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Phytomed バッハ フラワー sos ドロップ 10 ml
フィトメッド SOS 濃縮ボトル 10 ml バッチ フラワーズ S.O.S.小球は無味で、保存期間が非常に長く、小さくて持ち運びに便利です。 構成 スター オブ ベツレヘム、ロック ローズ、インパチェンス、チェリー プラム、クレマチス。 プロパティバッチの花 S.O.S.小球は無味で、保存期間が非常に長く、小さくて持ち運びに便利です。当社の S.O.S. はすべて、製品はスイスの野生植物からバッハ博士の正確な規則に従って製造されています。「人は自分が住んでいる場所から花を採取すべきである」というバッチ博士の原則に従ってスイスの野生植物を使用しています。バッハが S.O.S. を編纂バッチフラワーNo.からなる濃縮物。 6-9-18-26-29.S.O.S.小球はペレットとして摂取されます。最大 1 時間ごとに 5 ~ 7 個のペレットを口の中で溶かしてください。小球は、口の中に直接置くことも、舌の下に置くことも、食べ物の上や飲み物に入れることもできます。 ..
22.76 USD
バッハ フラワー オリジナル オーク no22 20ml
Bach Flower Original Oak No22 20ml The Bach Flower Original Oak No22 20ml is a powerful remedy designed to help people who feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities and tend to push themselves beyond their limits. This all-natural product is made with the essence of oak, a tree that is known for its sturdy, resilient, and enduring qualities. By taking this remedy, individuals can tap into the strength and endurance of the oak tree, helping them to stay focused and determined despite the challenges they may face. Whether you are dealing with work-related stress, family obligations, or personal issues, Bach Flower Original Oak No22 20ml can provide you with the inner strength you need to keep going. This remedy is particularly helpful for those who tend to take on too much, often neglecting their own needs in the process. By restoring balance and harmony to the body, mind, and spirit, Bach Flower Original Oak No22 20ml can help you achieve a greater sense of ease, self-acceptance, and resilience in your daily life. Key Features: Helps to restore balance and harmony to the body, mind, and spirit Contains natural essence of oak tree Provides inner strength and endurance in the face of challenges Helpful for those who feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities Made with high-quality ingredients for optimal effectiveness Comes in convenient 20ml bottle for easy use Benefits: Provides natural support for those dealing with stress and anxiety Promotes feelings of inner strength, resilience, and determination Assists in restoring balance and harmony to the body, mind, and spirit Encourages self-acceptance, self-care, and self-awareness Can help improve overall well-being and quality of life Overall, if you are looking for an all-natural and effective way to support your mental and emotional well-being, Bach Flower Original Oak No22 20ml may be just what you need. So why wait? Try this powerful remedy today and experience the many benefits it has to offer for yourself!..
33.32 USD
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