유기농 베이비 포뮬러
(1 페이지)
Beba bio 12+ at 12 months can 800 g
Beba Bio 12+ at 12 months Ds 800 g Introducing Beba Bio 12+ - a premium quality, organic formula specially designed for babies at 12 months. Made with the highest quality organic ingredients, Beba Bio 12+ is rich in nutrients and essential minerals that support your baby's growth and development. At this stage, your baby has specific nutritional needs that require a careful blend of vitamins and minerals for optimal growth. That's why Beba Bio 12+ is formulated with essential nutrients such as iron, vitamin D and calcium for strong bones and healthy development of organs. Beba Bio 12+ is produced with organic ingredients which are carefully selected and tested to ensure purity and high standards for your baby's health. This formula is gluten-free and contains zero artificial colorings, preservatives, or flavors, making it the safest and healthiest option for your baby. The easy-to-digest formula of Beba Bio 12+ is an ideal option for babies with sensitive tummies. Its smooth texture and rich flavor make it a delicious option for your little one, ensuring that they receive the optimum nutrients needed for their growth and development. Choose Beba Bio 12+ for your baby's diet and give them the best start in life. Order now and provide your baby with the highest quality organic formula available! ..
55.35 USD
Bimbosan bio 2 follow-on milk refill 400 g
야자유 없이 유기농 스위스 우유로만 만들었습니다. 모유 수유를 하지 않은 6개월 이상의 아기 또는 모유 수유 후 보충용으로 사용합니다. 구성 탈지유, 탈염 유장 분말, 식물성 기름(해바라기유, 코코넛유, 유채씨유), 말토덱스트린, 갈락토올리고당(유당에서 추출한 GOS), 미네랄(구연산칼슘, 구연산나트륨, 염화칼륨, 염화마그네슘, 염화칼슘, 인산칼슘, 황산아연, 황산제1철, 셀렌산나트륨, 황산구리, 요오드산칼륨, 황산망간), 유화제(해바라기 레시틴), 정제 어유, 비타민(비타민 C, 비타민 E, 비타민 A, 비타민 D, 나이아신, 판토텐산, 비오틴, 비타민 K, 엽산, 비타민 B1, 비타민 B6, 비타민 B12, 비타민 B2), L-티로신, 항산화제(토코페롤 함량이 높은 추출물)..속성Bimbosan Bio 2 후속 우유는 팜유를 일관되게 사용하지 않고 제조된 스위스 유기농 우유로만 만듭니다. 귀중한 오메가 3 및 6 지방산을 함유하고 있습니다.모유 보충용 모유는 생후 6개월부터, 모유 수유 후, 모유 수유를 하지 않는 아기에게 적합합니다. Made in Switzerland. 연령/체중*물계량 스푼 ** 음료수 병 용량 약. 4kg130ml3145ml4-7kg170ml4190ml 7kg 220ml5245ml*가이드 값 **흰색 계량 스푼 1개 = 약 6.5g아기가 더 이상 모유 수유를 하지 않거나 추가 음식이 필요한 경우 의료 전문가(소아과 의사, 산부인과 의사, 조산사)에게 정보를 얻어야 합니다.리필 팩에는 계량 스푼이 포함되어 있지 않으며 캔에 한 개만 포함되어 있습니다.통제된 유기농 생산 원료적용 병 용량:나이/체중*물 계량 스푼 ** 음료수 병 용량 약. 4kg130ml3145ml 4-7kg170ml4190ml 7kg220ml5245ml*기준치**하얀 계량 스푼 1개 = 약 6.5g참고WHO에 따르면 모유 수유는 아기에게 최상의 영양을 공급하므로 생후 6개월 동안 모유 수유를 권장합니다. 그런 다음 모유 수유를 계속하되 아기의 나이에 맞는 균형 잡힌 보완 식단을 제공합니다...
27.28 USD
Bimbosan bisoja 1 infant formula refill 400 g
BIMBOSAN Bisoja 1 Säugligsanfangsnahrung ref The BIMBOSAN Bisoja 1 Säugligsanfangsnahrung ref is a high-quality infant formula designed to provide complete nutrition for newborns up to six months old. This formula is made with carefully selected, organic ingredients to ensure your baby receives the best possible start in life. BIMBOSAN has been trusted by parents for over 80 years and is proud to offer a formula that is safe, natural, and easy to digest. The formula is enriched with vitamins and minerals to support healthy growth and development, and it is free from artificial preservatives, colors, and flavors. The BIMBOSAN Bisoja 1 Säugligsanfangsnahrung ref formula contains essential fatty acids and nucleotides, which are vital for healthy brain and eye development. Additionally, the formula is fortified with probiotics to support a healthy digestive system and reduce the risk of colic and constipation. Preparing BIMBOSAN Bisoja 1 Säugligsanfangsnahrung ref is quick and easy. Simply mix the formula with boiled water, shake well, and feed to your baby. The formula is also available in convenient single-serving packets, making it easy to take on the go or while traveling. Choose BIMBOSAN Bisoja 1 Säugligsanfangsnahrung ref for a safe and natural way to provide your newborn with the nutrients they need to grow and develop. ..
31.71 USD
Hipp 1 바이오 콤비오틱
HIPP 1 Bio Combiotik The HIPP 1 Bio Combiotik is a organic formula that is designed to provide complete nutrition for infants. This formula is made from high quality organic ingredients that are carefully selected to promote healthy growth and development for your baby. Key Features of HIPP 1 Bio Combiotik Organic ingredients: HIPP 1 Bio Combiotik is made from organic ingredients that are free from harmful pesticides and chemicals. Complete nutrition: This formula is designed to provide complete nutrition for infants, including important nutrients like iron, Vitamin D, and calcium. Probiotics: HIPP 1 Bio Combiotik contains probiotics that can help support your baby's digestive health and immune system. Easy to digest: This formula is made with gentle proteins that are easy for babies to digest. No added sugars: HIPP 1 Bio Combiotik is free from added sugars, which can be harmful to your baby's health. How to use HIPP 1 Bio Combiotik HIPP 1 Bio Combiotik can be used as a complete nutritional source for infants from birth to six months. It can be used either as a sole source of nutrition or in combination with breast milk. To use, simply mix the recommended amount of formula with warm water and shake well. Always follow the instructions on the packaging carefully. Why Choose HIPP 1 Bio Combiotik? HIPP 1 Bio Combiotik is a high quality organic formula that is designed to promote healthy growth and development for your baby. It is made from carefully selected organic ingredients and contains probiotics to support your baby's digestive health and immune system. With no added sugars and gentle proteins that are easy to digest, HIPP 1 Bio Combiotik is a great choice for parents who want the best for their baby...
28.85 USD
Hipp 주니어 콤비오틱
HIPP Junior Combiotik - Nourishing your child's growth Introducing HIPP Junior Combiotik, an exceptional product that provides optimal nutrition to support the growth and development of your child. What is HIPP Junior Combiotik? HIPP Junior Combiotik is a nutritious, organic formula designed especially for children aged one year and above. It contains essential vitamins and minerals, perfect for promoting healthy growth and development. Why choose HIPP Junior Combiotik? Organic composition: Made using organic ingredients to ensure that your child is getting the best possible nutrition. Health benefits: Our formula is rich in essential fatty acids and natural prebiotics, which are necessary for healthy growth and development for your child. Great Tasting: HIPP Junior Combiotik is delicious to taste, and your child will surely enjoy it. Made in Europe: Our product is made with the highest quality standards in Europe, giving you the assurance that your child is consuming the best possible nutrition. Why HIPP? HIPP is an established brand with over 100 years of experience in the manufacturing of organic baby food. Our products have always been at the forefront of innovation and sustainable practices to ensure that your child gets 100% organic nutrition. Our team of pediatricians and nutritionists has formulated HIPP Junior Combiotik to cater to your child's nutritional requirements during their growing years. How to use HIPP Junior Combiotik Simply mix HIPP Junior Combiotik powder with warm water, according to the instructions on the pack, and give it to your child. For best results, it's essential to use the powder within four weeks after opening the pack. Always consult your physician before adding HIPP Junior Combiotik to your child's diet. The Bottom Line HIPP Junior Combiotik is a nutrient powerhouse that can help support your child's growth and development. With its organic composition, excellent health benefits, and great taste, HIPP Junior Combiotik is the perfect formula for children aged one year and above. Order now and give your child the best possible nutrition with HIPP Junior Combiotik...
27.47 USD
베바 바이오 pre ab geburt can 800g
Beba Bio PRE ab Geburt Ds 800 g The Beba Bio PRE ab Geburt Ds 800 g is the perfect choice for any health-conscious parent who wants to give their newborn the best possible start in life. This formula is made from high-quality organic ingredients that are carefully designed to meet the nutritional needs of infants from birth to six months of age. One of the unique features of this formula is that it is entirely free of artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives. Instead, the makers have used natural ingredients that provide essential vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium, and zinc to support your baby's healthy growth and development. The Beba Bio PRE ab Geburt Ds 800 g also contains a precise blend of prebiotics and probiotics that promote digestive health and support your baby's immune system. The lactose in this formula is also suitable for babies who are lactose intolerant and have difficulty digesting regular cow's milk-based formulas. The formula is effortless to mix and prepare, making it a great option for busy parents. It is also gentle on your baby's delicate tummy, reducing the risk of colic, gassiness, and other digestive issues. If you're looking for a high-quality formula that will give your newborn the very best start in life, the Beba Bio PRE ab Geburt Ds 800 g is the perfect choice. It is organic, nutritious, and free of synthetic additives, making it one of the healthiest options on the market today...
61.88 USD
베바바이오2 6개월후 can 800g
6개월 후 베바 바이오 2 Ds 800g 베바바이오2 6개월 후 Ds 800g은 6개월 이상 영유아를 위해 특별히 제작된 프리미엄 유기농 분유입니다. 최고 품질의 유기농 성분으로 만들어진 이 포뮬러는 아기의 성장과 성장에 필요한 모든 필수 영양소를 제공합니다. 유기농 탈지유를 기본으로 한 포뮬라는 튼튼한 뼈와 건강한 면역체계에 필요한 필수 비타민과 미네랄이 풍부합니다. 또한 두뇌 발달과 전반적인 성장에 도움이 되는 꼭 필요한 지방산을 제공하는 유기농 식물성 오일도 함유되어 있습니다. 게다가 Beba Bio 2는 6개월 후에 Ds 800g에 프로바이오틱스가 풍부해 건강한 장내 미생물을 유지하고 소화 건강을 지원하는 데 도움이 됩니다. 이 포뮬러에는 유해한 첨가물과 방부제가 포함되어 있지 않아 아이에게 안전하고 건강한 선택이 됩니다. 크리미한 질감과 맛있는 맛을 지닌 Beba Bio 2는 6개월 후에 Ds 800g으로 아이의 확고한 사랑을 받게 될 것입니다. 준비하기 쉬운 이 분유는 편리하고 영양가 있는 모유 수유 대안입니다. 따라서 아기에게 인생에서 가능한 최고의 시작을 주고 싶다면 6개월 후 Ds 800g 이후 Beba Bio 2를 선택하세요. 프리미엄 유기농 성분을 사용하여 어린 자녀에게 가능한 최고의 영양을 제공하고자 하는 부모를 위한 완벽한 선택입니다. ..
61.88 USD
홀레 바이오 안팡스밀크 1powder 400g
Property name Organic infant formula Composition Skimmed MILK**¹, WHEY PRODUCT* (partially demineralised whey powder), vegetable oils* (palm oil*³, sunflower oil*, rapeseed oil*), LACTOSE*, calcium carbonate, potassium chloride , Schizochytrium sp.2 microalgae oil, Mortierella Alpina oil, choline bitartrate, calcium salts of orthophosphoric acid, vitamin C, L-tyrosine, sodium chloride, L-tryptophan, iron sulfate, zinc sulfate, vitamin E, magnesium carbonate, niacin, copper sulfate, pantothenic acid, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, manganese sulfate, potassium iodide, folic acid, sodium selenite, vitamin K, vitamin D, biotin, vitamin B12 *from organic farming, **Demeter (from biodynamic farming), ¹100 g infant milk powder is made from 175 ml skimmed milk, ²contains DHA (required by law for infant formula), ³from sustainable cultivationDE. Properties Sustainable - right from the start. Holle has stood for valuable organic quality for over 85 years. Consistently organic - for a good reason. As the first Demeter manufacturer of baby food, we work exclusively with raw materials from biodynamic or organic farming. All of our ingredients are strictly controlled and guarantee the greatest possible safety. Holle products only contain what is good for your child. Because the well-being of your baby is important to us. Contains DHA Application Suitable for the special nutrition of infants from birth when they are not or not sufficiently breastfed.Can be given as often and as much as it meets your baby's needs. Can be used at any time instead of Holle Organic Infant Formula PRE or another infant formula. After the 6th month we recommend Holle Organic Follow-On Milk 2 in combination with Holle Organic Baby Porridges. Boil the bottle, ring and teat for 3 - 5 minutes before use. To prepare it, boil the water and let it coolto about 50 °C. Pour half of the water and half of the powder into the bottle according to the quantity given in the meal table (see below). To dose the powder, fill the measuring spoon loosely and smooth it out with the back of the knife. Shake the powder and half the amount of water vigorously. Add the remaining water and shake well again. Allow to cool down to drinking temperature (37 °C).Meal table:Age - Amount of water (ml) - Number of measuring spoons* - Ready-to-drink food (ml) - Meals per day1. week according to the doctor's instructions2.-4. Week 90 ? 3 ? 100 ? 5-72. month 150 ? ? 170 ? 4-53rd-4th Month 180 ? 6 ? 200 ? 4-5after the 4th month 210 ? 7 ? 230 ? 3-4*1 level measuring spoon = 4.5 g | 1 mesurette rase = 4.5 gThe stated drinking amounts and meals per day are only guidelines. Small individual deviations are harmless and completely naturalStandard preparation: 13.5 g Holle Organic Infant Formula 1 + 90 mlBoiled water = 100 ml ready-to-drink food. One pack= approx. 30 meals of 100 ml each.Please follow the preparation instructions exactly. The correct dosage ratio always gives your baby thenutrients it needs.Only use the enclosed measuring spoon.Improper preparation and storage can lead to health problems.Each bottle always prepare fresh. Do not reuse leftover food.Do not heat food in the microwave (risk of overheating). Nutritional values Nutritional value Quantity per % Measurement Accuracy Energy 286 kJ 100 ml Approximate value (~ ) Energy 68 kcal 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Fat 3.4 g 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Fat, thereof saturated fatty acids 1.0 g 100 ml Approximate value (~) td> Fat, thereof monounsaturated fatty acids (cis) 1.8 g 100 ml Approximate value ( ~) Fat, including polyunsaturated fatty acids (cis) 0.6 g 100 ml Approximate value ( ~) Carbohydrates 8.0 g 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Carbohydrates, including sugar 8.0 g 100 ml Approximate value (~) Carbohydrates, of which starch 0.0 g 100 ml Approximate value (~) Protein 1.4 g 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Iodine 14.2 µg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Selenium 3.9 µg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Fluoride 0.010 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Manganese 0.0053 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Copper 0.055 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Zinc 0.45 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Iron 0.54 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Magnesium 5.40 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Phosphorus 35.9 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Calcium 59.9 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Chloride 50.9 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Potassium 82.2 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) 0.35 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) td> Biotin 1.6 µg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Vitamin B12 0.14 µg 100 ml Approximate value (~) Folic acid 10.1 µg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) 0.030 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) td> Niacin 0.35 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 0.18 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) td> Thiamin (Vitamin B1) 0.035 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) td> Vitamin C 6.1 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) Vitamin K 5.4 µg 100 ml Approximate value (~) Vitamin E 0.90 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) Vitamin D 1.5 µg 100 ml Approximate value (~) Vitamin A 54.8 µg 100 ml Approximate value (~) Inositol 4.6 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Choline, total 22 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) Sodium 24 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Allergens Contains Milk and milk products Milk sugar (lactose) Notes Important note! Breastfeeding is ideal for your child. Get advice from healthcare professionals if you want to use this product. Don't leave the bottle to suckle all the time. Constant contact with liquids containing carbohydrates can lead to tooth decay. Therefore, pay attention to sufficient dental care from the first tooth onwards. Filling level due to technical reasons. Protected from heat, originally closed best before: see embossing on the bottom. After opening, store in a dry place (not in the refrigerator) and use up within 3 weeks Property name Organic infant formula Composition Skimmed MILK**¹, WHEY PRODUCT* (partially demineralised whey powder), vegetable oils* (palm oil*³, sunflower oil*, rapeseed oil*), LACTOSE*, calcium carbonate, potassium chloride , Schizochytrium sp.2 microalgae oil, Mortierella Alpina oil, choline bitartrate, calcium salts of orthophosphoric acid, vitamin C, L-tyrosine, sodium chloride, L-tryptophan, iron sulfate, zinc sulfate, vitamin E, magnesium carbonate, niacin, copper sulfate, pantothenic acid, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, manganese sulfate, potassium iodide, folic acid, sodium selenite, vitamin K, vitamin D, biotin, vitamin B12 *from organic farming, **Demeter (from biodynamic farming), ¹100 g infant milk powder is made from 175 ml skimmed milk, ²contains DHA (required by law for infant formula), ³from sustainable cultivationDE. Properties Sustainable - right from the start. Holle has stood for valuable organic quality for over 85 years. Consistently organic - for a good reason. As the first Demeter manufacturer of baby food, we work exclusively with raw materials from biodynamic or organic farming. All of our ingredients are strictly controlled and guarantee the greatest possible safety. Holle products only contain what is good for your child. Because the well-being of your baby is important to us. Contains DHA Application Suitable for the special nutrition of infants from birth when they are not or not sufficiently breastfed.Can be given as often and as much as it meets your baby's needs. Can be used at any time instead of Holle Organic Infant Formula PRE or another infant formula. After the 6th month we recommend Holle Organic Follow-On Milk 2 in combination with Holle Organic Baby Porridges. Boil the bottle, ring and teat for 3 - 5 minutes before use. To prepare it, boil the water and let it coolto about 50 °C. Pour half of the water and half of the powder into the bottle according to the quantity given in the meal table (see below). To dose the powder, fill the measuring spoon loosely and smooth it out with the back of the knife. Shake the powder and half the amount of water vigorously. Add the remaining water and shake well again. Allow to cool down to drinking temperature (37 °C).Meal table:Age - Amount of water (ml) - Number of measuring spoons* - Ready-to-drink food (ml) - Meals per day1. week according to the doctor's instructions2.-4. Week 90 ? 3 ? 100 ? 5-72. month 150 ? ? 170 ? 4-53rd-4th Month 180 ? 6 ? 200 ? 4-5after the 4th month 210 ? 7 ? 230 ? 3-4*1 level measuring spoon = 4.5 g | 1 mesurette rase = 4.5 gThe stated drinking amounts and meals per day are only guidelines. Small individual deviations are harmless and completely naturalStandard preparation: 13.5 g Holle Organic Infant Formula 1 + 90 mlBoiled water = 100 ml ready-to-drink food. One pack= approx. 30 meals of 100 ml each.Please follow the preparation instructions exactly. The correct dosage ratio always gives your baby thenutrients it needs.Only use the enclosed measuring spoon.Improper preparation and storage can lead to health problems.Each bottle always prepare fresh. Do not reuse leftover food.Do not heat food in the microwave (risk of overheating). Nutritional values Nutritional valueQuantityper%Measurement accuracy Energy286 kJ100 mlApproximate value (~ ) Energy68 kcal100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Fat3.4 g100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Fat, thereof saturated fatty acids1.0 g100 mlApproximate value (~) td> Fat, of which monounsaturated fatty acids (cis)1.8 g100 mlApproximate value ( ~) Fat, including polyunsaturated fatty acids (cis)0.6 g100 mlApproximate value ( ~) Carbohydrates8.0 g100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Carbohydrates, including sugar8.0 g100 mlApproximate value (~) Carbohydrates, of which starch0.0 g100 mlApproximate value (~) Protein1.4 g100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Iodine14.2 µg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Selenium3.9 µg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Fluoride0.010 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Manganese0.0053 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Copper0.055 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Zinc0.45 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Iron0.54 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Magnesium5.40 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Phosphorus35.9 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Calcium59.9 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Chloride50.9 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Potassium82.2 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5)0.35 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) td> Biotin1.6 µg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Vitamin B120.14 µg100 mlApproximate value (~) Folic acid10.1 µg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)0.030 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) td> Niacin0.35 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Riboflavin (vitamin B2)0.18 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) td> Thiamine (vitamin B1)0.035 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) td> Vitamin C6.1 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) Vitamin K5.4 µg100 mlApproximate value (~) Vitamin E0.90 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) Vitamin D1.5 µg100 mlApproximate value (~) Vitamin A54.8 µg100 mlApproximate value (~) Inositol4.6 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Choline, total22 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) Sodium24 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr> Allergens Contains Milk and milk productsMilk sugar (lactose) Notes Important note! Breastfeeding is ideal for your child. Get advice from healthcare professionals if you want to use this product. Don't leave the bottle to suckle all the time. Constant contact with liquids containing carbohydrates can lead to tooth decay. Therefore, pay attention to sufficient dental care from the first tooth onwards. Filling level due to technical reasons. Protected from heat, originally closed best before: see embossing on the bottom. After opening, store in a dry place (not in the refrigerator) and use up within 3 weeks ..
24.53 USD
(1 페이지)