egészség és jólét
(2 oldal)
Alpinamed chlorella tabl 250 mg
Az Alpinamed Chlorella tabletta étrend-kiegészítő, és a chlorella mikroalgából készült. Klorellával Tartósítószerek nélkül Színezék és ízesítők nélkül Alkalmazás 3-5 Alpinamed Chlorella tabletta napi 3 alkalommal étkezés előtt vagy között ajánlott bevenni, kevés folyadékkal. ..
75.30 USD
Aptamil as syneo plv
Inhaltsverzeichnis Jelzés Aptamil AS Syneo Jelzés Zum Diätmanagement bei schwerer Kuhmilchproteinallergie. 768031 / 2020.12.15 ..
88.22 USD
Arkocaps bierhefe kaps pflanzlich 45 stk
Cselekedjen az ARKOCAPS Kaps VG sörélesztő holisztikus jóságában, amely egy prémium étrend-kiegészítő, amelyet az általános egészség és jólét támogatására terveztek. Az esszenciális vitaminokkal, ásványi anyagokkal és aminosavakkal teli sörélesztőt tisztelik tápláló tulajdonságai miatt, amelyek elősegítik az erős immunitást, a ragyogó bőrt és a fokozott energiaszintet. Ez a természetes étrend-kiegészítő kúra tökéletes kiegészítője a napi rutinnak, különösen azok számára, akik kiegyensúlyozott étrendre törekszenek testsúlykontroll vagy fogyókúra során. Emelje fel közérzetét az ARKOCAPS sörélesztővel, a Kaps VG-vel, és öleljen fel egy egészségesebb, élénkebb önmagunkra...
34.16 USD
Biosana msm tabl
Fedezze fel a BIOSANA MSM táblagépek átalakító erejét. Ezek a tabletták kifejezetten az Ön egészségének és jó közérzetének támogatására készültek, és koncentrált adag MSM-et biztosítanak, amely egy természetesen előforduló szerves kénvegyület, amely számos jótékony hatásáról ismert. A BIOSANA MSM tabletták az ízületek egészségének javításában, a gyulladás csökkentésében és a méregtelenítési folyamatok támogatásában rejlő lehetőségek révén a mindennapi rutin sokoldalú kiegészítői. Mindegy, hogy javítani szeretné általános egészségi állapotát, támogatni kívánja súlykezelési céljait, vagy növelni kívánja a táplálékbevitelt, ezek a tabletták kiváló választást jelentenek. Illessze be a BIOSANA MSM tablettákat wellness-kúrájába, és tapasztalja meg a különbséget saját maga...
33.90 USD
Biotta wellness woche bio
Product Description: BIOTTA Wellness Woche Bio Experience the ultimate wellness journey with the BIOTTA Wellness Woche Bio! This carefully curated bundle of organic juices is perfect for anyone looking to rejuvenate their body and mind. Each bottle is packed with essential vitamins and nutrients to help you feel refreshed and energized. What's Included in the BIOTTA Wellness Woche Bio? The BIOTTA Wellness Woche Bio includes 7 different juices that are designed to help you achieve your health goals. Here's what you'll find in the package: 1 bottle of BIOTTA Breuss Vegetable Juice 1 bottle of BIOTTA Wellness Week Juice 1 bottle of BIOTTA Digest Juice 1 bottle of BIOTTA Turbo Juice 1 bottle of BIOTTA Elderberry Juice 1 bottle of BIOTTA Beet Juice 1 bottle of BIOTTA Carrot Juice Each bottle contains 100% organic ingredients that are grown without the use of harmful pesticides or chemicals. Plus, the juices are never heated, which means you get all of the raw nutrition your body needs. Benefits of the BIOTTA Wellness Woche Bio The BIOTTA Wellness Woche Bio is designed to help you achieve a variety of health benefits. Here are just a few of the benefits you can expect to experience: Increased energy Better digestion Improved immune system function Reduced inflammation Reduced risk of chronic diseases Improved mood and mental clarity With the BIOTTA Wellness Woche Bio, you can feel confident that you are giving your body the nourishment it needs to thrive. These juices are perfect for anyone looking to enhance their overall health and wellness...
102.12 USD
Chrisana hpu regulans kaps ds 120 stk
Chrisana HPU Regulans Kaps Ds 120 Stk The Chrisana HPU Regulans Kaps Ds 120 Stk is a dietary supplement that is designed to regulate the body?s HPU (Hemopyrrollactamuria) levels. It is a powerful blend of natural ingredients that work together to help the body maintain normal HPU levels, which is crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being. With 120 capsules included in each bottle, this supplement provides a consistent supply of the essential nutrients needed to address HPU imbalances. The capsules are easy to swallow, and the supplement is suitable for use by adults of all ages. Benefits Helps regulate HPU levels Maintains overall health and well-being Provides essential nutrients Easy to swallow capsules Ingredients The Chrisana HPU Regulans Kaps Ds 120 Stk contains a blend of natural ingredients that work together to help maintain normal HPU levels. The primary ingredients include: Zinc Vitamin B6 Magnesium Vitamin C Vitamin E The ingredients are carefully selected for their effectiveness and safety. Each ingredient is sourced from high-quality, non-GMO sources to ensure purity and potency. Instructions for Use To use the Chrisana HPU Regulans Kaps Ds 120 Stk, take two capsules daily, preferably with a meal. The supplement can be taken with or without food. The recommended dosage should not be exceeded without consulting a healthcare professional. Conclusion The Chrisana HPU Regulans Kaps Ds 120 Stk is an essential dietary supplement for individuals who are concerned about HPU imbalances. It provides a powerful blend of natural ingredients that work together to help regulate HPU levels, maintain overall health, and promote well-being. With regular use, this supplement can help to support optimal health and vitality. ..
70.20 USD
Dünner eisen-plus kaps
Növelje energiaszintjét és támogassa az egészséges vasszintet a DÜNNER Iron Plus sapkákkal. Ezeket az étrend-kiegészítőket kifejezetten úgy alakították ki, hogy a vas, a vitaminok és az ásványi anyagok hatékony kombinációját biztosítsák az általános jóléthez. Tökéletes a csúcsteljesítmény megőrzésére, a fáradtság leküzdésére és a vitalitás fokozására. Mindegy, hogy javítani kívánja diétáját, támogatni kívánja fitneszcéljait, vagy konkrét táplálkozási igényeket kíván kielégíteni, a DÜNNER Iron Plus sapkák kényelmes megoldást jelentenek. Növelje egészségét és közérzetét ezzel a kiváló minőségű kiegészítővel, amelyet úgy terveztek, hogy minden nap a legjobban érezze magát...
25.08 USD
Dr. jacob's reichi plv ds 300 g
Product Description Boost your immunity, improve your energy levels, and maintain a healthy balance with Dr. Jacob's ReiChi Plv Ds 300 g. This unique blend of natural herbs is designed to help you live a healthier, happier life. ReiChi Blend The key ingredient in Dr. Jacob's ReiChi Plv Ds 300 g is the ReiChi blend, which is made up of Reishi mushrooms and Chi herbs. Reishi mushrooms are known for their immune-boosting properties, while Chi herbs are often used in traditional Chinese medicine to increase energy levels and promote overall wellness. Together, these ingredients create a powerful blend that supports your body's natural defenses and helps you feel your best. High Quality Ingredients Dr. Jacob's ReiChi Plv Ds 300 g is made with only the highest quality ingredients. All of the herbs used in this blend are carefully selected and sourced from trusted suppliers. The product is also free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. Easy to Use This product is easy to use and can be added to your favorite beverage or food. Simply mix one teaspoon of Dr. Jacob's ReiChi Plv Ds 300 g into water, tea, or smoothie. You can also sprinkle it over your cereal or yogurt for an extra boost of nutrients. Benefits The benefits of using Dr. Jacob's ReiChi Plv Ds 300 g are numerous. Here are just a few: Boosts immunity Increases energy levels Promotes overall wellness Supports cardiovascular health May help fight stress and anxiety Conclusion If you're looking for a natural way to boost your immunity, increase your energy levels, and maintain a healthy balance, Dr. Jacob's ReiChi Plv Ds 300 g is the perfect choice. With high-quality ingredients and numerous health benefits, this product is a must-have for anyone interested in living a healthier, happier life...
71.30 USD
Immun biomed gran
Mi az IMMUN Biomed, és mikor használják? Az IMMUN Biomed D3+C vitamint és nyomelemeket, cinket+szelént tartalmaz. Mindezek a mikrotápanyagok hozzájárulnak az immunrendszer normál működéséhez. A C-vitamin, a cink és a szelén segít megvédeni a sejteket az oxidatív stressztől, a C-vitamin pedig hozzájárul a fáradtság és kifáradás csökkentéséhez, valamint a normál energia-anyagcseréhez. Mit kell figyelembe venni? Az étrend-kiegészítők nem helyettesítik a változatos és kiegyensúlyozott étrendet és az egészséges életmódot. Hogyan használja az IMMUN Biomedet? Felnőttek és 11 éves és idősebb serdülők: Öntsön egy tasak tartalmát egy pohárba naponta egyszer, töltse fel vízzel (kb. 150-200 ml), keverje jól meg és igya meg. Az elkészített ital gyümölcsös és friss ízű, mint a vérnarancs, a narancs és a mandarin. Az ajánlott napi adagot nem szabad túllépni. Mire kell még figyelni? Szobahőmérsékleten, száraz helyen, kisgyermekek elől elzárva tárolandó. Mit tartalmaz az IMMUN Biomed? Összetétel: Cukor, L-aszkorbinsav (C-vitamin), savanyító (citromsav), céklalépor, cink-glükonát, nátrium-szelenát, kolekalciferol (D3-vitamin), édesítőszerek (ciklamát, szacharin), természetes vérnarancs aroma, aroma ( narancs), aroma (mandarin, laktózt tartalmaz*), színezék (karotin). Táplálkozási információkNapi adagonként (1 tasak)% NRV* 1 tasakonként D320 µg (= 800 I.E.) 400 % C500 vitamin 625 % Cink 5,0 mg50 % Szelén 70 µg 127 % * napi referenciamennyiség felnőtteknek. Az IMMUN Biomed gluténmentes és vegán. ** 1 tasak IMMUN Biomed kevesebb mint 0,1 g/100 g laktózt tartalmaz. A terméket a törvény laktózmentesnek tekinti. Hol szerezhető be az IMMUN Biomed? Milyen csomagok érhetők el? Gyógyszertárakban és drogériákban kapható, orvosi rendelvény nélkül. Az IMMUN Biomed 20 és 40 tasakos kiszerelésben kapható. Forgalmazó cég Biomed AG, Überlandstrasse 199, CH-8600 Dübendorf. Gyártó Verla-Pharm Arzneimittel, D-82324 Tutzing. ..
30.63 USD
Livsane magnézium + b6-vitamin tabl ds 60 stk
Livsane Magnesium + Vitamin B6 Tablets DS 60 Stk Looking for a dietary supplement that can give you an extra boost to your body's magnesium and Vitamin B6 levels? The Livsane Magnesium + Vitamin B6 Tablets DS is a great option. What is Magnesium? Magnesium is an essential mineral that helps your body maintain healthy muscles, nerves, and bones. It also helps regulate your heartbeat and blood sugar levels. Magnesium can be found in many different foods, such as nuts, seeds, and green leafy vegetables. However, many people do not consume enough magnesium in their diets. What is Vitamin B6? Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin that helps your body produce red blood cells and neurotransmitters that affect your mood and brain function. It also helps your body break down proteins and carbohydrates. Vitamin B6 can be found in many different foods, such as fish, poultry, and bananas. Why Livsane Magnesium + Vitamin B6 Tablets DS? The Livsane Magnesium + Vitamin B6 Tablets DS is an easy and convenient way to supplement your body with these essential minerals. It contains 375 mg of magnesium and 10 mg of Vitamin B6 per tablet, which is more than the daily recommended intake. It is suitable for vegetarians and comes in a pack of 60 tablets. How to Use Take two tablets per day with water, preferably during or after a meal. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Warnings Not suitable for children under If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult a healthcare professional before using this product. Keep out of reach of children. With Livsane Magnesium + Vitamin B6 Tablets DS, you can ensure that your body gets the essential minerals it needs to stay healthy and strong. Shop now and give your body the boost it deserves...
16.69 USD
Naturstein vitamin b-komplex spray
NATURSTEIN Vitamin B-Komplex Spray The NATURSTEIN Vitamin B-Komplex Spray is a dietary supplement designed to support overall health and well-being. It is formulated with a combination of B vitamins that play a crucial role in several bodily processes. Benefits Supports a healthy nervous system Aids in the production of red blood cells Helps convert food into energy Promotes healthy skin, hair, and nails Supports a healthy immune system Ingredients The NATURSTEIN Vitamin B-Komplex Spray contains the following B vitamins: Thiamin (B1) Riboflavin (B2) Niacin (B3) Pantothenic Acid (B5) Pyridoxine (B6) Biotin (B7) Folate (B9) Cyanocobalamin (B12) The spray also contains purified water, glycerin, and natural flavors for taste. Directions for Use Shake well before use. Spray 3 times into the mouth, hold for 10 seconds, and then swallow. Use once daily or as directed by a healthcare professional. Warnings Keep out of reach of children Consult with a healthcare professional before use if pregnant, nursing, or taking medication Do not exceed recommended dose Store in a cool, dry place With regular use, the NATURSTEIN Vitamin B-Komplex Spray can help support overall health and well-being. Order yours today and experience the benefits of B vitamins!..
33.34 USD
Omni-biotic pro-vi 5 plv 30 btl 2 g
OMNi-BiOTiC® Pro-Vi 5 ? your partner for the immune system Composition Live lactic acid bacteria, corresp.: Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus LB2 (LMG P-21905), corresp.: Lactobacillus rhamnosus SP1 (DSM 21690), corresp.: Lactobacillus reuteri (DSM 12246), corresp.: Lactobacillus rhamnosus CRL1505 (DSM 29673), corresp.: Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis (DSM 15954), per bag (2g). Properties Contains 5 specially selected lactic acid bacterial strains in combination with vitamin D. Application Children from 3 years and adults: 1 - 2 x daily stir 1 sachet (= 2 g) into a glass of water (approx. 125 ml). , wait 1 minute for activation, stir and drink. It is recommended to take it on an empty stomach. If you take OMNi-BiOTiC® Pro-Vi 5 twice a day, we recommend using it before breakfast and before dinner. Notes Pregnant and breastfeeding women may take OMNi-BiOTiC® Pro-Vi 5. The five lactic acid bacterial strains occur naturally in the human intestine. Additional info Lactose-free, gluten-free, yeast-free, suitable for vegetarians. ..
77.85 USD
Pharmalp pastilles des alpes nachfüllbeutel
PHARMALP Pastilles des Alpes Nachfüllbeutel The PHARMALP Pastilles des Alpes Nachfüllbeutel is a unique product that combines the natural medicinal properties of Swiss mountain herbs with the convenience of a refillable bag. These pastilles are made from a proprietary blend of 13 Swiss mountain herbs that have been carefully selected for their health and wellness benefits. The herbs used in these pastilles are all organically grown and hand-picked from the Swiss Alps, ensuring their purity and potency. They are then combined with natural sugars and organic honey to create a delicious and effective way to support your immune system and promote overall well-being. Each pastille is packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and other beneficial compounds that help to boost your body's natural defenses, soothe sore throats and coughs, and promote relaxation and stress relief. Whether you're looking for a natural way to fight off colds and flu or simply want a delicious way to support your health and wellness, PHARMALP Pastilles des Alpes Nachfüllbeutel are the perfect choice. In addition to their health benefits, these pastilles are also convenient and easy to use. The Nachfüllbeutel bag can be refilled with pastilles as needed, so you never have to go without your favorite natural remedy. They are also portable and perfect for on-the-go use, whether you're traveling, at work, or simply out and about. If you want to experience the natural healing power of Swiss mountain herbs, try PHARMALP Pastilles des Alpes Nachfüllbeutel today and start feeling the difference! ..
18.13 USD
Pure d3 vitamin folyékony ch
PURE Vitamin D3 Liquid CH Do you struggle with vitamin D deficiency? If yes, then the PURE Vitamin D3 Liquid CH is the product you've been looking for. This liquid supplement is made from high-quality vitamin D3 and is specially formulated to help you maintain optimal levels of vitamin D in your body all year round. Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that our body needs in order to maintain strong bones and teeth, as well as support healthy immune system function. Unfortunately, many people are deficient in this crucial vitamin, especially those who live in colder climates, where sunlight exposure is limited. The PURE Vitamin D3 Liquid CH is made from cholecalciferol, a form of vitamin D that is derived from lanolin. It is free from any added preservatives, fillers, or artificial colors, making it a safe and natural way to supplement your daily vitamin D intake. The liquid form of this supplement allows for easy absorption by the body, making it an ideal choice for those who may have difficulty swallowing pills or capsules. The bottle comes with a convenient dropper, allowing you to easily measure the correct dosage for your needs. To use this supplement, simply shake the bottle and place a couple of drops under your tongue or mix it into your favorite juice or smoothie. The recommended dosage is 1-2 drops per day, but your healthcare practitioner may recommend a different dosage based on your individual needs. With regular use of the PURE Vitamin D3 Liquid CH, you can expect to maintain healthy levels of vitamin D and enjoy better overall health and wellness...
29.17 USD
Resource ultra high protein xs caramel 4 fl 125 ml
Inhaltsverzeichnis Jelzés Erőforrás Ultra High Protein Jelzés Zum Diätmanagement erwachsener Patienten bei Mangelernährung oder bestehndem Risiko einer Mangelernährung. 765042 / 2020.08.25 ..
48.00 USD
(2 oldal)