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A Beeovita egészségügyi és szépségápolási termékek széles gyűjteményét kínálja Svájcból, amelyek az egészség és a wellness számos aspektusát célozzák meg. Légtisztítóink hatékony megoldást jelentenek a légúti problémákkal, allergiával, asztmával vagy krónikus arcüreggyulladással küzdők számára. Nemcsak az Ön orrhigiénés rutinját javítják, hanem hozzájárulnak az egészségesebb otthoni környezet megteremtéséhez is azáltal, hogy friss és tiszta levegőt biztosítanak. Gyerekek és felnőttek számára egyaránt jelentősen javíthatják az életkörülményeket ezek az eszközök. Légtisztítóink mellett fedezze fel illóolajaink kínálatát. Használhatók tisztítószereinkkel vagy diffúzorainkkal a további aromaterápiás előnyök érdekében. A Beeovitánál elkötelezettek vagyunk életminőségének javítása iránt a tiszta levegő és a természetes aromák erejével. Varázsolja életterét terápiás menedékké a Beeovita egyedi kollekciójának segítségével, és érezze minden lélegzetvételben a különbséget.
Beurer maremed kombi-set mk 500

Beurer maremed kombi-set mk 500

Termékkód: 7785304

Beurer maremed Kombi-Set MK 500 The Beurer maremed Kombi-Set MK 500 is an all-in-one device for your home medication needs. This set includes a nebulizer, inhaler, nasal shower, and nasal aspirator - all designed to provide efficient and effective relief from respiratory issues. Whether you have a cold, allergies, asthma, or any other respiratory condition, this set is sure to provide you with the relief you need. Nebulizer The nebulizer is designed to provide quick and effective relief for respiratory conditions. It converts liquid medicine into a mist that can be easily inhaled. The nebulizer is perfect for treating conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, and allergies. The nebulizer is easy to use and is compact, making it perfect for home use. Inhaler The inhaler is designed to provide quick relief for respiratory conditions such as asthma or bronchitis. It is a pocket-sized device that is easy to use and can be used anywhere. The inhaler is perfect for on-the-go use and is great for those who suffer from mild to moderate asthma or other respiratory conditions. Nasal Shower The nasal shower is designed to clean and moisturize the nasal passages. It is perfect for those who suffer from allergies, colds, or sinus problems. The nasal shower is easy to use and provides quick relief. It is also great for use as part of your daily nasal hygiene routine. Nasal Aspirator The nasal aspirator is designed to provide relief for infants and children who have difficulty breathing due to congestion. It is also great for use in adults who suffer from chronic sinusitis. The nasal aspirator is easy to use and is gentle on delicate nasal passages. It provides quick relief and is perfect for use at home or on-the-go. The Beurer maremed Kombi-Set MK 500 is the perfect all-in-one device for your home medication needs. It provides quick and effective relief for respiratory conditions, and is easy to use and compact. Whether you have a cold, allergies, or asthma, this set is sure to provide you with the relief you need...

79.69 USD

Beurer maremed meeresklimagerät mk 500

Beurer maremed meeresklimagerät mk 500

Termékkód: 7785302

BEURER maremed Meeresklimagerät MK 500 The BEURER maremed Meeresklimagerät MK 500 is a high-quality device that mimics the beneficial climate of the ocean in your own home. This device is perfect for anyone who wants to enjoy the benefits of ocean air without having to live near the coast. Features Simulates the climate at the ocean Provides healthy and refreshing air in your home Includes a temperature and humidity display Has adjustable settings for personal comfort Easy to use and maintain The BEURER maremed Meeresklimagerät MK 500 works by utilizing a special evaporator system that releases microfine droplets of seawater into the air. This creates a refreshing and healthy atmosphere in your home that is similar to the climate found at the ocean. The device also includes a temperature and humidity display, so you can adjust it to your personal comfort level. The device is incredibly easy to use and maintain. It also includes a filter that removes impurities from the air, making it safe to breathe. You can use this device in any room of your home or office to enjoy the benefits of ocean air all year long. Benefits The BEURER maremed Meeresklimagerät MK 500 offers a host of benefits. Some of the most significant benefits include: Improved respiratory health Better sleeping habits Increased energy and productivity Reduced stress and anxiety Improved overall well-being If you want to enjoy the benefits of ocean air in your home, the BEURER maremed Meeresklimagerät MK 500 is the perfect device for you. It is easy to use, easy to maintain, and highly effective at creating a healthy and refreshing atmosphere in your home or office...

684.69 USD

Goodsphere essenz wasser fl 250 ml

Goodsphere essenz wasser fl 250 ml

Termékkód: 7809518

Goodsphere Essenz Wasser Fl 250 ml The Goodsphere Essenz Wasser Fl 250 ml is a revolutionary air purifier that uses natural fragrances to provide a fresh and clean air environment in your home or office. The product is manufactured by the renowned German company Goodsphere and is a perfect blend of science and nature. The Goodsphere Essenz Wasser Fl 250 ml comes with a high-quality fragrance essence that is water-based and free of artificial chemicals. The essence has been specially formulated to fight against unpleasant odors, pet dander, and allergens that may be found in the air. The fragrance is infused in a liquid, which is then added to the Goodsphere air purifier to create a fresh and clean atmosphere in your home or office. The lightweight and compact design of the Goodsphere Essenz Wasser Fl 250 ml make it easy to use and transport. The air purifier can be placed in any room of the house, including the bedroom, living room, or kitchen. The product can also be used in workspaces or commercial environments, such as classrooms or offices. The Goodsphere Essenz Wasser Fl 250 ml is easy to maintain and requires minimal upkeep. The product is equipped with a built-in ionizer that helps to remove particulate matter from the air. A replaceable filter can be used to ensure that the air being released is as fresh and clean as possible. The Essenz Wasser Fl 250 ml also comes with a refillable water tank, which can be used to add moisture to the air, making it easier to breathe. Overall, the Goodsphere Essenz Wasser Fl 250 ml is a well-designed and highly effective air purifier that is perfect for anyone who wants to enjoy a fresh and clean air environment. The product is available for purchase online and comes with a one-year warranty...

73.89 USD

Humi elk luftbefeuchter

Humi elk luftbefeuchter

Termékkód: 7847949

Humi ELK Luftbefeuchter The Humi ELK Luftbefeuchter is the perfect solution to combat dry air in your home or office. With its elegant and innovative design, it blends seamlessly into any environment. The air humidifier has a capacity of 4.5 liters which is enough to keep the air moist throughout the night. It uses an ultrasonic technology that allows it to produce a fine mist that can be easily adjusted to suit your preference. One of the standout features of the Humi ELK Luftbefeuchter is its intelligent control system. The device automatically turns off when the water level is low, ensuring safety and energy efficiency. This feature also allows you to leave it running throughout the night without worrying about it overheating or causing any damage. Another impressive feature is the whisper-quiet operation. You won't even realize it's there until you feel the refreshing mist on your skin. This makes it the perfect device to use when you're sleeping, studying, or working as it won't disturb your peace. The Humi ELK Luftbefeuchter is also easy to clean and maintain. It has a removable water tank that makes it easy to add water and keep the device clean. The air humidifier also has an antibacterial filter that helps to prevent the growth of bacteria, ensuring that you breathe in clean air. Overall, the Humi ELK Luftbefeuchter is a must-have device for anyone that wants to improve the air quality in their home or office. It's easy to use, safe, energy-efficient, and produces a refreshing mist that will keep you feeling hydrated and comfortable all day long. ..

155.95 USD

Maison berger parfum 500 ml semleges

Maison berger parfum 500 ml semleges

Termékkód: 1700403

Maison Berger Parfum 500 ml neutre The Maison Berger Parfum 500 ml neutre is a high-quality fragrance that will enhance the atmosphere of your home with a delicate scent. This product is a product of expert French craftsmanship that has been designed to purify the air and spread a lovely fragrance in every nook and corner of your house. This unique perfume has been created by expert perfumers using natural and synthetic ingredients of the best quality. The Maison Berger Parfum 500 ml neutre is made of isopropyl alcohol that is a stable liquid that produces a fine mist when sprayed. This mist evaporates quickly into the air without leaving behind any visible traces, ensuring a healthy and clean environment for you and your loved ones. The fragrance is made with top notes of Lemon, Heart notes of Lavender and a base note of Musk that gives it its unique character. The Maison Berger Parfum 500 ml neutre is a great product to eliminate unpleasant smells such as cooking odours, tobacco smoke or pet smells. It is perfect to use in your living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, or any other room where you want to create a warm, inviting and pleasant atmosphere. This product is safe for use with all the Maison Berger lamp models that use the catalytic process. These lamps have been designed to control the intensity of the perfume and ensure that it diffuses evenly throughout the room. This fantastic product comes in an elegant 500 ml glass bottle that is easy to use and looks great in your home. In conclusion, Maison Berger Parfum 500 ml neutre is an excellent product that will fill your home with a lovely scent while purifying the air. It is easy to use, safe and long-lasting, and will create a welcoming atmosphere in your home. So, buy this fantastic product today and experience a new level of freshness. ..

48.72 USD

Puressentiel diffúzor atmo disp 15stk + teszt frch

Puressentiel diffúzor atmo disp 15stk + teszt frch

Termékkód: 7846294

A PURESSENTIEL Diffusor ATMO Disp 15Stk + Test FRCH termékleírásaA PURESSENTIEL Diffusor ATMO Disp 15Stk + Test FRCH egy innovatív termék, amely lehetővé teszi, hogy kényelmesen élvezze az illóolajok terápiás előnyeit. saját otthon vagy iroda. Ez a diffúzor készlet 15 diffúzor kapszulát tartalmaz, amelyek mindegyike illóolajok egyedülálló keverékét tartalmazza, amelyek segíthetnek a levegő tisztításában, a hangulat javításában és az immunitás erősítésében.A PURESSENTIEL Diffusor ATMO Disp használatának előnyei 15StkA PURESSENTIEL Diffusor ATMO Disp 15Stk rendkívül hatékony módja annak, hogy élvezze az illóolajok terápiás előnyeit. A diffúzor használatakor az illóolajok a levegőbe kerülnek, ahol belélegezhetik és felszívhatják a szervezetet. Ez számos egészségügyi előnnyel járhat, többek között: Lazítás és stresszoldás Javított alvásminőség Jobb légúti egészség Megerősített immunitás Jobb hangulat és koncentráció A PURESSENTIEL ATMO Disp 15Stk diffúzor működéseA PURESSENTIEL ATMO Disp 15Stk diffúzor használata hihetetlenül egyszerű. Egyszerűen helyezze be az egyik diffúzor kapszulát a diffúzorba, dugja be, és kapcsolja be. A diffúzor finom illóolaj-ködöt bocsát ki a levegőbe, ahol az egész helyiségben kering. Különféle illóolajkeverékek közül választhat, amelyek mindegyike megfelel az Ön egyedi igényeinek.Mit tartalmaz a készletA PURESSENTIEL Diffusor ATMO Disp 15Stk + Test FRCH készlet tartalmazza mindent, amire szüksége van az induláshoz. A diffúzoron kívül a következőket kapja: 15 diffúzor kapszula Tesztcsík az optimális diffúzió biztosítására Ezzel a készlettel azonnal élvezheti az illóolajok terápiás előnyeit. Akár javítani szeretné alvásminőségét, csökkenteni szeretné a stresszt és a szorongást, akár egyszerűen csak pihentető és fiatalító légkört szeretne teremteni otthonában vagy irodájában, a PURESSENTIEL Diffusor ATMO Disp 15Stk + Test FRCH a tökéletes választás...

731.22 USD

Vick édes álmai vul575e4

Vick édes álmai vul575e4

Termékkód: 6361822

A Vick's Sweet Dreams VUL575E4 jellemzőiEurópa CE tanúsítvánnyal rendelkezikTárolási hőmérséklet min/max 15/30 Celsius fokCsomagolás mennyisége: 1 db Súly: 0,00000000 g Hossz: 0 mm Szélesség: 0 mm Magasság: 0 mm Vick's vásárlás Sweet Dreams VUL575E4 online Svájcból..

132.03 USD

Vicks kaltluft ultraschall-luftbef vul585e

Vicks kaltluft ultraschall-luftbef vul585e

Termékkód: 7848576

VICKS Kaltluft Ultraschall-Luftbef VUL585E The VICKS Kaltluft Ultraschall-Luftbef VUL585E is a high-performance humidifier that is designed to provide you with clean and fresh air in your living space. The humidifier is equipped with an advanced ultrasonic technology that produces a fine mist of cool air that helps to soothe dry and irritated nasal passages, sore throats, and chapped lips. The VICKS Kaltluft Ultraschall-Luftbef VUL585E is ideal for use in rooms up to 40 square meters and has a water tank capacity of 3.8 liters, which allows it to run for up to 12 hours continuously. The humidifier also features adjustable mist control, allowing you to customize the level of moisture in your environment according to your preference. One of the standout features of the VICKS Kaltluft Ultraschall-Luftbef VUL585E is its air filtration system that helps to remove impurities such as dust, pollen, pet dander, and odors from your air. This makes it a great choice for people with allergies and respiratory issues. The humidifier also has a built-in night light with adjustable brightness, helping to create a calming environment for peaceful sleep. The VICKS Kaltluft Ultraschall-Luftbef VUL585E is easy to use, and its compact design means that it can fit into any space easily. The humidifier also comes with a detachable water tank for easy filling and cleaning, and an automatic shut-off function when the water level is low. If you are looking for a high-quality humidifier that can help to improve the air quality in your home, then the VICKS Kaltluft Ultraschall-Luftbef VUL585E is an excellent choice. It is easy to use, effective, and affordable, making it an excellent investment for your home. ..

148.28 USD

Vicks párásító ultrahangos cool mist vul505e4

Vicks párásító ultrahangos cool mist vul505e4

Termékkód: 7556491

A Vicks párásító ultrahangos Cool Mist VUL505E4 jellemzőiEurópa CE tanúsítvánnyal rendelkezikTárolási hőmérséklet min/max 15/30 Celsius fokCsomagban lévő mennyiség: 1 darabSúly: 540 g Hossz: 150 mm Szélesség: 173 mm Magasság: 150 mm Vásárlás Vicks Humidifier Ultrasonic Cool Mist VUL505E4 online Svájcból..

108.30 USD

Vicks vapopads vh 7 utántöltő 7 db

Vicks vapopads vh 7 utántöltő 7 db

Termékkód: 5396592

A Vicks VapoPads VH 7 utántöltő jellemzői 7 dbEurópa CE tanúsítvánnyal rendelkezikTárolási hőmérséklet min/max 15/30 Celsius fokCsomagban lévő mennyiség : 7 darabSúly: 0,00000000 g Hossz: 0 mm Szélesség: 0 mm Magasság: 0 mm >Vegyél Vicks VapoPads VH 7 utántöltő 7 db-ot online Svájcból..

22.32 USD

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