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簡単に角質を取り除き、足を若返らせるように設計された革新的な角質トリートメントをご覧ください。当社の注目の Footner フットラップは、天然の酸と酵素を利用して角質層を優しく剥がす、角質除去への革新的なアプローチを提供します。多くの時間を立ちっぱなしで過ごす人に最適なこの 60 分間の 1 回塗布は、死んだ皮膚細胞を結びつける結合を柔らかくして溶解し、滑らかで手入れの行き届いた外観を可能にします。 2 ~ 3 か月ごとの定期的な使用で、長期にわたる効果を体験し、健康な肌の感触を維持できます。すべて、機械で強くこする必要はありません。驚くほど柔らかく滑らかで快適な足を実現する、スイスの健康と美容のフットケア ソリューションをご覧ください。
フットナー フットパック エクスフォリア ソックス たこ

フットナー フットパック エクスフォリア ソックス たこ

製品コード: 4519348

A lot of calluses on the feet can be unpleasant and feel uncomfortable. Especially during the warm season, a lot of value is placed on well-groomed feet. The tedious mechanical treatment by filing is widespread. The Footner foot wrap is a revolutionary product that allows for easy, effortless callus removal with just a single 60-minute application. When dead skin cells form on the soles of the feet as a result of constant pressure, e.g. from standing a lot, the natural desquamation process is no longer able to shed the dead skin cells. The selected ingredients support the natural detachment of dead skin cells (calluses), by softening excess cells and dissolving the "glue" that holds the dead skin cells together. This allows the natural process of skin peeling to begin. The product acts only on dead cell layers. Living skin cells are not affected. The desquamation process is initiated by a series of naturally occurring acids and enzymes. These work together to remove the layers of dead skin from the soles of the feet.Depending on the condition of the skin and the thickness of the callus layer, the detachment process begins about 5-10 days after application. This can take up to 2 weeks. A warm footbath can speed up the process.First of all, the hard skin on areas with thin skin, e.g. the back of the foot, comes off, areas with thicker skin, e.g. heels, take a little longer. Regular use every 2-3 months is recommended to maintain the pleasant skin feeling. Despite a possible feeling of dryness, no creams should be used during the peeling process, otherwise the effect of the Footner foot pack could be negatively influenced. Application Cut open the plastic socks (marked line).Put on the socks and close them with the help of the adhesive strip. Regular socks can be worn over the Footner socks for a better grip.Wear socks for 60 minutes. Feet should be in an upright position to avoid leakage of the liquid.After application, wash off the remaining gel with warm water.After a few days, the callus will come off by itself. The callus should not be removed mechanically after use, otherwise the skin underneath could be injured. There should be an interval of at least four weeks between applications...

54.02 USD

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