


腸は、ニューロンの巨大なネットワークと脳と通信する能力から、しばしば体の「第 2 の脳」と呼ばれます。健康な腸は、効率的な消化を助け、体が重要な栄養素を吸収しやすくし、有害な細菌や毒素から体を守ります。さらに、腸の機能が良好であれば、気分やエネルギー レベルに確実に影響を及ぼし、腸の健康と全体的な健康状態の間に密接な関係があることが強調されます。腸のケアは消化だけの問題ではなく、体全体の機能を最適に保つための重要な要素です。




  • 規則的な消化: 規則的な排便を含む、一貫した快適な消化は、腸が健康であることを示す明らかなサインです。これは、消化器系が食物をうまく処理し、栄養素を吸収していることを示しています。
  • 強力な免疫機能: バランスのとれた腸内微生物叢は強力な免疫機構をサポートし、体が感染症や病気に抵抗するのをサポートします。腸が健康であることは、風邪や感染症の減少と密接に関係しています。
  • 透明感のある肌: 腸の状態は肌に反映されます。腸が健康であれば、ニキビ、湿疹、酒さなどの症状がなくなり、肌がきれいで輝きます。


  • 膨満感: 頻繁に膨満感や満腹感を感じる場合は、腸内細菌のバランスが崩れているか、消化不良を起こしている可能性があります。
  • 便秘と下痢: 便秘や下痢などの不規則な排便は、腸の健康が損なわれていることを示す一般的な兆候です。
  • 食物不耐症: 新たな食物不耐症や過敏症の発症は、腸の内壁の透過性が高まり、腸漏れ症候群などの問題を引き起こす腸の不均衡の兆候である可能性があります。
  • 疲労: 十分な睡眠をとっても、持続的な疲労やエネルギー不足は腸の健康状態の悪化につながる可能性があります。腸の健康状態が悪いと、栄養の吸収が阻害され、エネルギー生成が妨げられる可能性があるからです。





たとえば、人間の腸内に常在する細菌を含む バイオフロリンは 、下痢に効果があり、乱れた腸内細菌叢を調整します。腸内細菌叢は、病原性微生物による汚染によって乱れたり、抗生物質治療によって弱まったりします。バイオフロリンは、腸内細菌叢が変化する疾患に使用されます。主に下痢の治療を補助するために、または医師に相談した後、抗生物質治療中に使用されます。

Bioflorin 25 capsules

Bioflorin 25 capsules


What is Bioflorin and when is it used? Bioflorin is effective against diarrhea and regulates the disturbed intestinal flora. The intestinal flora is disturbed, for example, by infections with disease-causing microbes or weakened by treatment with antibiotics. Bioflorin consists of bacteria that are normally found in the human intestine.Bioflorin is used in diseases in which the altered intestinal flora and the subsequent change in the ecosystem play a decisive role. It is particularly used to support the treatment of diarrhea or, after consultation with your doctor, during treatment with antibiotics. When should Bioflorin not be used? Apart from possible hypersensitivity reactions to the drug, no restrictions are known to date. When should caution be exercised when using Bioflorin? If diarrhea persists for more than 2-3 days in adults and more than1 Inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you suffer from other diseases,have allergies ortake other medicines (including those bought yourself!) or apply them externally (external products!). Can Bioflorin be used during pregnancy or while breastfeeding? According to the experience gained to date, there is no known risk to the child if the medication is used as intended. However, no systematic scientific study has been conducted. As a precautionary measure, you should avoid taking medication during pregnancy and breastfeeding if possible, or ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice. How do you use Bioflorin? In case of diarrhea, the average daily dose for adults, children and infants is 3 capsules. To prevent diarrhea, e.g. while travelling, the average daily dose is 2 capsules.Bioflorin should be taken during antibiotic therapy as directed by your doctor.To make it easier to take, the contents of the capsules can be added to liquid food, lukewarm or cold.The average duration of treatment is 5-7 days, although symptoms may disappear within the first few days. On medical advice and depending on the severity of the diarrhea, the daily dose can be doubled and the duration of treatment extended without any concerns. There is no risk of intolerance.Do not change the prescribed dosage on your own. If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What side effects can Bioflorin have? No side effects have been observed for Bioflorin when used as directed. What should also be noted? In temperate climates, Bioflorin can be stored at room temperature (15-25 °C) away from heat. Storage in the refrigerator is recommended in very warm areas.It is not advisable to keep any remaining capsules after treatment with Bioflorin.The medicine should be kept out of the reach of children.This medicine should only be used until the date stated on the container with "EXP". If you have a pack that has expired, return it to your pharmacist or drugstore for disposal.Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. These people have the detailed specialist information. What is contained in Bioflorin? Active ingredient: Excipients: Registration number 40506 (Swissmedic). Where can you get Bioflorin? What packages are available? In pharmacies or drugstores, without a doctor's prescription.There are packs of 25 and 2× 25 capsules. Marketing Authorisation Holder Opella Healthcare Switzerland AG, Risch. ..

37.86 USD


腸内微生物叢の不均衡は炎症を引き起こし、ニキビ、湿疹、酒さなどの症状として現れます。腸内バランスが崩れると、悪玉菌が繁殖し、皮膚を含む全身の炎症が増加します。バランスの取れた食事、プロバイオティクス、腸の健康に良いデトックス ダイエット ( Bioflorin の使用など) で腸をサポートすることに重点を置くことで、内側から皮膚の健康をサポートできます。

Bioflorin 50 capsules

Bioflorin 50 capsules


What is Bioflorin and when is it used? Bioflorin is effective against diarrhea and regulates the disturbed intestinal flora. The intestinal flora is disturbed, for example, by infections with disease-causing microbes or weakened by treatment with antibiotics. Bioflorin consists of bacteria that are normally found in the human intestine.Bioflorin is used in diseases in which the altered intestinal flora and the subsequent change in the ecosystem play a decisive role. It is particularly used to support the treatment of diarrhea or, after consultation with your doctor, during treatment with antibiotics. When should Bioflorin not be used? Apart from possible hypersensitivity reactions to the drug, no restrictions are known to date. When should caution be exercised when using Bioflorin? If diarrhea persists for more than 2-3 days in adults and more than1 Inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you suffer from other diseases,have allergies ortake other medicines (including those bought yourself!) or apply them externally (external products!). Can Bioflorin be used during pregnancy or while breastfeeding? According to the experience gained to date, there is no known risk to the child if the medication is used as intended. However, no systematic scientific study has been conducted. As a precautionary measure, you should avoid taking medication during pregnancy and breastfeeding if possible, or ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice. How do you use Bioflorin? In case of diarrhea, the average daily dose for adults, children and infants is 3 capsules. To prevent diarrhea, e.g. while travelling, the average daily dose is 2 capsules.Bioflorin should be taken during antibiotic therapy as directed by your doctor.To make it easier to take, the contents of the capsules can be added to liquid food, lukewarm or cold.The average duration of treatment is 5-7 days, although symptoms may disappear within the first few days. On medical advice and depending on the severity of the diarrhea, the daily dose can be doubled and the duration of treatment extended without any concerns. There is no risk of intolerance.Do not change the prescribed dosage on your own. If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What side effects can Bioflorin have? No side effects have been observed for Bioflorin when used as directed. What should also be noted? In temperate climates, Bioflorin can be stored at room temperature (15-25 °C) away from heat. Storage in the refrigerator is recommended in very warm areas.It is not advisable to keep any remaining capsules after treatment with Bioflorin.The medicine should be kept out of the reach of children.This medicine should only be used until the date stated on the container with "EXP". If you have a pack that has expired, return it to your pharmacist or drugstore for disposal.Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. These people have the detailed specialist information. What is contained in Bioflorin? Active ingredient: Excipients: Registration number 40506 (Swissmedic). Where can you get Bioflorin? What packages are available? In pharmacies or drugstores, without a doctor's prescription.There are packs of 25 and 2× 25 capsules. Marketing Authorisation Holder Opella Healthcare Switzerland AG, Risch. ..

60.56 USD








プロバイオティクスとプレバイオティクスを食事に取り入れることは、腸内微生物叢を養うもう 1 つの効果的な方法です。プロバイオティクスは、ヨーグルト、ケフィア、発酵野菜などの食品に含まれる生きた有益な細菌です。消化、免疫、全体的な健康に不可欠な腸内細菌の健康的なバランスを維持するのに役立ちます。一方、プレバイオティクスは、ニンニク、タマネギ、バナナなどの食品に含まれる消化されない繊維で、腸内の善玉菌に栄養を与えます。プロバイオティクスとプレバイオティクスの両方を食事に取り入れることで、善玉菌が繁殖する環境を作り、腸の健康で弾力性のある状態を保つことができます。

免責事項: この記事には、健康な腸の健康への影響に関する情報が含まれており、医学的な推奨事項を示すものではありません。腸の健康とそれが健康に与える影響について質問がある場合は、必ず医師に相談してください。

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