Gums can recede with increasing age or due to incorrect tooth brushing technique. The exposed tooth ..
25.51 USD
? Protects against tooth decay ? Remineralizes tooth enamel ? Protective layer of calcium and fluori..
18.21 USD
? Small, softly coated brush head ? Soft, rounded bristles ? Specially developed for children's hand..
10.76 USD
The Elmex Sensitive Professional Repair & Prevent toothpaste immediately repairs sensitive tooth..
20.33 USD
エルメックス カリエスプロテクション歯磨き粉デュオ 75 ml x 2 個 ?効果の高いアミンフッ化物が虫歯を防ぎます。歯のエナメル質の再石灰化をサポートします。歯が虫歯になりにくくなりますか?歯の..
エルメックス カリエスプロテクション歯磨き粉 Tb 75 ml ?効果の高いアミンフッ化物が虫歯を防ぎます。歯のエナメル質の再石灰化をサポートします。歯が虫歯になりにくくなりますか?歯のミネラル損失..
14.30 USD
? Thorough cleaning of the interdental spaces ? Protects against tooth decay and gingivitis ? Waxed ..
12.92 USD
? Properties The elmex sensitive toothpaste offers a highly effective triple mechanism of action a..
? Extra caries protection for the new, permanent teeth ? Forms a protective layer and remineralizes ..
16.75 USD
Around the age of six to eight months, the first milk tooth breaks through and the other milk teeth ..
13.98 USD
? Protects against pain-sensitive teeth and tooth neck caries ? Quick and easy application ? Alcohol..
18.18 USD
エルメックス センシティブ プロフェッショナル 歯磨き粉 75 ml ?痛みに敏感な歯の効果的な軽減?独自の PRO-ARGIN テクノロジーを採用?歯痛を永続的に軽減しますか?臨床的に証明された有..
18.14 USD
Elmex PROFESSIONAL Opti-schmelz Zahnpasta Tb 75 ml If you are looking for an effective toothpaste t..
18.24 USD
Elmex KARIESSCHUTZ InterX Mittel Zahnbürste Duo The Elmex KARIESSCHUTZ InterX Mittel Zahnb&uum..
20.80 USD
? Special protection against caries for milk teeth ? Forms a protective layer of calcium fluoride ? ..
25.60 USD
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