Salute dell'apparato digerente
A. vogel molkosan originale 200 ml
Molkosan is made from fresh whey and contains a high proportion of L + lactic acid through natural fermentation with a selected lactobacillus. Use Drink 2 tablespoons daily with any amount of cold water, tea or juice in the morning or throughout the day...
11,78 USD
Achillea sidroga 20 bag 1,5 g
Sidroga yarrow tea is used for non-specific digestive disorders such as flatulence, belching, a feeling of fullness and mild cramping gastrointestinal complaints. Swissmedic-approved patient information Sidroga® yarrow tea SIDROGA Herbal medicinal product AMZVWhat is Sidroga Yarrow Tea and when is it used? Sidroga Yarrow Tea contains dried yarrow herb Shape and finely cut quality (tested according to pharmacopoeia). Traditionally, yarrow has antispasmodic and digestive properties. Sidroga yarrow tea is used for non-specific digestive disorders such as flatulence, belching, feeling of fullness and mild cramping gastrointestinal complaints. What should be considered? In the case of persistent or recurring gastrointestinal complaints, it is advisable to consult a doctor and clarify the causes permit. Stomach pain that manifests itself as pain or pressure pain in a specific area or is associated with a general feeling of illness requires a medical evaluation. Remember that certain stimulants such as coffee, alcohol, nicotine, as well as certain medications such as painkillers and rheumatism drugs can cause stomach problems. When should Sidroga yarrow tea not be used or only with caution? Sidroga yarrow tea should not be used if there is a known hypersensitivity to plants of the daisy family (composites). Inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you suffer from other illnesses, have allergies or are taking other medicines (even those you bought yourself!). Can Sidroga yarrow tea be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding? Based on previous experience, there is no known risk for the child when used as directed. However, systematic scientific investigations have never been carried out. As a precaution, you should avoid taking medicines during pregnancy and breastfeeding or ask your doctor, pharmacist or druggist for advice. How do you use Sidroga Yarrow Tea? Adults and adolescents from the age of 12 take 1 cup 2 to 3 times a day between meals. Preparation: Pour boiling water over one tea bag per cup and let the bag steep for 5 to 10 minutes. Then take out the tea bag and squeeze it out lightly over the cup. Use only one tea bag per cup of tea. Follow the dosage given in the package leaflet or as prescribed by your doctor. If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What side effects can Sidroga yarrow tea have? The following side effects can occur when taking Sidroga yarrow tea: Rarely allergic reactions with skin itching and blistering. If this is the case, you should stop taking it and, if necessary, consult a doctor. If you notice any side effects that are not described here, you should inform your doctor or pharmacist. What else needs to be considered? Sidroga yarrow tea is stored at room temperature (15-25 °C), protected from light, in a dry place and out of the reach of to keep for children. The double-chamber bags in aroma protection packaging may only be used up to the end marked on the container with «Exp.» designated date are used. Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. What does Sidroga yarrow tea contain? 1 double chamber bag contains 1.5 g of dried and finely chopped yarrow herb. Approval number 41685 (Swissmedic). Where can you get Sidroga Yarrow Tea? What packs are available? In pharmacies and drugstores, without a doctor's prescription. Boxes of 20 double chamber bags in aroma protection packaging. Authorization holder Sidroga AG, 4310 Rheinfelden. This leaflet was last checked by the drug authority (Swissmedic) in September 2010. ..
10,42 USD
Actifibre powder 500 gr
Actifibre Plv 500 g Actifibre Plv 500 g is a high-quality fiber supplement that can help promote healthy digestion and overall wellness. It is made from 100% natural ingredients and is free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. Actifibre Plv 500 g is formulated with a blend of soluble and insoluble fibers that work together to support digestive health. Soluble fiber helps to regulate digestion and support the growth of healthy gut bacteria, while insoluble fiber helps to improve regularity and prevent constipation. Actifibre Plv 500 g is a versatile supplement that can be added to a variety of foods and drinks. It has a neutral taste and can be easily mixed into smoothies, yogurt, oatmeal, or even water. One serving (10 g) of Actifibre Plv 500 g provides 8 g of fiber, which is over 30% of the recommended daily intake for adults. Actifibre Plv 500 g is an excellent choice for anyone looking to improve their digestive health and overall well-being. It is suitable for vegetarians and vegans and is gluten-free. Key features: Made with all-natural ingredients Provides a blend of soluble and insoluble fibers Neutral taste that can be added to a variety of foods and drinks One serving provides over 30% of the recommended daily intake of fiber Suitable for vegetarians and vegans Gluten-free ..
74,18 USD
Aromalife menta piperita top-11 äth / olio fl 5 ml
Olio essenziale di menta piperita Aromalife: TOP-11 Äth / Oil Fl 5 mlL'olio essenziale di menta piperita Aromalife è un olio essenziale potente e di alta qualità estratto dal foglie della pianta di menta piperita. Ha un aroma rinfrescante e rinvigorente che può aiutare a promuovere la chiarezza mentale e aumentare la vigilanza. Questo olio è anche noto per la sua capacità di alleviare mal di testa, nausea e altri problemi digestivi, rendendolo una scelta popolare per le persone che cercano rimedi naturali per disturbi comuni.Benefici per la salute dell'olio essenziale di menta piperita AromalifeL'olio essenziale di menta piperita è noto per i suoi numerosi benefici per la salute, alcuni dei quali includono: Allevia il mal di testa e l'emicrania Allevia nausea e vomito Migliora la digestione e allevia i disturbi allo stomaco Allevia la congestione sinusale e i problemi respiratori Riduce lo stress e favorisce la lucidità mentale Come usare l'olio essenziale di menta piperita AromalifeL'olio essenziale di menta piperita Aromalife può essere utilizzato in vari modi per promuovere la salute e il benessere. Alcuni usi comuni includono: Diluito in un olio vettore e applicato localmente per alleviare il mal di testa e la tensione muscolare Inalato attraverso un diffusore per promuovere la chiarezza mentale e aumentare la vigilanza Aggiunto a un bagno caldo per lenire i dolori muscolari e migliorare il rilassamento Utilizzato in un massaggio aromaterapico per promuovere il benessere generale Aggiunto a un olio vettore e utilizzato come repellente naturale per insetti Garanzia di qualitàL'olio essenziale di menta piperita Aromalife è prodotto solo con foglie di menta piperita di altissima qualità e viene estratto utilizzando un processo di distillazione a vapore all'avanguardia. Ciò garantisce che l'olio mantenga il suo potente aroma e i suoi benefici per la salute, rendendolo un rimedio naturale altamente efficace per una varietà di disturbi comuni.IngredientiOlio essenziale di menta piperita puro al 100%Formato5 ml..
14,89 USD
Bekunis dragees 5 mg bisacodyl can 30 pz
Caratteristiche di Bekunis dragees 5 mg bisacodyl Ds 30 pzAnatomico Terapeutico Chimico (АТС): A06AB02Principio attivo: A06AB02Temperatura di conservazione min/ max 15/25 gradi CelsiusQuantità in confezione: 30 pezziPeso: 29 g Lunghezza: 35 mm Larghezza: 34 mm Altezza: 65 mm Acquista Bekunis dragees 5 mg bisacodyl Ds 30 pezzi online dalla Svizzera..
31,24 USD
Biofarm semi di zucca gemma ch bag 350 g
Biofarm Pumpkin Seeds Bud CH Btl 350 g Introducing the Biofarm Pumpkin Seeds Bud CH Btl 350 g ? a delicious and healthy snack for everyone. These pumpkin seeds are carefully harvested, roasted, and packed to ensure the freshest and highest quality of snacks for our customers. Our pumpkin seeds are sourced from local farms using organic, sustainable methods to ensure that the environment and the health of our customers are not compromised. These seeds are high in nutrients and have been known to have numerous health benefits. They are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can help improve digestion, lower cholesterol levels, reduce inflammation, and boost the immune system. The Biofarm Pumpkin Seeds Bud CH Btl 350 g is perfect as a snack on-the-go or as a healthy addition to your meals. It can be eaten as is or used as a topping for your salads, smoothies, and dessert bowls. Features Organic and sustainably-sourced pumpkin seeds High in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals Harvested and roasted for the freshest and highest quality of snacks Can help improve digestion, lower cholesterol levels, reduce inflammation, and boost the immune system Perfect as a snack on-the-go or as a healthy addition to your meals Can be used as a topping for salads, smoothies, and dessert bowls Order the Biofarm Pumpkin Seeds Bud CH Btl 350 g today and experience the delicious and healthy snack that everyone is talking about...
23,75 USD
Cardo mariano allsan film-coated tablets can 100 pz
Cardo mariano Allsan - Aiuta con gonfiore, eruttazione e gas, specialmente dopo pasti ricchi di grassi. Informazioni per il paziente approvate da SwissmedicAllsan® Cardo marianoBiomed AGMedicale a base di erbe AMZVCos'è il cardo mariano Allsan e quando viene utilizzato?Allsan cardo mariano compresse rivestite con film contengono un estratto standardizzato di frutti di cardo mariano. Si dice che abbiano un effetto benefico sull'attività digestiva.Il cardo mariano Allsan viene utilizzato per problemi digestivi come sensazione di pienezza, eruttazione e flatulenza, soprattutto dopo pasti ricchi di grassi.Cosa dovrebbe essere considerato?L'indigestione nei bambini di età inferiore ai 12 anni dovrebbe essere chiarita da un medico. Pertanto, il preparato non deve essere utilizzato in questi casi senza il parere del medico.Nota per i diabetici: il cardo mariano Allsan contiene meno di 0,2 g di carboidrati utilizzabili per compressa.Quando il cardo mariano Allsan non deve essere utilizzato o solo con cautela? Ad oggi non sono note restrizioni applicative. Se usato come previsto, non sono necessarie misure precauzionali speciali.Informa il tuo medico, farmacista o droghiere se soffri di altre malattie, allergie o stai assumendo altri medicinali (compresi quelli che hai comprato tu!) prendi !Il cardo mariano Allsan può essere assunto durante la gravidanza o l'allattamento?In base all'esperienza precedente, non vi è alcun rischio noto per il bambino se usato come previsto . Tuttavia, non sono mai stati condotti studi scientifici sistematici.Come misura precauzionale, dovresti evitare di assumere medicinali durante la gravidanza e l'allattamento o chiedere consiglio al tuo medico, farmacista o droghiere. Come si usa il cardo mariano Allsan?Salvo diversa prescrizione del medico, gli adulti assumono 1 compressa rivestita con film al mattino e alla sera dopo una pasto con qualcosa di liquido.Osservare la dose indicata nel foglio illustrativo o prescritta dal medico. Se ritieni che il medicinale sia troppo debole o troppo forte, parlane con il tuo medico, farmacista o droghiere.Effetti collaterali Hai il cardo mariano Allsan?Il durante l'assunzione di cardo mariano Allsan possono verificarsi i seguenti effetti indesiderati:Raramente: lieve diarrea, nausea. se nota effetti collaterali non descritti qui , dovresti informare il tuo medico, farmacista o droghiere.Cos'altro deve essere considerato?Tenere fuori dalla portata dei bambini.Conservare a temperatura ambiente (15-25°C). Il cardo mariano Allsan può essere utilizzato solo fino alla data contrassegnata con «Scad.» sul contenitore.Il medico, il farmacista o il droghiere possono fornire ulteriori informazioni. Cosa contiene il cardo mariano Allsan?1 compressa rivestita con film contiene 35 mg di estratto secco di cardo mariano frutto aggiustato a 21 mg di silimarina (calcolata come silibinina), Estrazione agente: acetone.Questo preparato contiene anche sostanze ausiliarie per la produzione di una compressa rivestita con film.Numero di approvazione h2> 54110 (Swissmedic).Dove puoi trovare il cardo mariano Allsan? Quali confezioni sono disponibili? In farmacia e drogheria, senza prescrizione medica. Confezioni da 100 e 300 compresse rivestite con film. Titolare dell'autorizzazione Biomed AG, CH-8600 Dübendorf.Questo foglio illustrativo è stato pubblicato l'ultima volta nell'ottobre 2011 dall'autorità antidroga (Swissmedic)...
79,60 USD
Dixa psyllium nero pheur pulito 1 kg
Dixa Psyllium Black PhEur Cleaned 1 kg Introducing our high-quality, all-natural product - Dixa Psyllium Black PhEur Cleaned 1 kg, a dietary supplement that contains pure and natural psyllium husk powder. This product is ideal for those who want to improve their digestive health and regularity. PhEur Cleaned: Our psyllium husk powder is Ph. Eur. cleaned, which means it meets the highest quality standards and is free from impurities, microbes or other contaminants. Black Psyllium: Dixa Psyllium Black is recognized for its high mucilage content, which helps soothe the digestive system and promote regularity. Multiple Health Benefits: Psyllium husk powder is a great source of dietary fiber, which helps to lower cholesterol, maintain blood sugar levels, and promote colon health. Easy to Use: This product comes in easy-to-use packaging, which makes it convenient to add to your daily diet. You can mix it with water, juice, or smoothies or sprinkle it on your food. Large Quantity: The 1kg pack is great value for money and ensures you always have enough supply at hand. At Dixa, we are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality natural products that promote wellness and health. Our Psyllium Black PhEur Cleaned 1 kg is a great addition to your daily diet, and we are confident that it will help you achieve optimal digestive health and regularity. Order yours today!..
42,26 USD
Dixa psyllium nero pheur pulito 500 g
Dixa Psyllium Black PhEur Cleaned 500g: A natural and potent way to support your digestive health If you are looking for an effective and natural way to support your digestive health, Dixa Psyllium Black PhEur Cleaned Fiber might be just what you need. This product is made from high-quality psyllium husk seeds, which are sourced from the Plantago ovata plant. Psyllium husk is known for its high levels of soluble and insoluble fiber, which can help regulate bowel movements, improve digestion, and support the growth of beneficial bacteria in your gut. The Dixa Psyllium Black PhEur Cleaned Fiber comes in a convenient 500g packaging, making it a great value. The product has been carefully cleaned to remove any impurities, ensuring that you get the purest and most potent form of psyllium husk. Psyllium husk has been used for centuries to support digestive health and is backed by a wealth of scientific research. It is especially effective in easing constipation and bloating, and can also help regulate blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol. As a natural prebiotic, psyllium husk also supports the growth of healthy gut bacteria, which can benefit your immune system and overall health. To use Dixa Psyllium Black PhEur Cleaned Fiber, simply mix a teaspoon or two into a glass of water or juice and drink it immediately. You can also add it to smoothies, cereal, or any other food that you consume regularly. This product is suitable for those who follow a vegan or gluten-free diet, and it contains no additives or preservatives. Investing in your digestive health is essential for your well-being, and Dixa Psyllium Black PhEur Cleaned Fiber is an affordable and easy way to achieve that. Order your 500g pack today and experience the benefits of psyllium husk for yourself!..
28,52 USD
Foglie di menta piperita sidroga 20 bag 1,5 g
Sidroga peppermint leaf tea is used for mild cramping gastrointestinal complaints, feeling of fullness, flatulence and indigestion. Swissmedic-approved patient information Sidroga® peppermint leaf tea SIDROGA Herbal medicinal product AMZVWhat is Sidroga Peppermint Leaf Tea and when is it used? Sidroga Peppermint Leaf Tea contains dried peppermint leaves Shape and finely cut quality (tested according to pharmacopoeia). Peppermint leaves are traditionally believed to have antispasmodic, anti-bloating and digestive properties. Sidroga peppermint leaf tea is used for mild cramping gastrointestinal complaints, feeling of fullness, flatulence and indigestion. What should be considered? In the case of persistent severe spasmodic gastrointestinal complaints, it is advisable to consult a doctor and have the causes clarified . Stomach pain that manifests itself as pain or pressure pain in a specific area or is associated with a general feeling of illness requires a medical evaluation. Remember that certain stimulants such as coffee, alcohol, nicotine, as well as certain medications such as painkillers and rheumatism drugs can cause stomach problems. When should Sidroga peppermint tea not be used or only with caution? Sidroga peppermint tea should not be used if there is a known hypersensitivity to menthol or essential mint oil. In the case of severe diseases of the digestive organs, only use on the advice of a doctor. Inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you suffer from other illnesses, have allergies or are taking other medicines (even those you bought yourself!). Can Sidroga peppermint leaf tea be taken during pregnancy or while breastfeeding? Based on previous experience, there is no known risk for the child when used as directed. However, systematic scientific investigations have never been carried out. As a precaution, you should avoid taking medicines during pregnancy and breastfeeding or ask your doctor, pharmacist or druggist for advice. How do you use Sidroga Peppermint Leaf Tea? Adults and children over 4 years of age take 1 cup up to 3 to 4 times a day between meals. Preparation: Pour boiling water over one tea bag per cup and let the bag steep for 5 to 10 minutes. Then take out the tea bag and squeeze it out lightly over the cup. Only use one tea bag per cup of tea and only sweeten your tea after removing the tea bag from the cup. You can use both natural and artificial sugar for sweetening. Follow the dosage given in the package leaflet or as prescribed by your doctor. If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What side effects can Sidroga peppermint leaf tea have? So far, no side effects have been observed for Sidroga peppermint leaf tea when used as intended. If you nevertheless observe side effects, inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What else needs to be considered? Sidroga peppermint leaf tea is stored at room temperature (15?25 °C), protected from light, in a dry place and out of the reach of to keep for children. The double-chamber bags in aroma protection packaging may only be used up to the end marked on the container with «Exp.» designated date are used. Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. What does Sidroga peppermint leaf tea contain? 1 double chamber bag contains 1.5 g of dried and finely chopped peppermint leaves. Approval number 41678 (Swissmedic). Where can you get Sidroga Peppermint Leaf Tea? What packs are available? In pharmacies and drugstores, without a doctor's prescription. Boxes of 20 double chamber bags in aroma protection packaging. Authorization holder Sidroga AG, 4310 Rheinfelden. This leaflet was last checked by the drug authority (Swissmedic) in September 2010. ..
9,71 USD
Fortakehl gocce d 5 diluizione fl 10 ml
FORTAKEHL Kaps D 4 tritInformazioni per il paziente approvate da SwissmedicFortakehl D5 , Gocceebi-pharm agMedicale omeopaticoAMZV Quando si usa Fortakehl D5, gocce?Secondo i medicinali omeopatici, Fortakehl D5, gocce può essere usato per problemi di stomaco.Cosa deve essere preso in considerazione? Se il medico le ha prescritto altri medicinali, chieda al medico o al farmacista se le gocce di Fortakehl D5 possono essere assunte contemporaneamente.Quando Fortakehl D5 gocce non deve essere utilizzato o solo con cautela?Il preparato non deve essere utilizzato in caso di ipersensibilità esistente alla penicillina e sostanze simili. I problemi digestivi nei bambini di età inferiore ai 12 anni devono essere chiariti da un medico. Pertanto, il preparato non deve essere utilizzato nei bambini di età inferiore ai 12 anni senza consiglio medico. Se i sintomi persistono o se non ci sono miglioramenti dopo 2 settimane, consultare un medico. Informi il medico o il farmacista se- soffre di altre malattie- soffre di allergie o- assume altri medicinali (compresi quelli acquistati in proprio) o li usa esternamente .Le gocce di Fortakehl D5 possono essere assunte durante la gravidanza o l'allattamento?In base all'esperienza precedente, a Nessun rischio noto per il bambino se usato come indicato . Tuttavia, non sono mai state condotte indagini scientifiche sistematiche. Per precauzione, dovresti evitare di assumere medicinali durante la gravidanza e l'allattamento o chiedere consiglio al medico o al farmacista.Come si usa Fortakehl D5, gocce? Dosaggio / Applicazione: Da prendere: 8 gocce una volta al giorno prima di un pasto. Per strofinare: 5-10 gocce sul posto una volta al giorno della malattia o strofinare nell'incavo del braccio.Per l'inalazione: 10-20 respiri profondi 2-3 volte al giorno. Seguire il dosaggio indicato nel foglio illustrativo o prescritto dal medico. Se il miglioramento desiderato non si verifica durante il trattamento di un bambino piccolo, è necessario consultare un medico. Se ritieni che il medicinale sia troppo debole o troppo forte, parlane con il medico o il farmacista.Quali effetti collaterali può avere Fortakehl D5, gocce? ?I seguenti effetti indesiderati possono manifestarsi durante l'assunzione di Fortakehl D5, gocce: Le reazioni di ipersensibilità (reazioni allergiche al principio attivo) sono molto rare. Se nota effetti collaterali non descritti qui, informi il medico o il farmacista. Quando si assumono medicinali omeopatici, i sintomi possono temporaneamente peggiorare (aggravamento iniziale). Se il deterioramento persiste, interrompa Fortakehl D5 gocce e informi il medico o il farmacista.A cos'altro deve fare attenzione?Il medicinale può solo essere utilizzato fino alla data contrassegnata con "Consumare entro" sul contenitore. Conservare il farmaco fuori dalla portata dei bambini. Conservare a temperatura ambiente (15-25°C). Il medico o il farmacista possono fornirti ulteriori informazioniCosa contiene Fortakehl 5X, gocce?Penicillium roquefortii 5X aquos. dilutio (HAB, 5a).Numero di riconoscimento50289 (Swissmedic)Dove si ottieni Fortakehl D5, gocce? Quali confezioni sono disponibili?In farmacia senza prescrizione medica.Confezione da 10 ml.Titolareebi-pharm ag, Lindachstr. 8c, 3038 KirchlindachQuesto foglio illustrativo è stato controllato l'ultima volta dall'autorità antidroga (Swissmedic) nel novembre 2005...
47,76 USD
Hepa-s capsule 100 pz
Caratteristiche Hepa-S Cape 100 pzAnatomico Terapeutico Chimico (АТС): A05AX99Temperatura di stoccaggio min/max 15/25 gradi Celsius Quantità nella confezione: 100 pezziPeso: 92 g Lunghezza: 64 mm Larghezza: 84 mm Altezza: 82 mm Acquista Hepa-S Cape 100 pezzi online dalla Svizzera..
78,82 USD
Hepeel compresse can 250 pz
Caratteristiche Hepeel compresse Ds 250 pzAnatomico Terapeutico Chimico (АТС): A09AZPrincipio attivo: A09AZTemperatura di stoccaggio min/max 15/ 25 gradi CelsiusQuantità nella confezione: 250 pezziPeso: 103 g Lunghezza: 55 mm Larghezza: 54 mm Altezza: 91 mmAcquista compresse Hepeel Ds 250 pezzi online dalla Svizzera..
99,45 USD
Isosource energy fiber neutro smartfl 500 ml
Isosource Energy Fiber neutral SmartFl 500 ml Isosource Energy Fiber neutral SmartFl 500 ml is a high-calorie, nutritionally complete enteral tube feeding formula designed for people with malnutrition, or those who require additional support for their daily dietary needs. This product is formulated to provide the body with balanced nutrition, consisting of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, as well as essential vitamins and minerals. Isosource Energy Fiber neutral SmartFl 500 ml is ideal for individuals who have difficulty consuming solid foods, digesting and absorbing nutrients, or have a loss of appetite. It is also perfect for individuals who need additional support in wound healing, recovery from surgery, or other medical conditions requiring additional nutritional support. Key Benefits: High-calorie formula - 1.5 kcal/ml Contains 15 g of fiber per liter, promoting digestive health Contains prebiotics and probiotics, supporting gut health and the immune system Easy to digest and absorb, helping the body to maximize nutritional intake Neutral taste, allowing for versatility in preparation Isosource Energy Fiber neutral SmartFl 500 ml comes in a convenient and easy-to-use 500 ml bottle, making it easy to store and transport, especially for individuals who require tube feeding. Its neutral taste allows for versatility in preparation, making it easy to mix with other foods or beverages to provide variety to the daily diet. This product is also gluten-free, lactose-free, and suitable for individuals who are on a kosher diet. Overall, Isosource Energy Fiber neutral SmartFl 500 ml is a reliable and convenient nutritional supplement that provides individuals with balanced nutrition to support their daily dietary needs. With essential vitamins, minerals, prebiotics, probiotics, and fiber, this product promotes digestive and immune system health while supporting the body's healing and recovery processes. ..
25,58 USD
Lactibiane difesa 10m cape 30 pz
LACTIBIANE defense 10M Cape 30 pcs Looking for a natural and effective way to boost your immune system and enhance your digestive health? The LACTIBIANE defense 10M Cape 30 pcs is a high-quality probiotic supplement that contains 10 billion live and active bacteria, designed to support your body's natural defenses and promote optimal well-being. Each capsule contains a unique blend of probiotic strains, including Lactobacillus acidophilus LA201, Lactobacillus plantarum LA301, Bifidobacterium lactis BL804, and Streptococcus thermophilus STYThese bacteria work synergistically to help balance your gut microbiome, improve nutrient absorption, and strengthen your immune system. The LACTIBIANE defense 10M Cape is easy to take and can be incorporated into your daily routine for optimal convenience. Simply take one capsule per day with a glass of water, preferably on an empty stomach or during meals. The capsules are also convenient to take on-the-go, making them perfect for busy individuals and frequent travelers. In addition to boosting your immune system and enhancing your digestive health, the LACTIBIANE defense 10M Cape 30 pcs also offers a range of additional benefits. These include reducing inflammation, relieving allergy symptoms, improving skin health, and promoting mental clarity and focus. So why wait? Enhance your overall health and well-being with the LACTIBIANE defense 10M Cape 30 pcs today! ..
47,85 USD
Luvos terra ultra interiormente plv 380 g
Luvos® Healing Earth Ultra is loess and was processed without any admixture. Luvos® Healing Earth Ultra is used for acidification of the stomach, heartburn and diarrhea. Luvos® Healing Earth Ultra binds pollutants that are in the intestines and stomach. The fineness of the Luvos® Healing Earth Ultra gives it a large overall surface. This surface guarantees its absorption capacity for pollutants. Swissmedic-approved patient information Luvos® Healing Earth Ultra for oral use, powder Dr. Dünner AGWhat is Luvos Heilerde Ultra for oral use and when is it used? Luvos® Heilerde Ultra is loess and was processed without any admixture. Luvos® Healing Earth Ultra is used for acidification of the stomach, heartburn and diarrhea. Luvos® Healing Earth Ultra binds pollutants that are in the intestines and stomach. The fineness of the Luvos® Healing Earth Ultra gives it a large overall surface. This surface guarantees its absorption capacity for pollutants. When should Luvos Heilerde Ultra not be used? Luvos® Heilerde Ultra should not be taken if you have already reacted sensitively to loess preparations. Luvos® Healing Earth Ultra should not be used in the case of severe kidney disease. If you have impaired kidney function, you should ask your doctor for advice. Do not use in acute diarrhea with high fever or blood, or in children under 2 years of age. When should you be careful when taking Luvos Heilerde Ultra for oral use? Since the actual property of Luvos® Heilerde Ultra is the adsorption of harmful substances, Luvos® Medicinal products taken at the same time can also be absorbed. There should therefore be as much time as possible between taking Luvos® Heilerde Ultra and other medicines (about 2 hours). A doctor should be consulted if acute or long-lasting symptoms or unclear symptoms in the gastrointestinal area occur. In the treatment of diarrhea, particularly in adolescents and the elderly, fluid and electrolyte replacement must be considered the most important therapeutic measure. In general, you should see a doctor if you have diarrhea that lasts longer than two days, contains blood or is accompanied by fever and circulatory disorders. Tell your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you -suffer from other diseases, ? have allergies or -Take other medicines (including those you bought yourself!). Can Luvos Healing Earth Ultra be taken orally during pregnancy or breastfeeding? Based on previous experience, there is no known risk for the child if used as intended. However, systematic scientific investigations have never been carried out. As a precaution, you should avoid taking medicines during pregnancy and breastfeeding or ask your doctor, pharmacist or druggist for advice. How do you use Luvos Heilerde Ultra for oral use? Adults and young people over the age of 12 take 1-2 teaspoons of Luvos® Heilerde Ultra 1 to several times a day. Luvos® Healing Earth Ultra is suspended in ¼ to ½ glass of cold or warm water (also in mineral water or unsweetened herbal tea, but not in milk or hot drinks) and taken in sips. Luvos® Healing Earth Ultra is best taken before meals or in the evening before going to bed. Stick to the dosage given in the package leaflet or as prescribed by your doctor. If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What side effects can Luvos Heilerde Ultra for oral use have? Luvos Heilerde® Ultra can cause slight constipation. If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. This also applies in particular to side effects that are not listed in this leaflet. What else needs to be considered? Luvos® Healing Earth Ultra easily absorbs odours. The pack must therefore be kept dry and away from strong-smelling substances. Keep out of the reach of children. Store at room temperature (15-25°C). The medicinal product may only be used up to the date marked ?EXP? on the container. Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. What does Luvos Healing Earth Ultra for oral use contain? Active ingredients Loss. Excipients Luvos® Healing Earth Ultra contains no additives. Approval number 8909 (Swissmedic) Where can you get Luvos Heilerde Ultra for oral use? What packs are available? This is an over-the-counter medicine. Luvos® Healing Earth Ultra for oral use, powder, 380g. Authorization holder Dr. Thin AG CH-6403 Küssnacht am Rigi Address: Artherstrasse 60 CH-6405 Immensee Manufacturer Healing Earth SocietyLuvos Just GmbH & Co. KG This leaflet was last checked by the drug authority (Swissmedic) in February 2020. ..
34,11 USD
Omida argentum nitricum glob c 30 2 g
Omida Argentum Nitricum Glob C 30 2gL'Omida Argentum Nitricum Glob C 30 2g è un medicinale omeopatico usato per trattare vari disturbi come ansia, depressione e problemi digestivi. Il medicinale è preparato con ingredienti naturali ed è efficace nel promuovere il naturale processo di guarigione del corpo. Caratteristiche del prodotto Medicina omeopatica Preparato con ingredienti naturali Efficace nel promuovere il naturale processo di guarigione del corpo Tratta ansia, depressione e problemi digestivi In confezione da 2 grammi Come si usa L'Omida Argentum Nitricum Glob C 30 2g si presenta sotto forma di minuscoli globuli che devono essere sciolti sotto la lingua. Per gli adulti assumere 5 globuli tre volte al giorno. Per i bambini sotto i 12 anni, assumere 3 globuli tre volte al giorno.Benefici Aiuta nel trattamento dell'ansia e della depressione Efficace nel trattamento di problemi digestivi come gonfiore, costipazione e diarrea Promuove il naturale processo di guarigione del corpo Non ha effetti collaterali Facile da usare e comodo da trasportare Conclusione Nel complesso, l'Omida Argentum Nitricum Glob C 30 2g è un medicinale omeopatico efficace che può essere utile nel trattamento di vari disturbi. È preparato con ingredienti naturali ed è sicuro da usare in quanto non ha effetti collaterali. Con un uso regolare, puoi sperimentare un miglioramento della salute e del benessere, senza doversi preoccupare di sostanze chimiche nocive o tossiche. ..
18,33 USD
Omida schüssler nr9 sodio fosfato crema d 6 tube 75 ml
Caratteristiche di Omida Schüssler Nr9 Sodio fosfato crema D 6 Tb 75 mlTemperatura di conservazione min/max 15/25 gradi CelsiusConfezione in confezione: 1 ml Peso: 96 g Lunghezza: 40 mm Larghezza: 41 mm Altezza: 146 mm Acquista la crema al fosfato di sodio Omida Schüssler Nr9 D 6 Tb 75 ml online dalla Svizzera..
53,29 USD
Pastiglie uluxan 30 pz
Uluxan pastilles already contain the active ingredient in dissolved form. By sucking, the active ingredient in Uluxan is already finely distributed in the stomach and intestines, where it simply dissolves the air bubbles trapped in the foam.Flatulence and a feeling of fullness quickly disappear into thin air...
23,29 USD
Perenterol plv 250 mg bag 20 pz
Caratteristiche di Perenterol PLV 250 mg Btl 20 pzAnatomico Terapeutico Chimico (АТС): A07FA02Temperatura di stoccaggio min/max 15/30 gradi CelsiusQuantità nella confezione: 20 pezziPeso: 33 g Lunghezza: 32 mm Larghezza: 72 mm Altezza: 66 mm Acquista Perenterol PLV 250 mg Btl 20 pezzi online dalla Svizzera..
40,31 USD
Phytomed papaia frutto 160 compresse
Composition 0.75 g papaya fruit powder, lactose, cellulose, silicon dioxide, magnesium salt of vegetable fatty acids, 0.034 g protein, 0.64 g carbohydrates, per tablet. p> Use Take 1-2 tablets after a meal. Chew and salivate thoroughly. Composition 0.75 g Papaya fruit powder, lactose, cellulose, silicon dioxide, magnesium salt of vegetable fatty acids, 0.034 g protein, 0.64 g carbohydrates, per tablet. Application 1-2 tablets after eat meal. Chew and salivate thoroughly. ..
48,05 USD
Phytopharma zenzero 60 capsule
The Phytopharma ginger capsules belong to the dietary supplements and contribute to the normal functioning of the digestive system. The capsules contain ginger powder and can easily be taken with a little liquid. Food supplementsWith ginger powderSugar freeGluten freeVegan Use A maximum of 3-6 capsules Phytopharma Ginger can be taken daily with a little liquid. Ingredients Ginger powder 75.4% (365 mg), fillers: silicon dioxide and magnesium salts of fatty acids, capsule shell: hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose. ..
22,63 USD
Risorsa 2.0 fiber café 4 x 200 ml
The importance of disease-related malnutrition is often underestimated. It reduces the quality of life and the prognosis of those affected, causes complications and lengthens a stay in hospital. Resource 2.0 fiber contains a lot of energy, numerous proteins and prebiotic dietary fibers to effectively combat malnutrition.Prebiotics are special undigested dietary fibers that selectively promote the growth of our intestinal flora and thus achieve a positive health effect. These include: Preventing the proliferation of pathogenic intestinal bacteriaReducing the risk of infectionPromoting the regeneration of the intestinal floraSupporting mineral absorption (e.g. of calcium) Resource 2.0 fiber helps with protein-energy malnutrition, which is caused by loss of appetite, underweight, cachexia or chewing /swallowing problems. In addition, it also supports you if you have an increased protein and energy requirement, such as acute diseases (especially tumor diseases), cystic fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD and wound healing problems.This product has the aroma "coffee". Dosage 1 - 2 Resource 2.0 fiber per day for supplementary nutrition4 - 5 Resource 2.0 fiber per day for exclusive nutritionAm The drink also tastes best chilled...
41,01 USD
Semi di psillio solare germoglio biologico 220 g
Psyllium grows in the Mediterranean region, where it is also cultivated. The seed is mainly used to treat constipation and diarrhea.The mucilage and roughage are a valuable addition to today's civilization diet. 100g of psyllium contain: Ecalorific value 1139 kJCalories 272 kcalProteins 17 gCarbohydrates 1.7 gFat 8 gDietary fiber 62.5 gBread units 0.1 Application: In order to take an optimal amount, you should consume 10-15g of psyllium a day with plenty of liquid. Origin: From controlled organic cultivation in Austria and Italy...
19,24 USD
Vanadis haferflocken fein demetra
VANADIS oatmeal finely Demeter Battalion 500g Start your day with the nutritious and delicious VANADIS oatmeal finely Demeter Battalion 500g. Made from carefully selected organic Demeter quality oats, this oatmeal delivers not just a satisfying taste but also a range of health benefits. The oats used in VANADIS oatmeal are of the finest quality and grown using biodynamic methods. This means they are grown in harmony with nature, without the use of any synthetic fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides. As a result, you can be assured that every bowl of VANADIS oatmeal is free from harmful chemicals and toxins that can harm your health. VANADIS oatmeal finely Demeter Battalion 500g is rich in fibre, which makes it ideal for promoting healthy digestion and reducing the risk of various digestive problems. It is also a great source of complex carbohydrates, which provide sustained energy throughout the day without causing spikes in blood sugar. Additionally, VANADIS oatmeal is packed with essential vitamins and minerals like iron, magnesium, and zinc, which are important for maintaining good health and wellbeing. This makes it an ideal breakfast option for those looking to boost their nutrient intake and stay healthy. With its fine texture and delicious taste, VANADIS oatmeal is perfect for adding to hot or cold bowls of milk, yoghurt, or smoothies. You can top it off with your choice of fruits, nuts, or seeds to create a filling and nutritious breakfast that will keep you satisfied until lunchtime. Overall, VANADIS oatmeal finely Demeter Battalion 500g is a healthy, organic, and delicious breakfast option that is perfect for those looking to improve their wellbeing and start their day on the right foot...
6,40 USD