(1 페이지)
ThermaCare® 통증 완화 부위 4개
Heat pads that can be used flexibly for large-area pain, for effective pain relief through therapeut..
49.55 USD
ThermaCare® 통증 완화 부위 2개
Thanks to its special shape, the ThermaCare heat plaster for flexible use XL can be used individuall..
27.11 USD
ThermaCare® 목 어깨 팔걸이 9개
The ThermaCare Neck, Shoulder and Arm Rest with 9 pads, which are specially tailored for these areas..
83.68 USD
ThermaCare® 국부 통증 3개
Warm pads that can be used flexibly for punctual pain, for effective pain relief through therapeutic..
27.43 USD
ThermaCare 월경 3개입
Self-heating heat pad to relieve pain and tension in the abdomen during menstruation. Also ideal for..
21.62 USD
(1 페이지)