영양 균형 잡힌 식단을 지원하도록 설계된 제품의 범위를 발견하여 전반적인 복지를 향상시키는 데 적합합니다. 귀리, 단백질이 풍부한 보충제 및 특수 영양 음료와 같은 고품질 성분을 특징으로하는 우리의 선택은 에너지 및 단백질 섭취량을 높이는 것에서부터 필수 비타민 및 미네랄을 제공하는 것에 이르기까지 다양한식이 요구를 충족시키기 위해 제작되었습니다. 특정 건강 상태를 관리하거나 글루텐 프리 또는 유당이없는 옵션을 찾고 있거나 단순히 최적의 영양을 위해 노력하든, 선별 된 제품은 건강하고 균형 잡힌 라이프 스타일을 유지할 수 있도록합니다. 스위스에서 온라인으로 쇼핑하고 포괄적 인 건강 및 영양 제품으로 더 건강한 사람들을 수용하십시오.
Enlive Plus Aroma Apple is a high-calorie (1.5 kcal/ml) liquid food that contains all the important vitamins and minerals, but is fat-free. Due to its fruity-fresh, juicy character, the drinking food can be drunk pure or mixed with mineral water as a refreshing mixed drink.Enlive Plus is particularly suitable for:
fat intolerancepreoperative nutritionRejection of milk-type drinking food
This product is available in the flavors strawberry, orange, peach and apple.The drinking food is lactose-free and gluten-free...
Fortimel Compact Fiber Strawberry is a fully balanced, high-calorie liquid food, which is enriched with all essential nutrients as well as vital vitamins, minerals and trace elements in a balanced ratio. In addition, it contains prebiotic fibers that improve and support intestinal function. It is particularly suitable for age-related or illness-related malnutrition and increased energy and nutrient requirements, but can also be used for disturbed intestinal flora, fluid restrictions or consuming diseases such as tumor diseases...
Ensure Plus Aroma Strawberry is a high-calorie (1.5 kcal/ml), fully balanced liquid and is suitable for exclusive or supplementary nutrition. Ensure Plus sets new standards in terms of taste: Two blind tastings with a total of 202 Swiss experts were able to show that Ensure Plus is the winner in terms of smell, taste and consistency! Ensure Plus is particularly suitable for:
Loss of appetite MalnutritionAnorexiaChanges in tasteIncreased energy requirementsGastroenterological diseases (Crohn's disease, celiac disease, etc.)For regeneration after a hospital stay and/or illness
Add variety to your drinking:
Enjoy Ensure Plus chilled or with ice cubes. Mix Ensure Plus with the food, e.g. in Birchermüesli, in a cream or in a soup.Treat yourself to Ensure Plus in small portions, distributed throughout the day, e.g. as a fruity dessert.
This product is available in 7 different flavors: vanilla, chocolate, coffee, banana, forest fruit, strawberry, raspberryThe drinking food is low in lactose and gluten-free. ..
A protein deficiency can lead to a reduction in muscle mass - with increasing age this poses a higher risk of functional deterioration. Resource Protein is a suitable protein supplement in liquid form with a very high proportion of protein (18.8g per bottle) to prevent such a deficiency. Thanks to the rather low fat content and the optimal fat quality thanks to rapeseed oil, the drink is well tolerated. The drink is high in calories (1.25kcal/ml) and gluten-free. It provides strength and supports muscle strength and activity into old age.This product is flavored with Chocolate...