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Glad nacht periodenunterwäsche s stark
GLAD ナイトピリオド アンダーウェア S サイズのご紹介です。これらの再利用可能なブリーフは、夜間に信頼性の高い保護と快適さを提供するように設計されています。親密なケアと毎月の衛生ニーズに合わせて特別に作られたこれらの生理用下着は、従来の使い捨て製品に代わる持続可能で環境に優しい代替品を探している人に最適です。丈夫でありながら柔らかい素材により、ぴったりとフィットし漏れにくいカバー力が保証され、一晩中安心して自信を持って休むことができます。かさばるパッドや不快な瞬間に別れを告げましょう – GLAD Night Period Underwear は、月経ケア ルーチンに安心と利便性を提供します。サイズ S の GLAD Night Period Underwear で、快適さ、持続可能性、優れた保護力を実感してください。..
74.37 USD
オールウェイズ マキシバインディング ナイトウィズウィング 10枚
Always Maxi Binding Night with Wings - 10 Pcs Introducing the Always Maxi Binding Night with Wings, in a pack of 10 pieces, that is designed to provide you with ultimate comfort and protection while you sleep. Features Extra Long and Wide Design: These maxi pads are extra-long and wide to ensure that you stay protected throughout the night. SecureFit Technology: The pads come with wings that are designed to securely wrap around your underwear, providing maximum protection against leakage. All-Night Freshness: These pads are equipped with an absorbent core that locks in wetness and odour, ensuring you feel fresh and clean all night long. Cotton-Like Cover: The top layer of the pad is made with a soft and comfortable material that feels like cotton and is gentle on your skin. Dermatologically Tested: Always Maxi Binding Night with Wings are dermatologically tested, making them suitable for sensitive skin. Benefits Unbeatable Protection: The Always Maxi Binding Night with Wings is a product that has been designed with utmost care and attention to detail to ensure unbeatable protection against leakage during the night. Superior Comfort: These maxi pads are incredibly comfortable and easy to wear, owing to their soft and cotton-like cover, and the thin and flexible design of the pad itself. Convenient Pack Size: This product comes in a pack of 10 pieces, that is perfect for those who want to try out the product or for frequent travellers who need a convenient solution for their menstrual cycle. Conclusion If you're looking for a high-quality and reliable sanitary protection product that will keep you feeling fresh and dry all night long, then the Always Maxi Binding Night with Wings is the product for you. ..
5.92 USD
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