Immune support
(7 ページ)
A.フォーゲル エキナフォース レジスタンス コールド ドロップス fl 50ml
新鮮な植物の準備 エキナフォース レジスタンス - 寒さは、新鮮な開花ハーブと紫色のコーンフラワーの新鮮な根から作られています。エキナフォース耐性 - 風邪は伝統的に、風邪をひきやすい人に適しています。また、風邪の治癒過程を促進します。エキナフォース レジスタンス - 風邪は体の防御力を高めるために使用され、風邪や熱っぽい風邪にかかりやすくなります。 スイスメディックが承認した患者情報エキナフォース®耐寒A.フォーゲル AG漢方薬 エキナフォース レジスタンス - コールドとは何ですか? いつ使用しますか?新鮮な植物の準備 エキナフォース レジスタンス - コールドは、新鮮な開花ハーブと新鮮な根から作られていますレッドコーンフラワー。エキナフォース耐性 - 風邪は伝統的に、風邪をひきやすい人に適しています。また、風邪の治癒過程を促進します。エキナフォース レジスタンス - 風邪は体の防御力を高めるために使用され、風邪や熱っぽい風邪にかかりやすくなります。 考慮すべきこと子供が風邪をひきやすい場合は、医師に相談することをお勧めします。 Echinaforce ドロップを服用してはいけない、または注意して服用する必要があるのはいつですか? エキナフォース耐性 - 成分の 1 つまたはヒナギク科 (キク科) の植物 (アルニカ、マリーゴールド (カレンデュラ)、ノコギリソウ (Achillea millefolium) など) に対して既知の過敏症がある場合は、寒さを使用しないでください。 )、ヒナギク(ベリス・ペレニス)、コーンフラワー(エキナセア)!子供が風邪をひいた場合は、医師に相談することをお勧めします。この製剤は乳幼児には適していません。原則として、エキナフォース レジスタンス - 風邪は、自己免疫疾患、白血病または多発性硬化症には使用しないでください。エキナフォース レジスタンス - 風邪の 4 歳未満のお子様への使用と安全性はまだテストされていません。他の病気にかかっている場合、アレルギーがある場合、または他の薬 (自分で購入したものを含む) を服用している場合は、医師、薬剤師または薬剤師に相談してください。 エキナフォース レジスタンス - 妊娠中または授乳中に風邪をひいても大丈夫ですか?以前の経験に基づいて、指示どおりに使用した場合、子供にリスクは知られていません。しかし、体系的な科学的調査が行われたことはありません。予防措置として、妊娠中および授乳中の薬の服用を避けるか、医師、薬剤師または薬剤師に相談してください。 エキナフォース レジスタンス - 風邪の使い方風邪をひきやすい 12 歳以上の成人および青年 (予防): 少量の水に 20 滴 3食事の前に 1 日 1 回。 4 歳以上のお子様: 10 滴を 1 日 3 回。 風邪や熱性の風邪をひいている 12 歳以上の成人および青年: 20 ~ 25 滴を少量の水に溶かし、1 日 3 ~ 5 回。 4 歳以上の子供: 10 滴を 1 日 3 ~ 5 回。 エキナフォース レジスタンス - 風邪に対する 4 歳未満の子供の使用と安全性はテストされていません。 2ヶ月以上連続して服用しないでください。パッケージリーフレットに記載されている用量、または医師の処方に従ってください。 薬が弱すぎる、または強すぎると思われる場合は、医師、薬剤師、または薬剤師に相談してください。 エキナフォース レジスタンス - 風邪にはどのような副作用がありますか?エキナフォース レジスタンス - 風邪を服用すると、次のような副作用が発生する可能性があります: まれに、過敏反応 (肌荒れなど)発疹やごくまれに喘息、循環器系の反応)が観察されています。この場合、直ちに治療を中止し、医師に相談してください。ここに記載されていない副作用に気付いた場合は、医師、薬剤師または薬剤師に連絡してください。 他に何を考慮する必要がありますか?エキナフォース耐性 - 寒さには、62 - 70% の製造関連アルコール含有量が含まれています。エキナフォース耐性 - 冷蔵は室温 (15-25°C) で、子供の手の届かないところに保管してください。エキナフォース レジスタンス - コールドは、コンテナに「EXP」と記された日付までしか使用できません。新鮮な植物のチンキは時折夜の曇りを経験することがありますが、これは効果には影響しません.未使用または期限切れのパックは、廃棄のために薬剤師に返却する必要があります。医師、薬剤師、または薬剤師が詳細な情報を提供します。 Echinaforce は、アルコールを含まない錠剤や温かい飲み物としても入手できます。 エキナフォース レジスタンス - コールドには何が含まれていますか?1 ml エキナフォース レジスタンス - コールド 内容物: 860 mg の新鮮な開花紫色のコーンフラワー ハーブのチンキ*、薬物抽出剤 -比率 1: 12、抽出剤エタノール65%(v/v);紫色のコーンフラワー*の新鮮な根から抽出したチンキ45mg、薬物抽出剤比1:11、抽出剤エタノール65%(v/v)。 *管理された有機栽培から。エキナフォース耐性 - コールドには、62 - 70% のアルコールが含まれています。 1ml=28滴。 承認番号30724 (スイスメディック) エキナフォース レジスタンス - 一般的な風邪はどこで入手できますか? 薬局やドラッグストアでは、医師の処方箋なしで、50 ml、100 ml、200 ml のパックが販売されています。認可取得者A.Vogel AG、CH-9325 Roggwil このリーフレットは、2003 年 11 月に医薬品当局 (Swissmedic) によって最後にチェックされました。 ..
48.33 USD
A.フォーゲル エキナフォース レジスタンス コールドドロップ fl 100ml
新鮮な植物の準備 エキナフォース レジスタンス - 寒さは、新鮮な開花ハーブと紫色のコーンフラワーの新鮮な根から作られています。エキナフォース耐性 - 風邪は伝統的に、風邪をひきやすい人に適しています。また、風邪の治癒過程を促進します。エキナフォース レジスタンス - 風邪は体の防御力を高めるために使用され、風邪や熱っぽい風邪にかかりやすくなります。 スイスメディックが承認した患者情報エキナフォース®耐寒A.フォーゲル AG漢方薬 エキナフォース レジスタンス - コールドとは何ですか? いつ使用しますか?新鮮な植物の準備 エキナフォース レジスタンス - コールドは、新鮮な開花ハーブと新鮮な根から作られていますレッドコーンフラワー。エキナフォース耐性 - 風邪は伝統的に、風邪をひきやすい人に適しています。また、風邪の治癒過程を促進します。エキナフォース レジスタンス - 風邪は体の防御力を高めるために使用され、風邪や熱っぽい風邪にかかりやすくなります。 考慮すべきこと子供が風邪をひきやすい場合は、医師に相談することをお勧めします。 Echinaforce ドロップを服用してはいけない、または注意して服用する必要があるのはいつですか? エキナフォース耐性 - 成分の 1 つまたはヒナギク科 (キク科) の植物 (アルニカ、マリーゴールド (カレンデュラ)、ノコギリソウ (Achillea millefolium) など) に対して既知の過敏症がある場合は、寒さを使用しないでください。 )、ヒナギク(ベリス・ペレニス)、コーンフラワー(エキナセア)!子供が風邪をひいた場合は、医師に相談することをお勧めします。この製剤は乳幼児には適していません。原則として、エキナフォース レジスタンス - 風邪は、自己免疫疾患、白血病または多発性硬化症には使用しないでください。エキナフォース レジスタンス - 風邪の 4 歳未満のお子様への使用と安全性はまだテストされていません。他の病気にかかっている場合、アレルギーがある場合、または他の薬 (自分で購入したものを含む) を服用している場合は、医師、薬剤師または薬剤師に相談してください。 エキナフォース レジスタンス - 妊娠中または授乳中に風邪をひいても大丈夫ですか?以前の経験に基づいて、指示どおりに使用した場合、子供にリスクは知られていません。しかし、体系的な科学的調査が行われたことはありません。予防措置として、妊娠中および授乳中の薬の服用を避けるか、医師、薬剤師または薬剤師に相談してください。 エキナフォース レジスタンス - 風邪の使い方風邪をひきやすい 12 歳以上の成人および青年 (予防): 少量の水に 20 滴 3食事の前に 1 日 1 回。 4 歳以上のお子様: 10 滴を 1 日 3 回。 風邪や熱性の風邪をひいている 12 歳以上の成人および青年: 20 ~ 25 滴を少量の水に溶かし、1 日 3 ~ 5 回。 4 歳以上の子供: 10 滴を 1 日 3 ~ 5 回。 エキナフォース レジスタンス - 風邪に対する 4 歳未満の子供の使用と安全性はテストされていません。 2ヶ月以上連続して服用しないでください。パッケージリーフレットに記載されている用量、または医師の処方に従ってください。 薬が弱すぎる、または強すぎると思われる場合は、医師、薬剤師、または薬剤師に相談してください。 エキナフォース レジスタンス - 風邪にはどのような副作用がありますか?エキナフォース レジスタンス - 風邪を服用すると、次のような副作用が発生する可能性があります: まれに、過敏反応 (肌荒れなど)発疹やごくまれに喘息、循環器系の反応)が観察されています。この場合、直ちに治療を中止し、医師に相談してください。ここに記載されていない副作用に気付いた場合は、医師、薬剤師または薬剤師に連絡してください。 他に何を考慮する必要がありますか?エキナフォース耐性 - 寒さには、62 - 70% の製造関連アルコール含有量が含まれています。エキナフォース耐性 - 冷蔵は室温 (15-25°C) で、子供の手の届かないところに保管してください。エキナフォース レジスタンス - コールドは、コンテナに「EXP」と記された日付までしか使用できません。新鮮な植物のチンキは時折夜の曇りを経験することがありますが、これは効果には影響しません.未使用または期限切れのパックは、廃棄のために薬剤師に返却する必要があります。医師、薬剤師、または薬剤師が詳細な情報を提供します。 Echinaforce は、アルコールを含まない錠剤や温かい飲み物としても入手できます。 エキナフォース レジスタンス - コールドには何が含まれていますか?1 ml エキナフォース レジスタンス - コールド 内容物: 860 mg の新鮮な開花紫色のコーンフラワー ハーブのチンキ*、薬物抽出剤 -比率 1: 12、抽出剤エタノール65%(v/v);紫色のコーンフラワー*の新鮮な根から抽出したチンキ45mg、薬物抽出剤比1:11、抽出剤エタノール65%(v/v)。 *管理された有機栽培から。エキナフォース耐性 - コールドには、62 - 70% のアルコールが含まれています。 1ml=28滴。 承認番号30724 (スイスメディック) エキナフォース レジスタンス - 一般的な風邪はどこで入手できますか? 薬局やドラッグストアでは、医師の処方箋なしで、50 ml、100 ml、200 ml のパックが販売されています。認可取得者A.Vogel AG、CH-9325 Roggwil このリーフレットは、2003 年 11 月に医薬品当局 (Swissmedic) によって最後にチェックされました。 ..
78.54 USD
A.フォーゲル ジンク コンプレックス タブレット ディスプレイ フランス語/イタリア語 6 x 30 個
A.Vogel Zinc Complex Tablets The A.Vogel Zinc Complex Tablets Display French/Italian 6 x 30 Pieces is a dietary supplement that provides an essential mineral for the body. Zinc is important for multiple functions, including the immune system, protein synthesis, wound healing, and DNA synthesis. This product offers a convenient and easy way to obtain the necessary amount of zinc daily. Features: Each tablet contains 5mg of zinc Rich in Vitamin C and Iron The packaging includes six boxes of 30 pieces each that offer a total of 180 tablets Available in predominantly French or Italian packaging The tablets are gluten-free, GMO-free, and contains no added preservatives, colors or flavors Health Benefits of Zinc: Several studies have shown that zinc plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy immune system. It helps reduce the severity of the common cold and is also essential for faster wound healing. In addition, zinc is a vital mineral for DNA synthesis, protein synthesis, and growth and development during pregnancy, childhood, and adolescence. It is also beneficial for maintaining healthy vision and promoting healthy hair, skin, and nails. Zinc helps in supporting the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins, making sure that our body is utilizing nutrients effectively. How to Use: For adults, it is recommended to take one tablet daily with food. This product is not suitable for children under the age of If you are pregnant, breastfeeding or taking any medication, please consult your healthcare professional before using this product. Conclusion: A.Vogel Zinc Complex Tablets Display French/Italian 6 x 30 Pieces is the perfect supplement for those looking to support their immune system and overall health. The convenient packaging makes it easy to take on-the-go, and the absence of any artificial additives ensures the safety of use for all. ..
128.37 USD
A.フォーゲル ジンク コンプレックス ディスプレイ タブレット ドイツ製 6 x 30 個
A.Vogel Zinc Complex Display Tablets - 6 x 30 Pieces (German) Looking for a supplement that can help boost your immune system and support your overall health? A.Vogel Zinc Complex Display Tablets may just be what you need. What is Zinc Complex? Zinc is an essential mineral that is important for many different bodily functions. It helps support a healthy immune system, promotes wound healing, and plays a role in the metabolism of nutrients like protein and carbohydrates. Unfortunately, many people don't get enough zinc in their diets. Zinc Complex is a supplement that provides a combination of zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin BThese nutrients work together to support your immune system, promote healthy skin and hair, and help your body produce energy. Why Choose A.Vogel Zinc Complex Tablets? There are many reasons why you might choose A.Vogel Zinc Complex over other zinc supplements. Here are just a few: High-quality ingredients. A.Vogel Zinc Complex is made with high-quality, all-natural ingredients that are carefully selected for their purity and potency. Easily absorbed. A.Vogel Zinc Complex is formulated to be easily absorbed by your body, so you can get the most benefit from each tablet. Convenient. Each pack contains six boxes of 30 tablets each, so you can easily keep a supply on hand. German made. A.Vogel is a trusted German brand that is known for its high-quality natural products. How to Use A.Vogel Zinc Complex Tablets To use A.Vogel Zinc Complex Tablets, simply take one tablet per day with food. Do not exceed the recommended dosage. Store in a cool, dry place out of the reach of children. These tablets are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Order your A.Vogel Zinc Complex Display Tablets today and start supporting your immune system and overall health!..
124.82 USD
A.フォーゲルジンクコンプレックス 30粒
A. Vogel Zinc Complex tablets contain herbal ingredients and zinc. The tablets support the normal functioning of the immune system. Strengthens the immune systemZinc citrate for good bioavailabilityVitamins C and D from natural sourcesWithout lactose and glutenVegan Use Take one tablet twice a day with a little liquid. Composition Filler (microcrystalline cellulose), Acerola juice powder, Zinc citrate, Anti-caking agent: cross-linked cellulose gum, magnesium salts of fatty acids, Nasturtium extract, Vitamin D3 powder (from lichen)...
20.61 USD
Beba optipro junior 12+ 12 か月 ds 800 g
Beba Optipro Junior 12+ at 12 months Ds 800 g Beba Optipro Junior is a specially formulated powdered milk drink for children 12 months and up. It contains essential nutrients that support the growth and development of your child's brain and body during this crucial stage. Optipro Formula The Optipro formula is a unique blend of high-quality whey protein and partially hydrolyzed protein that provides a balanced ratio of amino acids. This formula helps to support optimal growth and development, immune function and overall health. Advanced Lipid System The Advanced Lipid System in Beba Optipro Junior is a combination of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPs) and nucleotides that support cognitive development, vision and immune function. Iron and Vitamins Beba Optipro Junior is fortified with iron and vitamins A, C, and D to support normal immune system function and cognitive development. Mixing Instructions Mix one scoop of Beba Optipro Junior with 30 ml of water for every 30 ml of prepared milk. Stir well and serve. Storage Instructions Store in a cool, dry place. After opening, keep the package tightly closed and use within 4 weeks. 400 g Packaging This product comes in an 800 g package, providing you with a convenient and economical way to ensure that your child gets the nutrition they need. Total symbols: 871..
52.61 USD
Biosana glucosamin q10 tabl folsäure ds 140 stk
Biosana Glucosamin Q10 Tabl Fols\u00e4ure Ds 140 Stk The Biosana Glucosamin Q10 Tabl Fols\u00e4ure Ds 140 Stk is a dietary supplement that is designed to support joint health and strengthen the body's immune system. This supplement contains a unique combination of natural ingredients that work together to provide maximum benefits. Ingredients Glucosamine - Helps to improve joint mobility and reduce inflammation. Q10 - Provides antioxidant support and helps to protect the body against free radicals. Folic Acid - Supports the body's immune system and helps to promote healthy cell growth. Benefits The Biosana Glucosamin Q10 Tabl Fols\u00e4ure Ds 140 Stk offers a variety of benefits for those looking to support their joint health and overall well-being. These benefits include: Improved joint mobility and flexibility Reduced inflammation and stiffness Enhanced immune system function Promotion of healthy cell growth Antioxidant support to protect against free radical damage How to Use Take 2 tablets of the Biosana Glucosamin Q10 Tabl Fols\u00e4ure Ds supplement daily with a glass of water. It is recommended to take this supplement with food to help optimize absorption and minimize the risk of stomach upset. As with all dietary supplements, it is important to speak with your healthcare provider before beginning any new supplement regimen. ..
77.19 USD
Floradix 子供用アイロン 250 ml
Floradix is ??a dietary supplement containing vitamins and iron. Iron contributes to the reduction of fatigue and the normal cognitive development of children. As a support for children during growth and / or during periods of high growth mental stress and challenge. With B vitamins and vitamin C to support the immune system, formation of red blood cells and to support normal energy-yielding metabolism. Iron contributes to the reduction of fatigue and normal cognitive development in children.Children and Adolescents may have increased iron requirements as they grow. Accompanying symptoms of growth can be tiredness, reduced alertness and less drive. In times of high mental challenge, iron supports normal mental development. Floradix is ??a dietary supplement containing vitamins and iron. Iron and vitamins B2, niacin, B6, B12 and C contribute to normal energy-yielding metabolism and help reduce tiredness and fatigue. Iron and vitamins B6 and B12 contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system, are also necessary for the formation of red blood cells and thus support normal blood formation. Vitamin B1 contributes to a normal energy-yielding metabolism.Floradix Eisen for children is without preservatives, alcohol, gluten and lactose.1 x daily - from 4 yearsChildren 4 - 6 years: 12, 5 ml dailyChildren 7 - 9 years: 15 ml dailyBoys 10 - 13 years: 17.5 ml dailyGirls 10 - 13 years: 20 ml dailyYoung people from 13 years and adults: 20 ml dailyIt is recommended to take Floradix Iron for 12 weeks. If necessary, it can also be taken over a longer period of time. ..
36.80 USD
Marcus rohrer spirulina tablets 180 pieces + 60 pieces free glasfl
Marcus Rohrer Spirulina Tablets Marcus Rohrer Spirulina Tablets is a natural food supplement that delivers an abundance of nutrients to your body. It is made with 100% natural,organic and high-quality Spirulina algae. Each spirulina tablet is rich in proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help to support healthy digestion, strengthen the immune system, and improve energy levels. Benefits of Spirulina Boosts energy levels Supports healthy digestion Strengthen immune system Improves overall well-being Rich in nutrients, including protein, B-vitamins, iron, and antioxidants Helps in maintaining a healthy blood pressure level 180 Pieces + 60 Pieces Free Glass Bottle This product comes in a convenient glass bottle containing 180 pieces of spirulina tablets. You are also given an additional 60 pieces absolutely free so that you can enjoy the benefits of this wonderful supplement for a longer period of time. The glass bottle packaging helps to protect the spirulina tablets from moisture, sunlight and other environmental factors that may damage the nutrients and quality of the product. Directions for Use Take 3-6 tablets per day with a glass of water. It is recommended that you take this supplement on a daily basis to enjoy maximum benefits and support a healthy lifestyle. This product is suitable for anyone who is looking for a natural supplement that will help to support their overall health and well-being. Get your Marcus Rohrer Spirulina Tablets 180 pieces + 60 pieces free glass bottle today and enjoy the benefits of this amazing natural supplement...
55.99 USD
Nutergia ergymag gélules ds 90 個
Nutergia Ergymag Gélules Ds 90 pcs Product Description Nutergia Ergymag Gélules Ds 90 pcs is a nutritional supplement that contains magnesium, zinc, and vitamin BMagnesium is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in the body's metabolism and the functioning of muscles and nerves. Zinc is a trace mineral that helps the body with immune function, wound healing, and cell growth. Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin that helps the body produce neurotransmitters, red blood cells, and DNA. Together, these three vital components work synergistically to boost overall health, improve energy levels, and promote overall well-being. The Nutergia Ergymag Gélules Ds 90 pcs supplement is designed for individuals who experience stress, dehydration, or physical exertion, which can lead to magnesium and zinc deficiency. This unique formula helps to replenish these essential minerals, ensuring that your body functions optimally. These capsules are easy to take, and the recommended dose is one to three capsules per day, depending on your specific needs. The Nutergia Ergymag Gélules Ds 90 pcs supplement is suitable for individuals of all ages and is an excellent addition to a healthy and balanced diet. Overall, the Nutergia Ergymag Gélules Ds 90 pcs supplement is an excellent choice for individuals looking to improve their overall health and well-being. It is a safe, effective, and natural option that provides essential vitamins and minerals to support optimal body functioning. Get your pack of Nutergia Ergymag Gélules Ds 90 pcs today and start experiencing the benefits for yourself!..
34.01 USD
Salus ビタミン b コンプレックス トニクム
The Salus Vitamin B complex is a tonic with 6 important B vitamins B1, B2, niacin (B3), B6, biotin (B7) and vitamin B12. The B vitamins are involved in many metabolic processes in the body and contribute to mental and physical well-being. They all play a role in healthy energy metabolism and healthy nerve function. In addition, the vitamins have other tasks. Vitamin B1 contributes to normal mental function and normal heart function. Vitamin B2 and niacin can help to reduce fatigue and exhaustion and contribute to maintaining normal skin and mucous membranes. Vitamins B6 and B12 play a role in the formation of red blood cells and normal functioning of the immune system. Vitamin B7, also known as biotin, contributes to normal mental function and the maintenance of normal hair and healthy skin and mucous membranes. The tonic has a fruity fresh taste of orange and passion fruit. The tonic also contains natural caffeine from guarana seeds and green tea. 6 B vitaminsWith guarana seeds and green tea Fresh, fruity taste of orange and passion fruit Application Adults and children: Take 20ml daily, preferably in the morning for breakfast. Composition Aqueous vegetable extract (49%) (from guarana seeds, green tea, green oat herb, ginger root, spinach), agave juice concentrate, water, apricot puree, orange juice concentrate (9 %), passion fruit juice concentrate, vitamin B yeast Thickeners Locust bean gum, passion fruit flavor extract, nicotinamide (niacin), orange oil, sodium riboflavin 5'-phosphate (vitamin B2), pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), thiamine hydrochloride ( vitamin B1), biotin, methylcobalamin (vitamin B12)...
38.28 USD
Sonnentor グリーン ナイン ティー バタリオン 18 個
Sonnentor Green Nine Tea Battalion 18 Pieces The Sonnentor Green Nine Tea Battalion 18 Pieces is a specially-crafted tea blend that combines the best of nine different herbs and spices to create a unique and refreshing taste. This tea is made from high-quality herbal ingredients that are sourced from organic farms and is free from any artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives. The nine ingredients included in this tea blend are green tea, lemongrass, lemon balm, spearmint, peppermint, sage, lavender, lemon verbena, and thyme. Each of these ingredients is known for its unique flavor and health benefits, making this tea a nutritious and tasty beverage option. The green tea used in this blend is rich in antioxidants, which help to protect the body from free radicals that can cause cell damage. Lemongrass and lemon balm are known for their calming and soothing effects, while spearmint and peppermint are refreshing and can help to improve digestion. The inclusion of sage in this tea blend is unique as it is believed to help improve memory and cognitive function. Lavender is known for its calming effects and can help to promote better sleep. Lemon verbena is often used to aid digestion and has a refreshing citrus flavor. Finally, thyme is known for its antibacterial properties and can help to boost the immune system. This Sonnentor Green Nine Tea Battalion comes packaged in 18 individually-wrapped tea bags, making it easy to brew a cup at home or the office. It has a subtle yet refreshing flavor that is perfect for those who want to drink a healthy and delicious beverage without the need for added sugars or artificial flavorings. Overall, the Sonnentor Green Nine Tea Battalion 18 Pieces is an excellent choice for those who want to drink a flavorful and healthy tea blend that combines the best of nine different herbs and spices. Order your package today and enjoy a cup of this delicious tea at any time of the day!..
10.22 USD
Strath original liq aufbaumittel mit vit d
ストラス オリジナル リキッド ビルダー ビタミン D Fl 配合 250 ml 天然ビタミン D を含むストラス構築剤は、高品質のビタミン D ハーブ酵母をベースにしています。 天然ビタミン D を含むストラス構築剤 は、高品質のビタミン D ハーブ酵母をベースにしています。重要な物質が豊富に含まれる栄養補助食品は、子供、大人、妊婦、授乳中の母親、学生に適しています。働く人々。アスリートや高齢者。 ストラス構築剤のビタミン D: 免疫システムをサポート > 正常な骨と歯の維持に貢献します カルシウムとリンの正常な吸収に貢献します 正常な筋肉機能の維持に貢献します 健康維持に必要な用途に使用されます子供の骨の成長と発達。 子供の免疫系の正常な機能に貢献します。 用途: 小さじ1杯(5ml)を1日3回、食前にそのまま、または牛乳、フルーツ、野菜ジュースと混ぜてお飲みください。 1歳以上のお子様は半額となります。成人の 1 日量 15 ml の Strath ビルディング剤には、6 μg または 240 IU のビタミン D が含まれています。1 日の推奨量 15 ml は、長期にわたって摂取できます。過剰摂取の危険はありません。 組成:成分: 原形質分解ビタミン D ハーブ酵母 83%、(ビタミン D 酵母、果糖、ブドウ糖、ハーブ混合);大麦麦芽エキス 9%、オレンジ シロップ 5% (砂糖、水、濃縮オレンジ果汁)、蜂蜜 3%。 利点: 乳糖不使用; 栄養補助食品は、多様でバランスの取れた食事や健康的なライフスタイルの代替品ではありません。 ..
30.76 USD
Strath original liq aufbaumittel mit vit d
ストラス オリジナル リキッド ビルダー ビタミン D Fl 配合 500 ml 天然ビタミン D を含むストラス構築剤は、高品質のビタミン D ハーブ酵母をベースにしています。 天然ビタミン D を含むストラス構築剤 は、高品質のビタミン D ハーブ酵母をベースにしています。重要な物質が豊富に含まれる栄養補助食品は、子供、大人、妊婦、授乳中の母親、学生に適しています。働く人々。アスリートや高齢者。 ストラス構築剤のビタミン D: 免疫システムをサポート > 正常な骨と歯の維持に貢献します カルシウムとリンの正常な吸収に貢献します 正常な筋肉機能の維持に貢献します 健康維持に必要な用途に使用されます子供の骨の成長と発達。 子供の免疫系の正常な機能に貢献します。 用途: 小さじ1杯(5ml)を1日3回、食前にそのまま、または牛乳、フルーツ、野菜ジュースと混ぜてお飲みください。 1歳以上のお子様は半額となります。成人の 1 日量 15 ml の Strath ビルディング剤には、6 μg または 240 IU のビタミン D が含まれています。1 日の推奨量 15 ml は、長期にわたって摂取できます。過剰摂取の危険はありません。 組成:成分: 原形質分解ビタミン D ハーブ酵母 83%、(ビタミン D 酵母、果糖、ブドウ糖、ハーブ混合);大麦麦芽エキス 9%、オレンジ シロップ 5% (砂糖、水、濃縮オレンジ果汁)、蜂蜜 3%。 利点: 乳糖不使用; 栄養補助食品は、多様でバランスの取れた食事や健康的なライフスタイルの代替品ではありません。 ..
51.91 USD
Supradyn energy 鉄 30 発泡錠
Supradyn Energy Eisen is suitable as a supplement if there is an increased need for iron and vitamins. The combination contains the following 13 vitamins, 9 minerals and trace elements: VitaminsA, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D, E, K, pantothenic acid, biotin, folic acid, niacin, iron, calcium, iodine, copper, magnesium, manganese , Molybdenum, selenium, zinc. Contributes to the normal function of the immune systemWith a fine orange-passion fruit aromaWith sweeteners use Dissolve 1 Supradyn Energy Eisen effervescent tablet daily in a glass of water and drink. composition Acidifier (citric acid), acidity regulator (sodium carbonate), vitamins and minerals, fillers (sorbitol, isomalt), sweeteners (aspartame **, acesulfame K), aroma (orange, passion fruit), anti-caking agents (crospovidone), coloring agents (beetroot, beta Carotenes), anti-foaming agents (sucrose palmitate, dimethylpolysiloxane, silicon dioxide, polysorbate 80) ..
44.62 USD
アルコロヤル ローヤルゼリー フォルテ バイオ 20 トリンカンプ 10ml
Arkoroyal Royal Jelly Forte Bio 20 Trinkamp 10 ml The Arkoroyal Royal Jelly Forte Bio 20 Trinkamp is a dietary supplement made of 100% pure organic royal jelly extracted from the honeycomb. It is a rich source of essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants that helps to support your overall health and well-being naturally. The product is available in an easy to consume 10ml trinkamp that contains 20% pure organic royal jelly and organic honey for a rich and smooth taste. Key Features: 100% Pure Organic Royal Jelly: The product is made of 100% pure, organic royal jelly extracted from the honeycomb without any additives or preservatives. Rich in Nutrients: It is a rich source of essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants that help to support your overall health and well-being. Easy to Consume: The product is available in an easy to consume 10ml trinkamp that contains 20% pure organic royal jelly and organic honey for a rich and smooth taste. Natural Formula: The product is made with natural ingredients and free from artificial colors, flavors, and sweeteners. It is also gluten-free and non-GMO. Benefits: Boosts Immune System: The rich nutrients in the royal jelly can help to boost your immune system and protect against infections and diseases. Improves Skin Health: The antioxidants in the royal jelly can help to protect your skin from damage caused by free radicals and improve your skin's overall health and appearance. Increases Energy Levels: The rich nutrients in the royal jelly can help to increase your energy levels and reduce fatigue, helping you to feel more alert and focused throughout the day. Improves Digestive Health: The natural formula of the product helps to improve your digestive health and promotes better absorption of nutrients from food. Overall, the Arkoroyal Royal Jelly Forte Bio 20 Trinkamp 10 ml is an excellent dietary supplement that offers a range of health benefits to support your overall health and well-being. Its rich nutrients and natural formula make it a perfect choice for anyone looking to boost their immune system, increase energy levels, and improve their overall health and well-being...
78.54 USD
スピルリナ フラマンベール バイオ錠 500mg ds 400個
Spirulina Flamant Vert Bio Tablets 500 mg DS 400 pcs Spirulina Flamant Vert Bio tablets are a natural dietary supplement made from spirulina algae. This product is perfect for individuals who are looking for a natural way to supplement their diet with the essential vitamins and minerals that their body needs to maintain optimal health. Spirulina algae is one of the most nutrient-rich foods on the planet, containing a variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help to support the immune system, boost energy levels, and support healthy digestion. Key Features 100% organic, non-GMO, and pesticide-free spirulina algae Each tablet contains 500 mg of spirulina algae 400 tablets per container Rich in essential vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin B12, Iron, and Calcium Helps to support a healthy immune system and boost energy levels Why Choose Spirulina Flamant Vert Bio Tablets? At Flamant Vert, we are committed to providing our customers with high-quality, organic, and sustainable products. Our Spirulina Flamant Vert Bio tablets are made from only the highest quality spirulina algae, which is grown under strict organic conditions, free from pesticides and other harmful chemicals. Our tablets are easy to use and swallow, making it easy to incorporate this superfood into your daily routine, and they are great for people who are looking for a natural, plant-based source of essential nutrients. How to Use Spirulina Flamant Vert Bio Tablets Take 3-6 tablets per day, preferably with a meal. It is recommended to start with a lower dosage and gradually increase over time. Do not exceed the recommended dosage unless otherwise directed by your healthcare provider. Incorporating Spirulina Flamant Vert Bio tablets into your daily routine is an easy and convenient way to support your overall health and well-being. Whether you are looking for a natural way to boost your immune system, increase energy levels, or support healthy digestion, Spirulina Flamant Vert Bio tablets are a great choice...
34.43 USD
ニューテルギア エルジデトックス ジェルル ds 60個
Nutergia Ergydetox Gélules Ds 60 pcs The Nutergia Ergydetox Gélules Ds 60 pcs is a food supplement that aids in the elimination of toxins and impurities in the body. It contains a blend of natural, plant-based ingredients that support the liver, kidneys, and the overall detoxification process. This supplement is formulated to help individuals counter the effects of environmental pollutants and oxidative stress, which can lead to health issues over time. The active ingredients in Nutergia Ergydetox Gélules Ds 60 pcs include: Choline and Methionine, two essential nutrients that contribute to normal liver function and fat metabolism. Artichoke, a plant extract that stimulates bile production and helps regulate digestive processes. Turmeric, a powerful antioxidant that aids in fighting inflammations and cell damage. Dandelion, a natural diuretic that promotes kidney function and helps eliminate waste products. Together, these components work synergistically to promote vital organ functions, improve circulation, and support the immune system. This supplement is ideal for individuals who are looking to restore balance and improve their vitality, particularly during seasonal changes or after periods of overindulgence. Nutergia Ergydetox Gélules Ds 60 pcs is suitable for vegans and is free of gluten, lactose, and GMOs. Directions for use: This supplement is taken orally, with a recommended dose of 2 capsules, twice a day, preferably with meals. It is essential to follow the recommended dosage and to consult with a healthcare professional if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking any medication. Nutergia Ergydetox Gélules Ds 60 pcs is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. ..
29.15 USD
ビオッタ バイタル免疫 6 fl 5 dl
Biotta Vital Immune Drink - 6 Bottles, 500ml each Biotta Vital Immune Drink is a wholesome, all-natural drink that supports your body's immune system. This drink is specifically formulated to boost your immune system, providing the necessary vitamins and minerals that your body requires to function optimally. It's made from a blend of organic fruits and vegetables that provide the essential nutrients that your body needs. Natural and Organic Ingredients Biotta Vital Immune Drink contains a blend of seven organic fruits and vegetables, including beetroot, carrot, ginger, elderberry, blackcurrant, aronia, and acerola. These ingredients are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that have been shown to enhance the body's immune response, helping to ward off illnesses and infections. Pure and Raw Processing The Biotta Vital Immune Drink is made from pure, raw ingredients that are carefully processed to extract the maximum amount of nutrients. The organic fruits and vegetables are harvested at the peak of ripeness to ensure their nutritional value is preserved. The fruits and vegetables are then juiced and bottled to maintain their freshness, flavor, and potency. Benefits of Biotta Vital Immune Drink Biotta Vital Immune Drink is designed to support your immune system in several ways: Provides essential vitamins and minerals to fortify immune defenses. Contains potent antioxidants to fight damaging free radicals. Supports healthy digestion and elimination to remove toxins from the body. Boosts overall health and vitality. Directions for Use Drink one bottle (500ml) of Biotta Vital Immune Drink daily for optimal results. Shake well before use and store in a cool, dry place. Refrigerate after opening and consume within five days. Experience the benefits of a strong immune system with Biotta Vital Immune Drink...
48.79 USD
ピュア ブルーベリー エキス ケープ ds 60個
Pure Blueberry Extract Cape DS 60 pcs Are you looking for a natural way to boost your health and wellness? Look no further than Pure Blueberry Extract Cape DS! Our supplement is made from fresh, whole blueberries and provides all the benefits of this superfood in an easy-to-take capsule form. Each bottle contains 60 capsules, each of which contains 500 mg of pure blueberry extract. Our extraction process is designed to preserve the natural vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants found in blueberries, ensuring that you get the most out of each dose. Benefits of Pure Blueberry Extract Cape DS Supports healthy brain function and memory Helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels Boosts immunity and supports overall health Contains potent antioxidants to protect against free radical damage May help reduce inflammation and support joint health Our blueberry extract capsules are made in a GMP-certified facility, ensuring the highest quality and purity. They are also third-party tested for potency and purity, so you can feel confident in every dose you take. Take 1-2 capsules per day with food to enjoy the benefits of Pure Blueberry Extract Cape DS. Try it today and experience the power of this amazing superfood for yourself!..
84.78 USD
フィトファーマ インフェクトストップ トローチ 30 個
厄介な感染症に対する究極の防御策である Phytopharma Infect Stop トローチのご紹介です。各パックには、風邪、喉の痛み、呼吸器感染症と戦うために特別に配合された便利なトローチが 30 個入っています。ハーブエキスや免疫力を高める化合物などの強力な天然成分が豊富に含まれたこれらのトローチは、症状を軽減し、より早い回復を促進するために効果的に働きます。頑固な咳と闘っている場合でも、単にインフルエンザの季節にさらなる保護を求めている場合でも、フィトファーマ インフェクト ストップ トローチは頼りになる解決策です。感染症に負けずに、これらのトローチを摂取して一年中強くて健康を保ちましょう。..
29.36 USD
フィトファーマ タラ肝油 200粒
Phytopharma Cod Liver Oil 200 Capsules - A Natural Source of Essential Vitamins and Minerals If you're looking for an all-natural supplement that can provide essential vitamins and minerals to keep your body healthy, look no further than Phytopharma Cod Liver Oil 200 Capsules. Made from pure and high-quality cod liver oil, this supplement is jam-packed with the essential vitamins A and D and the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. Phytopharma Cod Liver Oil is the perfect supplement for anyone looking to support their immune system, improve their heart and cognitive health, and promote healthy skin, hair, and nails. This supplement is also rich in antioxidants and can help reduce inflammation and joint pain. Why Choose Phytopharma Cod Liver Oil 200 Capsules? High-quality and pure cod liver oil from Arctic cod Contains essential vitamins A and D, and omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA Supports immune, heart, and cognitive health Promotes healthy skin, hair, and nails Rich in antioxidants and can reduce inflammation and joint pain Safe and natural How to Use: For best results, take 2-3 soft gel capsules of Phytopharma Cod Liver Oil daily with food. Consult with your physician before taking any supplement, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or have any underlying health conditions. Buy Phytopharma Cod Liver Oil 200 Capsules Today Order your Phytopharma Cod Liver Oil 200 Capsules today and enjoy the numerous health benefits that it has to offer. With its pure and high-quality ingredients, this supplement is perfect for anyone looking to improve their overall health and wellness naturally. ..
27.60 USD
ホーリク霊芝エキス末+カプス 60個
Hawlik Reishi エキス パウダー + カプセル 60 個の特徴保存温度 最小/最大 15/25 ℃パックの量: 60 個重量: 56g 長さ: 40mm 幅: 71mm 高さ: 113mm Hawlik Reishi エキス パウダー + カプス 60 個をオンラインで購入するスイスから..
62.44 USD
ミルパ アプタミル 1 プロフチュラ セイフティーボックス はじめるミルク 800g
Milupa Aptamil 1 Profutura Safety Box Beginning Milk 800g The Milupa Aptamil 1 Profutura Safety Box Beginning Milk is ideal for infants aged up to 6 months. The formula is rich in nutrients that support the healthy growth and development of your baby. It is specially formulated with a unique blend of ingredients, including Pronutra+, which contains prebiotics, LCPs and other nutrients that support immune system and cognitive development. Benefits of Milupa Aptamil 1 Profutura Safety Box Beginning Milk Contains essential nutrients for healthy growth and development of your baby Specially formulated with Pronutra+ for cognitive and immune system development Helps to reduce the risk of baby developing cow milk allergy Easy to digest, enabling your baby to absorb nutrients effectively Comes in a safety box packaging that ensures the formula remains fresh and uncontaminated How to use Dissolve each scoop of the formula in a recommended amount of water and shake well until fully mixed. You can feed your baby immediately after this. The formula is recommended for infants aged up to 6 months. Use the scoop provided in the pack for accurate measurement. Please follow the guidelines on the pack for the recommended amount of powder and water to use. Precautions Do not feed your infant on the formula for more than six months Do not give your baby any other food or drinks unless advised by a healthcare professional Ensure that your hands are clean before preparing the formula Discard any unused milk within 2 hours of preparation The Milupa Aptamil 1 Profutura Safety Box Beginning Milk is a great choice for parents who want to ensure their babies are getting the best nutrition possible. It is easy to use, highly nutritious and comes in a packaging that ensures the formula is fresh and safe for your baby...
56.68 USD
ルース d3 トロップチューブ 10ml
This food supplement contains vitamin D3 for people who have an increased need for vitamin D3. It is also suitable for use during the sunny months of autumn or winter. Developed and manufactured in Switzerland.Vitamin D3 supports the body as follows: Normal functioning of the immune systemPreservation of normal bonesNormal muscle function The product is: Vegan li>Gluten-freeLactose-freeWithout alcoholNo preservatives application: 1. year of age: take 2 drops dailyFrom the 2nd year of life: take 4 drops dailyAdults: Take 4 - 10 drops daily ..
34.41 USD
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