Vitamins and minerals
(2 sivua)
Alpinamed iq energy direct 30 stick 5 g
Ravintolisät henkiseen suorituskykyyn, mielen ja hermoston toimintaan sekä väsymyksen ja uupumuksen vähentämiseen IQ-Energy Sticks sisältää mustakaurauutetta, dekstroosia, fosfatidyyliseriiniä sisältävää soijalesitiiniuutetta sekä C-vitamiinia, kalsium-D-pantotenaattia, B2-, B6-, B12-vitamiinia, biotiinia, foolihappoa ja niasiinia. IQ Energy on avain lisää aivovoimaan, henkiseen suorituskykyyn, psyyken ja hermoston toimintaan sekä väsymyksen ja uupumuksen vähentämiseen töissä, koulussa, yliopistossa ja vanhuudessa.B- ja C-vitamiinituki energia-aineenvaihduntaa ja vähentää väsymystä ja väsymyksen merkkejä. Lisäksi ne edistävät hermojen ja psyyken normaalia toimintaa. B12-vitamiini osallistuu solujen jakautumiseen ja edistää normaalia punasolujen muodostumista.B2-vitamiini edistää normaalia raudan aineenvaihduntaa ja suojaa soluja oksidatiiviselta stressiltä.C-vitamiini edistää immuunijärjestelmän normaali toiminta. LaatuAlpinmed IQ Energy Stickin raaka-aineiden valinta ja tuotanto ovat vaativan testauksen ja laadunvarmistusprosessin alaisia. Laadukkaat raaka-aineet on testattu haitallisten aineiden ja ympäristömyrkkyjen varalta monimutkaisissa laboratoriotutkimuksissa.AnnostusPäiväannos on 1-3 tikkua. Ota tikun sisältö suoraan tai lusikalla nesteen kanssa tai ilman. Suorat rakeet voidaan ripotella myös kylmän ruoan päälle (esim. mysli, jogurtti jne.) ja ottaa aterian yhteydessä. Huomautus allergikoilleSisältää soijalesitiiniä.AinesosatMustakauran vesiuute (kuivattu, 50%), dekstroosi 38,6%, fosfatidyyliseriini- sisältää soijalesitiiniuutetta 10 %, C-vitamiinia; Erotusaine: kalsiumsilikaatti, kalsium-D-pantotenaatti, B6-vitamiini, niasiini, B2-vitamiini, B1-vitamiini, foolihappo, biotiini, B12-vitamiini Kasvi, gluteeniton, laktoositon, ei säilöntäaineita. Säilytettävä pienten lasten ulottumattomissa, kuivana ja huoneenlämmössä. Ravintolisät eivät korvaa monipuolista ruokavaliota. Älä ylitä suositeltua päiväannosta.Ravintoarvot ??/ keskiarvot1 päiväannos (3 tikkua) sisältääC-vitamiinia 200 mg / 250 % 1) pantoteenihappoa 9 mg / 150 % 1)B6-vitamiini 2,1 mg / 150 % 1)Niasiini (PP-vitamiini) 24 mg / 150 % 1)B2-vitamiini (riboflaviini) 2,1 mg / 150 % 1)B1-vitamiini (tiamiini) 1,65 mg / 150 % 1)Foolihappo 300 µg / 150 % 1)Biotiini 75 µg / 150 % 1)Vitamiini B12 3,75 µg / 150 % 1)Fosfatidyseriini 300 mg1) NRV (Adult Reference Intake) ..
61.15 USD
Arkoroyal emoaine forte bio 20 trinkamp 10 ml
Arkoroyal Royal Jelly Forte Bio 20 Trinkamp 10 ml The Arkoroyal Royal Jelly Forte Bio 20 Trinkamp is a dietary supplement made of 100% pure organic royal jelly extracted from the honeycomb. It is a rich source of essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants that helps to support your overall health and well-being naturally. The product is available in an easy to consume 10ml trinkamp that contains 20% pure organic royal jelly and organic honey for a rich and smooth taste. Key Features: 100% Pure Organic Royal Jelly: The product is made of 100% pure, organic royal jelly extracted from the honeycomb without any additives or preservatives. Rich in Nutrients: It is a rich source of essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants that help to support your overall health and well-being. Easy to Consume: The product is available in an easy to consume 10ml trinkamp that contains 20% pure organic royal jelly and organic honey for a rich and smooth taste. Natural Formula: The product is made with natural ingredients and free from artificial colors, flavors, and sweeteners. It is also gluten-free and non-GMO. Benefits: Boosts Immune System: The rich nutrients in the royal jelly can help to boost your immune system and protect against infections and diseases. Improves Skin Health: The antioxidants in the royal jelly can help to protect your skin from damage caused by free radicals and improve your skin's overall health and appearance. Increases Energy Levels: The rich nutrients in the royal jelly can help to increase your energy levels and reduce fatigue, helping you to feel more alert and focused throughout the day. Improves Digestive Health: The natural formula of the product helps to improve your digestive health and promotes better absorption of nutrients from food. Overall, the Arkoroyal Royal Jelly Forte Bio 20 Trinkamp 10 ml is an excellent dietary supplement that offers a range of health benefits to support your overall health and well-being. Its rich nutrients and natural formula make it a perfect choice for anyone looking to boost their immune system, increase energy levels, and improve their overall health and well-being...
78.54 USD
Bioking suolasirottimen kristallisuola 250 g
Bioking Salt Shaker Crystal Salt 250 g: Natural, Healthy and Delicious The Bioking Salt Shaker Crystal Salt 250 g is the perfect choice for health-conscious individuals looking to add flavor to their meals without compromising on their health. The crystal salt shaker is made with 100% natural salt, with no additives or preservatives, ensuring that you get the best quality and flavor that nature has to offer. Health Benefits What makes the Bioking Salt Shaker Crystal Salt 250 g so special is its rich mineral content. The salt is packed with essential minerals like calcium, potassium, and magnesium which are important for maintaining optimal health. This makes it a healthier alternative to regular table salt, which is often stripped of its natural minerals during processing. Flavorful and Versatile The Bioking Salt Shaker Crystal Salt 250 g is renowned for its delicious taste and versatility. The crystals dissolve quickly, releasing a unique flavor profile that can enhance the taste of any dish. Whether you're cooking, baking, grilling or simply seasoning your food, the Bioking Salt Shaker Crystal Salt 250 g is the perfect choice. Convenient and Eco-Friendly The Bioking Salt Shaker Crystal Salt 250 g comes in a convenient shaker, making it easy to use and store. The shaker also makes it easy to control the amount of salt you use, ensuring that you don't over or under season your food. Bioking is also committed to sustainability, and their salt is harvested in a way that minimizes the impact on the environment. Conclusion Overall, the Bioking Salt Shaker Crystal Salt 250 g is a natural, healthy and delicious alternative to regular table salt. Packed with essential minerals, this crystal salt shaker is perfect for health-conscious individuals looking to add flavor to their meals without compromising on their health...
12.77 USD
Bioligo no 18 solution précieuse 20 amp 2 ml
Esittelemme Bioligo No 18 Solution Précieusen, joka on tehokas sekoitus mikroravinteita kätevissä 2 ml:n ampulleissa. Tämä luonnollinen lääkevalmiste on suunniteltu tukemaan yleistä terveyttä ja hyvinvointia, ja se on suunniteltu rikastamaan kehoa välttämättömillä ravintoaineilla. Jokainen ampulli sisältää huolellisesti koostetun yhdistelmän vitamiineja ja kivennäisaineita, jotka tarjoavat lisäravintoa optimaalista toimintaa varten. Helppokäyttöinen ja kätevästi pakattu Bioligo No 18 Solution Précieuse on oikea ratkaisu terveellisten elämäntapojen ylläpitämiseen. Paranna hyvinvointirutiiniasi tällä ensiluokkaisella mikroravintolisällä...
29.84 USD
Biotta porkkana bio 12 fl 250 ml
Introducing Biotta Carrot Bio 12 Fl 250 ml Looking for a healthy, refreshing drink that's packed with all of the goodness of fresh, organic carrots? Look no further than Biotta Carrot Bio 12 Fl 250 ml! This flavorful and nutrient-packed juice is the perfect way to get your daily dose of vitamins and minerals in a delicious and convenient format. Organic and Sustainable At Biotta, we believe in using only the freshest, highest-quality ingredients in our juices. Our Carrot Bio 12 Fl 250 ml is made using 100% organic carrots, grown sustainably and harvested at the peak of ripeness. We never use pesticides, herbicides, or other harmful chemicals in our farming practices, ensuring that your juice is not only nutritious but also environmentally friendly. Packed with Nutrients Carrots are known for their health benefits, and Biotta Carrot Bio 12 Fl 250 ml is no exception. Each bottle of this delicious juice is loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, vitamin K, potassium, calcium, and more. These nutrients support healthy immune function, promote strong bones and teeth, and help your body thrive and stay energized all day long. Great for a Healthy Lifestyle Whether you're looking for a quick and easy breakfast option, a post-workout snack, or a delicious way to stay hydrated throughout the day, Biotta Carrot Bio 12 Fl 250 ml is the perfect choice. With its fresh, natural flavor and unbeatable nutritional profile, this juice is the perfect addition to any healthy lifestyle. Order Yours Today Don't miss out on the flavor and nutrition of Biotta Carrot Bio 12 Fl 250 ml. Visit our website today and place your order to experience the delicious taste and healthy benefits of this amazing juice for yourself!..
42.60 USD
Biotta vital immune 6 fl 5 dl
Biotta Vital Immune Drink - 6 Bottles, 500ml each Biotta Vital Immune Drink is a wholesome, all-natural drink that supports your body's immune system. This drink is specifically formulated to boost your immune system, providing the necessary vitamins and minerals that your body requires to function optimally. It's made from a blend of organic fruits and vegetables that provide the essential nutrients that your body needs. Natural and Organic Ingredients Biotta Vital Immune Drink contains a blend of seven organic fruits and vegetables, including beetroot, carrot, ginger, elderberry, blackcurrant, aronia, and acerola. These ingredients are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that have been shown to enhance the body's immune response, helping to ward off illnesses and infections. Pure and Raw Processing The Biotta Vital Immune Drink is made from pure, raw ingredients that are carefully processed to extract the maximum amount of nutrients. The organic fruits and vegetables are harvested at the peak of ripeness to ensure their nutritional value is preserved. The fruits and vegetables are then juiced and bottled to maintain their freshness, flavor, and potency. Benefits of Biotta Vital Immune Drink Biotta Vital Immune Drink is designed to support your immune system in several ways: Provides essential vitamins and minerals to fortify immune defenses. Contains potent antioxidants to fight damaging free radicals. Supports healthy digestion and elimination to remove toxins from the body. Boosts overall health and vitality. Directions for Use Drink one bottle (500ml) of Biotta Vital Immune Drink daily for optimal results. Shake well before use and store in a cool, dry place. Refrigerate after opening and consume within five days. Experience the benefits of a strong immune system with Biotta Vital Immune Drink...
48.79 USD
Complex energy film-coated tabletse can 120 kpl
Complex Energy is a dietary supplement containing vitamins, minerals, guarana extract and caffeine. The dietary supplement can be taken as a supportive supplement for better performance. Guarana extract and caffeine have a stimulating effect. Suitable for adults and adolescents aged 14 and over.Without gluten, lactose and sugar Application Take 1 tablet once a day. 1 Tablet contains Vitamin D 20mcgVitamin E 36mgVitamin C 300mgThiamine (vitamin B1) 3.3mgRiboflavin (vitamin B2) 4.2mgNiacin 48mgVitamin B6 4.2mgFolic acid 600mcgVitamin B12 9mcgBiotin 150mcgIron 14mgZinc 15mgCaffeine 150mg Composition L-ascorbic acid, filler (microcrystalline cellulose), filler (sorbitol ), caffeine, DL-alpha-tocopheryl acetate, 7% guarana extract (10% caffeine), zinc bisglycinate, nicotinamide, iron sulphate, coating (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, hydroxypropylcellulose, talcum, trigylcerides, coconut oil, titanium dioxide), separating agents (tricalcium phosphate), cyanocobalamin, cholecalciferol, riboflavin-5'-phosphate sodium, pyridoxine hydrochloride, thiamine hydrochloride, separating agents (magnesium salts of fatty acids), pteroylglutamic acid, D-biotin...
89.12 USD
Complex protect film-coated tabletse can 120 kpl
Complex Protect is a dietary supplement containing vitamins and minerals. The dietary supplement can be taken to support the immune system. Suitable for adults and children 12 years and older.Without gluten, lactose and sugar Application Take 1 tablet 1 time daily 1 Tablet contains Vitamin E 36mg Vitamin C 300mgZinc 15mgSelenium 60mcg Composition L-ascorbic acid, filler (sorbitol), filler (microcrystalline cellulose), DL-alpha-tocopheryl acetate , zinc citrate, coating agent (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, hydroxypropylcellulose, talcum, trigylcerides, coconut oil, titanium dioxide), separating agent (tricalcium phosphate), separating agent (magnesium salts of fatty acids), sodium selenite...
74.01 USD
Dr. jacob's basenpulver 300 g
Dr. Jacob's Basenpulver 300 g Dr. Jacob's Basenpulver 300 g is a premium-quality, all-natural dietary supplement that helps support a healthy acid-base balance in the body. This unique powder formula contains essential minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and zinc, as well as valuable antioxidants, including vitamin C, and various organic acids. Product Features: Supports the body's natural alkaline balance Helps neutralize excess acids in the body Rich in essential minerals, antioxidants, and organic acids All-natural formula free from additives, preservatives, and artificial ingredients Highly soluble and easy to digest Suitable for vegans and vegetarians How to use: Dr. Jacob's Basenpulver 300 g is easy to use. Simply add one teaspoon (5g) of the powder to a glass of water or juice and drink it before or after meals. The recommended daily intake is 3-5 teaspoons per day, depending on your individual needs. Why choose Dr. Jacob's Basenpulver 300 g? Dr. Jacob's Basenpulver 300 g is a scientifically formulated supplement that provides your body with the essential minerals, antioxidants, and organic acids needed to maintain a healthy acid-base balance. It is manufactured in Germany to the highest quality standards and is free from additives, preservatives, and artificial ingredients. When taken as directed, it can help neutralize excess acids in the body, support healthy digestion, and promote overall well-being. If you are looking for a safe and effective way to support your body's natural alkaline balance, Dr. Jacob's Basenpulver 300 g is an excellent choice. Try it today and experience the many benefits of this premium-quality dietary supplement...
50.49 USD
Ecofenac sandoz lipogel 1% tube 100 g
Ecofenac Sandoz Lipogel 1 % Tb 100 g:n ominaisuudetAnatominen terapeuttinen kemikaali (АТС): M02AA15Säilytyslämpötila min/max 15/25 celsiusastettaMäärä pakkauksessa: 1 gPaino: 132 g Pituus: 40 mm Leveys: 186 mm Korkeus: 71 mm p>Osta Ecofenac Sandoz Lipogel 1% Tb 100 g verkosta Sveitsistä..
18.22 USD
Elverev' biosynchro 8h tablets 60 stk
Elverev Biosynchro 8H Tabl 60 Stk The Elverev Biosynchro 8H Tabl 60 Stk is a dietary supplement formulated to provide your body with vital nutrients for optimal health. With a blend of vitamins and minerals, this product aims to support your body's natural biological rhythms and ensure that you are functioning at your best. Biosynchro Technology One of the key features of the Elverev Biosynchro 8H Tabl 60 Stk is its Biosynchro technology. This technology has been developed to support your body's biological rhythms, which play a crucial role in regulating your sleep-wake cycles, energy levels, and overall health. By aligning with your body's natural rhythms, this product aims to support optimal functioning and help you achieve your wellness goals. Key Ingredients The Elverev Biosynchro 8H Tabl 60 Stk contains a blend of key ingredients that work together to support your health and wellbeing. These ingredients include: Vitamin C ? to support immune function and protect against oxidative stress Vitamin D ? to support bone health and immune function Vitamin E ? to protect against oxidative stress and promote healthy skin Vitamin B12 ? to support energy levels and cognitive function Zinc ? to support immune function and promote healthy skin Iron ? to support red blood cell formation and cognitive function These ingredients have been carefully selected to support your optimal health and wellbeing, and are delivered in a convenient, easy-to-take tablet form. Directions for Use The Elverev Biosynchro 8H Tabl 60 Stk is easy to take ? simply swallow one tablet daily, with or without food. It is recommended to take this product with a glass of water, and to consult with a healthcare professional before use if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or taking medication. Conclusion The Elverev Biosynchro 8H Tabl 60 Stk is a high-quality supplement that aims to support your body's natural rhythms and promote optimal health and wellbeing. With a blend of key vitamins and minerals, this product is ideal for those looking to support their health and wellbeing in a convenient, easy-to-take tablet form...
48.62 USD
Fortimel energy vanilla 4 pulloa 200 ml
Fortimel Energy Vanilla 4 Fl 200 ml Fortimel Energy Vanilla 4 Fl 200 ml is a nutritional supplement designed to provide the right amount of energy and nutrients to those who need it the most. This product is perfect for people who struggle with malnutrition due to a medical condition or an inadequate diet. Nutrition Facts This supplement provides a balanced mix of macronutrients and micronutrients. It contains 300 kcal, 21 g of protein, 36 g of carbohydrates, and 9 g of fat per bottle. Additionally, it is rich in vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin D, calcium, and iron. Benefits Fortimel Energy Vanilla 4 Fl 200 ml offers several benefits for those who need it. Some of these benefits include: Improved energy levels Improved muscle strength and function Reduced risk of infections Improved wound healing Improved mood and quality of life How to Use This supplement is easy to use. It comes in a bottle with a straw, making it convenient for on-the-go consumption. To use it, simply shake the bottle well and enjoy it as a tasty and nutritious snack or meal replacement. Conclusion Fortimel Energy Vanilla 4 Fl 200 ml is an excellent nutritional supplement for those who need to boost their energy and nutrient intake. With its balanced mix of macronutrients and micronutrients, it offers a range of benefits for people who struggle with malnutrition. Try it today and see the difference it can make in your health and wellbeing...
27.84 USD
Fresubin 2 kcal kerma walderdbeere 4 x 125 g
Fresubin 2 kcal cream Walderdbeere 4 x 125 g Looking for a refreshing and nutritious snack? Look no further than Fresubin 2 kcal cream Walderdbeere! This product is not only delicious but also packed with essential nutrients to keep you going throughout the day. Nutritional Information Each 125 g serving of Fresubin 2 kcal cream Walderdbeere provides: 240 calories 22 g of protein 16 g of fat 6.4 g of carbohydrates Features and Benefits This product is ideal for anyone looking for a quick and easy snack. It can be enjoyed on its own or mixed with other ingredients to create a variety of delicious treats. Its high protein and calorie content make it perfect for athletes or individuals who need to maintain a high calorie diet. Some other key benefits of Fresubin 2 kcal cream Walderdbeere include: Packed with essential vitamins and minerals Low in sugar Gluten-free Lactose-free No artificial colors or preservatives About Fresenius Kabi Fresenius Kabi is a leading global healthcare company that specializes in producing high-quality medical and nutrition products. Fresubin 2 kcal cream Walderdbeere is just one of their many products designed to provide essential nutrients to those in need. Order Today If you're looking for a delicious and nutritious snack, order Fresubin 2 kcal cream Walderdbeere today! With its high protein and calorie content, it's the perfect addition to any high-performance diet. ..
26.74 USD
Holle veggie bunny - pussilliset porkkana bataattiherneet 100g
Holle Veggie Bunny - Pouchy carrot sweet potato peas 100g Introduce your kid to the goodness of veggies with Holle Veggie Bunny Pouchy Carrot Sweet Potato Peas. Made with a blend of organic vegetables, this veggie pouch is perfect for babies from 6 months onwards. Holle is dedicated to taking care of your baby's health needs by producing organic baby food that is free of harmful chemicals, additives, or preservatives. Each pouch is made with the finest quality of organic vegetables sourced directly from farmers who follow ethical and sustainable farming practices. The carrots, sweet potatoes, and peas are carefully selected and blended to create that perfect taste and goodness that your little one will surely enjoy. Holle Veggie Bunny Pouchy Carrot Sweet Potato Peas is an excellent source of essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber that are essential for your baby's development. With its convenient packaging, it makes feeding time easy and effortless, especially when you're on-the-go or during long trips. Holle veggie pouches are perfect as a snack, a meal replacement for a picky eater, or a treat your child will crave for. Benefits: Made from organic vegetables without harmful additives, preservatives, or chemicals Perfect for babies from 6 months onwards Contains essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber ideal for growth and development Convenient and easy-to-use packaging suitable for on-the-go, travel, or anytime The perfect snack or meal replacement for picky eaters Make your baby's meals more nutritious and delicious with Holle Veggie Bunny Pouchy Carrot Sweet Potato Peas. ..
3.82 USD
Inshape biomed plv berry can 420 g
InShape-Biomed® is a meal replacement for a weight-control diet and provides important fatty acids, vitamins and minerals and around 200 kilocalories per serving. With milk protein and fiber. The powder (30g) is mixed with 200ml low-fat (if necessary: ??with lactose-free) milk. If you want to lose weight, replace 2 main meals per day. Flavors Vanilla, Choco, Café, Berry, Tropical. Easy preparation:Pour in 200 ml low-fat milk with 1.5% fat in a blender/shaker and add 30g of powder (3 level scoops).For a lactose-free* shake, place 200ml of low-fat, lactose-free milk with 1.5% fat in a blender/shaker and add 30 g powder (3 level measuring spoons).*Lactose content 0.1 g/ 100 ml when prepared with lactose-free milk.Recommended intake for adults:Weight loss: replace 2 main meals per dayWeight control: replace 1 main meal per dayTo lose weight, replace 2 main meals per day. In order to maintain the weight afterwards, you can switch to one shake a day. The duration of the diet depends on how much weight you want to lose. In addition, you should make sure that you drink enough fluids. Drink 2 to 3 liters of non-caloric beverages per day. InShape Biomed only fulfills the desired purpose of weight reduction or weight control as part of a low-calorie diet. Other foods must be part of this diet.Ingredients:Milk protein 38%, maltodextrin, fiber corn dextrin 17%, isomaltulose ** 13%, corn oil, potassium monohydrogen phosphate, sodium monohydrogen phosphate, natural flavors, hibiscus extract, strawberry fruit powder 0.55%, beet red coloring, blueberry powder 0.51%, blackberry fruit powder 0.5%, raspberry fruit powder 0.5%, magnesium carbonate, vitamins (L-ascorbic acid, nicotinamide, calcium D-pantothenate , DL-a-tocopheryl acetate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin, thiamine hydrochloride, retinyl acetate, folic acid, D-biotin, cholecalciferol, cyanocobalamin), acidifier citric acid, iron sulfate, selenium-enriched yeast, sweeteners (acesulfame K, sucralose), zinc oxide, manganese sulfate, copper sulfate, potassium iodate, Emulsifier soy lecithin. **Isomaltulose is a source of glucose and fructose.Nutritional information per serving (30g InShape-Biomed® & 200ml low-fat (if necessary lactose-free) milk):Nutritional information for 1 serving (30g & 200ml low-fat milk)Energy value: 840 kJ / 200 kcalFat: 5.3 g? of which saturated fatty acids: 2.1 g ? of which monounsaturated fatty acids: 1.4 g? of which polyunsaturated fatty acids: 1.1 g? of which linoleic acid: 1.0 gcarbohydrates: 20 g? of which sugars: 14 gfiber: 4.2 gprotein: 16 gsalt: 0.48 gvitamins per 1 portion (30g & 200ml low-fat milk) /%NRV*Vitamin A: 250 µg / 31Vitamin D: 1.7 µg / 34Vitamin E: 4.5 mg / 38Vitamin C: 24 mg / 30 Vitamin B1: 0.40 mg / 36Vitamin B2: 0.81 mg / 58Niacin: 5.5 mg / 34Vitamin B6: 0.54 mg / 39Folic acid: 70 µg / 35 Vitamin B12:1.7 µg / 68Biotin:23 µg / 46Pantothenic acid:2.8 mg / 47Minerals and trace elements per 1 portion (30g & 200ml low-fat milk) /%NRV *Calcium: 380 mg / 48Potassium: 550 mg / 28Magnesium: 60 mg / 16Sodium: 190 mg / n.a.Phosphorus:415 mg / 59Iron:6.1 mg / 44Iodine:60 µg / 40Copper:0.34 mg / 34Manganese:0.52 mg / 26Selenium:18 µg / 33Zinc:3.1 mg / 31* %NRV = % of the adult daily reference intake per serving(7674.76427.2-09/18) ..
55.26 USD
Inshape biomed plv café can 420 g
InShape-Biomed® is a meal replacement for a weight-control diet and provides important fatty acids, vitamins and minerals and around 200 kilocalories per serving. With milk protein and fiber. The powder (30g) is mixed with 200ml low-fat (if necessary: ??with lactose-free) milk. If you want to lose weight, replace 2 main meals per day. Flavors Vanilla, Choco, Café, Berry, Tropical. Easy preparation:Pour in 200 ml low-fat milk with 1.5% fat in a blender/shaker and add 30g of powder (3 level scoops).For a lactose-free* shake, place 200ml of low-fat, lactose-free milk with 1.5% fat in a blender/shaker and add 30 g powder (3 level measuring spoons).*Lactose content 0.1 g/ 100 ml when prepared with lactose-free milk.Recommended intake for adults:Weight loss: replace 2 main meals per dayWeight control: replace 1 main meal per dayTo lose weight, replace 2 main meals per day. In order to maintain the weight afterwards, you can switch to one shake a day. The duration of the diet depends on how much weight you want to lose. In addition, you should make sure that you drink enough fluids. Drink 2 to 3 liters of non-caloric beverages per day. InShape Biomed only fulfills the desired purpose of weight reduction or weight control as part of a low-calorie diet. Other foods must be part of this diet.Ingredients:Milk Protein 38%, Fiber Corn Dextrin 17%, Isomaltulose** 13%, maltodextrin, corn oil, coffee extract 6%, flavorings, potassium monohydrogen phosphate, sodium monohydrogen phosphate, magnesium carbonate, vitamins (L-ascorbic acid, nicotinamide, calcium D-pantothenate, DL-a-tocopheryl acetate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin, thiamine hydrochloride, retinyl acetate, folic acid , D-biotin, cholecalciferol, cyanocobalamin), iron sulfate, selenium-enriched yeast, sweeteners (acesulfame K, sucralose), acidifier citric acid, zinc oxide, manganese sulfate, copper sulfate, potassium iodate, emulsifier soylecithin. **Isomaltulose is a source of glucose and fructose.Nutritional information per serving (30g InShape-Biomed® & 200ml low-fat (if necessary lactose-free) milk):Nutritional information for 1 serving (30g & 200ml low-fat milk)Energy value: 840 kJ / 200 kcalFat: 5.3 g? of which saturated fatty acids: 2.1 g ? of which monounsaturated fatty acids: 1.4 g? of which polyunsaturated fatty acids: 1.1 g? of which linoleic acid: 1.0 gcarbohydrates: 19 g? of which sugars: 14 gfiber: 4.5 gprotein: 17 gsalt: 0.48 gvitamins per 1 portion (30g & 200ml low-fat milk) /%NRV*Vitamin A: 250 µg / 31Vitamin D: 1.7 µg / 34Vitamin E: 4.5 mg / 38Vitamin C: 24 mg / 30 Vitamin B1: 0.40 mg / 36Vitamin B2: 0.81 mg / 58Niacin: 5.5 mg / 34Vitamin B6: 0.54 mg / 39Folic acid: 70 µg / 35 Vitamin B12:1.7 µg / 68Biotin:23 µg / 46Pantothenic acid:2.8 mg / 47Minerals and trace elements per 1 portion (30g & 200ml low-fat milk) /%NRV *Calcium: 380 mg / 48Potassium: 550 mg / 28Magnesium: 60 mg / 16Sodium: 190 mg / n.a.Phosphorus:415 mg / 59Iron:6.1 mg / 44Iodine:60 µg / 40Copper:0.34 mg / 34Manganese:0.52 mg / 26Selenium:18 µg / 33Zinc:3.1 mg / 31* %NRV = % of the adult daily reference intake per serving(7672.76112.2-08/18) ..
55.26 USD
Inshape biomed plv choco can 420 g
InShape-Biomed® is a meal replacement for a weight-control diet and provides important fatty acids, vitamins and minerals and around 200 kilocalories per serving. With milk protein and fiber. The powder (30g) is mixed with 200ml low-fat (if necessary: ??with lactose-free) milk. If you want to lose weight, replace 2 main meals per day. Flavors Vanilla, Choco, Café, Berry, Tropical. Easy preparation:Pour in 200 ml low-fat milk with 1.5% fat in a blender/shaker and add 30g of powder (3 level scoops).For a lactose-free* shake, place 200ml of low-fat, lactose-free milk with 1.5% fat in a blender/shaker and add 30 g powder (3 level measuring spoons).*Lactose content 0.1 g/ 100 ml when prepared with lactose-free milk.Recommended intake for adults:Weight loss: replace 2 main meals per dayWeight control: replace 1 main meal per dayTo lose weight, replace 2 main meals per day. In order to maintain the weight afterwards, you can switch to one shake a day. The duration of the diet depends on how much weight you want to lose. In addition, you should make sure that you drink enough fluids. Drink 2 to 3 liters of non-caloric beverages per day. InShape Biomed only fulfills the desired purpose of weight reduction or weight control as part of a low-calorie diet. Other foods must be part of this diet.Ingredients:Milk protein 38%, maltodextrin, fiber corn dextrin 17%, isomaltulose 13%, corn oil, cocoa 3.8%, potassium monohydrogen phosphate, flavorings, sodium monohydrogen phosphate, magnesium carbonate, vitamins (L-ascorbic acid, nicotinamide, calcium D-pantothenate, DL-a-tocopheryl acetate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin, thiamine hydrochloride, retinyl acetate, folic acid, D-biotin , cholecalciferol, cyanocobalamin), iron sulfate, selenium-enriched yeast, sweeteners (acesulfame K, sucralose), acidifier citric acid, zinc oxide, manganese sulfate, copper sulfate, potassium iodate, emulsifier soylecithin.Nutritional information per portion (30g InShape-Biomed® & 200ml low-fat milk (lactose-free if required):Nutritional information for 1 portion (30g & 200ml low-fat milk)Energy value: 850 kJ / 200 kcalFat: 5.4 g? of which saturated fatty acids: 2.1 g? of which monounsaturated fatty acids: 1.4 g?of which polyunsaturated fatty acids: 1.1 g- of which linoleic acid: 1.0 gcarbohydrates: 20 g? of which sugars: 14 gfiber: 4.5 gprotein: 17 g Salt: 0.48 gVitamins per 1 serving (30g & 200ml low-fat milk) /%NRV*VitaminA: 250 µg / 31Vitamin D: 1.7 µg / 34Vitamin E: 4.5 mg / 38Vitamin C: 24 mg / 30Vitamin B1: 0.40 mg / 36Vitamin B2: 0.81 mg / 58Niacin:5.5 mg / 34Vitamin B6:0.54 mg / 39Folic acid:70 µg / 35Vitamin B12:1.7 µg / 68 Biotin:23 µg / 46Pantothenic acid:2.8 mg / 47Minerals and trace elements per 1 portion (30g & 200ml low-fat milk) /%NRV* Calcium: 380 mg / 48Potassium: 550 mg / 28Magnesium: 60 mg / 16Sodium: 190 mg / n.a.Phosphorus: 415 mg / 59Iron:6.1 mg / 44Iodine:60 µg / 40Copper:0.34 mg / 34Manganese:0.52 mg / 26Selenium:18 µg / 33Zinc:3.1 mg / 31* %NRV = % of adult daily reference intake per serving(7671.76111.3-10/18 ) ..
55.26 USD
Monimutkainen vegaaninen film-coated tablets can 120 kpl
Complex Vegan is a dietary supplement containing vitamins and minerals. The dietary supplement can be taken as an adjunct to vegetarian and vegan diets. Suitable for adults and children 12 years and older.Vegan Without gluten, lactose and sugar Application Take 1 tablet 1 time daily 1 Tablet contains h3> Vitamin D 20mcgThiamine (vitamin B1) 3.3mgRiboflavin 4.2mgNiacin 48mgVitamin B6 4.2mgFolic acid 600mcgVitamin B12 9mcgBiotin 150mcgCalcium 440mgIron 14mgZinc 15mg Composition Calcium carbonate, zinc bisglycinact, nicotinamide, iron sulphate, coating (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, hydroxypropylcellulose, Talcum, triglycerides, coconut oil, titanium dioxide), filler (microcrystalline cellulose), release agents (tricalcium phosphate), cyanocobalamin, cholecalciferol, riboflavin-5'-phosphate sodium, pridoxine hydrochloride, thiamine hydrochloride, release agents (magnesium salts of fatty acids ), pteroylglutamic acid, D-biotin...
74.01 USD
Multi biane kaps 120 kpl
MULTI Biane Kaps 120 kpl MULTI Biane Kaps 120 kpl on korkealaatuinen ravintolisä, joka on suunniteltu parantamaan yleistä terveyttä ja hyvinvointia. Se on valmistettu yhdistelmästä tärkeitä vitamiineja ja kivennäisaineita, jotka auttavat tukemaan vahvoja luita ja hampaita, tervettä ihoa ja vahvaa immuunijärjestelmää. Kaava on täynnä erilaisia vitamiineja, kuten C-vitamiinia, E-vitamiinia ja B-vitamiinia. Nämä edistävät ihon terveyttä, tukevat immuunijärjestelmää ja lisäävät energiatasoa. Lisä sisältää myös mineraaleja, kuten sinkkiä, magnesiumia ja kuparia, joilla on olennainen rooli terveiden luiden ja hampaiden ylläpitämisessä. MULTI Biane Kaps 120 kpl on saatavana helppokäyttöisissä kapseleissa, jotka imeytyvät nopeasti elimistöön, joten se on ihanteellinen valinta henkilöille, jotka haluavat säilyttää terveytensä ja yleisen hyvinvointinsa. Se sopii myös ihmisille, jotka etsivät gluteenittomia, laktoosittomia ja soijattomia ravintolisiä, joten se on turvallinen ja tehokas vaihtoehto henkilöille, joilla on ruokavaliorajoituksia. Lisä on valmistettu korkeimpien hygienia- ja laadunvalvontastandardien mukaisesti sen tehokkuuden ja turvallisuuden varmistamiseksi. MULTI Biane Kaps 120 kpl:n säännöllinen käyttö parantaa terveyttä ja elinvoimaa, tehostaa immuunijärjestelmän toimintaa ja parempaa yleistä hyvinvointia. Tilaa MULTI Biane Kaps 120 kpl jo tänään ja ala kokea sen tarjoamat edut. ..
84.91 USD
Pharmaton vital film-coated tablets
Pharmaton Vital -tabletit on yhdistelmävalmiste, joka sisältää ginseng-uutetta G115, vitamiineja, kivennäisaineita ja hivenaineita. Käytetty ginsenguute G115 on valmistettu aidon ginsengin (Panax ginseng CA Meyer) juurista, ja sen aktiivisten ainesosien pitoisuus on tasainen. Pharmaton Vital -tablettien sisältämät 11 vitamiinia, 2 kivennäisainetta ja 5 hivenainetta ovat välttämättömiä aineita, joita elimistö ei yleensä pysty valmistamaan itse. Niiden annostus mukautetaan ihmiskehon päivittäisiin tarpeisiin. Pharmaton Vital -tabletit toimivat vahvistavana aineena fyysisen heikkouden, uupumuksen ja väsymyksen yhteydessä. Se vahvistaa yleistä vastustuskykyä. Pharmaton Vital -tableteilla on myös piristävä vaikutus henkiseen suorituskykyyn esimerkiksi silloin, kun keskittymiskyky on heikentynyt ja keskittymiskyky on rajallista. Lääkettä voidaan käyttää myös vitamiinien, kivennäisaineiden ja hivenaineiden riittämättömyyden kompensoimiseen sekä sairauden jälkeiseen toipumiseen. Sveitsin lääkärin hyväksymät potilastiedotPharmaton® Vital-tabletitOpella Healthcare Switzerland AGMitä Pharmaton Vital -tabletit ovat ja milloin niitä käytetään? Pharmaton Vital -tabletit on yhdistelmävalmiste, joka sisältää ginseng-uutetta G115, vitamiineja, kivennäisaineita ja hivenaineita. Käytetty ginsenguute G115 on valmistettu aidon ginsengin (Panax ginseng CA Meyer) juurista, ja sen aktiivisten ainesosien pitoisuus on tasainen. Pharmaton Vital -tablettien sisältämät 11 vitamiinia, 2 kivennäisainetta ja 5 hivenainetta ovat välttämättömiä aineita, joita elimistö ei yleensä pysty valmistamaan itse. Niiden annostus mukautetaan ihmiskehon päivittäisiin tarpeisiin. Pharmaton Vital -tabletit toimivat vahvistavana aineena fyysisen heikkouden, uupumuksen ja väsymyksen yhteydessä. Se vahvistaa yleistä vastustuskykyä. Pharmaton Vital -tableteilla on myös piristävä vaikutus henkiseen suorituskykyyn esimerkiksi silloin, kun keskittymiskyky on heikentynyt ja keskittymiskyky on rajallista. Lääkettä voidaan käyttää myös vitamiinien, kivennäisaineiden ja hivenaineiden riittämättömyyden kompensoimiseen sekä sairauden jälkeiseen toipumiseen. Mitä tulee ottaa huomioon?Tärkein keino puutosoireiden ehkäisyssä on riittävä ja monipuolinen ruokavalio. Milloin Pharmaton Vital -tabletteja ei saa käyttää?Pharmaton Vital -tabletteja ei saa ottaa: jos esiintyy kalsiumaineenvaihdunnan häiriöitä, kuten kohonneet veren kalsiumpitoisuudet tai lisääntynyt kalsiumin erittyminen virtsaan;jos elimistö on ylisaatunut D-vitamiinilla;kun muiden lääkkeiden ottaminen D-vitamiinia sisältävät valmisteet;munuaisten vajaatoiminnan tapauksessa;jos olet yliherkkä jollekin ainesosista;jos kyseessä fruktoosi-intoleranssi; galaktoosi-intoleranssi.Milloin Pharmaton Vital -tabletteja käytettäessä on noudatettava varovaisuutta?Lääkärin valvontaa lukuun ottamatta Pharmaton Vital -tabletteja ei tule ottaa pitkään aikaan suosituksia suuremmalla annoksella. Jos ginsengiä otetaan samanaikaisesti veren hyytymistä estävien lääkkeiden (ns. antikoagulanttien, erityisesti kumariinien) kanssa, niiden vaikutus voi heikentyä. Huomautus diabeetikoille: ginseng voi alentaa verensokeria. Tietyt antibiootit (esim. vaikuttava aine doksisykliini) ei saa ottaa rautaa sisältäviä valmisteita, kuten Pharmaton Vital -tabletteja. Pharmaton Vital -tabletit sisältävät B6-vitamiinia. Tämä aine voi vähentää L-Dopan vaikutusta Parkinsonin taudin hoidossa. L-Dopa-hoitoa saaville potilaille Pharmaton Vital -tablettien käyttö on siksi aiheellista vain, jos se on tiukka käyttöaihe ja lääkärin valvonnassa. Pharmaton Vital -tabletit sisältävät 4,8 mg β-karoteenia tablettia kohden. Kliinisissä tutkimuksissa runsailla tupakoitsijoilla (vähintään 20 savuketta päivässä) he osoittivat lisääntynyttä keuhkosyövän riskiä, jos he ottivat 20 mg β-karoteenia pidemmän ajan. Pharmaton Vital sisältää 150 µg biotiinia tablettia kohden. Jos sinulle on määrä tehdä laboratoriotutkimuksia, kerro lääkärillesi tai laboratoriohenkilökunnalle, että olet äskettäin ottanut Pharmaton Vitalia, sillä biotiini voi vaikuttaa näiden testien tuloksiin. Testimenetelmästä riippuen biotiini voi aiheuttaa virheellisesti kohonneita tai virheellisesti alentuneita tuloksia. Lääkärisi saattaa pyytää sinua lopettamaan Pharmaton Vitalin käytön ennen laboratoriokokeiden tekemistä. Huomaa, että myös muut tuotteet, kuten monivitamiinivalmisteet tai ravintolisät hiuksille, iholle tai kynsille, sisältävät biotiinia ja voivat siksi väärentää laboratoriotutkimusten tuloksia. Kerro lääkärillesi tai laboratorion henkilökunnalle, jos käytät tällaisia valmisteita. Vaikutusta ihmisen hedelmällisyyteen ei ole tutkittu. Ilmoita asiasta lääkärillesi, apteekkiin tai apteekkiin, Apteekkari tai apteekki, jos: sairaat jostain muusta sairaudesta,olet allerginen tai käytät muita lääkkeitä (mukaan lukien itse ostamasi!) tai käytät niitä ulkoisesti.Voidaanko Pharmaton Vital -tabletteja ottaa raskauden tai imetyksen aikana?Aiempien kokemusten perusteella ei ole tiedossa olevaa riskiä lapselle, kun niitä käytetään ohjeiden mukaisesti. Järjestelmällisiä tieteellisiä tutkimuksia ei kuitenkaan ole koskaan tehty. Varotoimenpiteenä sinun tulee välttää lääkkeiden käyttöä raskauden ja imetyksen aikana tai kysy neuvoa lääkäriltäsi, apteekista tai apteekista. Kuinka käytät Pharmaton Vital -tabletteja?Aikuiset: Yleensä 1 kalvopäällysteinen tabletti päivässä, mieluiten aamiaisen yhteydessä, nesteen kera. Yleensä kalvopäällysteiset tabletit on helppo niellä kalvopäällysteen ansiosta. Pharmaton Vital -tabletteja ei ole tarkoitettu lapsille ja nuorille. Noudata pakkausselosteessa annettua tai lääkärisi määräämää annostusta. Jos lääke on mielestäsi liian heikko tai liian voimakas, keskustele lääkärin, apteekkihenkilökunnan tai apteekkihenkilökunnan kanssa. Mitä sivuvaikutuksia Pharmaton Vital -tableteilla voi olla?Seuraavia sivuvaikutuksia on esiintynyt Pharmaton Vital -tabletteja otettaessa tai käytettäessä: Psykiatriset häiriöt:Tuntematon: Unettomuus hermostohäiriöt:melko harvinainen: päänsärky ja huimaus Ruoansulatuskanavan häiriöt:melko harvinainen: pahoinvointi, vatsakipu, oksentelu ja ripuli Ihon ja ihonalaisten kudosten häiriöt:melko harvinainen: allergiset ihoreaktiot (ihon punoitus, kutina) Pitkäaikainen liiallisten määrien nauttiminen (vastaa 10 Pharmaton Vital -tablettia päivässä D-vitamiinille) voi aiheuttaa kroonisen myrkytyksen oireita, kuten oksentelua, päänsärkyä, uneliaisuutta ja ripulia. Jos havaitset sivuvaikutuksia, joita ei ole kuvattu tässä, kerro niistä lääkärillesi, apteekkiin tai apteekkiin. Mitä muuta on otettava huomioon?Pharmaton Vital -tabletit sisältävät 27 mg laktoosia, 1 mg sakkaroosia ja 2 mg glukoosia. Säilytä Pharmaton Vital -tabletit huoneenlämmössä (15-25°C) alkuperäisessä pakkauksessaan ja lasipullossa tai -laatikossa. Lasipullo ja tabletit on suojattava valolta ja kosteudelta. Säilytä poissa lasten ulottuvilta. Lääkevalmistetta saa käyttää vain pakkauksessa olevaan "EXP"-merkintään asti. Lääkärisi, apteekkihenkilökunta tai apteekki voi antaa sinulle lisätietoja. Näillä ihmisillä on yksityiskohtaiset tiedot asiantuntijoille. Mitä Pharmaton Vital -tabletit sisältävät?1 kalvopäällysteinen tabletti sisältää: Vaikuttavat aineet: β-karoteeni 4,8 mg Kolekalsiferoli (D-vitamiini3) 200 IU dl-α-tokoferyyliasetaatti 14,9 mg – vastaa (E-vitamiinia) 10,0 mg Tiamiininitraatti (B1-vitamiini) 1,4 mg Riboflaviini (B2-vitamiini) 1,6 mg Pyridoksiinihydrokloridi (B6-vitamiini) 2,0 mgSyanokobalamiini (B12-vitamiini) 1,0 mcg Foolihappo 0,2 mgBiotiini 150,0 mcg Askorbiinihappo (C-vitamiini) 60,0 mg Nikotiiniamidi (PP-vitamiini) 18,0 mg Kalsium 100,0 mg Rauta 10,0 mg Kupari 2,0 mgMangaani 2,5 mgMagnesium 40,0 mg Sinkki 1,0 mgSeleeni 50,0 mcg Standardoitu ginsenguute G 115(Panax ginseng C.A. Meyerin juurista) 40,0 mg Apuaineet: Väriaineet: titaanidioksidi (E 171) ja rautaoksidit (E 172); excip. per kalvopäällysteinen tabletti. Hyväksyntänumero54967 (Swissmedic). Mistä saat Pharmaton Vital -tabletteja? Mitä pakkauksia on saatavilla?Apteekeissa ja apteekeissa ilman reseptiä. 30, 60 ja 90 tabletin läpipainopakkaukset (ei tällä hetkellä saatavilla kaupallisesti). 90 tabletin lasipullo. Luvan haltijaOpella Healthcare Switzerland AG, Risch. Lääkeviranomainen (Swissmedic) on tarkistanut tämän esitteen viimeksi tammikuussa 2020. ..
141.70 USD
Phytopharma spirulina plus 150 tablettia
Food supplement with spirulina algae, iron, folic acid and vitamins B12, D3 and C.Iron, vitamin B12 and vitamin C contribute to the reduction of tiredness and the normal function of the immune system. Use Take 1-3 tablets daily...
44.06 USD
Regiovit activate granules can 176 g
Regiovit Activate Granules Ds 176 g on tehokas ravintolisä, joka on suunniteltu parantamaan yleistä terveyttä ja elinvoimaa. Nämä rakeet sisältävät ainutlaatuisen yhdistelmän välttämättömiä vitamiineja, kivennäisaineita ja ravintoaineita, jotka on huolellisesti valittu tukemaan kehosi luonnollisia toimintoja. Tämä tuote on täynnä hyvää, ja se on ihanteellinen henkilöille, jotka haluavat parantaa päivittäistä ravintoaan kätevällä ja tehokkaalla ratkaisulla. Etsitpä sitten parannettua energiatasoa, immuunijärjestelmän tukea tai haluat vain tuntea olosi parhaaksi, Regiovit Activate Granules Ds 176 g auttaa sinua. Lisää tämä päivittäiseen rutiinisi ja koe laadukkaiden yhdistettyjen ravintolisien muuttavat hyödyt. Aseta hyvinvointisi etusijalle Regiovit Activate Granules Ds 176 g:n avulla jo tänään...
102.75 USD
Spirulina flamant vert bio tabletit 500 mg can 400 kpl
Spirulina Flamant Vert Bio Tablets 500 mg DS 400 pcs Spirulina Flamant Vert Bio tablets are a natural dietary supplement made from spirulina algae. This product is perfect for individuals who are looking for a natural way to supplement their diet with the essential vitamins and minerals that their body needs to maintain optimal health. Spirulina algae is one of the most nutrient-rich foods on the planet, containing a variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help to support the immune system, boost energy levels, and support healthy digestion. Key Features 100% organic, non-GMO, and pesticide-free spirulina algae Each tablet contains 500 mg of spirulina algae 400 tablets per container Rich in essential vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin B12, Iron, and Calcium Helps to support a healthy immune system and boost energy levels Why Choose Spirulina Flamant Vert Bio Tablets? At Flamant Vert, we are committed to providing our customers with high-quality, organic, and sustainable products. Our Spirulina Flamant Vert Bio tablets are made from only the highest quality spirulina algae, which is grown under strict organic conditions, free from pesticides and other harmful chemicals. Our tablets are easy to use and swallow, making it easy to incorporate this superfood into your daily routine, and they are great for people who are looking for a natural, plant-based source of essential nutrients. How to Use Spirulina Flamant Vert Bio Tablets Take 3-6 tablets per day, preferably with a meal. It is recommended to start with a lower dosage and gradually increase over time. Do not exceed the recommended dosage unless otherwise directed by your healthcare provider. Incorporating Spirulina Flamant Vert Bio tablets into your daily routine is an easy and convenient way to support your overall health and well-being. Whether you are looking for a natural way to boost your immune system, increase energy levels, or support healthy digestion, Spirulina Flamant Vert Bio tablets are a great choice...
34.43 USD
Vibovit dino hedelmäkumit can 50 kpl
Food supplement with vitamins and minerals. The food supplement Vibovit® dino contains vitamins and minerals and is suitable for children from the age of 4 to supplement their daily nutritional requirements. With fruit aromas. Instructions for use:Recommended consumption: Children from 4 years: 1 gummy per day. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Do not take with other dietary supplements.Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a varied diet. Not recommended for children under the age of 4.Nutritional information per gummy (%NRV):Vitamin A: 500 µg (63%) Niacin: 8 mg (50%)Vitamin B12: 1.25 µg (50%)Vitamin C: 40 mg (50%)Vitamin D: 2 µg (40%)Vitamin E: 5 mg (42%)Biotin: 25 µg (50%)Folic acid: 150 µg (75%)Selenium: 27.5 µg (50%)Zinc: 5 mg (50%)Ingredients :Glucose syrup; Sugar; Water; Gelatin; L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C); acidifier: citric acid; Zinc Sulfate (Zinc); orange juice concentrate; DL-alpha-tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E); nicotinamide (niacin); Flavors; coating agent: carnauba wax; black carrot juice concentrate; Dyes: paprika extract, copper complexes of chlorophylls and chlorophyllins; retinyl acetate (vitamin A); pteroylmonoglutamic acid (folic acid); sodium selenite (selenium); D-biotin (biotin); cholecalciferol (vitamin D); Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12)Allergy information:Contains no allergens that must be declaredStorage conditions: p>Store in a dry place at a temperature of 15-25°C. Keep out of the reach of small children.Packages:50 fruit gums = 225 gCountry of origin: EUDistributor: Mepha Pharma AG, CH-4010 Basel ..
27.53 USD
(2 sivua)