE Feucht Reichh Sauberkeit She Butt Ref is incredibly easy to use. Simply apply a small amount to the intimate area and gently wipe with a clean cloth. The moisturizing formula will leave your skin feeling soft and smooth, while the cleaning agents do their job of removing any dirt or bacteria that may be present. This product is perfect for use at home or on-the-go and is a must-have for anyone who wants to stay clean and fresh throughout the day. Final Thoughts If you're looking for a convenient and effective way to stay clean and fresh throughout the day, look no further than the HAKLE Feucht Reichh Sauberkeit She Butt Ref. This product is formulated with "Feucht, Reichh, and Sauberkeit," which ensure that you stay moisturized, clean, and fresh. It's easy to use, gentle on sensitive skin, and perfect for use at home or on-the-go. Try it today and see the difference for yourself!..
12.00 USD
Mybidet 포두쉐 인팀두쉐 300ml
마이비데트 포샤워 앤 인티메이트 샤워 300ml는 편안함과 청결함을 제공하도록 설계된 다용도의 효과적인 개인 위생 솔루션입니다. 이 혁신적인 제품은 이중 기능을 제공하여 정기적인 샤워와 부드럽고 친밀한 관리 모두에 실용적인 도움을 줍니다. 300ml 용량으로 휴대가 간편해 집에서나 여행 중에도 사용하기 좋습니다. 마이비뎃 포샤워는 사용자 친화적인 디자인으로 부드럽고 위생적인 클렌징 경험을 원하는 개인이 쉽고 직관적으로 사용할 수 있습니다. 일상적인 사용이든 특정 건강 관리 요구 사항이든 관계없이 샤워 및 간호 보조 제품 카테고리의 이 제품은 개인 위생과 전반적인 웰빙을 개선하기 위한 믿을 수 있고 편리한 솔루션입니다...
37.21 USD
Sinaqua 미리 적신 수건 bag 12개
SINAQUA 물수건 Btl 12개 특징유럽 CE 인증수량 : 12개무게 : 164g 길이: 18mm 너비: 250mm 높이: 100mm 스위스에서 온라인으로 SINAQUA 사전 적셔진 수건 Btl 12개 구입..
8.78 USD
Softa-man visco rub 손 소독제 알코올성 fl 100ml
소프타맨 비스코 럽 손소독제 알코올성 Fl 100ml 특징보관온도 최소/최대 15/25℃용량 : 1ml 무게: 108g 길이: 35mm 너비: 61mm 높이: 100mm Softa-Man Visco Rub 손 구입 소독제 알코올성 Fl 100 ml 스위스산 온라인..
7.31 USD
Sonett handseife sensitiv nachfüllflasche
SONETT 핸드 솝 센서티브 리필 병은 민감한 피부를 위해 디자인된 순하고 영양이 풍부한 비누액입니다. 천연 성분으로 제조되고 합성 향료와 착색제가 없는 이 리필 병은 개인 위생을 유지하기 위한 지속 가능한 선택입니다. 순하면서도 효과적인 포뮬러는 자극을 유발하지 않고 손을 깨끗하게 해주기 때문에 의료 환경에서 매일 사용하거나 민감한 피부를 가진 사람들에게 이상적입니다. 환경적 책임에 초점을 맞춘 이 리필 병은 손 비누 디스펜서를 쉽게 보충할 수 있도록 하여 플라스틱 폐기물을 줄이는 데 도움이 됩니다. 깨끗하고 친환경적이며 피부 친화적인 손 씻기 경험을 원하시면 SONETT를 선택하세요...
21.85 USD
Valaclean 기본 일회용 세척 장갑 15.5x22.5cm 50개
발라클린 베이직 일회용 세탁미트 15.5x22.5cm 50개 특징개당 수량 : 50개무게: 189g 길이: 35mm 폭: 167mm 높이: 241mm 스위스에서 온라인으로 ValaClean Basic 일회용 세척 미트 15.5x22.5cm 50개 구입..
12.32 USD
Valaclean 소프트 일회용 세척 장갑 15.5x22.5cm 50개
발라클린 소프트 일회용 세척미트 15.5x22.5cm 50개 특징개당 수량 : 50개무게: 158g 길이: 87mm 폭: 159mm 높이: 229mm 스위스에서 온라인으로 ValaClean Soft 일회용 세척 미트 15.5x22.5cm 50개 구입..
20.36 USD
Wiesenberg hand desinfektionsgel 열대 자몽 500ml
위젠버그 핸드 데신펙션젤 트로피컬 그레이프프루트 500ml 위젠버그 핸드 데신펙션젤 트로피칼 자몽으로 손을 깨끗하고 세균 없는 상태로 유지하세요. 이 손 소독제 젤은 개인 위생 루틴, 특히 우리가 기분 좋게 위생을 유지해야 하는 이 시기에 필수품입니다. Wiesenberg Hand Desinfektionsgel은 몇 초 만에 99.9%의 세균을 박멸하는 데 도움이 되는 열대 향의 자몽 손 소독제입니다. 손 소독제는 500ml 병으로 제공되어 대가족과 직장에 적합합니다. 물과 비누를 사용하지 않고 정기적으로 손을 소독하고 싶은 사람을 위한 빠르고 효과적인 솔루션입니다. 피부과 테스트를 거친 이 항균 솔루션은 박테리아, 곰팡이 및 바이러스를 즉시 죽입니다. 피부에 순하면서도 세균에 강한 고품질의 안전한 성분으로 만들어졌습니다. 위젠버그 핸드 데신펙션젤 트로피칼 자몽은 사용이 간편합니다. 손바닥에 소량을 덜어 용액이 마를 때까지 손을 문지릅니다. 그것은 당신의 손을 신선하고 깨끗하며 기분 좋은 향기로 만듭니다. 열대 자몽 향이 나는 이 손 소독제 젤은 독한 화학 물질이 없는 천연 향을 좋아하는 사람에게 적합합니다. 또한 보틀에는 안전한 캡이 있어 보관 및 휴대가 간편합니다. 이동 중이든 집에 있든 이 손 소독제 젤은 손을 깨끗하고 박테리아와 바이러스로부터 보호하기 위한 신뢰할 수 있고 편리한 솔루션입니다. 그러니 오늘 Wiesenberg Hand Desinfektionsgel Tropical Grapefruit 500ml를 주문하고 효과적이고 상쾌한 손 위생을 경험할 준비를 하세요. ..
18.06 USD
테나 소프트 와이프 30x32cm
TENA Soft Wipe 30x32cm The TENA Soft Wipe 30x32cm is an essential personal hygiene product that provides the highest level of cleanliness and comfort. These wipes are ideal for people with sensitive skin and those who need extra care when incontinent. They are super soft and gentle on the skin, yet strong enough to clean up messes and spills quickly and easily. Each wipe is an extra-large size of 30x32cm, making it ideal for cleaning large areas of the body. The TENA Soft Wipes are conveniently disposable, making them perfect for use at home or on the go. It comes in a compact and sturdy package that is easy to carry, store and access while on the move. The wipes are moisture-rich, pH balanced, and formulated with Vitamin E and Aloe Vera for added skin nourishment and protection. They are hypoallergenic and dermatologically tested, ensuring maximum comfort and safety. The TENA Soft Wipe 30x32cm is suitable for all ages and genders and can be used for multiple purposes, including cleaning sensitive areas of the body, hands, and surfaces. Its versatile design makes it an excellent choice for hospitals, nursing homes, and household settings. Invest in the TENA Soft Wipe 30x32cm today and enjoy exceptional cleanliness and hygiene with every use. ..
27.84 USD
테나 워시 무스 400ml
TENA Wash Mousse 400ml: The All-In-One Solution for Effective Personal Hygiene Whether you?re dealing with incontinence, bedridden patients, or just want to maintain good personal hygiene, you need a product that is gentle, effective, and easy to use. Introducing the TENA Wash Mousse 400ml - an all-in-one cleansing solution that meets all your hygiene needs. Benefits: All-in-one solution TENA Wash Mousse gives a gentle yet thorough clean, moisturizes the skin, and fights odors - no need to buy multiple products! Gentle cleansing This wash mousse is pH-balanced to the skin and contains no soap, dyes, or perfumes. Soothing aloe vera and chamomile extracts ensure the skin stays healthy and irritation-free. Easy to use Just pump the mousse onto a washcloth, gently foam it up, and then clean the desired areas. Its no-rinse formula means no water is required, so it?s perfect for bedridden patients or those who are unable to shower regularly. Large 400ml can With a long-lasting 400ml can, you can be confident that you will have a supply for a long time to come. How to Use: Wet a washcloth Apply a nickel-sized amount of mousse onto the washcloth Gently rub it in to produce a foam Clean the desired areas No-rinse required - just pat dry! With TENA Wash Mousse, you can be confident that you?re providing gentle, effective care for you or your loved ones. Order now and enjoy the benefits of an all-in-one hygiene solution!..
21.22 USD
플라와 프리미엄 면봉 can 200매
Flawa Premium Cotton Swab DS 200 Pcs Flawa Premium Cotton Swab DS 200 Pcs is a high-quality cotton swab that is designed to provide you with soft and gentle cleaning for your delicate areas. This premium cotton swab is made from 100% pure cotton that is highly absorbent and hygienic, making it an ideal choice for personal care. The Flawa Premium Cotton Swab DS 200 Pcs comes with 200 pieces, making it perfect for daily use. Its highly absorbent and flexible design makes it ideal for makeup removal, nail cleaning, and personal hygiene. Plus, its compact size makes it easy to carry with you on-the-go, making it perfect for traveling or when you are out and about. The cotton used in these swabs is free from any harmful chemicals or bleaches, making it safe for all skin types. You can use this swab with confidence, knowing that it is gentle on your skin and will not cause irritation or allergic reactions. So, if you are looking for a high-quality and reliable cotton swab that is perfect for your daily needs, look no further than the Flawa Premium Cotton Swab DS 200 Pcs. Order now and experience the difference in quality and performance. ..
5.59 USD
(1 페이지)