
מלח ים

מציג 1 עד 2 מתוך 2 (1 עמודים)
ב, אנו מציעים מבחר רחב של מוצרי מלח ים המובאים אליכם כל הדרך משוויץ. מלח ים, הידוע בעושרו במינרלים, מהווה תוספת מצוינת למשטר הבריאות והיופי שלך. זה גם עובד נפלא כתוסף מזון או מרכיב כדי להוסיף את הטעם המושלם שהמנות שלך זקוקות לו. גלה את מוצרי מלח הים האיכותיים ביותר בקטגוריות הבריאות והתזונה שלנו, מצרכים, תוספי מזון ומרכיבים, תבלינים, מוצרי רפורמה, תולע מזון/שמן/חומץ ומוצרי בריאות. בנוסף, מבחר 'איברי חושים' ו'אוטולוגיים' שלנו מתהדר באטמי אוזניים ותרסיסי אוזניים איכותיים כדי לעזור לשמור על שמיעתך צלולה ונטולת חיידקים. קנו איתנו מלח ים איכותי שוויצרי אותנטי ומוצרי בריאות ויופי נלווים.
A.vogel herbamare bouillon organic ds 250 גרם

A.vogel herbamare bouillon organic ds 250 גרם

קוד מוצר: 5978816

A.Vogel Herbamare Bouillon Organic Ds 250 g Introducing the A.Vogel Herbamare Bouillon Organic Ds 250 g, a premium quality organic bouillon made from wholesome ingredients that are carefully selected and blended with 100% pure sea salt. Herbamare is a rich source of nutrients and flavor that elevates the taste of your soups, stews, gravies, and sauces to new heights. Why Choose A.Vogel Herbamare Bouillon Organic Ds 250 g 100% organic, non-GMO, and gluten-free Contains only wholesome ingredients Made with 100% pure sea salt from the French Atlantic coast Infused with aromatic herbs and vegetables for a rich and savory flavor Low in fat and calories, making it suitable for a healthy lifestyle Easy to use and prepare, just add to boiling water and stir Ingredients A.Vogel Herbamare Bouillon Organic Ds 250 g is made from the following ingredients: sea salt, palm oil*, maltodextrin*, rice flour*, vegetables* (onion*, carrots*, parsnip*), yeast extract, chicory extract*, sunflower oil*, parsley*, turmeric*, lovage*, garlic*, and rosemary*. *Organically grown. How to Use A.Vogel Herbamare Bouillon Organic Ds 250 g is incredibly easy to use. Simply mix one teaspoon of bouillon into one cup of boiling water, stir and enjoy! It's perfect for making soups, stews, gravies, sauces, and even for seasoning meats and vegetables. Why Buy A.Vogel Herbamare Bouillon Organic Ds 250 g from Us Our A.Vogel Herbamare Bouillon Organic Ds 250 g is sourced directly from A.Vogel, a renowned health brand that has been producing premium quality natural health products for over 90 years. We pride ourselves on providing our customers with only the best products that are 100% authentic, fresh, and guaranteed to deliver great results. ..

17.51 USD

A.vogel herbamare kräutersalz ds 1000 גרם

A.vogel herbamare kräutersalz ds 1000 גרם

קוד מוצר: 742322

A.Vogel Herbamare Kräutersalz Ds 1000 g The A.Vogel Herbamare Kräutersalz Ds 1000 g is a high-quality seasoning salt that is made from a mixture of carefully selected organic herbs and sea salt. It is a healthy and tasty addition to your meals and is perfect for anyone who wants to add an extra zing to their dishes. What makes the A.Vogel Herbamare Kräutersalz Ds 1000 g special? One of the unique features of the A.Vogel Herbamare Kräutersalz Ds 1000 g is that it is made from genuine sea salt, which is rich in minerals and trace elements. The salt is harvested from the sea using traditional methods, and is then mixed with a blend of select organic herbs, including celery, leek, cress, onions, chives and parsley. These herbs work in harmony with the sea salt to produce a delicious seasoning that is full of flavour. How to use the A.Vogel Herbamare Kräutersalz Ds 1000 g There are countless ways to use the A.Vogel Herbamare Kräutersalz Ds 1000 g in your everyday cooking. Use it to season soups, stews, sauces, vegetables, meats or fish. It can be added to marinades as well as to dressings and dips. Use it during cooking or sprinkle it over the finished dish for a final flavour burst. Regardless of how you use it, the A.Vogel Herbamare Kräutersalz Ds 1000 g is sure to enhance the flavour of your meals and delight your taste buds! The benefits of using the A.Vogel Herbamare Kräutersalz Ds 1000 g The A.Vogel Herbamare Kräutersalz Ds 1000 g is a natural and organic seasoning that is free from artificial flavourings, preservatives, and additives. It is also vegan-friendly and gluten-free, making it suitable for a wide range of dietary requirements. The use of genuine sea salt and organic herbs means that the seasoning is high in minerals and trace elements, which can provide health benefits such as improving digestion and strengthening the immune system. Order your A.Vogel Herbamare Kräutersalz Ds 1000 g today! If you want to enjoy the full flavour and health benefits of the A.Vogel Herbamare Kräutersalz Ds 1000 g, then order yours today! This 1000 g pack is the perfect size for those who want to keep their spice racks well-stocked, and it will provide you with countless delicious meals. With its outstanding quality and flavour, the A.Vogel Herbamare Kräutersalz Ds 1000 g is the perfect seasoning for anyone who loves to cook and wants to add that little bit extra to their dishes. ..

28.04 USD

מציג 1 עד 2 מתוך 2 (1 עמודים)
Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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