생선 간유
(1 페이지)
넙치 클래식 120캡슐
Halibut Classic is made on the basis of fish liver oil and is rich in vitamin A and vitamin D. Vitamin A supplies and maintains the health of the mucous membranes by providing sufficient moisture.Vitamin D can only be inadequately produced by the body during the long darkness and insufficient solar radiation in the winter months, but it is immensely important for winter prophylaxis.Features of Halibut: No glutenNo lactoseNo sweetenersNo flavoringsNo dyesThe capsule shell is purely vegetarian ..
35.90 USD
넙치 클래식 280캡슐
Halibut Classic is made on the basis of fish liver oil and is rich in vitamin A and vitamin D. Vitamin A supplies and maintains the health of the mucous membranes by providing sufficient moisture.Vitamin D can only be inadequately produced by the body during the long darkness and insufficient solar radiation in the winter months, but it is immensely important for winter prophylaxis.Features of Halibut: No glutenNo lactoseNo sweetenersNo flavoringsNo dyesThe capsule shell is purely vegetarian..
62.36 USD
넙치 플러스 180 캡슐
Halibut Plus 캡슐은 자연적으로 매일 음식을 보충하고 유기체에 필수 비타민을 제공하는 식이 보조제입니다.캡슐에는 어간유가 들어 있으며 천연 해양 비타민 A + D 및 10가지 기타 필수 비타민이 풍부합니다.글루텐 프리유당 불포함감미료 불포함 무향료무나트륨식이 보조제는 균형잡힌 식단이나 다양한 식단 또는 건강한 라이프스타일을 대체할 수 없습니다 ..
80.00 USD
(1 페이지)