(1 sivua)
Abena man premium formula 2 15 stk
Abena Man Premium Formula 2 – 15 Stk Abena Man Premium Formula 2 on 15 inkontinenssityynyn pakkaus, joka on suunniteltu miehille, jotka tarvitsevat luotettavaa suojaa ja mukavuutta. Ne on valmistettu laadukkaimmista materiaaleista, mikä varmistaa, että ne ovat vuotamattomia ja mukavia käyttää. Näissä tyynyissä on ainutlaatuinen imukykyinen ydin, joka siirtää nopeasti kosteuden pois ja pitää ihon kuivana ja puhtaana ihottumista tai ärsytyksestä. Näissä inkontinenssityynyissä on korkealaatuinen liimanauha, joka pitää tyynyn tukevasti paikoillaan, jolloin voit liikkua luottavaisesti ja vapaasti. Pehmusteet on myös anatomisesti muotoiltu niin, että ne sopivat huomaamattomasti ja mukavasti vartaloasi, joten et edes huomaa käyttäväsi niitä. Abena Man Premium Formula 2 on täydellinen miehille, joilla on kohtalainen tai vaikea virtsankarkailu. Ne tarjoavat korkean suojan jopa pitkien käyttötuntien aikana. Niitä on helppo käyttää, irrota vain taustapaperi ja kiinnitä se alusvaatteisiin, ja olet valmis lähtemään. Tämä 15 inkontinenssityynyn pakkaus on täydellinen jokapäiväiseen käyttöön tai matkustamiseen. Ne on pakattu kätevästi, joten voit helposti säilyttää niitä laukussasi tai matkalaukussasi. Jos etsit inkontinenssityynyä, joka tarjoaa erinomaisen suojan, mukavuuden ja luottamuksen, Abena Man Premium Formula 2 on ihanteellinen valinta sinulle. ..
17.95 USD
Always discreet boutique incontinence long 8 pcs
Esittelemme aina Discreet Boutique Inkontinence Long -tyynyt, huomaamattoman ja luotettavan ratkaisun inkontinenssin hallintaan luotettavasti. Jokainen pakkaus sisältää 8 pitkää pehmustetta, jotka on suunniteltu erityisesti käsittelemään kohtalaisia tai suuria rakon vuotoja. Boutique-muotoilu takaa sekä hienovaraisuuden että mukavuuden, ja siinä on ohut ja joustava rakenne, joka pysyy turvallisena ja mukavana pitkäkestoisessa käytössä. Nämä tyynyt tarjoavat edistyneen suojan vuotoja ja hajuja vastaan pitäen olosi raikkaana ja kuivana koko päivän. Ota inkontinenssi hallintaan aina Discreet Boutique Incontinence Long -tyynyillä, jotka ovat huomaamaton kumppanisi varmassa ja mukavassa suojassa...
12.97 USD
Always discreet boutique incontinence normal 10 pcs
Aina Discreet Boutique Inkontinence Normal -tyynyt tarjoavat huomaamatonta ja luotettavaa suojaa naisille, joilla on vähäisiä virtsarakon vuotoja. Ohuet ja joustavat tyynyt tarjoavat pitkäkestoista tuoreutta ja mukavuutta samalla, kun ne imevät tehokkaasti vuodot ja hajut. Innovatiivinen tekniikka ja pehmeä kangas takaavat turvallisen istuvuuden ja huomaavaisuuden vaatteiden alla. Ihanteelliset jokapäiväiseen käyttöön, nämä pehmusteet tarjoavat luottamusta ja mielenrauhaa niille, jotka käsittelevät inkontinenssia. Jokainen pakkaus sisältää 10 tyynyä, mikä tekee siitä kätevän tien päällä. Pysy mukavana ja suojattuna aina Discreet Boutique Inkontinence Normal -tyynyillä...
12.97 USD
Molicare lady pad 0,5 tippaa 28 kpl
Molicare guarantees comprehensive skin protection. The products are made of skin-friendly, soft materials. With a breathable textile back and soft distributor pad with aloe vera. The Quick-Dry system features a 3-layer absorbent core, ensures dry skin and neutralizes odors. The Molicare insoles were developed especially for women with very slight bladder weakness. They are anatomically shaped and have a fluid-distributing layer and elastic foam cuffs in the crotch area. pH value 5.5Quick-Dry System..
20.84 USD
Molicare lady pad 1,5 drop 14 kpl
MoliCare Lady Pad 1,5 tippaa 14 kpl Pohjalliset ihoystävällisistä, pehmeistä, hengittävistä materiaaleista. Quick-Dry-järjestelmä, neutraloi hajuja ja pH neutraali. Lievään virtsarakon heikkouteen. MoliCare® Lady Pad on inkontinenssityyny lievään virtsarakon heikkouteen, jonka imukyky on 1,5. Sisäosa tarjoaa optimaalisen suojan ja on erittäin huomaamaton päällä. Anatomisen istuvuuden ansiosta se takaa parhaan käyttömukavuuden. Helppo kiinnittää alusvaatteisiin leveillä tarranauhoilla. - pH ihoneutraali - hajuja sitova erittäin imukykyinen ydin - hengittävä mikrohuokosten ansiosta - hypoallergeeninen - dermatologisesti testattu - aloe veralla...
11.10 USD
Molicare lady pad 3 tippaa 14 kpl
MoliCare Lady Pad 3 tippaa 14 kpl Pohjalliset ihoystävällisistä, pehmeistä, hengittävistä materiaaleista. Quick-Dry-järjestelmä, neutraloi hajuja ja pH neutraali. Lievään virtsarakon heikkouteen MoliCare® Lady Pad on inkontinenssityyny kohtalaiseen virtsarakon heikkouteen, jonka imuvoimakkuus on 3. Pehmuste tarjoaa optimaalisen suojan ja on erittäin huomaamaton käyttää. Anatomisen istuvuuden ansiosta se takaa parhaan käyttömukavuuden. Helppo kiinnittää alusvaatteisiin leveillä tarranauhoilla. - pH ihoneutraali - hajuja sitova erittäin imukykyinen ydin - hengittävä mikrohuokosten ansiosta - hypoallergeeninen - dermatologisesti testattu - aloe veralla...
18.61 USD
Molicare mobile 6 xl 14 kpl
MoliCare Mobile 6 XL 14 kpl:n ominaisuudetEuroopassa CE-sertifioituMäärä pakkauksessa: 14 kplPaino: 1674 g Pituus: 190 mm Leveys: 280 mm Korkeus: 285 mm Osta MoliCare Mobile 6 XL 14 kpl verkosta Sveitsistä..
77.25 USD
Molicare mobile 8 m 14 kpl
MoliCare Mobilen ominaisuudet 8 M 14 kplEuroopassa CE-sertifioituMäärä pakkauksessa: 14 kplPaino: 1471g Pituus: 190 mm Leveys: 240 mm Korkeus: 250 mm Osta MoliCare Mobile 8 M 14 kpl verkosta Sveitsistä..
62.61 USD
Molicare premium form 5 32 stk
MoliCare Premium Form 5 32 Stk The MoliCare Premium Form 5 32 Stk is a high-quality incontinence product designed to offer maximum comfort and efficiency for people with moderate to severe bladder weakness. This product is specially designed to handle higher levels of incontinence and provide superior protection against leaks and skin irritation. The MoliCare Premium Form 5 32 Stk comes with an advanced three-layer absorbent core that quickly locks in fluids, leaving the skin dry and comfortable. The outer layer features a breathable textile-like material that allows air circulation and reduces heat buildup. This layer helps to prevent skin irritation and rashes that are common with traditional incontinence products. The MoliCare Premium Form 5 32 Stk is also designed with a multitude of features that improve the overall user experience. The product comes with adjustable side panels that ensure a secure fit and prevent leaks. The super soft and velvety material used in the construction of this product provides a luxurious feel that eliminates discomfort and the risk of skin irritation. The wetness indicator enables users to track the amount of moisture absorbed and identify when it's time to change the product. The MoliCare Premium Form 5 32 Stk is an ideal incontinence product for individuals who require maximum protection, comfort, and peace of mind. The product is unisex and comes in a pack of 32 pieces, making it an affordable and convenient solution for long-term use. Key features High-quality incontinence product Designed for moderate to severe bladder weakness Advanced three-layer absorbent core Breathable textile-like material Adjustable side panels Super soft and velvety material Wetness indicator Unisex design Pack of 32 pieces ..
63.09 USD
Seni lady extra inkontinenssityynyt liimanauhalla hengittävä violetti 15 kpl
Seni Lady Extra Incontinence Pads with Adhesive Strips Breathable Purple 15 pcs Are you looking for reliable and comfortable incontinence pads that can effectively manage leaks and odor while keeping you feeling fresh and dry? If so, the Seni Lady Extra Incontinence Pads with Adhesive Strips Breathable Purple 15 pcs could be the perfect solution for you. These pads are designed specifically for women who experience moderate to heavy urinary incontinence. They provide maximum protection against leaks, ensuring you feel comfortable and confident throughout the day. The pads are made with a soft, breathable material that promotes better airflow, reducing the risk of skin irritation and infection. You won't have to worry about feeling uncomfortable or sweaty even if you have to wear them for long periods of time. The Seni Lady Extra Incontinence Pads come with adhesive strips that keep the pad securely in place, ensuring it doesn't move around or bunch up during use. This helps prevent leaks from occurring, so you can go about your day without worrying about embarrassing accidents. What's more, the pads offer superior odor control, thanks to their advanced absorbent core. The core effectively locks in any moisture and odor, leaving you feeling fresh and comfortable all day long. If you're looking for a high-quality incontinence pad that delivers superior protection, comfort, and odor control, Seni Lady Extra Incontinence Pads with Adhesive Strips Breathable Purple 15 pcs are definitely worth considering. Order yours today and discover the difference they can make...
9.48 USD
Seni optima trio inkontinenssisuojat l 3 vyötärönauhalla imulla hengittävät 10 kpl
Ominaisuudet Seni Optima Trio inkontinenssipehmusteiden L 3 vyötärönauhalla imukykyinen hengittävä 10 kplEuroopassa CE-sertifioituSäilytyslämpötila min/max 15/30 astetta Määrä pakkauksessa: 10 kappalettaPaino: 1873 g Pituus: 275 mm Leveys: 170 mm Korkeus: 255 mm Osta Seni Optima Trio inkontinenssisuojat L 3 vyötärönauhalla imukykyisiä hengittäviä 10 kpl verkosta Sveitsistä..
25.49 USD
Tena bed original 60x90cm 35 kpl
TENA Bed Original 60x90cm 35 kpl ominaisuudetEuroopassa CE-sertifioituMäärä pakkauksessa: 35 kplPaino: 1994g Pituus: 191 mm Leveys: 279 mm Korkeus: 279 mm Osta TENA Bed Original 60x90cm 35 kpl verkosta Sveitsistä..
35.70 USD
Tena bed plus 60x40cm 40 stk
TENA Bed Plus 60x40cm 40 Stk - Product Description If you're looking for a reliable and high-quality incontinence pad that can protect your bed, the TENA Bed Plus 60x40cm 40 Stk is the perfect solution. Designed with advanced technology and a focus on user comfort, these pads are perfect for people who require reliable and discreet protection from incontinence. Features and Benefits Effective absorbency - The TENA Bed Plus pads offer excellent absorbency, and can quickly lock away moisture and odors to prevent discomfort and embarrassment. Comfortable design - These pads are soft and gentle on the skin, and can be used comfortably for long periods without causing irritation or discomfort. Easy to use - The TENA Bed Plus pads are easy to use and feature adhesive strips that keep them securely in place throughout the night. Size - These pads measure 60x40cm and come in a pack of 40, which is perfect for long-term use. Cost-effective - Despite being highly effective and made with high-quality materials, these pads are affordable and offer excellent value for money. Who are TENA Bed Plus Pads Suitable for? The TENA Bed Plus pads are perfect for anyone who suffers from incontinence and wants to protect their bed from moisture and odors. They are ideal for both men and women, and are suitable for use at home or in a care setting. Why Choose the TENA Bed Plus Pads? There are many reasons why the TENA Bed Plus pads are a great choice for anyone who needs reliable incontinence protection. They are highly absorbent, comfortable to wear, and easy to use, making them ideal for people of all ages and levels of mobility. Overall, if you're looking for a high-quality, reliable, and affordable incontinence pad that can protect your bed and offer excellent comfort, the TENA Bed Plus 60x40cm 40 Stk is the perfect choice. Order now and experience the benefits for yourself!..
26.98 USD
Tena bed plus potilastiedot 60x90cm 35 kpl
TENA Bed Plus sairauskertomusten ominaisuudet 60x90cm 35 kplEuroopassa CE-sertifioituMäärä pakkauksessa: 35 kplPaino: 2740g Pituus: 194 mm Leveys: 287 mm Korkeus: 279 mm Osta TENA Bed Plus -potilastiedot 60 x 90 cm 35 kpl verkosta Sveitsistä..
52.43 USD
Tena comfort mini plus 30 kpl
TENA Comfort Mini Plus 30 kpl:n ominaisuudetEuroopassa CE-sertifioituMäärä pakkauksessa: 30 kappalettaPaino: 445 g Pituus: 252 mm Leveys: 86 mm Korkeus: 180 mm Osta TENA Comfort Mini Plus 30 kpl verkosta Sveitsistä..
19.85 USD
Tena comfortsuper 36 kpl
TENA ComfortSuper 36 kpl:n ominaisuudetEuroopassa CE-sertifioituMäärä pakkauksessa: 36 kappalettaPaino: 0,00000000g >Pituus: 0 mm Leveys: 0 mm Korkeus: 0 mm Osta TENA ComfortSuper 36 kpl verkosta Sveitsistä..
83.53 USD
Tena flex plus m 30 kpl
Product Description: TENA Flex Plus M 30 pcs The TENA Flex Plus M 30 pcs is a premium quality incontinence product specifically designed for individuals who suffer from moderate to heavy bladder or bowel incontinence. It features an innovative Flex design that allows for a comfortable and secure fit while ensuring maximum leakage protection. Features and Benefits: Ultimate Leakage Protection: TENA Flex Plus M 30 pcs is designed with high absorbency pads that ensure maximum leakage protection and skin dryness. Odor Control: The innovative Odour Neutralizer technology in TENA Flex Plus M 30 pcs helps to prevent unpleasant odors caused by bladder and bowel incontinence. Comfortable Fit: The anatomical design of TENA Flex Plus M 30 pcs ensures a comfortable and secure fit. The Flex technology ensures the product stays in place and does not move or slip, providing confidence in everyday activities. Easy to Wear: The TENA Flex Plus M 30 pcs is easy to wear and can be quickly and easily removed, thanks to the Hook and Look fastening system. Discreet Design: The TENA Flex Plus M 30 pcs features a discreet design that provides maximum protection while ensuring the wearer?s privacy. Usage: The TENA Flex Plus M 30 pcs is suitable for individuals who suffer from moderate to heavy bladder or bowel incontinence. It is ideal for use at home, in hospital, or in care homes. The product is versatile, making it a suitable choice for both men and women. The size M is suitable for individuals with a waist size of 28-44 inches. Conclusion: The TENA Flex Plus M 30 pcs is a reliable, high-quality, and easy to manage solution to manage moderate to heavy bladder or bowel incontinence. The high absorbency pads, odor control feature, comfortable fit, and a discreet design make this product a popular choice for individuals looking for maximum protection and comfort. TENA Flex Plus M 30 pcs is ideal for those individuals who want to maintain their independence and lead a normal life, without worrying about incontinence...
82.97 USD
Tena lady diskreetti extra plus 16 stk
Koe huomaamaton ja luotettava suoja TENA Lady Discreet Extra Plus -tyynyillä. Erityisesti inkontinenssiin suunnitellut pehmusteet tarjoavat edistyneen absorptioteknologian, joka pitää sinut kuivana ja mukavana koko päivän. Varman istuvuuden takaavan muotoillun tyynyn ansiosta ne tarjoavat täydellisen suojan vuotoja, hajuja ja kosteutta vastaan. Pakkaus sisältää 16 yksittäin käärittyä tyynyä, jotka sopivat täydellisesti tien päällä. Pysy luottavaisena ja huolettomana TENA Lady Discreet Extra Plus -tuotteella, joka on ihanteellinen valinta inkontinenssin hallintaan harkitusti ja mukavasti...
22.61 USD
Tena lady diskreetti maxi 12 stk
TENA Lady discreet Maxi 12 Stk: Product Description TENA Lady discreet Maxi 12 Stk is a pack of incontinence pads specially designed for women who suffer from moderate to heavy bladder weakness. These pads offer maximum protection against leaks, odors and moisture, allowing you to stay confident, comfortable and dry all day long. Features of TENA Lady discreet Maxi 12 Stk Unique LockAway Core Technology: This feature quickly and effectively locks away any moisture, keeping you dry and preventing any leaks. Odour Control: The TENA Lady discreet Maxi 12 Stk is equipped with odour neutralizers that prevent unpleasant smells and keep you feeling fresh and confident. Comfortable and Discreet Design: These incontinence pads are incredibly thin, soft and discreet, ensuring maximum comfort and discretion, regardless of what you are wearing. Dermatologically Tested: The TENA Lady discreet Maxi 12 Stk have been dermatologically tested and are gentle on even the most sensitive skin. Who is it designed for? The TENA Lady discreet Maxi 12 Stk is specifically designed for women who suffer from moderate to heavy incontinence. Whether you have occasional leaks or a more severe form of bladder weakness, these pads provide maximum protection and superior comfort, allowing you to continue with your daily routine without any inconvenience or embarrassment. Product Advantages Provides maximum protection against leaks and moisture, ensuring you stay confident, comfortable and dry all day long Unique LockAway Core Technology and Odour Control Comfortable and Discreet Design that is incredibly thin, soft and gentle on the skin Dermatologically Tested and safe for even the most sensitive skin Improves quality of life for women who suffer from incontinence Conclusion TENA Lady discreet Maxi 12 Stk is the perfect solution for women who suffer from incontinence. These pads provide maximum protection against leaks and moisture, while also being incredibly comfortable and discreet. The LockAway Core Technology, Odour Control and dermatological testing make them an excellent choice for women who demand superior quality and performance from their incontinence products. Try them today and discover the difference they can make in your quality of life!..
21.98 USD
Tena lady super 30 kpl
Pads for moderate bladder weakness that offer very effective leakage protection and extra body protection when you need extra security. Features The Tena Lady Super Intermediate Pads offer extra body protection when you need extra security. Thanks to the super-absorbent microbeads, you are offered very effective leak protection, as they absorb the liquid and lock it in securely. The silky soft, gentle, textile-like finish wicks moisture away from the skin, helping you feel dry and secure.This product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
39.40 USD
Tena silhouette noir mini pad 18 stk
TENA Silhouette Noir Mini Pad 18 Stk The TENA Silhouette Noir Mini Pad 18 Stk is a premium quality incontinence pad designed for women who want to feel stylish while managing light bladder leaks. Made with a discreet black design, this pad offers a feminine look and feel that blends in with regular underwear. Features Designed for light bladder leaks, offering protection and confidence Discreet black design for a stylish look that blends in with regular underwear Thin and soft pad, providing maximum comfort and discretion Odour control technology for fresh and clean feeling all day long Adaptive technology, providing a customized fit for maximum leakage security Fully breathable and dermatologically tested for skin safety and comfort Benefits The TENA Silhouette Noir Mini Pad 18 Stk is the perfect solution for women who want to manage light bladder leaks discreetly, confidently and stylishly. Its black design offers maximum discretion and blends effortlessly with regular underwear, offering a feminine and sleek look. The pad's thin and soft design ensures maximum comfort while allowing for maximum discretion. Don't let incontinence disrupt your daily routine; stay confident and comfortable with the TENA Silhouette Noir Mini Pad 18 Stk. In addition, the pad's odor control technology prevents unwanted odors, ensuring that you remain fresh and clean all day long. The adaptive technology of the pad provides a customized fit, ensuring that you get maximum leakage security. The TENA Silhouette Noir Mini Pad 18 Stk is fully breathable and dermatologically tested, ensuring that it is safe and comfortable for your skin. Stay dry and comfortable with this premium quality incontinence pad...
12.47 USD
(1 sivua)