

מציג 1 עד 2 מתוך 2 (1 עמודים)
שלפוחיות יכולות להיות מאוד לא נעימות ולהוות מכשול משמעותי בשגרת היומיום שלך. אל תדאג, Beeovita מביאה לך מגוון שלם של מוצרי בריאות ויופי Swiss המיועדים לטיפול יעיל בשלפוחיות והקלה על כאבי כף הרגל. הפורטפוליו שלנו מכסה קטגוריות מרובות כולל מכשור רפואי, טיפול בפצעים, הנקה, חבישות, תחבושות שלפוחיות, פלסטרים, רפידות בוהן ואסוציאציות מהירות שקופים שמגנים על הפצע ומספקים תנאים אופטימליים לריפוי. התחבושות והפלסטרים שלנו נועדו להיות נוחים, בטוחים וקלים ליישום. יש לציין כי אנו מציעים גם מוצרים להגנת לחץ, המבטיחים משטר טיפוח כולל של כף הרגל. קנו מהמבחר הרחב שלנו והעניקו לכפות הרגליים שלכם את הטיפול והנוחות המגיעים להם.
Bort pedisoft zehenpolster rechts

Bort pedisoft zehenpolster rechts

קוד מוצר: 2317770

The BORT PEDISOFT Zehenpolster rechts is a remarkable product that has been designed to provide effective relief to your foot. The product is designed specifically to address issues related to the big toe on your right foot. The design of the product ensures that it fits perfectly, is comfortable and does not slide off. If you are suffering from issues like a bunion or blisters, then this product is perfect for you. It is made from high-quality materials, ensuring that it lasts a long time and does not adversely affect your skin. Features Relieves foot pain related to the big toe Perfect fit for the right foot Comfortable to wear all day High-quality materials for durability and skin-friendly Effectively manages blisters and bunions How it works The BORT PEDISOFT Zehenpolster rechts works by providing padding and support to your big toe, which helps relieve pressure and pain. This reduces the stress on your toe, allowing for quicker recovery and a more comfortable day-to-day experience. The materials used in the product ensure that it is not only durable but also completely safe for your skin. When to use it If you are experiencing foot pain related to your big toe, then the BORT PEDISOFT Zehenpolster rechts is perfect for you. It is particularly useful for managing bunions and blisters that may have formed on your skin. Whether you are an athlete, someone who spends a lot of time on their feet, or suffering from an injury, this product is ideal for providing that extra support and relief you need. Conclusion If you want a product that can provide relief for foot pain related to your big toe, then the BORT PEDISOFT Zehenpolster rechts is the product you need. It is made from high-quality materials that are both durable and safe for your skin. The product is also comfortable to wear, allowing you to go about your day-to-day activities without any discomfort. So why wait? Order your BORT PEDISOFT Zehenpolster rechts today and experience the difference yourself. ..

29.11 USD

Flawa aquaplast pflasterstrips 10x15cm עמיד למים 6 יחידות

Flawa aquaplast pflasterstrips 10x15cm עמיד למים 6 יחידות

קוד מוצר: 7679087

Flawa Aquaplast Pflasterstrips 10x15cm Waterproof 6 pcs Looking for an all-purpose waterproof plaster strip that stays in place even when wet? Look no further than Flawa Aquaplast Pflasterstrips. These versatile strips are perfect for use on minor cuts, scrapes, and blisters, providing effective protection and promoting healing. Each pack contains six individually wrapped strips, each measuring 10 x 15cm. The strips are made from a soft, flexible material that conforms to the contours of your skin, providing maximum comfort and support. They are also waterproof, meaning you can wear them while showering or swimming without worrying about them falling off or losing their effectiveness. Flawa Aquaplast Pflasterstrips are easy to apply and remove, making them ideal for use at home, in the office, or on the go. They feature a non-stick pad that won't stick to the wound, helping to prevent further discomfort or irritation. They also have a strong adhesive that holds the strip securely in place, ensuring that the wound stays covered and protected throughout the healing process. Whether you're an athlete, a busy parent, or simply someone who wants to be prepared for any cuts or scrapes that may arise, Flawa Aquaplast Pflasterstrips are the perfect solution. So why wait? Stock up on these essential plasters today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you're always prepared for whatever life throws your way. ..

18.08 USD

מציג 1 עד 2 מתוך 2 (1 עמודים)
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