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Jentschura morgenstund'
イェンシュラ モルゲンシュトンド' キビソバのお粥、フルーツと種子。 構成 キビ*;そば*、ドライフルーツ 13.5% (パイナップル*、リンゴ*)、油糧種子 8.5% (カボチャの種*、ヒマワリの種*、スイートアーモンド*)、アマランサス*。 *有機農業から... プロパティ ビーガン。砂糖無添加 (当然砂糖が含まれています)。 アプリケーション MorgenStund' 大さじ 3 (約 35 g) を約 3 と混ぜます。 120~140mlの熱湯を注ぎ、1~2分間膨らませます。またはMorgenStundを約20mlにかき混ぜます。 160〜180mlの水を泡立て器で混ぜます。かき混ぜながら沸騰させ、弱火で 1 ~ 2 分間煮ます。 栄養価 栄養価数量pro%測定精度 エネルギー 1606 kJ100 gエネルギー 381 kcal100 g脂肪 7;30 g td>100 g脂肪;うち飽和脂肪酸0;95g100g炭水化物62;50g炭水化物100g。うち糖質12;82 g100 g 繊維6;80 g100 gタンパク質12;90 g100 g塩分0;04 g100 gチアミン(ビタミンB1)0;32 mg100 g ピリドキシン(ビタミンB6)0;28 mg100 g ビオチン12.00 µg100 gナイアシン4;66 mg100 gカリウム380 mg100 gマグネシウム170 mg100 g亜鉛 2;70 mg100 g鉄2;50 mg100 g アレルゲン不使用 グルテンを含むシリアルおよびグルテンを含むシリアル製品乳糖(乳糖) メモ 開封後は、乾燥した密閉された場所に保管してください。製造: ドイツ。 ..
20.74 USD
Optimys easy breakfast アーモンドとバニラ chia bio battalion 350 g
Optimys Easy Breakfast Almond and Vanilla Chia Bio Battalion 350 g For those who are always on the go, finding the time to have breakfast can be a challenge. But with Optimys Easy Breakfast Almond and Vanilla Chia Bio Battalion, having a healthy and nutritious start to your day is now easy and convenient. This product is made with organic ingredients, ensuring that you get nothing but the best quality in each serving. It contains a delicious and creamy blend of almond and vanilla flavors, which is then combined with the superfood chia seeds, giving your body the boost it needs to power through the day. Each serving of Optimys Easy Breakfast Almond and Vanilla Chia Bio Battalion contains all the essential nutrients your body needs to start the day off right. It is rich in fiber, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids, which help you feel fuller for longer, making it a great option for those who are trying to watch their calorie intake. This product comes in a resealable pouch, making it easy to take with you wherever you go. Whether you?re heading to the office, hitting the gym or going on a road trip, Optimys Easy Breakfast Almond and Vanilla Chia Bio Battalion is the perfect breakfast option for those who live life at a fast pace. Key Features Organic ingredients Delicious almond and vanilla flavor Rich in fiber, protein, and omega-3 Convenient and easy to take on the go Resealable pouch to keep the product fresh Start your day off right with Optimys Easy Breakfast Almond and Vanilla Chia Bio Battalion 350 g...
21.28 USD
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