Kun kyse on optimaalisesta polvien terveydestä, ennaltaehkäisy on parempi kuin hoito. Me Beeovitalla ymmärrämme, kuinka tärkeää on suojata polviasi riittävästi urheilun, fyysisen toiminnan tai jopa päivittäisten liikkeiden aikana. Laaja valikoimamme lääkinnällisiä laitteita, siteitä ja hoitotuotteita Sveitsistä on suunnattu polvivammojen ehkäisyyn. Luotettavat, mukavat ja kestävät, innovatiiviset tuotteemme tarjoavat parhaan polvituen estämään tulevat komplikaatiot. Beeovitan kanssa polvikipu on menneisyyden huolenaihe. Optimaalista polvitukea varten suunnitellut siteemme ovat panssari mahdollisia vammoja vastaan. Olitpa urheilija, joka etsii tehokasta urheilullista polvitukea tai kivutonta aktiivista elämäntapaa tavoitteleva henkilö, me tarjoamme sinulle kaiken. Luovu pelosta, syleile itseluottamusta ja ota harppaus kohti vahvaa ja terveellistä elämää Beeovitan polvivammojen ehkäisyratkaisujen avulla.
DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft S
The DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft S is a high-quality knee support product designed to provide maximum comfort and support for your knees during physical activities. This knee support is made of breathable, soft fabric that allows for a comfortable fit, perfect for those who suffer from knee problems or require extra support during physical activities.
The knee support is easy to put on and take off, with adjustable straps for a customized fit. The support also features a silicone ring that provides extra support around the knee joint, helping to stabilize and prevent injury during activities such as running, jogging, or working out.
The DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft S is an ideal product for athletes, fitness enthusiasts, or individuals who require extra support for their knees. The support is also suitable for individuals recovering from knee surgery or injury, helping to speed up the healing process and prevent further injury.
Some key features of the DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft S include:
Breathable, soft fabric for maximum comfort
Adjustable straps for a customized fit
Silicone ring for extra support around the knee joint
Suitable for individuals with knee problems
Ideal for athletes, fitness enthusiasts, or those recovering from knee surgery
Overall, the DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft S is an excellent knee support product that provides maximum comfort and support for your knees during physical activities. With its breathable, soft fabric and adjustable design, this knee support is the ideal choice for anyone looking to minimize knee pain and prevent injury during physical activities.
80.07 USD
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Beeovita Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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